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Patron – The Lady Dannatt MBE


Charity Number: 1143347

Notice of AGM, Agenda, Reports and Accounts

For presentation at the

Annual General Meeting


the Fairland Church Centre, Wymondham


18th October 2019 at 09.30 am



Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Wymondham Dementia Support Group is to be held on Friday 18th October 2019 at 09.30 hrs in

the Fairland Church Centre, Fairland Hill, Wymondham, NR18 0AW


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the AGM held on 9th November 2018 – to be approved

3. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of 9th November 2018

4. Chairman’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report and to receive, consider and approve the Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2019

6. To re-appoint Philip Goddard, FCCA, as the Independent Examiner

7. Organiser’s Report

8. Re-election of Mr P J Whiscombe for a further 3 years from 9th October 2019 as a Trustee (Para 17(3) of the Constitution)

9. Re-election of Mr A J Shead for a further 3 years from 9th October 2019 as a Trustee (Para 17(3) of the Constitution)

10. Any other business

No further resolutions that require a vote of the members at this AGM have so far been received.

By order of the Trustees

Phil Whiscombe

Hon. Secretary

Wymondham Dementia Support Group

Documents Attached: 1. Minutes of the AGM held on 9th November 2018

2. Report of the Trustees

3. Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2019 and Independent Examiner’s report

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Organiser’s Report

6. Chairman’s Report


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held at Fairland Church Centre, Wymondham

on Friday 9th November 2018 commencing at 09.30am

1. Apologies received from: Sallie Colk, Bett Barrett and Lauris Scarll.

2. The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on Friday 27th October 2017 were approved, proposed

by Linda Templeton, seconded by Trevor Brown and signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters arising from those minutes: None.

4. Chairman’s Report for 2017/2018: The written report had been distributed with the Notice of the Meeting

and Agenda and read by the Chairman, Colin Foulger, who emphasised how once again the Group has

continued to thrive throughout the year.

5. Treasurer’s Report and approval of the Annual Accounts: The accounts and the Independent Examiner’s

report were distributed with the Notice of the Meeting and Agenda. The Treasurer gave a brief overview of

the accounts noting in particular the level of donations that we receive and the necessity of ensuring

ongoing fundraising. Also noted the apparently high level of unrestricted funds but pointing out that the

Trustees have agreed that it is necessary to have a year’s expenditure in reserve. Approval of the accounts

was proposed by Gill Jeffery, seconded by Lady Dannatt and carried by the meeting.

6. Re-appointment of Philip Goddard, FCCA, as the Independent Examiner for the year 2018/2019 was

proposed by Rita Harris, seconded by Pippa Chapman and carried by the meeting.

7. Organiser’s Report: The written report had been distributed with the Notice of the Meeting and Agenda. Of

particular note during the year had been the installation of the platform lift in partnership with the Church.

Also the celebration of the first Norfolk Day at Cromer and the receipt by the Group of the South Norfolk

Community Award.

8. Re-election of Mrs Ann Scott as a Trustee for a further 3 years from 18th November 2018 proposed by Trevor

Brown, seconded by Mike Liversedge and carried unanimously.

9. Re-election of Mrs Sallie Colk as a Trustee for a further 3 years from 27th November 2018 proposed by Linda

Templeton, seconded by Zena Aldridge and carried unanimously.

10. Election of Mrs Pippa Chapman for a new term as a Trustee proposed by Phil Whiscombe, seconded by Ann

Scott and carried unanimously.

11. Election of Mrs Ann Scott as Chair proposed by Trevor Brown, seconded by Dianne Fernee and carried

unanimously. At his point Mrs Ann Scott took over the chair of the meeting from Colin Foulger and thanked

him for his unstinting service as Trustee and Chairman over the last seven years and added that she looked

forward to working with all the volunteers and trustees in the next year.

12. Any Other Business.

a) Ann Scott noted the close relationship between the Group and the Church that stemmed from the

setting up of the Group in 2009. She encouraged the members to look at the scrapbook that Gill Jeffery

had prepared showing highlights from the history of the Group.

b) Lady Dannatt expressed her thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work and particular thanks to

Colin for all he has done for the Group. Giving her congratulations to Ann for being elected as Chair she

felt there wasn’t anyone better suited to the role. She further noted how Dianne had been missed

recently and welcoming her back to the Group.

c) Ann thanked Lady Dannatt for all her work for us behind the scenes and her continued support for the


d) Presentations were made to:

i. Norma Virgoe for taking on the role of Minutes Secretary to the Trustees, and;

ii. Colin Foulger for his service to the Group as Trustee and Chair.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.04 am.




Charity Number: 1143347






Trustees’ Report 1-5

Independent Examiner’s Report 6

Statement of Financial Activities 7

Notes to the Statement of Financial Activities 8-9


Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2019


Charity Name:

Wymondham Dementia Support Group

Charity Registered Number:


Operational Address:

Fairland Church Centre, Fairland Hill, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0AW


The Lady Dannatt MBE


T Brown


C W Foulger (Chair to 8th November 2018) A E Scott (Chair from 8th November 2018) P J Whiscombe (Hon Secretary) M J Gibbins (Hon Treasurer) Z Aldridge T Barrett P M Chapman S G Colk T D Forder J M Lucas (from 26th February 2019) A J Shead C P Smith (to 8th November 2018)

Independent Examiner:

P Goddard FCCA

Page 1


Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2019


a. Governing Document

Constitution adopted on 24th June 2011 as amended on 4th October 2013.

b. Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are appointed either by the Charity in general meeting or by the other

Trustees. They serve for a period of four years, being eligible to seek re-election for

a further three years, after that they retire.

c. Risk management

Trustees have identified that the major risk to the organisation is its over

dependence on funding by way of grants and donations. Consequently, the charity

has attempted to increase the amount it raises from its own fund raising events to

improve its financial sustainability. The Trustees will continue to monitor and review



a. Objectives

The following objects are for the benefit of people with dementia and their carers

within the area of Wymondham and district in the county of Norfolk:

1. to promote and protect good health; and

2. to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for

recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving their

conditions of life.

b. Activities

The Wymondham Dementia Support Group mainly serves the town of Wymondham

and its surrounding villages, although some individuals with dementia and their

carers come from other parts of Norfolk where the service we provide may not be


The objectives of the Charity have been met by providing a variety of activities for

people living with dementia and their carers. Our main activity is the Pabulum Café

held every Friday which provides a safe, friendly and understanding meeting place

where refreshments and light lunches are served.

Page 2


Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2019


It is most satisfying for the Trustees to be able to report that the group has continued

to thrive during the year. It is evident that there is a growing requirement for the

services that we offer to people living with dementia and, just as importantly, to their

carers. Our weekly Friday Pabulum Café and “Monday-Monday” Café continue to

attract new members with the Friday Café often at full capacity. We have continued

to offer the “Singing” Café once a month as well as an Arts and Crafts group, Poetry

group and Indoor Sports sessions. Welcome additions in the form of Short Story

Reading groups, gentle Yoga sessions and Memory Morning displays of childhood

memories have proved popular. The monthly Picture Palace showing much loved

classic films attract a loyal audience. The Happiness Garden has been lovingly

tended throughout the year by the skilled hands of Betty and Tony Shead providing a

wonderful oasis of calm for all our members.

There have been a number of trips organised during the year all designed to give our

members a stimulating and rewarding experience. The first visit of the year was to

How Hill in April, followed by the regular Broads Cruise in May. Two visits were

made to Cromer Pier Pavilion Theatre, on Norfolk Day in mid summer complete with

traditional fish and chips and again in December for the spectacular Christmas

Show. On each occasion we were overwhelmed by the welcome from the good folk

of Cromer.

A new experience this year was the exchange of letters by some of our members

with the pupils of Ashleigh Primary School. This has proved to be a rare but welcome

opportunity for inter-generational communication and is one that we would like to

repeat in the future.

The Group has had many visitors this year and of particular note was the visit of the

Hon Patricia Hewitt MP in her role as chair of the NHS Sustainability and

Transformation Oversight Board to see what the voluntary sector was able to offer to

people living with dementia. Professor Hornberger from the University of East Anglia,

a long term friend of the Group, was also a visitor to a Carer’s group meeting.


Page 3


Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2019


Amongst the many events held we would highlight participation in the “Wymondham

Open Gardens” scheme held over two days in June where we were very fortunate to

receive over £4000 as one of the two local charities benefitting from the money

raised. Many thanks to Marie and Mark Lucas who welcomed us into their home in

Forncett for musical entertainment and a Philippines themed meal in July. The

regular Christmas Party held at Kett’s Park was once again a sell out event.

In June, Dianne Fernee and Trevor Brown received the South Norfolk Community

Award on behalf of the Group, and in March the Group celebrated its 10th

anniversary with a party at Wymondham Rugby Club. The Group is fortunate to have

been founded by individuals with the foresight to see the benefits it could impart and

rightly proud of the contribution its volunteers have made to the wellbeing of the

people in South Norfolk living with dementia over those 10 years.

We continue to be reliant on donations as the main source of finance for the charity

and are most grateful to the public, various groups in Wymondham and the wider

community for their continued support. To the extensive list of donations reported on

page 9 must be added donations in kind and the time given by our many volunteers.

Our own shop “Rita’s Retail” has provided a steady additional income this year

thanks to the generous donations of goods and the efforts of Rita and Carol. We

continue to work in close co-operation with the elders and congregation of the

Fairland United Reformed Church and have completely refurbished the kitchen

facilities at the Church thanks to a donation from the Wymondham Rotary Satellite


The Forget-Me-Not hands sculpture by Tsubi Du incorporating 18,000 knitted and

crocheted forget-me-nots produced by members and friends of the group as part of

the appeal to fund the Admiral Nurses made their final appearance in a display at

Wymondham Library in May as part of dementia week.

Training courses for volunteers have been organised covering various areas

including First Aid and Safeguarding.

We continue to have the active support of our patron, the Lady Dannatt, despite the

many pressures on her time, and we remain most grateful for her involvement with

the Charity.

Page 4


Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31 March 2019


Our thanks as ever go to Dianne Fernee our tireless organiser for her work during

the year and no report would be complete without expressing the Trustee’s thanks

to the many multi-talented and committed volunteers who give up so much of their

time freely to support the Group creating a caring environment, and without whom,

the Group could not function.


a. Receipts and Payments

The charity reported net incoming resources of £2,905 for the year (£5,401 net

income for 2018)

b. Balances

Our balances as at 31st March 2019 totalled £43,107 (£40,202 as at 31st March


c. Reserves Policy

The Trustees have determined that a reserve equivalent to at least twelve months

expenditure would be prudent in view of the uncertain nature of the main income


d. Principal Sources of Funds

Grants and donations are the Charity’s main source of funds.


This report was approved by the Trustees on 30th July 2019 and signed on their

behalf by

A E Scott

Page 5


Independent examiner’s report on the accounts

I report on the accounts of the Wymondham Dementia Support Group for the year

ended 31st March 2019, which are set out on pages 7 to 9.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in

accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011(“the Act”).

The charity’s trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under

section 144 of the Act and that an independent examination is needed.

It is my responsibility to:

• examine the accounts under section 145 of the Charities Act

• to follow the applicable Directions given by the Charity Commission (under

section 145(5)(b) of the Act, and

• to state whether particular matters have come to my attention

Basis of independent examiner’s report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the general Directions given by

the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting

records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those

records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the

accounts, and seeking explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters.

The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required

in an audit and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present

a ‘true and fair’ view and the report is limited to those matters set out in the

statement below.

Independent examiner’s statement

In connection with my examination, no material matters have come to my attention

which gives me cause to believe that in any material respect:

• accounting records were not kept in accordance with section 130 of the

Charities Act or

• the accounts do not accord with the accounting records

I have no concerns and have come across no other matters in connection with the

examination to which attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper

understanding of the accounts to be reached.

P Goddard FCCA Corner Cottage, Church Road, Colby, Norfolk

Page 6





Unrestricted Other

Funds Funds 2019 2018

£ £ £ £


Grants 0.00 0.00 5877.50

Donations 28361.04 28361.04 34506.04

Fund Raising 1189.70 2371.74 3561.44 2257.87

Outings, Trips and Functions 1785.00 1785.00 2564.50

Refreshments 2778.46 2778.46 3180.61

Miscellaneous Sales 622.00 622.00 393.20

Other Income 232.70 232.70 194.51

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 34968.90 2371.74 37340.64 48974.23


Wages 6600.00 6600.00 6377.57

Volunteer costs 1013.68 1013.68 1575.58

Property expenses 4836.00 4836.00 4881.83

Outings, Trips and Functions 11809.54 11809.54 4133.73

Refreshments 1203.61 1203.61 904.00

Administration 5692.62 5692.62 2746.53

Pabulum Café expenses 691.07 691.07 2010.37

Happiness Garden 424.45 424.45 1175.05

Items for resale 950.40 950.40 631.00

Property Improvements 574.30 574.30 17286.33

Miscellaneous costs 420.00 220.00 640.00 1851.00

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 34215.67 220.00 34435.67 43572.99

NET INCOMING RESOURCES 753.23 2151.74 2904.97 5401.24

Transfers to Restricted Funds

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 753.23 2151.74 2904.97 5401.24

FUNDS BROUGHT FORWARD 30159.40 10043.02 40202.42 34801.18

FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 30912.63 12194.76 43107.39 40202.42


Barclays Community Account 10928.37 8009.89

Barclays Savings Account 31123.05 31061.05

Petty Cash 250.00 250.00

Cash in Hand 5.97 81.48

Wages Float 800.00 800.00

43107.39 40202.42

Page 7





Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and

assume that the Charity will remain a going concern for the forseeable future.

Fixed assets

All expenditure on fixed assets is written off as a resource expended in the year that it is



The Charity is not liable to pay tax on any surpluses generated. The Charity is not

registered for Value Added Tax, and all figures shown in the accounts include this

tax where appropriate.


The Charity has complied with its obligation to offer a Workplace Pension Scheme. No

employee has currently indicated that they wish to join such a scheme.

Fund Accounting

General Fund assets represent those resources which may be used towards meeting

any Charity purposes at the discretion of the Trustees

Restricted Funds are resources which are to be applied for the specified purposes only.

Designated Funds are resources earmarked by the Trustees for specified future purposes

to be applied at the Trustee's discretion


Balance Allocation Balance

At 1/4/2018 for year Income Expense At 31/3/2019

£ £ £ £ £

Restricted Funds

Admiral Nurses 200.00 2371.74 -220.00 2351.74

Designated Funds

Property Improvement Fund 5843.02 5843.02

Transport Fund 4000.00 4000.00

10043.02 0.00 2371.74 -220.00 12194.76

Page 8





Thanks go to the following organisations who made grants or donations in the year

A McDonald

Bunwell Village Screen

Court Foresters

East of England Co-op

Great Ellingham Flower Club


M Stevenson


Norfolk Yoga Group

Notcutts Pro Cookshop

O Gaul

P Kilroy and M Merryweather

Richard Gurney Lodge

Rosedale Funeral Services

Scrappage Rally

The Fabric Shop

Unite the Union

Wymondham Baptist Church

Wymondham Darts League

Wymondham Garden Centre

Wymondham Golf Society

Wymondham Lions Club

Wymondham Open Gardens

Wymondham Rotary Club

Admiral Nurses Fund

C Jeckells

G Jeffrey

MW Surfacing

Reassure UK Services

Rogers and Norton

Also thanks to the many indivduals who made donations, organised fund raising events,

or made collections on our behalf during the year.

Page 9

Patron – The Lady Dannatt MBE



The Group has enjoyed another successful year from a financial standpoint.

Total funds increased by over £2,900 to stand at a very healthy £43,107 at

31st March 2019

In front of you are pages 6 to 9 from the full accounts which show the

financial activity for the year. Pages 1 to 5 cover statutory and

administrative matters and copies are available for those who wish to

review those areas.

Total income for the year decreased from £48,974 to £37,340, this was due

to a large one off legacy in the prior year, and the grants received for the

platform lift.

The year end balances include £2,351 received in respect of the Admirals

Nurses Walk, further money was received after the year end and we are

currently holding just over £9,000 which will be paid over in the new year

once the associated claim for gift aid has been made.

The remainder of the income is unrestricted, and details of major Donors

are shown on Page 9. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who

made a donation. As you can see from page 7 this is by far our biggest

source of funds

The actual running costs of the Group were £34,216 which represents an

increase on the previous year. The increase was mainly due to more outings

in the year, and the cost of the 10th year anniversary celebrations. Elsewhere

more money was spent in publicising the group and its activities. Despite

the increase in costs we still generated a small surplus.

As I stated, the Group held funds of £43,107 at the end of March with

£30,912 being unrestricted (just over a year’s running costs), and £12,194

held as designated for future projects as shown on page 8.

One last point, due to the size of the Group, our accounts are subject to an

Independent Examination, and the Examiners report is on page 6. No

matters of concern or areas of non-compliance were reported.

Actions to Follow at Meeting





Mike Gibbins

Honorary Treasurer

Organisers Report year ending October 2019 Yet again Pabulum has had another busy year. We have seen an increase in the number of widows and widowers and a slight decline in the number of dementia members. I think this is probably due to the fact there are now more cafes and groups available for people.

So what has happened since last October? After the success of our trip to Cromer for Norfolk Day we decided it would be nice to return to Cromer for the end of pier Christmas show.

Once again the Christmas party was a huge success. We held it at Ketts Park and were entertained by Heart beat and can I thank Maz for organising such an amazing raffle.

In February we were very fortunate to receive funding from the Wymondham Rotary Satellite and ML Finances to replace the church kitchen. And I think we can all agree it has made a huge difference to working in the kitchen.

I suppose the highlight of this past year has to be the celebration of our 10th birthday. This is a huge achievement and something we should all be very proud of. We celebrated by having a party at the new Wymondham Rugby club. It was a time to reflect and thank those were responsible for the formation of Pabulum and its was so lovely to be able to bring together those founders. It was a time to thank so many for all their hard work in making Pabulum such a success.

Eyebrow arts entertained us with two amazing sensory performances inspired by visiting Pabulum and other dementia groups.

This years How-hill visit saw us bathed in sunshine and many of us enjoyed our lunch sitting in the garden. It was amazing to see everybody taking a walk round the grounds wether it was a short or long adventure.

The Broads Trip was not as warm as it has been but as always a good time was had by all.

Can I take this opportunity to thank the ladies of Cringleford Singers for their continuing support.

Wymondham Dementia Support Group were very fortunate to be asked again to take part in the Dementia Fair at the Norfolk and Norwich. I was asked along with Sue Simpson to talk on the role of a Dementia Group for carers and their loved ones.

We are always looking to try new musical experiences and so the visit by the Ukulele Band was most definitely a very positive experience and one that will need to be repeated.

Yet again the Lucas Family very kindly entertained us at their home with an amazing BBQ and Square dancing. And how lucky we were with the weather lots of sunshine just like the day full of sunshine for everyone.

The rose growers and gardeners amongst us had a very enjoyable afternoon with tea and cake and a tour round the gardens at Peter Beales Rose Centre. And some of us got a little carried away with our plant buying.

The uncertainty of British weather saw us cancelling this years Norfolk Days celebrations. But not to be beaten by its vagaries we held a fun day in September at the church. Again Maz managed to come up trumps and found us some amazingly funny games which really helped make the day. Our new girls Deborah and Sarah put on a stupendous tombola and our entertainment by Heart Beat was again top class. And we must not forget Alun and Gabriela who provided the burgers and crepes they were truly yummy.

On a more serious note we have completed, safeguarding training, had an amazing session on dealing with challenging behaviour, introduced a new induction pack and put fire plans in place.

Can I take this opportunity once again to thank the group for all the support given by them for the Admiral Nurses Sponsored Walk in April. We have raised an amazing sum of 16,000 pounds so far for Dementia Care in Norfolk.

Pabulum never stands still and tries to answer all the needs of our members and so to this end Trevor and I have been working to set up a befriending service for our members. We have been most fortunate to have received funding to start the service once all training etc has been put in place.

And so finally can I thank the trustees, Maz and Carole for all the support they have given me during my time at Pabulum and wish the new organisers Deborah and Sarah a very happy and successful time at Pabulum.

Chairman's Report: AGM October 2019

As the current Chair of the Trustees, I would first of all like to thank the Trustees for their

support and guidance during my first year of Chairmanship.

Thanks go, in particular, to Phil, our Honorary Secretary, who handles an ever-growing

pile of forms and paperwork necessary for our organisation and Mike, our Honorary

Treasurer, on whom we rely to keep our finances in a healthy state.

The mission statement of Wymondham Dementia Support Group is that we are a voluntary

organisation that is run to provide a safe, friendly and understanding environment for

people living with dementia, their carers and family and I believe we continue to fulfil that

role in all respects.

In her report, our Organiser Dianne has highlighted our activities over the past year and we

thank her for the enthusiastic way in which she has invested her heart and soul into

everything she has been involved in. We will be very sorry when Dianne moves on at the

end of the year but we know that she will continue to campaign for more support for those

living with dementia, their carers and their families. Thank you so much Dianne for all you


We may be losing Dianne but we have gained two extremely efficient new Deputy

Organisers Deborah and Sarah. They started with us at the beginning of August and, with

pens and notebooks constantly in hand, have been shadowing Dianne, ready to continue

with the work involved in the running of our Cafes.

It took the Trustees a long time to find the right people and we believe we have achieved

this. We now look forward to working with them as part of our Pabulum family.

I would like to single out for special mention two of our Trustees. Trevor Forder has served

four years as a Trustee and is now standing down and we thank him for his interest and

support, which we hope will continue at our weekly cafes and events.

The other Trustee is Pippa Chapman, who ceased to be a Trustee earlier in the year after 10

years' service. Thankfully, Pippa will continue as a Volunteer, along with leading our

Singing Cafes and Poetry Group and also liaising with local schools. Pippa was a key

person in the development of Pabulum and we thank her for all the energy and dedication

she brought to her role as Trustee.

Finally - where would we be without our wonderful team of volunteers and friends? Each

one of you is valued and may we continue to maintain the high standards which led to our

volunteers being given The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. Thank you.

Ann Scott

