WSU Women’s Association...


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Myrne Roe was the featured speaker at the February meeting. The Council of University Women joined us as hosts. The guests at the luncheon included Beck Adams, Dorothy Billings, Natasha Fife, Carol Konek, Sue Nelson, and Nan Porter. Ms. Roe discussed her book “Radiating Like a Stone” which contains essays written by women seeking equal rights and equal pay in

the 1970’s. The book was written as a way to remember the past struggles and gains and also to enlighten new generations of women unaware of the accomplishments of their grandmothers, mothers and aunts.

In the 1970’s local Wichita women as well as women across the world were challenging the status quo. They refused to accept common practices like not allowing a woman a library card without her husband’s permission or a credit card of her own. As a result of their efforts women have freedom in areas of credit, health care, academics, religion and artistic expression. The book includes essays from local women like former District Attorney Nola Foulston, former Wichita Mayor Elma Broadfoot, Dr. Dorothy Billings, retired Wichita State University professor of Anthropology, and newspaper columnist Bonnie Bing as well as ordinary everyday women. This book radiates optimism and enthusiasm during a time of transformation.

Myrne Roe

WSU Women’s Association

NewsletterApril 2014Volume 8 Issue 4


2013-2014 Executive Board

President - Corinne Nilsen1st VP/Membership - Martha L. Lewis2nd VP/Programs - Kaye MyersSecretary - KrystiCarlson-GoeringTreasurer - Patsy SelbySocial-CharlotteKleffnerNotification-TBACourtesy - Ellie DuramInterestGroups- Virginia MurpheyNew Members - BobbiDreilingHistorian - Lorraine MadwayParliamentarian - Marche Fleming-RandleBylaws-JulieScherzYearbook - Twyla HillNewsletter-BarbaraKaePublicity-WilmaMoore-BlackScholarship-CharlotteKleffnerSpecial Projects - KrystiCarlson-GoeringCurator-AmandaParhamAuditor-JeanMcClure


Dames and Degrees Fundraiser

2014 Scholarship

WinnersFrom Left to Right: Viluya

Pamungkas, Heidi Van Ravenhorst-

Bell, Ayris Franklin, Deborah Bardo,

Corinne Nilsen, and Amanda Ewertz

___ Copper Level = $ 25

___ Bronze Level = $ 50

___ Silver Level = $ 75

___ Gold Level = $100

___ Pot of Gold = $_____

Lucky Leprechaun Ticket

Name __________

The annual fundraising event this year is a little different from years past. This year we are having a mail-in campaign with the following benefits: Every donation is 100% tax deductible. All your contribution goes into the scholarship fund. You will have free time to enjoy March Madness (or shopping). You will not have to navigate through construction. You will not need to wonder where to park on campus. If the weather is going to throw more snow, you will avoid it.

A number of factors contributed to this decision including campus construction, lack of parking spaces, lack of volunteers, and unavailability of a room to use. Raffle winners will be announced in the next newsletter. Please make your checks out to: WSU Women’s Association and send to: WSU Women’s Association Box 117 1845 Fairmount St Wichita, KS 67260-0117

Scholarship Winners

Don’t miss April’s meeting with J. C. Combs, a retired professor from WSU who taught percussion and music literature. He devoted much of his time to developing a program around the music of the Civil War. Combs has gathered a collection of artifacts including Civil War drums, fifes, brass instruments, original sheet music, recruiting posters and a host of other items. He ties them to the music.

Combs’ presentation includes music from both sides of the conflict. He will perform “camp duty” on a field drum with a fife accompaniment to give listeners a sense of camp life. He will also demonstrate bones and banjo playing in the style of the period. Combs will present unusual facts about the origins of the music that are oftentimes overlooked and he will place a special emphasis on the roll that women played during the war.

The menu for the meeting will include Souffle, Fresh Fruit Salad, Asparagus, and Rolls.

RESERVATION FORMReservations due by April 11, Friday

Spring Luncheon Installation of OfficersFeaturing J.C. Combs presenting music and artifacts from the Civil War

Thursday, April 17 at 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Crestview Country Club, 1000 N. 127th Street East

Reservations are by check: Reserve Lunch(es) for:_______Name(s):___________________________________________

Send Reservation Form with $ 17.00 (per person)TO: Kaye Myers, 249 N. Dellrose, Wichita, KS 67208-3922

684-4969, Waltermyers@live.comChecks made payable to WSU Women’s Association

Guests are Welcome!!!


Ellie DuramChair

If you have information or announcements to add to the courtesy report, pleasecontact Ellie Duram.Phone: 688-0927Email:

January:• Norma Hartman, loss of husband John• Celia Goering, loss of son-in-law Dale Jenkins• Krysti Carlson-Goering, loss of brother-in-law Dale Jenkins

February:• Mary Ann Carper, get well• Kathy Disney, loss of mother• Betty Bezzi Howell

March:• Jan Stumpfhauser, loss of husband Laszlo• Deltha Colvin, loss of step-father Arthur J. McCray• Family Esther Lucas (Life Member), sympathy

Wichita State University1845 N Fairmount Box 117Wichita, KS 67260-0117

Barbara Kae,
