Y4.3-iPad Unit Planicompute-uk.com/Downloads/iCompute-with-Sphero-Sample.pdf · English!!...


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with Sphero






Published by iCompute Teaching Ltd www.icompute-uk.com All facts are correct at the time of going to press. All referenced websites are correct at the time of going to press. The right of Liane O’Kane to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1998. Published 2016 Author: Liane O’Kane Text, design and layout © iCompute Teaching Ltd 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of iCompute Teaching Ltd.


iCompute for Primary Schools

Creative, engaging, step-by-step

lesson plans for Years 1-6

Fully matched to the National Curriculum for

Computing at Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2

Screenshots and video screencasts to support


Comprensive assessment guidance and pupil progress trackers

All the support and materials you need to

teach computing creatively and with confidence


Detailed teacher guides, glossaries and links to resources to deepen subject knowledge

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!!iPad! !


! ! !!




! See!p2!for!a!detailed!breakdown!of!lesson!assessment!focuses!and!associated!success!criteria.!

2014!Computing!Programme!of!Study!! design,!write!and!debug!programs!that!accomplish!


! use!sequence,!selection,!and!repetition!in!programs;!work!with!variables!and!various!forms!of!input!and!output!

! use!logical!reasoning!to!explain!how!some!simple!algorithms!work!and!to!detect!and!correct!errors!in!algorithms!and!programs!

! understand!computer!networks!including!the!internet;!how!they!can!provide!multiple!services,!such!as!the!world!wide!web;!and!the!opportunities!they!offer!for!communication!and!collaboration!

! select,!use!and!combine!a!variety!of!software!(including!internet!services)!on!a!range!of!digital!devices!to!design!and!create!a!range!of!programs,!systems!and!content!that!accomplish!given!goals,!including!collecting,!analysing,!evaluating!and!presenting!data!and!information!!











Tickle (free)!


! Mathematics!

! English!

! Geography!

! Physical!Education!!!


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! Read!the!lesson!plans!*! Download!the!apps!to!each!of!the!iPads!you!will!be!using*! Pair!each!Sphero!to!an!iPad!via!Bluetooth!and!label!each!with!a!corresponding!number!or!bluetooth!name!to!enable!you!to!quickly!identify!which!robot!is!paired!with!which!iPad!–!See!Teacher4.3!for!more!information*

! Spend!an!hour!or!so!familarising!yourself!with!the!apps!you!will!be!using!and!the!interfaces*

*Resources*! Book!out!any!equipment!you!may!need,!if!

necessary*! Ensure!that!the!iPads!are!charged!or!that!you!

have!sufficient!chargers*! Ensure!that!the!apps!you!are!using!is!

installed!properly!on!each!iPad*! Support!materials!for!each!lesson!–!entitled!

Resource!<year.unit.lesson>!*! (eg.!Resource4.3.1)**


Links*Before!you!start,!you!may!find!these!weblinks!useful.!!! Sphero!app:! http://icomp.site/sphero!(free)!!! Sphero!Draw!N’!Drive!app!at:!!!!!!!http://icomp.site/drawndrive!(free)!!! Tickle!app:! http://icomp.site/tickle!(free)!!! Sphero!video:! http://icomp.site/meetsphero

! Download!the!Sphero!Manual:! http://icomp.site/spheromanual !! AirServer,!allows!projection!of!iPads!to!screens:!!!!!!!!http://icomp.site/airserver !(NB:%It%is%recommended%that%you%use%the%trail%version%first%to%test%for%compatibility)%!!!!!!


!! National Geographic Map Maker Kit:!!!!!!!!http://icomp.site/mapmaker


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iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4.3.3! iDance! Year!4!




























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Core! Differentiation!!










Plenary! Extension/Enrichment!!







Easier: Some children may need to use a small number of commands involving simple repetition – Eg. repeated colour change or turning

Harder: Encourage some children to program more complex routines with more than one repeat block and/or nested repeats


Record the dance routines with Sphero and edit with a video editing app – Eg. iMovie. Add sound effects, captions and/or the children singing along!

Use a HTML editor, Eg. Mozilla Thimble, to create a webpage with the Sphero video embedded!

Create Screencasts, using apps like Explain Everything, of projects and talk about how the code was developed, problems encountered, overcome etc.!

Add the screencasts to individual/class blogs, such as Kidblog!









Getting Started with Sphero !



iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4.3! Robotics! Teacher4.3!

! ! ! ©iCompute!!!!

What is Sphero? Sphero is a robot ball with several features that can be controlled though apps and also includes the facility for pupils to create their own computer programs. The main features are: ! Rolling – Sphero can roll at specified speeds and directions

! Colours – Sphero can light up a specified colour

! Bluetooth – Sphero connects to mobile devices through wireless Bluetooth

There are a number of educational apps available on app stores that can be used with

Spheros. iCompute uses:

! Sphero – The main Sphero app used for driving

! Sphero – Draw N’ Drive – Write/draw with colour on a tablet for Sphero to follow

! Tickle – Allows the creation of programs to control Sphero

Connecting Sphero ! Pick up Sphero from its charging station and tap it twice on the logo hard. It will start

flashing colours when its awake and ready to go

! Using your iPad, turn on Bluetooth by tapping Settings then Bluetooth

! You will then see a list of Spheros. Connect to one of them by tapping on its name on

the list. You can tell which Sphero is which is by looking at the names, which relate to

the colours the ball is flashing. For example, if it’s flashing blue>green>purple then

it will be named Sphero-BGP. Once you have connected it will say so.


Getting Started with Sphero !



iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4.3! Robotics! Teacher4.3!

! ! ! ©iCompute!!!!

! Before your first lesson, it is recommended that you pair individual iPads to individual

Spheros and label both to ensure that identifying and pairing is quicker and smoother

with your pupils. For example, a Sphero flashing red>yellow>orange will be listed on

the tablet Bluetooth as Sphero-RYO. Label both the tablet and the Sphero with a

sticker of RYO.

Heading and Aiming Sphero’s heading is relative to the user, not to the ball. This makes getting Sphero to move where you want it to go easier. The diagram shows how the heading works.

Sphero has a direction built-in that means ‘straight ahead’. This is its orientation. Each time you use the ball, you will need to orient it: i.e. aim it so that it will travel the path you want it to. Each Sphero has a blue tail-light which is always the exact opposite of straight ahead and each Sphero app has a button that lets you set the taillight, which looks like this:

To use this button, tap and hold on it, and then slowly move your finger around the ring. You will see the blue taillight on the Sphero rotate. When it is pointing directly at you remove your finger. Your pupils will need to aim Sphero each time they wake it from sleep mode.

Aiming Sphero

iPad 4.3! Robotics! Resource4.3b!

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Aim On Move your finger around the circle until Sphero’s blue tail light faces you. You need to do this every time you use Sphero.

Aim On Move your finger around the circle until Sphero’s blue tail light faces you. You need to do this every time you use Sphero.

Aim On Move your finger around the circle until Sphero’s blue tail light faces you. You need to do this every time you use Sphero.

Aim On Move your finger around the circle until Sphero’s blue tail light faces you. You need to do this every time you use Sphero.


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Assessment)Guide)?)Working)towards)Orange) !




iCompute for Primary Schools

Creative, engaging, step-by-step

lesson plans for Years 1-6

Fully matched to the National Curriculum for

Computing at Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2

Screenshots and video screencasts to support


Comprensive assessment guidance and pupil progress trackers

All the support and materials you need to

teach computing creatively and with confidence


Detailed teacher guides, glossaries and links to resources to deepen subject knowledge

Year 4 - Unit 3



iComputefor iPad
