XBox-One vs Playstation Four




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Price ­ Playstation 4 costs $399.99, a significant $100 less than the XBox One. The playstation is more affordable. Playstation has a reputation of delivering successful gameplayabuility at a reachable price by the average worker. The XBox One was developed further, meeting its demographics needs after the actual release date, microsoft is aiming to please.

Appearance/ Size ­ The XBox One The Size ­ 27.4 x 7.9 x 33.3 CM Weight ­ 3.2kg The Playstation 4 The Size ­ 27.5 x 5.3 x 30.5 CM weight ­ 2.8kg

Tech Specs ­ The Xbox One has accessibility for an external hard drive, the hard drive doesn’t have to be a specific brand, unfortunately for Playstation 4 owners, the playstation 4 requires a PS4 Exchangeable hard drive. The playstation has a lot in common with the xbox, when taking the specs into analysis; they both are equipped with a blu­ray/DVD feature, they have 500GB memory, however the Xbox’s drive isn’t removable. The playstation has an internal power storage. They both have multiplayer and co­op capabilities, the maximum amount of players for both of the console is different. The Playstation 4 allows four players at a time, where as the Xbox One allows up to eight people to play in a game.

The Extras ­ The Xbox One Kinect camera is more compatible in comparison with its previous models. The new camera has quicker voice recognition and also has 70 degrees horizontal and 60 degree vertical peripheral vision and renders a 1080p quality image, but the Playstation's new camera is 85 degree horizontal and vertical, allowing the player more space to move around and to speak from a further distances. The Playstation also enables the player to stream their game at any point during gameplay. Players can also use their PS Vita account, this is a great advantage in­preparation of someone who may want to use the television, they player will be worry­free, they can simply pause and continue to PS Vita whilst the Playstation can be ‘sleep’. Xbox’s advanced voice control allows the player to change channels, scroll through apps and browsing the internet; all of this is possible with simple voice commands. This comes in handy when the player is multitasking, allowing them to have multiple pages open (The Xbox One is developed by microsoft) although the multitasking element is not very surprising, it is very useful and scores a big point vs the Playstation four.
