Wpx Energy




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  • 8th annual Springvalue investing congress

    May 7, 2013 Las Vegas, NV

    A Rare Breed:Cheap Stock in a Pricey Market

    Guy Gottfried, Rational Investment Group

    Join us for the 9th Annual New York Value Investing Congress! To register and benefit from a special discount go to www.ValueInvestingCongress.com/SAVE


  • A Rare Breed: Cheap Stock in a Pricey Market

    Guy Gottfried, Rational Investment Group (647) 346-0464 guygottfried@rationalig.com

  • Agenda

    One investing lesson

    One investment idea

  • Performance: Value Investing Congress Recommendations vs. Fund as a Whole

    Closing Price

    3-May-13 Dividends

    Closing Price Prior to

    Presentation Total Return Date

    Presented MRC $115.50 $1.05 $59.00 98% 3-May-11 BRK 5.40 0.02 2.45 121% 17-Oct-11 HLC 3.40 0.10 2.80 25% 7-May-12 TWMC 4.39 0.47 2.25 116% 7-May-12 CLK 9.50 0.15 7.55 28% 1-Oct-12 CAM 9.62 0.00 5.05 90% 1-Oct-12

    Average/weighted average: Date presented Mar. 2012 Holding period (months) 13 Total return 80% Annualized return - VIC picks 70% Annualized return - Fund (gross) 28%

    *Note: prices in local currency. Gross return used for fund in order to compare pure investment performance (since VIC picks returns are not adjusted for any fees).

  • Why Have VIC Picks Fared So Much Better?

    Skeptical view: stocks pop because Ive spoken about them in public forum

    However, recommendations gained approximately 10% on day I pitched them 10% on first day not enough to drive 80% gain year or two later

    Returns driven by positive fundamental developments within

    underlying businesses

    So whats the explanation?

  • Its Not You, Its Me

    Difference is in my thought process in selecting what to recommend at VIC

    Know that Ill be publicizing idea to hundreds of attendees, numerous others via internet

    Also aware that some may invest in idea based on my analysis

    When presenting at VIC, I know that Im putting my reputation on the line and therefore feel greater-than-usual pressure to not screw up

  • Result: Greater Discipline

    Particularly selective as far as choosing which investment to present

    Even stricter in terms of my criteria (business, balance sheet, management and capital allocation, price)

    Insist on even greater margin of safety

  • The Million Dollar Question

    If it works so well, why not apply same level of strictness to entire portfolio?

    Of course, not every investment will work out like The Brick, Trans World, Canam etc. but thats not the point

    If it can help enhance ones discipline and decision-making, then it is worthwhile asking question below

    Next time you evaluate a potential investment, ask yourself: Is this something that Id feel comfortable recommending to a

    large audience and staking my name on it?

  • Investment Idea: WPX Energy (WPX)

    Oil and Gas Producer

  • Snapshot

    Recent Price

    Enterprise Value

    Diluted Shares O/S

    Market Cap


    $3.4 billion $4.9 billion

    207 million

  • Background

    Former exploration and production (E&P) division of Williams Companies (WMB)

    Spun off by WMB at start of 2012

    Predominantly natural gas producer; production mix: 81% gas, 9% oil, 10% natural gas liquids (NGL)

    Principal assets: Piceance Basin, Bakken and Marcellus Shales

  • Why is WPX Worth Your Attention?

    Metrics from 2012 disposition of non-core assets imply stock value 69% to 105% above current price Sale not only involved two of WPXs worst properties, but also

    done with gas prices 40% below todays levels

    Other industry transactions of far lower-quality assets imply upside of over 100%

    Trades at 8x free cash flow (FCF) at $4 gas with material growth prospects

  • Why is WPX Worth Your Attention?

    Valued at 66% of tangible equity E&Ps normally trade at several times book value; rarely at discount

    unless overleveraged

    One of strongest balance sheets in E&P sector

    Multiple catalysts and other positive near-term developments

  • Why is It So Cheap?

    Spinoff dynamics: WMB wanted to separate WPX in order to unlock value of its midstream assets

    Spinoff occurred at worst possible time just as gas prices plunged to 13-year lows

    Commodity weakness, managements conservative capital spending policy obscure growth prospects Grew rapidly as part of WMB but hasnt had chance to do so as independent


  • Comments by Sell-Side Analysts

    Report #1 (Nov. 2012): Not to be understated, the balance sheet is a key attribute from a capital preservation

    perspective, the stock is unique amongst our coverage group.

    On its surface, WPX is one of the most attractively valued E&Ps of the peer group. We see the stock at a 40% discount to peers on a proved reserves basis.

    Report #2 (Apr. 2013): We believe WPX has one of the strongest balance sheets in the sector, and especially among gas

    levered names.

    WPX shares also trade at a meaningful discount to its peers.

    Reports recognize WPXs attractiveness yet neither rates it as Buy Telling remark (from report #2): Bottom line, we view WPX shares as inexpensive, and we like

    the financial flexibility that its clean balance sheet provides, but we dont expect the stock to outperform without a continued increase in natural gas prices.

    Two recent initiations of coverage produced interesting insights

  • Accounting Creates Confusion

    Two accounting methods for exploration and production activities: full cost and successful efforts Former allows overhead costs associated with exploration and

    development to be capitalized; latter does not

    WPX follows successful efforts, expenses all G&A Most peers follow full cost; some capitalize up to half their G&A

    Company often criticized for having bloated G&A costs relative to peers who employ full cost

    Penalized for using more conservative accounting

  • Asset Quality: Piceance

    Companys largest, most important asset

    Most efficient producer in Piceance by far

    In best part of basin: Piceance Valley; accounts for vast majority of reserves, production Structurally lower cost (drill from much lower elevation to reach same formation) Only player with meaningful presence in Valley

    Recent major discovery in Niobrara shale Enormous reserve potential; more on this later

  • Cost Advantage in Piceance

    *Source: WPX

  • Asset Quality: Bakken and Marcellus

    Recognized among best, if not the best oil and dry gas shale plays, respectively

    North Dakota Bakken: most prolific oil field in US Prudhoe Bay, largest US oil field to date, produced 1.5 million b/d of

    oil for 9 years before going into decline; ND Bakken projected to sustain that rate for 25 years*

    WPX in core of play

    Marcellus: too early to tell whether company in core as operations have been hampered by infrastructure issues Despite bottlenecks, WPX has seen substantial reserve growth, cut

    production costs in half last year alone

    *Source: Oil and Gas Journal

  • Proved Reserve Growth











    2010 2011 2012

    Bakken Proved Reserves (Bcfe)












    2010 2011 2012

    Marcellus Proved Reserves (Bcfe)

  • Asset Quality: Additional Properties

    Oil exploration: company drilling and leasing acreage in undisclosed oil play Announcement likely coming this summer

    Others: San Juan Basin, Powder River Basin (PRB), Apco Oil and Gas (oil-weighted producer in Argentina and Columbia; WPX owns 69%) Lower-quality properties, directing almost no capital, pursuing disposition of

    PRB and Apco

    Above assets very small relative to size of company Piceance, Bakken and Marcellus account for ~90% of reserves and

    production, even greater proportion of intrinsic value

  • Finding and Development Costs

    *Source: WPX, JP Morgan

    One of lowest F&D costs in industry

  • Management

    CEO Ralph Hill joined WMB in 1981 straight out of college

    Has been running WPX (E&P division of WMB prior to spinoff) for 20 years Largely built business into what it is today

    WMB nearly went bankrupt in 2002; Hill forced to sell assets in order to raise cash for parent company Experience has helped shape attitude toward maintaining balance sheet strength

    $21 million in WPX shares 12x 2012 cash compensation (much higher based on intrinsic value)

  • A Few Words on Natural Gas Prices have rebounded from 13-year lows in 2012 but remain weak (now at $4)

    $3.89 $4.27





    $7.23 $6.86


    $3.99 $4.39















    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Median Ex-2012

    Average NYMEX Price, 2000 to 2012

  • Supply: Producers Cutting Back

    Major declines in gas drilling, spending across industry Most E&Ps have portfolio of oil, liquids-rich and dry gas plays; returns on

    first two (esp. oil) dramatically superior to gas

    Shale boom has saddled industry with debt as firms feverishly leased acreage, drilled to hold by production

    Production still stable due primarily to associated gas from shale oil and liquids-rich drilling but this highly unlikely to offset reduced gas drilling indefinitely

    Will take sustained higher prices to stimulate growth by industry as a whole given preference for oil and NGL development

  • Natural Gas Rig Count vs. Price

    Gas rigs near 18-year lows, down 62% since 2011; continuing to fall despite recent price increase

    *Sources: Baker Hughes, Reuters

  • Rig Count: Gas vs. Oil

    Oil rigs now account for 80% of US onshore rig count compared to approx. half two years ago, one-quarter in 2009

    *Sources: Baker Hughes, Natural Gas Intelligence

  • Demand: Long-Term Trends Favorable

    Power: utilities have announced 40 GW of coal plant closures in next few years 13% of total US coal power capacity* Natural gas emits half the carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour, much more efficient

    (therefore cheaper to operate), drastically cheaper to build Nuclear not viable alternative public concerns, very expensive; no nuclear plant

    built in over 30 years

    Industrial: companies spending billions to build or expand US capacity in

    order to exploit cheap gas

    Longer term considerations: export (LNG terminals), fuel (trucking/logistics companies)

    *Source: Energy Information Administration

  • Takeaways on Natural Gas

    Gas price low, supply set to drop and demand set to rise

    Importantly, WPX thesis not predicated on continued price increase

    WPX compellingly undervalued in present commodity environment

  • 2012 Disposition

    Last year, WPX sold its Barnett Shale and Arkoma Basin assets

    Bad assets: had taken large write-downs, receiving no capex, dry gas (whereas WPX has significant oil, NGL reserves) Dramatically worse than Piceance, Bakken, Marcellus

    Reached deal for disposition in April 2012 trough for gas prices (in low $2s then vs. $4 today)

    In short, company sold lousy properties in terrible commodity environment

  • Stock Price Implied by Barnett/Arkoma Disposition

    Further, above calculation lumps together gas and oil reserves unlike gas, oil prices are strong and Bakken is arguably best oil play in US

    WPX significantly undervalued even using metrics from sale of among its lowest quality assets in harsh price environment

    Proceeds $306

    Proved reserves (Bcfe) 225

    P/Bcfe proved reserves 1.36

    WPX proved reserves (Bcfe)* 5,339

    Implied EV $7,261

    Debt (1,511)

    Equity value $5,750

    Per share $27.79

    Premium to stock price 69%

    *Note: amounts in millions unless stated otherwise. Proved reserves as disclosed by company based on 2011 year-end commodity prices (gas: $3.68 per Mcf, oil and NGL: $86.75 and $51.83 per barrel).

  • Stock Price Implied by Barnett/Arkoma Disposition Adjusted for Bakken

    Over 100% upside using separate (still conservative) value for Bakken

    Value: proved reserves excl. Bakken $6,604

    Bakken value* 1,863

    EV $8,467

    Debt (1,511)

    Equity value $6,957

    Per share $33.62

    Premium to stock price 105%

    *Note: amounts in millions. Bakken value estimated based on original purchase price, industry transaction.

  • Recent Piceance Transactions

    Two recent deals involving Piceance assets (both announced Nov. 2012)

    Bill Barrett: sale of assets in Piceance, Wind River and Powder River basins; Piceance accounted for ~60% of proved reserves Sold at $1.38/Bcfe of proved reserves Values WPX at $34.01 per share (107% above current price)

    Antero Resources: sale of all assets in Piceance Sold at $7,051 per Mcfe of production* Values WPX at $35.91 per share (119% above current price)

    Based on above transactions, value of WPXs Piceance asset alone justifies its enterprise value, providing rest of business for free Same applies to aforementioned Barnett/Arkoma disposition

    *Note: proved reserves not disclosed for this transaction

  • FCF Multiple at Current Gas Price

    Attractive multiple for company capable of double-digit annual growth for years to come in stable price environment

    *Note: amounts in millions

    2012 EBITDA $1,000 Interest (102) Taxes (65) Maintenance capex (900) Incremental FCF: cost improvements 124 Incremental FCF: higher gas price 367 Adjusted FCF $425 Per share $2.05 P/FCF 8.0

  • Price to Tangible Book

    WPX has lowest P/BV in group; every other peer trading below book is over-leveraged (e.g. Chesapeake) while WPX has one of strongest balance sheets in


    E&P companies typically trade at several times book value; conversely, WPX trades at meaningful discount

    *Peer group includes 14 E&P firms cited by sell-side analysts covering WPX and additional companies selected due to comparability (US-based, heavily gas-weighted)

    Book value (mil) $5,151

    Per share $24.90

    P/BV 0.66

    Peer group median 2.86

    Peer group mean 3.53

  • Catalyst: Cost Structure Improvements

    Company burdened by several uneconomic contracts expiring or being replaced this year and next

    Also negotiating to buy out unutilized transport commitments

    Estimated cumulative pre-tax benefit of $150 to $210 million per annum starting in 2015

    Approx. 40% boost to FCF at $4 gas*

    *Note: FCF benefit already incorporated in preceding FCF multiple calculation

  • Catalyst: Sale of Company

    Cheap valuation means buyer can pay sizeable premium and still execute accretive deal Larger acquirer can create enormous value on PV basis by spending

    more capital to bring reserves into production

    Attractive asset base

    Low-risk: 100% drilling success rate last year, 99% in 2011 and 2010

  • Additional Developments

    Progress with Niobrara shale WPXs first well most productive ever drilled in Niobrara formation;

    additional wells planned this year Potential to double 3P reserves Infrastructure in place formation lies in Piceance just below where

    companys already drilled 4,000 wells

    Sale of non-core assets Marketing stake in Apco, PRB; already received offers on latter Will improve cost metrics (PRB in particular has very high costs),

    provide capital to invest in higher-return opportunities

  • Conclusion

    Special thanks: David Ahl Energy expert who sacrificed many hours helping me better understand the oil and gas business

    Any way you slice it (transactions, FCF, book value), WPX a serious bargain

    Existing asset base offers considerable growth opportunities for foreseeable future

    Several catalysts and near-term value-enhancing initiatives
