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Ganesha Yantra

Why Ganesha Yantra?Ganesha is the fundamental God of wisdom who removes all the obstacles that stand in your way of success. Obstacles are things we do not foresee and thus cannot plan for. Offering prayers to Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles is a customary practice before undertaking any task. This ensures a project moves forward successfully. To remove obstacles and negative forces that prevent your spiritual and material progress, this Yantra comes handy.The Ganesha Yantra is a sacred energy device that infuses within you the power to focus and accomplish your goals. The radiations from the Yantra will enhance your positive spirits and stimulate your confidence level to succeed in all your efforts.Speciality of Ganesha YantraGanesha is given the foremost privilege in all the divine rituals of being invoked first. Your fervent prayers to his Yantra will bring about positive reverberations into your life and living space. The sacred energy of the device will improvise your mathematical skills and problem solving techniques.If you are planning to undertake your own business or if you are stepping into a new phase of life, Ganesha Yantra will be the best solution to curb all the impediments that could block your way to accomplishments.

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Dhanakarshana Yantra - Luck at your stay forever

Why Dhanakarshana Yantra?'Luck' is an element of positivity that drives in success, happiness and prosperity into your life. The bracing breeze of luck brings about volumes of money, comforts and gains when you make it blow in your directionDhanakarshana Yantra does it for you! This Yantra showers on you the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, an embodiment of wealth and prosperity. She bestows upon you material comforts and good luck.She sweeps away your misfortunes and fills your living space with good fortunes and spirits. Experience the gush of luck in your life!Speciality of Dhanakarshana YantraThe Yantra magnetizes wealth, material comforts and prosperity towards you. Goddess Lakshmi, consort of Lord Vishnu blesses her devotees with riches and luxuries. She is considered the lucky Goddess who brings in opportunities to multifold your comforts and gains. This Yantra is energized with her power and when you worship it, you are consecrated with the capacity to earn more money!Even a mere glance at the Yantra before you begin your day unveils the luck in store for you. This unique feature of the Yantra adds brighter colors to your day!

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Kubera Yantra - A Warm Welcome to the God of Wealth

Why Kubera Yantra?Open your doors for riches and luxuries to step in! Welcome Lord Kubera to your home or office. When the divine treasurer walks in with heaps of money and wealth for you, he also pours happiness, peace and success into your life!Kubera Yantra is a positive energy device which is engraved with luck lines for you. This energized piece drives in an array of divine power that accumulates money, material gains and also restores back your lost wealth. Lord Kubera, the God of riches and material wealth, showers his blessings on you through this Yantra.

Speciality of Kubera YantraThe legends quote that Kubera is the Banker in Heaven, and he is the God of Yakshas (an exotic tribe of semi-divine beings who guard the wealth of the earth). When you worship him properly, he blesses you with money, material comforts and success. Offering your dedicated prayers to his Yantra revitalizes your mind and soul with positive waves of energy. The embossed patterns on the Yantra bring you and Lord Kubera into contact! The configuration is in such a way that each row of numbers in it will sum up to 72. This is considered a mystical configuration that attracts financial success. He showers his blessings on you and also elevates the standard of your living. Let the Yantra straighten out all the hardships on the material side of your life!

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Sudarshana Yantra - A Shield against the Bad Spell

Why Sudarshana Yantra?Conquer your enemies now! Break the clutches of all your unexplainable sufferings and worries. The supreme guard Lord Vishnu encircles you with energetic vibrations that relieve you from mental stress, fear, health ailments and, other obstacles.The powerful radiations of the Yantra come to your rescue when you stumble amidst problems and perils. The mighty weapon the brilliant Chakra of Lord Vishnu enlivens you when you wane in your spirits.Speciality of Sudarshana YantraThe Sudarshana Chakra possesses healing characteristics. The energized patterns on the Yantra heal your health afflictions, destroy enmity and relieve mental trauma. Lord Sudarshana liberates you from your sins and helps you attain salvation.His Yantra acts as a divine shield to you against all the evil eye castings and negative forces. It embeds the seeds of confidence in you to achieve triumph in all the spheres of your life!

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Sthri Vasiya Yantra - Let Her Sense your Compassion

Why Sthri Vasiya Yantra?Feeling like a fiasco when it comes to attracting women can be especially debilitating. You start to feel like you just cannot get a handle on your love life, and you want very much for all of that to change; and you want that change to happen FAST!Attraction with a woman is not your choice. She either feels for you, or she just doesn't! And when you don't know how to turn on that attraction with a woman, it can be next to impossible to turn things around. Notice, it is just NEXT to impossible, but not impossible!So what is the secret to attract women? Ask yourself; are you ready to learn the right way to attract your girl? Then, go onSpeciality of Sthri Vasiya YantraLiving and growing together, man and woman achieve balance within. The process is thus complete, and both are one. The living happily ever after kind of conclusion becomes possible with spiritual devices such as Sthri Vasiya Yantra". She vibes completely with you; even the unsaid is understood, almost instinctively with the blessings of the Sthri Vasiya Yantra!

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Siva Yantra - A Key to Unlock your Positivity

Why Siva Yantra?Fear will no more be a road block to your success! Assault all the evil spirits that dominate your positivity. Let the Siva Yantra unearth the hidden power in you to come out of the ill spell around. You are unchained of all sorts of fear when the Yantra is at your side.Health ailments, negativity, enemies and other obstacles flee from your life, and you are gifted with peace and happiness round the clock!Speciality of Siva YantraLord Siva represents the cosmic energy of your life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against the negative forces.Siva Yantra is a divine tool to invoke Lord Siva, and in turn he dispels the influence of evil planets, fear of evil power, accidental death and diseases. When you are empowered with the divine energy of Lord Siva, there is nothing that can prevent you from achieving victory. The power lines of the Yantra sketch out the designs of happiness, harmony and high spirits into your life!

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Sri Chakra Yantra - A Divine Tool to Accomplish your Goals

Why Sri Chakra Yantra?Sri Chakra Yantra or the Sri Yantra is your magical wand to invoke all the riches. Let your life be the synonym of prosperity! Goddess Tripura Sundari adds enchantment, prosperity and happiness to your life. The energized radiations from the Yantra stimulate your thirst to acquire money, material comforts and wealth. It lays a luck strewn path for your success!Speciality of Sri Chakra YantraThe nine interlocked triangles in the Yantra surround and radiate out from the bindu point (the seed center), the junction point between the physical universe and its source. This powerful geometric pattern is an avenue for you to access the Goddess of wealth. She energizes you with the waves of divine energy that accumulate money and other material comforts for you.Your sincere prayers to her Yantra will fulfill every desire of yours, and you will be completely power packed to stand out in a crowd!

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Dhanvantri Yantra - A Divine Cure to your Health Ailments

Why Dhanvantri Yantra?Lord Dhanvantri is the Vedic Physician; he cures health ailments and protects the wellbeing of his children in this Universe. He encircles you with his positive vibrations which can unchain you from any kind of health disorders.Dhanvantri Yantra is a one stop solution to cure your health problems and to stay in the pink of your health!Speciality of Dhanvantri YantraLord Dhanvantri is the father of the medical science called Ayurveda; it is believed that the intricacy of Ayurveda has been passed down through generations from the Vedic scriptures. If health ailments are your impediments to achieve success, your prayers to Lord Dhanvantri will heal your health problems. His Yantra contains those radiations that can rejuvenate your body and soul.The positive vibrations of the Yantra can liberate you from untreatable illnesses and bless you with happiness and peace. Let the energy waves of the Yantra keep you hale, hearty and healthy forever!

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Maha Vishnu Yantra - A Pathway to Happiness and Success

Why Maha Vishnu Yantra?Draw the circle of protection around you seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu to flourish, maintain good health and achieve success in all your endeavors. The Yantra will bless you with a winning personal and professional life as well. It will encourage your efforts and amplify the happy elements of your life. Let Maha Vishnu encircle you with happiness, peace and success in your life!Speciality of Maha Vishnu YantraMaha Vishnu is the protector of this Universe; he guards all the living beings on this earth plane. When you worship him, you will be gifted with long life, prosperity, peace, happiness and success. Impediments will no longer stand on your way of achievements. His Yantra is energized with his power to rejuvenate your spirits and self confidence.Offering your sincere prayers to his Yantra will pave way for success in all the spheres of your life. In a nutshell, you will always lie on the best side of life via accessing the positive energy of Maha Vishnu Yantra.

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Sadakshara Yantra - Boost your Courage and Determination Forces

Why Sadakshara Yantra?Courage, Confidence and Charisma are the 3Cs that will drive you towards victory. In your adventurous journey of life, suddenly you might feel exhausted or you might lack the determination to move forward, and this is when you need divine help to revitalize your spirits. Sadakshara Yantra is the energized tool of Lord Muruga that recharges your determination and courage factors to attain the peak of success.Speciality of Sadakshara YantraLord Muruga is the personification of courage and determination; he will guard you against your enemies and ingrain the seeds of perseverance and resolute boldness within you. Your struggles will come to an end when the Sadakshara Yantra is at your side.Your dedicated prayers to this Yantra will motivate you to work hard, and you will be gifted with the qualities of will power and persistence. With will power and determination, you will be able to fulfill all the desires of your life. Crown yourself with the 3Cs!

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Saraswathi Yantra - To be Jack of All Arts

Why Saraswathi Yantra?Saraswati is the creative angel who transforms imagination into reality. She is the one who paints your life with creative thoughts and artistic colors! Creativity is one of the qualities that make you an outstanding performer. When your innovative thinking is powered by knowledge, you will become Jack of All Arts!Goddess Saraswati is the Chief of Education, Knowledge and Creativity; she unearths the finest qualities in you and sharpens your skill sets. Saraswati yantra is energized with geometric patterns that will empower you with the Positive Energy of Saraswati; these positive vibes will gift you with knowledge, mental power and innovative thinking.Speciality of Saraswathi YantraWisdom is the essence of your life; attaining wisdom is an ever ending process, and it cannot be complete without the guidance of the divine power. Saraswati is the mother of wisdom and imagination; she is the one who stimulates your thirst for knowledge and quenches it with adequate wisdom, as well. Your sincere prayers to the Saraswati Yantra will guide you to experience the creative side of your life. She will empower you with mounds of imagination and knowledge catering to your informational needs.This Yantra will put forth your knowledge needs to the Goddess and in turn encircle you with positive energy releases strengthening your mental health.

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Mrithyunjaya Yantra - A Magical Wand to Lengthen Your Longevity

Mrithyunjaya Yantra - A Magical Wand to Lengthen Your LongevityYour daunting fear of death finds its end here! Lord Shiva is on his way to energize you with his powers. He will not let you get trapped in any of the peril pits of your life. Mrithyunjaya Yantra is your weapon against death and danger; it is a cure to your disturbing health ailments.Speciality of Mrithyunjaya YantraLord Shiva governs death and dissolution on the earth plane. When he is strongly on yourside, your life is nourished with good health and safety. The power lines of Mrithyunjaya Yantra reinforce your life lines; those lines pass on positive energy to your immune system to fight back all the incurable illnesses. The Yantra spreads its unflinching waves of radiations around you to achieve victory over death. You will stay hale and healthy all through your life. It will reshape your life in a positive way!

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Subramanya Yantra - Let People See You As the Epitome of Confidence

Why Subramanya Yantra?Are you lagging behind in confidence and wisdom? Possess the Subramanya Yantra to boost your confidence level and to power up your intelligence. Subramanya (Lord Muruga) is an embodiment of confidence and knowledge; he stimulates your confidence level and gifts you with success in all your endeavors. His Yantra comes handy to you for empowering and enhancing your confidence and wisdom.Speciality of Subramanya YantraOnly the stairs of confidence will lead you to the pinnacle of success; when these stairs are weak, you will falter in your efforts to succeed. Subramanya Yantra will revamp your confidence level; it will endow you with wisdom and the power to achieve victory. The Yantra will mediate between you and Lord Subramanya; it will rebuild your will power to accomplish your goals and desires.The Yantra will positively kindle confidence and wisdom, two vital elements in your life. It will bring your skills to the fore, and you will always be the epitome of confidence!

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Kalabhairava Yantra - Be Ahead of Time

Why Kalabhairava Yantra?Are you stumbling to balance your time? Your efforts and initiatives to complete your assignments on time might go in a vain; but not when the Kalabhairava Yantra finds its place in your living space. Multitasking is the order of the day; it demands your persistent will power and hard work to stick on to your time. Kalabhairava Yantra will sharpen your time management skills and bless you with success!Speciality of Kalabhairava YantraKalabhairava is the Lord of time; he will bless you with effective time management skills and relieve you from debts, as well. When you owe volumes of debts and struggle to balance your time, seek the divine help of Kalabhairava. Offering your sincere prayers to his Yantra will nullify your debts and will also amplify your sources of income.The Yantra will emit powerful vibrations that will gift you with the skills of handling time efficiently. With the Yantra of Kalabhairava master the art of multitasking and stay ahead of time!

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Hanuman Yantra - To Protect You and Strengthen Your Will

Why Hanuman Yantra?Mark an end to all your sufferings and health ailments now! Lord Hanuman, the Guardian Deity will guard you against all dangers and strengthen you with courage and knowledge. His unflinching energy will power up your life line and stimulate your inner spirits. Hanuman will protect you from the malefic effects of Saturn if Saturn is unstably placed in your Birth Chart.Hanuman Yantra will relieve you from incurable illnesses, laziness and bless you with longevity, courage, productivity and effective communication skills.Speciality of Hanuman YantraAre you suffering from the ill effects of Saturn? Seek the blessings of Hanuman to get rid of your problems. He will liberate you from the malefic effects of Saturn; you will be blessed with the qualities of courage and confidence to outsmart your fellow beings. He will thwart the efforts of your enemies and your success flag will fly high!The energy release from the Yantra will strengthen your immune system to fight against health disorders and bless you with a long life. Your dedicated prayers to the Yantra will make you courageous and confident; you will become power packed to assault all the impediments that stand in the way of your achievements. Shield yourself against all the dangers of life!

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Sri Krishna Yantra - Learn the Magic of Magnetism

Why Sri Krishna Yantra?Your life becomes easier when you captivate people around you. When you are magnetized with attraction, they yearn to help you and even go out of their way even before you could even ask! Develop a strong circle of magnetism that pulls people towards you. Your charm, communication and other soft skills play a vital role in determining your personality that will attract people around you. Sri Krishna is a divine magnetic personality who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnuupon worshipping him, you will be gifted with the traits and personality that can make you stand matchless in a crowd.His Yantra will invigorate you with the power and energy to be distinctive; it will create an allure for your, and you will always be the Center of Attraction in a gathering.Speciality of Sri Krishna YantraYou might wish to improve some of your skill sets and stimulate your confidence levels to interact better with your peer group. Sri Krishna can equip you with the best skills to attract people and improve your status in the society. Worshipping the Krishna Yantra will revamp your personality and traits. The power lines engraved on the Yantra can gift you with the Magic of Inner Attracting Power that keeps you ahead of everyone and everything, indeed! Get the blessings of Sri Krishna and establish a unique position for yourself in society.

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Matsya Yantra - A Handy Tool to Ensure Success at Work and Home

Why Matsya Yantra?Matsya in Sanskrit means a fish; Matsya Yantra represents Lord Vishnu who took the avatar of this marine form to save the world from a deadly danger. You might enjoy a rewarding and flourishing career; but sometimes, might lag behind in your personal life. Or it might be the vice versa--the reason for either could be the Vaastu faults at your home/work place that disturb your happiness and prosperity. Matsya Yantra rectifies all sorts of Vaastu faults at your home/workplace paving way for positive spirits around you. Vaastu is the ancient Vedic science of arrangement of things in space, somewhat similar to the principles of Chinese Feng Shui. Vaastu faults are incorrect energies in your spatial arrangements which can be corrected with Matysa Yantra.Speciality of Matsya YantraStagnation in career and struggles in your personal life might be the outcome of the Vaastu faults at your work place and home. Matsya Yantra is as handy to fix these problems as a fish is to clean a pond. It is energized with the power of Lord Vishnu which can bring about a fruitful life to cherish forever.The yantra is so powerful that it can drive away even the worst curses that someone had cast on you! It is also known as "Badha Mukti Yantra". The Yantra creates good virtues and noble thoughts in a persons mind and heart and wards off the evil effects of the bad spirits.

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Parvati Yantra - Be the Center of Happiness and Prosperity

Why Parvati Yantra?Happiness, peace and success will always be important needs of your life -- you may require a dynamic force behind you to achieve these elements in your life. Parvati is the Shakti who empowers you with positive energy to fulfill your responsibilities on the earth plane. She is the divine feminine energy who acts behind the entire Universe. When Shakti finds her abode in your place, you will be gifted with everlasting inner peace, positivity, happiness, health, wealth and prosperity!The power waves of Parvati Yantra will gear up your life with positive vibrations which will fetch you with success in all your endeavors.Speciality of Parvati YantraIn this competitive world, you will be able to succeed only when you are provided with the best opportunities to prove your caliber. You will definitely need divine help to attract opportunities and to make the best use of them. If you seek the blessings of Parvati, you will be energized with positive energy to attract opportunities and also be gifted with good health, wealth and prosperity forever.The powerful radiations of the Yantra will equip you with dynamism which will drive you towards the zenith of victory; it will assault the impediments that stand in your way of accomplishments. Recharge your energy molecules with the radiations of Parvati Yantra and stand unbeatable in the crowd!

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Rama Raksha Yantra - Distill Your Thoughts for Triumphant Victory

Why Rama Raksha Yantra?Your actions reflect your thoughts; when your thoughts are pure, you will perform good deeds and be bestowed with happiness and peace as well as victory consciousness. Lord Rama is the personification of pure thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Upon worshipping him, your thoughts will be purified, your spiritual interests will get upgraded, and you will become a winner. When you become a spiritually active person, you will yearn for peace and the blessings of God more than any other material pleasure on this earth plane, and you will walk a pathway to enlightenment.Rama Raksha Yantra will instill pious thoughts; its divine energy will elevate your inner peace and harmony. You will realize the spiritual aspect of your life!Speciality of Rama Raksha YantraYour clarity of thought plays a vital role in determining your success; if you waver in your thoughts, the vacillation will impede your actions. The positive energy of Rama will remove your thought clashes and soothe your mental peace so that you are focused and clear, with the attitude of a winner. It will stabilize your mind and gift you with an unblocked flow of positive, goal-oriented thoughts; the Yantra will pass on its vibrant waves to you that can awaken your spiritual interests.Your dedicated prayers to this Yantra will stir your soul and bless you with happiness, peace and success. Be assured of tranquility and divinity at your side forever when you possess this Yantra!

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Dakshinamurthy Yantra - Accomplish the Best Future

Why Dakshinamurthy Yantra?Dakshinamurthy Yantra will come handy to students and professionals, who are yearning to top the approaching examinations and tests. Boost your positive energy and confidence level to score the best results. Lord Dakshinamurthy will power you up with his energy lines; he will equip you with all the qualities that will drive you to the zenith of success. The energy radiations of his Yantra will sweep away your examination fear and bless you with good health, determination and self confidence.Speciality of Dakshinamurthy YantraA divine touch to your efforts will fetch you with the best results. Lord Dakshinamurthy is the God of education and knowledge who will shower his positive energy on you to achieve success. His Yantra contains the power lines which will energize you with endurance and good fortune. The radiations of the Yantra will liberate you from all sorts of fears and bless you with positive results in examinations.Offering your sincere prayers to the Yantra will remove all the obstacles that stand on the way of your achievements. Procure the Yantra and let the Lord energize you with his power!

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Durga Yantra - The Supersonic Shield Against your Setbacks

Why Durga Yantra?Be the personification of courage and victoryseek the blessings of Goddess Durga! She is the empowerment of divine energy who nourishes your body, mind and soul. She is a savior for women as well as a protective refuge for men. Her power rays will stimulate your courage level to achieve victory against enemies. Durga Yantra runs the magical lines of Goddess Durga which gift you with victory in all your endeavors.The energy release of the Yantra will add a positive tinge to your life; it will quash the efforts of your enemies and bring your own skills to the limelight!Speciality of Durga YantraIts time to conquer your enemies! Encircle yourself with the positive radiations of Durga and win over your rivals; her unflinching energy assaults all the impediments on your way of success. Your struggles and sufferings will come to an end on worshipping Durga. She destroys all negativity that is blocking joy.The radiations of the Yantra rebuilds your morale; it equips you with the fighting qualities that drive you towards the pinnacle of success. Fulfill every desire of yours with the unfaltering energy of the Durga Yantra!

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Gayatri Yantra - A Power Avenue to Establish your Spiritual Desires

Why Gayatri Yantra?Your spiritual interests are the windows to the eternal world; only when your spiritual desires are fulfilled, you will be able to live your life peacefully and happily. Gayatri Yantra represents the Goddess Gayatri; it identifies your power points and alleviates your spiritual interests and desires, as well.The Goddess has five headsfour heads depicting the four Vedas and one head depicting the Almighty of this Universe. Her Yantra is a sign of auspiciousness and upon worshipping it regularly you will be blessed with good health, wealth, prosperity and peace. The golden grace of the Sun comes through this Goddess. Bright up your inner life with a more cheerful, sunny outlook and truly walk a pathway to enlightenment.Speciality of Gayatri YantraGoddess Gayatri will fulfill your spiritual aspirations and bless you with a hassle-free life. She will illuminate you with healthy new thoughts. The positive power of the Gayatri Yantra liberates you from negative spirits, bad dreams and souls; those energy lines attract auspicious happenings and deeds to your living space. It will strike a balance between your spiritual and material desires to live a harmonious life.Only the divine power can bless you with peace and protection; when the Gayatri Yantra stays with you, your spiritual interests will come to the fore paving your way for happiness, peace and prosperity!

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Hayagriva Yantra - Top All the Aptitude Tests

Why Hayagriva Yantra?Hayagriva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu; he is an embodiment of intelligence and knowledge. If you are yearning to grow in intellect, seek his blessings and power! Your career aspirations and desires will easily get accomplished when you are invigorated with his power.Hayagriva Yantra contains the power lines that could attract his blessings towards you; the positive radiations enhance your thinking power and kindle your thirst for knowledge.Speciality of Hayagriva YantraYour efforts become complete when you invest your brainpower and hard work, yet, it will lead to success only when you seek the divine power. Lord Hayagriva will sharpen your skill sets and gift you with quick presence of mind. His Yantra will pass on its radiations to stimulate your logical reasoning and analytical skills. The energy radiations will enhance your power of thinking and correctly interpreting things. Solving jigsaw puzzles and trigonometry problems will become a childs play to you on acquiring this Yantra let alone dealing with larger mental challenges!This Yantra will communicate your knowledge needs to Hayagriva and in turn encircle you with positive energy releases strengthening your brain power.

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Sarabeshwara Yantra - A Positive Touch to all Sides of your Life

Why Sarabeshwara Yantra?Lord Sarabeshwara is an incarnation of Lord Shiva; he will save you from negative forces that hold you back from victory. Misfortunes and evil spirits will no longer be at your side when you are under the watchful vigilance of Sarabeshwara.Sarabeshwara Yantra will nullify the negative vibrations that spin around you and rejuvenate you with positive energy. It will cure your health ailments and assault all the hardships that block your development in life.Speciality of Sarabeshwara YantraWhen negative spirits invade your success and you struggle amidst problems, Sarabeshwara Yantra will come to your rescue. It will draw its positive circle around you and safeguard you against all the evil spirits and curses in life.The energy radiations of the Yantra will bring about mental peace and unity in your family. It will overpower the negative spirits and immunize you with positive energy. Your life will blossom with good fortune and happiness; seeds of confidence will be deeply sown in your mind if you own this Yantra!

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Lakshmi Kubera Yantra - Embellish your Life with Luck and Luxuries

Why Lakshmi Kubera Yantra?Lakshmi Kubera Yantra is a red carpet welcome to money, wealth, good fortunes and prosperity! Lord Kubera and Goddess Lakshmi symbolize material wealth and riches. When you worship them, you will be gifted with all luxuries and riches.The power lines of the Yantra can sweep away your misfortunes and pour monetary gains into your life. When you attain the blessings of the Banker in Heaven and Goddess of Wealth, there is nothing difficult to procure in this material world!Speciality of Lakshmi Kubera YantraKubera, the Banker in Heaven, and Lakshmi, the Goddess of riches, will doubly energize you with their powers and energy. You will be invigorated with their divine energy which will drive you to the peak of success and happiness. Retain the God and the Goddess at your place forever by possessing the Lakshmi Kubera Yantra!The powerful radiations of the Yantra will bring about positivity and magnetize all manner of riches towards you. The geometric patterns on the Yantra will amplify your sources of income, and you can receive monetary gains from unexpected sources as well. You will enjoy a stabilized financial position, and there will be no room for financial crunches at all. Fulfilling your material desires will no longer be a challenging task to accomplish when you own the Lakshmi Kubera Yantra!

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Purusha Vasiya Yantra - Find your Prince Charming

Why Purusha Vasiya Yantra?The search for perfectionism can be detrimental when it comes to dating. We all have an image of how the perfect person for us should be; we all want the fairy tale to come true! To find the one person who will complete us perfectly. The quest for love and for that Mr. or Ms. Perfect is really a challenge!Whether you find it hard to get a guy, or you find it difficult to find the right guy, all is not lost. If you are interested in overcoming your shyness and fear about meeting the right kind of guy and getting him to commit without all the usual game playing then read onSpeciality of Purusha Vasiya YantraEveryone wants relationships of some sort with the individuals or groups that they deal with. But then there are challenges in every relationship. Some seek the auspicious pure relationship with God and a Guru leading to Enlightenment - Many women find it hard to meet a guy they can truly connect with. Some women find it difficult to meet guys while others find that attracting men is not the major problem but attracting the right kind of guy is! "Purusha Vasiya Yantra" helps women to attract men and to maintain a good relationship with them.

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Pratyangira Devi Yantra - Celebrate the Dawn of Positivity in your Life

Why Pratyangira Devi Yantra?Come out of the ill spell and breathe the fresh air of positivity! Keep your doors wide open to invite good spirits inside Pratyangira Devi Yantra unlocks your door to welcome happiness!It curbs the effects of the hostile elements that act upon your life. It will encircle you with the power of Goddess Pratyangira Devi to negate all the evil forces influencing your life.Speciality of Pratyangira Devi YantraGoddess Pratyangira Devi is the protector against evil forces; she will bless you with pure thoughts and a hassle free life. When negative forces invade your life, Pratyangira Devi will come to your rescue. Your sincere prayers to her Yantra will mark the dawn of positivity and happiness in your life.The waves of energy from the Yantra will shield you against black magic, evil eye casting and all other negative forces that hamper your peace.

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Sarva Bowma Yantra - Live a Fulfilled Life

Why Sarva Bowma Yantra?Sarva Bowma Yantra contains the geometric patterns that will attract the grace of Lord Rama to your living space. He is the personification of pure thoughts and noble virtues; upon worshipping him, you will be blessed with good health and virtues, wealth and prosperity.Speciality of Sarva Bowma YantraThe positive energy of Rama will give way for happiness and success in all the phases of your life. The radiations of the Yantra will bring about good returns to your endeavors. It will encircle you with dynamic energy which protects your health and peace.Your dedicated prayers to this Yantra will gift you with a fulfilled lifehealth, wealth, prosperity and success

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Vaastu Yantra - Power Pack Your Living and Office Space

Why Vaastu Yantra?Your home is a blend of your love, hopes and expectations; it is the refuge for you and your family to stay warm and cozy. Your home becomes heaven when it is built according to the principles of Vaastu a spiritual interior decorating technique to spin around positive energy into your living space. Vaastu faults at your home or work place might be the reason for your disturbances in personal and professional life, as well. Reconstructing your home or work station might not be the feasible solution to go about; Vaastu Yantra will come to your rescue to rectify the Vaastu faults on your home and work front.The positive energy blocks of the Yantra will cure your Vaastu problems and encircle you with good spirits and energy.Speciality of Vaastu YantraVaastu Yantra is an energized element which nullifies the defects of your Vaastu at home and work place, as well. The power lines engraved on the Yantra emits positive radiations these radiations will sweep away the negative forces acting upon your living space. It will mark an end to your struggles and problems in life.Worshipping the Yantra at your home and work place will curb all the impediments on the way of your success and gift you with happiness, peace and prosperity forever. Pass on the positive spirits to your living space!

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Dattatriya Yantra - The Power Eye to Ward Off the Evil Eye

Why Dattatriya Yantra?When you walk ahead in life with aspirations and dreams, impediments stand as roadblocks to your success. Evil eye casting and other negative forces could nullify your efforts, yet you can move ahead with ease if you possess the Dattatriya Yantra. The Yantra attracts the power of Lord Dattatriya who is the incarnation of the divine trinitiesBrahma, Shiva and Vishnu.The energy release from the Yantra wards off the effects of evil eye and protects you against the hazards of life.Speciality of Dattatriya YantraThe Yantra unchains you even from the worst effects of evil eye casting; it will generate tremendous amount of positive energy which would overpower the negative forces acting upon your life. Dattatriyas power will also gift you with Gurus blessings that will fly you to the pinnacle of success.Your dedicated prayers to this Yantra will keep you going smoothly and save you from the trap of evil forces. Possess the Yantra to be the reflection of positive power.

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Kurma Yantra - Fill up the Gaps with Positive Energy at Work and Home

Why Kurma Yantra?Kurma in Sanskrit means "a tortoise"; Kurma Yantra represents Lord Vishnu who took the avatar of tortoise to bless the celestial beings with the divine nectar. It is necessary for your work place and living space to contain positive energy to bring about happiness and success, as well.The Kurma Yantra attracts positive energy to your work and living space and enhances the positive influence of Saturn on you. It paves way for abundant wealth and gifts you with prosperity.Speciality of Kurma YantraYour struggles on the personal and the official front might be due to the lack of positive energy in your living and work space, as well. Kurma Yantra is energized with the power of Lord Vishnu which penetrates into your living space with the required amounts of positive energy.The energy release from the Yantra will overpower the malefic effects of Saturn; it acts upon the gravitational force of your living space to drive in the aura of positivity. It will help you to accumulate wealth and bless you with all the riches.

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Swayamvara Parvathi Yantra - Divine Power to Ring your Wedding Bells

Why Swayamvara Parvathi Yantra?Untie the tangled knots of problems that complicate your married life! Attract your soul mate towards you and stay in the lustrous sea of love forever. These tasks might appear massive even to think about; but it is an easy affair to accomplish when you possess the Swayamvara Parvathi Yantra.The magnetic waves of this Yantra will attract your life partner towards you; no matter where he/she is dwelling in this world. If you are already into wedlock, be assured of a happy married life with the help of this Yantra. This Yantra can also help you support marriage plans for a family member.Speciality of Swayamvara Parvathi YantraSwayamvara Parvathi Yantra contains geometric patterns that attract the blessings of Goddess Parvathi towards you. She is the most powerful Goddess who gifts the singles with their life partners; she also soothes the mental peace of couples and paves way for gracious lives together and everlasting happiness.Your fervent prayers to this Yantra will remove all the obstacles that stand as roadblocks to your marriage. It will communicate your desires to the Goddess, and she in turn will transform it to reality for you. Radiations of this Yantra will develop a cushion for the couple to lean on at the times of continuous problems and struggles. With this Yantra on your side, married life will always be a heaven on earth for you!

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Santhana Gopala Yantra - An Answer to Your Prayers For Progeny

Why Santhana Gopala Yantra?Your prayers for begetting a child are answered upon worshipping the Santhana Gopala Yantra. Santhana Gopala is an infant form of Lord Krishna; he blesses childless couples with progeny and also enhances the knowledge of children.His Yantra protects the expectant mother against miscarriages and ensures safe delivery of the baby. The vibrant Yantra would bless the couple with children, good health and prosperity.Speciality of Santhana Gopala YantraThe energy lines engraved on the Yantra will nullify the obstacles that stand in your way of begetting a child; it will alleviate your mental peace and bless you with progeny. The radiations from the Yantra can nourish the womb of the expectant mother protecting her and the child from all kinds of mishaps. Lord Santhana Gopala can not only gift you with children, but he can also bless them with good health and immense knowledge.

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Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Yantra - Powerhouse of Money and Gold

Why Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Yantra?Acquiring and accumulating wealth is a challenging task to you; when you are empowered with the necessary skill sets and the divine blessing, you will assault all the impediments that stand as blockages to you. Swarna Akarshana Bhairava is the God who can bless you with gold and other material wealth. His Yantra emits the divine energy that would bless you with money, gold and other riches. It is the best divine remedy to heal your financial problems in life!Speciality of Swarna Akarshana Bhairava YantraThe word Swarna means Gold; upon worshipping Swarna Akarshana Bhairava you will be blessed with heaps of gold and money. Gold is personified as Goddess Lakshmi; hence, being blessed with gold symbolizes the entrance of the Goddess in your living space! Swarna Akarshana Bhairava Yantra contains those geometrical designs that invite the Goddess of wealth into your home or office.Your sincere prayers to this Yantra will bring about positive returns to your hard work; you will reap money and luxuries in every walk of your life. Absorb the energy waves of the Yantra to accrue money and gold at your place forever!Your sincere prayers to his Yantra will heal your fertility problems and bless you with healthy children!

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Sarva Aikya Maha Yantra - Bring Equilibrium in Martial Relationship & Love Life

Why Sarva Aikya Maha Yantra?Do you agree that your married life can become monotonous if you lack some spice in it? After a few years of marriage, life partners often become dissatisfied in their married life; boredom and monotony sets in. Well, you are indebted to revamp things a little. And you, as a couple, have to make a concentrated attempt to keep the relationship on a buzz. So, take the initiative to bring equilibrium in martial relationship and to spice up your love life.Many of us grow up counting on a fairytale romance in which love magically happens without any effort. Sometimes we just coast along wishing and hoping for that happy ending. While it is healthy to believe in the miracles and magic of love, it is also possible to be practical and proactive in creating your own romantic destiny with the help of a Sarva Aikya Maha Yantra!Speciality of Sarva Aikya Maha YantraMaintaining equilibrium between partners and spicing up your true love is a lot smoother and healthier if you know exactly what divine help you seek for a hitch free relationship. Once you possess the Sarva Aikya Maha Yantra, you can literally place a casting call out to the Universe for that fabulous co-star!Sarva Aikya Maha Yantra maintains equilibrium of wavelength between the partners for leading a peaceful life. It also attracts men and women towards each other.

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Bala Tripura Sundari Yantra - A Hearty Welcome to your Happiness

Why Bala Tripura Sundari Yantra?Goddess Tripura is the ultimate, primordial Shakti, the light of manifestation. She is the garland of letters of the alphabet and said to be the one who gave birth to the three worlds. She is called the beauty of three worlds. At dissolution, she is the abode of all her devotees.Vidya means knowledge, specifically female knowledge, or the goddess, and in this context relates to her aspect called Shri, Bala or Tripura Sundari whose magical diagram is called the Shri Yantra or the Bala Tripura Sundari Yantra. Bala Tripura Sundari is depicted as a red flower and is known as the red Goddess. She is worshipped as a nine year old female child deity who will fulfill all your desires in life.The energy release of the Yantra will bring a positive tinge to your life; it will add the elements of love, beauty, joy and happiness to your life.Speciality of Bala Tripura Sundari YantraThe radiations of the Yantra will bring you and the Goddess into direct contact. The energy will soothe your inner peace and will gift you with beauty, happiness and prosperity. These power lines attract the amiability of the Goddess opening doors for your harmony and success.Offering your dedicated prayers to her Yantra will draw the Goddess towards you; she will guide you in every effort of yours and bless you with everlasting peace and a blissful life.

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Lakshmi Narayana Yantra - Attain the Best Results in Life

Why Lakshmi Narayana Yantra?How would life seem to you if you are the master of all riches, standing unbeatable in all your endeavors? It is an easy affair to accomplish if Lord Vishnu invigorates your power and Goddess Lakshmi showers riches on you forever! Lakshmi Narayana Yantra will doubly energize you with the power of Vishnu and Lakshmi, as well.Speciality of Lakshmi Narayana YantraYour life will be a heaven on earth when you are power packed with the grace of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Vishnus energy will protect you against all the dangers and gift you with courage, confidence and success; Goddess Lakshmis energy will encircle you with positivity and bless you with wealth, happiness, money gains and luxuries.The geometric patterns engraved on the Yantra will invite the God and Goddess to your home; the radiations of the Yantra will rejuvenate your body and soul. It will magnetize all the best things of life towards you. Cherish the best side of life forever!

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SHAMA-YANTRA:Shyamala Saraswathi Yantra - Be an Outstanding Performer

Why Shyamala Saraswathi Yantra?Knowledge is your power; you strive hard to enhance your knowledge through your academic pursuits and vocational education. Goddess Saraswati is the chief of Education and Knowledge; she is also worshipped in the names of Shyamala, Sharadha, Bharathi and so on. Her power when coupled with your hard work will bring about success in your examinations and tests. She will sharpen your skill sets and empower you with knowledge.Shyamala Saraswati Yantra contains those geometric patterns that will energize you with the positive energy of the Goddess. It will equip you with both the physical and mental strength to work hard for your academic success.Speciality of Shyamala Saraswathi YantraYour academic accomplishments play a vital role in determining your career growth and development. Logical reasoning, analytical skills and problem solving techniques are some of the widely required skill sets to stand distinct in today's competitive world. You require a special power to sharpen these skill sets for being an outstanding performer. Shyamala Saraswati Yantra will procure the power of Saraswati to stimulate your knowledge and intelligence.The energy release from the Yantra will stir your knowledge and gift you with the power of concentration and thinking. With this Yantra at your side, academic achievements will no longer be a difficult task to you.

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Navagraha Yantra - Negotiate the 9 Celestial treaties

Why Navagraha Yantra?Navagraha represents the nine celestial influencers in Vedic Astrology. The seven days of the week are named after the seven visible celestial bodies. The Navagraha Yantra Mystical Diagram of the Nine Planets is a talisman of unique importance. A yantra can both amplify and improve the beneficial effects of your planets. The Navagraha Yantra is even more special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion!According to Vedic Astrology, the unfavorable position of the Planets in your Horoscope is solely responsible for all the hardships and struggles faced by you, despite of the hard work and efforts you put in! To remove all these bad influences of the 9 planets, Navagraha Yantra will be your best choice.Speciality of Navagraha YantraThis Special Talisman helps negate the malefic effects of the nine planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) and bestows beneficial success. The Navagraha Yantra is recommended for all individuals whose birth charts indicate negative positioning of planets within the horoscope that can afflict one's health, prosperity and peace of mind!It is a combined Yantra for all the nine planets and is divided into nine squares, each one with a deity representing the corresponding planet. The planets are to propitiate against their evil influences, to ward off the evils of the planetary configuration.

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Mercury Yantra - Unleash a Positive Whirlwind of Productive Thinking

Why Mercury Yantra?Your intelligence is an unpolished diamond. Explore it to the fullest and stand matchless amongst others. Let your verbal skills unleash the powerful YOU! Here is the Mercury Yantra that can sharpen your intelligence, stimulate your knowledge thirst, quicken your wit and improve your communication skills.The Yantra will sow the seeds of progress in the fertile land of your life!Speciality of Mercury YantraMercury takes charge of your Intelligence Quotient, presence of mind, application of common sense and your communication skills. A positive connection to Mercury brings a good education, a flair for communication and creative skills. Your quick witted and rational qualities are attributed to the strongly placed Mercury of your Birth Chart! But a negatively placed Mercury can hinder you at education and career, baffle you at decisions and can even prove to be a threat to your memory skills. Mercury also is important for business skills, for success with computers and electronics as well as essential for a good sense of humor.Offering your dedicated prayers to this Yantra will improve your learning abilities, help you be more creative and increase your multitasking skills. Its positive vibrations can protect pregnant women against miscarriage and ensure safe delivery of the baby. The Yantra is a one stop solution to all your academic and career related problems.

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Moon Yantra - Heal Your Mind and Emotions

Why Moon Yantra?Let the moonlight soothe your mind and emotions! Your mental confusion or emotional slips may be a reason for downfall in your life. Your Moon takes charge over your mental and emotional balance. A disturbance in your mental or emotional life can result from a weak placement of Moon in your Birth Chart. The Moon Yantra is the solvent that can dissolve those disturbances in your life!Speciality of Moon YantraThe Moon is a feminine vibration and is associated with receptivity, love, intuition, motherhood and the ability to be nurturing. A weak Moon leads to problems related to water (or bodily fluids), mental and emotional problems such as frequent depressive attacks, over-sensitivity or volatile emotions. When you are emotionally drained, you run out of confidence and courage to face even the slightest change in your life. On behalf of you, the Moon Yantra communicates your mental state and emotions to Lord Chandra. He will soothe you with his blessings adding the element of peace to your life.

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Jupiter Yantra - An Energy Drink to your Knowledge Thirst

Why Jupiter Yantra?Harness the boundless divine energy to generate positivity in and around you. When you awaken the spirits of divinity in you, you will sense the heavenly harmony creeping into your mind and soul! This is a continuous process in which the harmony enhances your power of thinking, and in turn you leave a dynamic impact on your living space. Here, Jupiter Yantra is your mediator!The Yantra is the depository of bouncing radiations that can lift your spiritual spirits and religious faith. These radiations can transform your uncomfortable livelihood into a peaceful, blissful and satisfying career for you by opening doorways to higher learning!Speciality of Jupiter YantraYour capacity for knowledge depends on how strong Jupiter is in your Natal Chart. He rules your spiritual interests, knowledge, ego and temperament. If he is negatively placed in your chart, Jupiter cause you to lag behind in these characteristics. To curb the malefic effects of Jupiter, this Yantra is handy for you. It amplifies your thirst for knowledge and brings about positive results in all your endeavors.

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Ketu Yantra - Tap into the Power of Your Inner Being

Why Ketu Yantra?Go after the life you want-and get itTake the life you have-and improve itTake any circumstance youre in-and make it work for youImagine how much your life would improve if you can fall under one of the above categories All this is made possible only through the use of Ketu (South Node of the Moon) Yantra. Melt away trauma and hassles with the use of this unique talisman!Speciality of Ketu YantraKetu in Vedic Astrology is not a visible celestial body. It is what is generally referred to as a shadow planet as it is one of the invisible nodes of the Moon, a point in space related to the elliptic of the Earth and the orbit of the Moon. Ketu Yantra is an auspicious talisman that is used to appease the planet Ketu. If Ketu is malefic in your horoscope, this yantra is recommended to remove the malefic effects. The Yantra blesses you with respect, friendship, love and charity!

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Mars Yantra - Bringing Power to the Powerless

Why Mars Yantra?Your energy mass needs a stimulant to keep you going! Your energy levels are the blend of physical and spiritual energy. While there are several methods to attain physical energy, here is a unique source of spiritual energy that can rejuvenate your spirits to cope with this mundane life! Mars Yantra is a divine energy tool that balances your energy levels and inner strength.If you are entangled in debts or if you falter in developing your skills, Mars Yantra can be your knight in shining armor!Speciality of Mars YantraThe planet Mars rules your willpower, your attitudes and the level of your amicability. If your Mars is strongly placed, you will maintain cordial relations with people around and will turn out to be a distinctive personality. A happy and hitch free married life can be attributed to the strong Mars of yours! A weak Mars will make you prone to quick temper and aggressiveness. Your mood levels will be highly erratic with the negative placement of Mars.The Mars Yantra is the perfect device to soothe the ill placed Mars of your Birth Chart. It will equip you with its powerful radiations that can unknot your financial problems, relationship problems and anger attacks.The Ketu yantra abolishes all the negativities and brings about success in business and victory over enemies. It takes care of the various diseases inflicted by the negativities of this planet such as skin problems and surgery. Recitation of its mantra accordingly helps and gives amazing results! It has a tremendous impact on human lives and also the whole creation. In some special circumstances it helps a man to achieve the zenith of fame. Ketu is sometimes called the saintly planet as it can also bring great longing for liberation.Through the worship of the Ketu Yantra one can appease and ward off the malefic effects of all the other planets. Acknowledgement and worship of this shadowy celestial body brings all-round happiness and a general sense of well-being. It showers prosperity on the devotee. It is also said to remove the effects of snakebite and illnesses arising out of poisonous substances entering ones body. It bestows good health, general wealth and prosperity.

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Rahu Yantra - Uncork a Bottomless Wellspring of Life

Why Rahu Yantra?Rahu Yantra can steer you clear of materialism and set you on the path to true riches. Imagine the power of being able to view anything regardless of time, regardless of space. Imagine being able to achieve your aims for the past, present or future, from anywhere, anytime using only the Rahu Yantra. Thankfully, youre in the right place! Because here, were going to give you the frank truth: Yantra is a real science and a refined, powerful skill! Security, Prosperity, Happiness, Love, Health and Wealth the entire world is a matrix, and all of this can be possible by the Rahu (North Node of the Moon) Yantra!Speciality of Rahu YantraAccording to Vedic Astrology if Rahu is situated unfavorably in the horoscope, it causes many types of physical illness. It also causes obstacles in accomplishment of work and makes you prone to accidents!Rahu can be appeased through devoted worship of Rahu Yantra to prevent yourself from danger from hidden enemies, wrong diagnosis of illness and deceit from those around you. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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Saturn Yantra - Revolutionize your Life with the Roadmap to Success

Why Saturn Yantra?Each day your life encounters meaningful and meaningless coincidences that you have attracted. It is why you are here! It is how our reality works. Here are examples of synchronicity appearing in people's lives:You might be suffering from financial difficulties, yet money for basic expenses such as rent, food, and utilities, always manifest. You might have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. Then suddenly you meet someone who knows a doctor or healer with the answers. When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be there.To invoke your spiritual doctor, the tool of the Saturn Yantra is exclusively designed for you!Speciality of Saturn YantraSaturn Yantra is used to propitiate an afflicted Saturn and achieve success through complete blessings of Lord Shani. When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope during the transit or causes of Sade Sati, the use of Saturn/ Shani yantra will prove to be very advantageous! It can bring success in worldly affairs, success in business and help you to reach lofty heights.

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Venus Yantra - Be the Master of All Material Comforts

Why Venus Yantra?Venus Yantra is a very powerful geometric pattern of energy that revamps your life style. It helps you attract the essential riches of life, the most yearned love, peace and honorable respect.Venus rules all the materialistic pleasures of the world; when he energizes you with his positive energy, you will be relieved from financial crunches, relationship problems and what not!Speciality of Venus YantraWhen Venus is malefic in your Birth Chart, the Venus yantra will work in your favor. This sacred energy device attracts the best things of life towards you. The Yantra spreads its positive energy around you and brings about success in all the efforts of your life. People involved in the artistic world, media, films, theater and arts or music world derive the most benefit from it.

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Sun Yantra - Discover your Inner Magic

Why Sun Yantra?Awaken the leader in you! Think out of the box. When you are meek with your actions or when others dictate terms to you, the Sun can be at your ally to turn this around! Brighten up your positive side with the rays of the Sun to live your best. You are THE performer when the Sun shines at you. The Sun Yantra refills your energy molecules to lead the show. Let the overflowing life energy fly you high to the pinnacle of success!Speciality of Sun YantraThe Sun is the leader of all the celestial bodies, and a source of power and essential for all life. Similarly, his influence in your Birth Chart plays a major role in determining your career growth, mental strength and success. When the Sun is exalted in his position, you will be a high spirited team player, a leader in your sphere and a charismatic personality! If you stumble in some of these characteristics, it means the Sun is subdued in your Birth Chart.
