Year 3 February Events) Final Edited by BI3 - Locked


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  • 8/8/2019 Year 3 February Events) Final Edited by BI3 - Locked


    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Year 3 Scheme of WorkFebruary

    Celebrations/Festivals/Events:Brunei National Day, Sultan's Birthday, Armed Forces Day,

    Teacher's Day

    Vocabulary for revision

    Nouns Nouns Nouns Verbs Verbs Misc

    months ofyear

    days of theweek

    1st 31st wear invite her

    birthday present games cook slide hisassembly gift stadium bake wore colourfu


    jet invitation decoration visit wave funflag cake biscuit buy line up becaus


    candles pray perform first

    slide packet sing decorate


    food party pray thendrink envelope finallygames uniforms oclocktypes ofclothes



    New vocabulary

    Nouns Nouns Nouns Verbs Misc MiscTeachersday

    celebration Sultan display quarterpast

    Armed ForcesDay

    McDonalds His majesty celebrate quarterto

    National Day Pizza Hut Royal family marching futurefestival Icing crowd decorate past

    air-show Smarties ketupat joyousparachutists coloured rice performancemilitary sprinklesdisplay toppingexhibition Lion danceperformance

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events


    Content Type of statements Type of questions/instructions


    Understand andrespond to main

    ideas and factualdetails indescriptions ofpersonalinformation andevents.

    Respond toquestions aboutcelebrations andevents.


    participation at theevents.

    My / Hannas birthday ison the .... of .......

    I/She/He am/is...(8 yearsold)

    Her/His birthday is onthe ...of .....

    I wore ...

    It is on ... [full date] It is in .... [month] We


    When is your birthday?

    When is Hannas birthday?

    How old are you?

    How old is Hanna?

    Are you seven or eight(yearsold)?

    When is National Day?

    When is Hari Raya?

    What do you do during HariRaya?

    What did you wear?


    Pupils exchangeinformation aboutthemselves andtheir family orfriends

    Offering,requesting orseeking permissionto do something

    and responding.

    My birthday is in ...

    Sitis birthday is in...

    I would like (adoll/bicycle) for mybirthday.

    I am going to have a

    party. I got (a doll/bicycle) for

    my birthday

    I did not get a bicycle formy birthday.

    I liked the (food).

    We like to eat ...

    I went with... (myfather/mother).

    Yes please, I would like

    to come. Sorry, I cant come to

    your party. Yes, please.

    Whosebirthday is in...? What would you like for your


    What are you going to do onyour birthday?

    What did you get for your

    birthday? What was your favourite

    [present/party food]?

    What do you like to eat duringHari Raya?

    Who did you go with?

    Would you like to come to myparty? Would you like some cake?

    May I play the game?

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    No thank you.

    Yes, you may. Sorry, no you may not.


    Revise days of theweek

    Revise months ofthe year


    Learn half-past Learn a quarter to

    and a quarter past

    Revise ordinal 1st 10th

    Learn that ordinalnumbers 11th -31st

    are constructedfrom the cardinalnumbers.

    Understandstatementsdescribingcelebrations andevents.

    Answer questionsabout celebrationsand events.

    It is on Sunday. I/We go to weddings on


    It is at ... oclock. We have ..... at half

    past .......

    We start school at aquarter past .....

    What day is the celebration?

    What time is thewedding/birthday party?

    When do we have break?

    Content Type of statements Type of questions/instructions


    Follow instructions,containing twopieces ofinformation whilerevising Yr 2vocabulary.

    Point to the 5th ofMarch on the (calendar)

    When is your birthday?


    Introducepast tense, e.g.make somethingwith the childrenand then thefollowing daydescribe what youdid.


    events whichhappenedpreviously.

    Yesterday wasMonday, the first ofJuly. Yesterday, we madea birthday card.

    Yesterday was Teachers Day. Wecelebrated in the schoolhall.

    Yesterday, I went toTutong Camp.

    What day was it yesterday?

    What did we do yesterday?

    What did we celebrate lastmonth? What did we do lastSaturday?

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    During closure,when reading thestory, ask somequestions to checkchildren haveunderstood.

    Last month was HariRaya.

    Last May, wecelebratedArmedForces Day.


    Read the big bookCelebrations andmake predictionsabout what comesnext.

    We are going to waveflags.

    We are going to weartracksuits and caps.

    We are going to takewater.

    We are going to listen tospeeches.

    We are going to watchthe parade/show.

    How are we going to celebrateNational Day?

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    February Celebrations/Festivals/Events: Week by week overview


    WEEK 1Birthday

    WEEK 2Special Days

    WEEK 3National Day

    WEEK 4Special Events


    Activity: Createa birthday display

    Game:Handkerchief Run


    project] Posterfor His Majestysbirthday

    Activity: Oralpresentation[based on poster]

    Activity:Special Dayscalendar

    Song: SpecialDays

    Activity:Describe National

    Day to puppet

    Activity: HariRaya & Chinese

    New YearDiscussions

    Activity: HariRaya Games

    Song: Festivals

    Activity: HariRaya party[open-class]



    Activity: Ask &answer

    Role play: PartyInvites

    Activity: ClockMaking

    Game: Whattime is it, Mr.Wolf?

    Game: What

    time is it?

    Activity: Whatdid you do onNational Day?

    Activity:Puppets'birthdays followup


    Chant: Monthsof the year

    Song: Days in amonth

    Activity:Sequencing a

    Teachers Daycelebration

    Activity: Whatdo we do on

    Teachers Day?




    Activity: Make a

    Brunei flag forNational Day


    Decorating HariRaya biscuits


    Activity: ArmedForces Day.

    Activity:[Homework]Watch the newsabout NationalDay on television

    Activity:Recount of theHari Raya party

    Activity:Recount ofNational Day




    Activity:PredictingNational DayCelebrations

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Birthday Plan

    How to use books as suggested in the week by week overview:

    1. Listening and Speaking activities:When a book is used, it should not be read either by the teacher or the pupils.

    Tell the story in your own words based on the illustrations.The story and pictures are used to develop oral language structures andvocabulary.

    2. Closure (5 minutes) :At the end of the lesson, a teacher reads a bookto the pupils.

    2.1 Extended activity for closure:2.1.1 Ask comprehension and prediction questions.Example of comprehension question:Why a character did such and such?Example of a prediction question:

    What might happen next?What would happen if...?

    Suggested Books1. Celebrations (EPB)

    1.1 Teacher uses the illustrations in the book to facilitate discussion on variousspecial events.

    2. PEBD Pupils Book 2 page 23.3. PEBD Pupils Book 6 page 80, 81 and 84.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Role playRole play: Dialogues

    Week 1: Party Invites

    Purpose: To practice offering, requesting or seeking permission to do something andresponding.Materials: 2 puppets, pretend cake, ball, chess game (or other game).Procedure:

    Teacher displays puppet and introduces puppets to the class.

    Puppet invites teacher to puppets birthday party using the structure: Would you liketo come to my birthday party?

    Teacher replies with Yes please, I would like to come. Puppet 1 invites puppet 2 to the party.

    Puppet 2 declines the invitation and says: Sorry, I cant come to your party. Teacher asks pupils to come to the front and take the roles of the puppets.

    Teacher invites a pupil to come to the whiteboard and write the above structurescorrectly. Class practises reading the language as a shared reading experience.

    In pairs, students practice the language. Puppet 1 asks both teacher and puppet 2 Would you like some cake? Teacher replies: Yes, please. Puppet 2 replies: No, thank you.

    Students practice asking, accepting and declining in pairs.

    Puppet 1 and Puppet 2 role play playing with a ball. Teacher asks: May I play withyou?

    Puppets reply with Yes, you may.

    Puppet 1 and puppet 2 role play playing a game of chess. Teacher asks: May I playwith you?

    Puppets reply with Sorry, no you may not. Pupils practice the above request and response in pairs.

    Writing: Pupils choose one of the scenarios which was practised orally earlier (eg:inviting someone to a party and either accepting or declining the invitation or asking for

    permission to play with a friend). Pupils draw a picture to depict the scenario. Theyinclude speech bubbles in their drawing and write appropriate speech in the bubbles.

    Primary English Workbook 2 pages 47 and 48.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events


    Games and activities

    Games and activities: Descriptions

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Week 1: Create a Birthday Display

    Purpose: To practice ordinal numbers, the structure `Hannas birthday is in January.To practise the use of the possessive 's [Hannas].Materials: Birthday display [teachers choice], small pieces of coloured paper per pupil.Procedure:

    Name/Discuss the months of the year in order.

    Revise the ordinal numbers : 1st 31st Prepare a display to show the months of the year. Eg: A birthday train with carriages

    for each month, A birthday tree with main branches for each month or fruits for eachmonth, A frog in a pond with lily pads for each month or a clown holding 12 balloons torepresent each month of the year.

    Distribute small strips [square paper] of coloured paper and ask the pupils to writetheir names and the day of birth.Eg:


    12th Teacher asks: Whose birthday is in January? Pupils respond with : My birthday is in

    January.Note: Teacher emphasises the use of the preposition in when using the monthalone. Each pupil then attaches their piece of paper to the display.

    Using the display, teacher models the language: Hannas birthday is in January,Saifuls birthday is in November.

    Writing: Pupils write a report in their exercise books, choosing five friends and writingabout their birthdays. They refer to the information in the birthday display. Eg: Mybirthday is in March. Sitis birthday is in April. Danials birthday is in November. Etc.

    Week 1: Game Handkerchief Run

    Purpose: To practice ordinal numbers [1st 31st]Materials: A large container [Eg: hat, rice sack, tote-bag, etc], number cards [1 31], ahandkerchiefProcedure:

    Pupils sit in a large circle. One pupil is chosen as a runner to run around the outsideof the circle carrying a handkerchief.

    The runner drops the handkerchief behind a seated pupil. The seated pupil takesa card from the container and says the number on the number card and converts itto an ordinal number. [Eg: 2, 2nd]

    That pupil then becomes the runner with the handkerchief while the first pupilreplaces them in the circle.

    Week 2: Poster for His Majestys birthday [Homework project]

    Purpose: To be used as a basis to practice structuresMaterials: Pupils provide own materialsProcedure:

    Pupils are asked to produce a poster. The poster must include the age which HisMajesty will turn in July and his birth date.

    Pupils decorate the poster using magazine pictures and photos or any othermaterials to make the poster as attractive as possible.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Week 2: Oral presentation [based on poster]

    Purpose: To practice the structures `His birthday is on the 15th of July. He is goingto/will be ...... years old.Materials: Posters previously made by pupils for homeworkProcedure:

    Teacher models structures using question and answer. Eg: When is His Majestysbirthday?

    Whole class practices the structures. Pupils take turns to present their poster and practice the structures individually.

    Writing: Pupils write birthday messages to his majesty. These can be incorporated in aclass display in anticipation of His Majestys birthday later in the year.

    Week 2: Special Days calendar

    Purpose: To practice structures `When is Teachers Day? Teachers Day is inSeptember. Teachers Day is on the 23rd of September.Materials: Large 3 x 4 squares grid labelled with the months, ordinal number cards,word cards naming special occasions celebrated in Brunei, picture cards to denote eachoccasion. [Dates given for teachers reference - National Day, 23 February, TeachersDay, 23/9, Armed Forces Day, 31/5, His Majestys birthday, 15/7]Procedure:

    Teacher displays the word cards and asks pupils to brainstorm what information

    they know about each of the occasions. Teacher shows the picture cards of each occasion. Pupils are chosen to match the

    pictures with the correct name cards.

    Teacher places each word card in the correct square and models `Teachers day isin September.

    Teacher asks `What month is Teachers Day in? Pupils respond `It is inSeptember.

    Repeat with the other word cards.

    After the word cards have been placed, teacher places ordinal number cards atrandom on the board.

    Pupils are chosen to match the number cards to the correct month.

    Practice the structure `When is Teachers day? Teachers Day is on the 23rd ofSeptember.

    Clear the grid of pictures and number cards.

    Repeat activity with pupils placing word and number cards while practicing thestructures.

    Writing: In groups students create a Brunei celebration poster. They draw pictures toshow the celebrations mentioned earlier in the lesson and include details of dates tofurther practise the structures used. Eg: National Day is celebrated in February. It is onthe 23rd of February. We celebrate Armed Forces day on the 31st of May. Etc.

    Week 3: Describe National Day to Puppet

    Purpose: For pupils to brainstorm and communicate their ideas about National Day-Priority is for pupils to communicate ideas rather than be grammatically accurate.Materials: Puppet

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events


    Teacher introduces puppet to the pupils explaining that puppet comes fromanother country and doesnt know about Brunei National Day.

    Puppet greets pupils. Puppet asks class When is Brunei National Day?

    Pupils answer chorally. Puppet asks class What do you do to celebrate Brunei National Day?

    Individual pupil chosen to respond.

    Puppet repeats pupils ideas in a correct form.

    Writing: Pupils write a letter to the puppet,describing when National Day is, andexplaining how National Day is celebrated in Brunei. Eg: Dear Mr Green, How are you? Iam writing to you about our National Day in Brunei. It is celebrated on the 23rd ofFebruary. We have a holiday on this date. Many Bruneians meet in our Capital city andmarch together. Etc

    Week 4: Hari Raya and Chinese New Year Discussions.

    Purpose: To facilitate discussion of the special events Hari Raya and Chinese New Year.To practice the structures When is Hari Raya/Chinese New Year? What do you doduring Hari Raya/Chinese New Year? We cook/bake/wear/decorate..... , What do youlike to eat during Hari Raya/Chinese New Year? I like to eat . . ..Materials: Illustrations from the book Celebrations and the PEBD books.Procedure :

    Teacher displays the illustrations and asks the above questions.

    Pupils respond using the above structures.

    Writing: Pupils choose one of the special events discussed during the oralactivity and write a report about how their family celebrates this event. Eg: Thisyear, Hari Raya is in September. My family enjoys Hari Raya very much. BeforeHari Raya we prepare our house by cleaning. We buy new clothes. Etc.

    Week 4: Hari Raya Games.

    Purpose: To further practice the structure We cook/bake/wear/decorate/clean ..(noun)... during Hari Raya.Materials: Hari Raya picture cards.Procedure:

    Pupils sit in a circle. Teacher distributes picture cards randomly to various pupils. While pupils sing the Festival Song, they pass the cards around the circle. When

    the song finishes, each pupil holding a card must make a statement e.g. We bakebiscuits during Hari Raya.

    Note : Although most of the preparations are done before Hari Raya, we assumethe preparations will be on going during Hari Raya.

    Week 4: Hari Raya Party (have a real party and pretend that it is Hari Raya)

    Purpose: To consolidate the language learnt this month in an enjoyable way.

    Materials: Up to the teacher.Procedure:

    Exact format for the party is up to the teacher depending on their own classsituation.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Purpose: To practice time structures, What time is it, Mr Wolf It is quarter past,half past, quarter to, and recognise corresponding time on time cards.Materials: 1 set of time cards (see below). 1 set of cards labels half past, quarter to andquarter past.Procedure:

    One pupil is Mr Wolf. He/She stands at one end of the classroom with his/her

    back to the rest of the class. The rest of the class lines up facing Mr Wolf across the opposite end of the

    classroom. Mr Wolf has the quarter to, quarter past, half past, cards.

    The other pupils each have 1 time card. Class asks chorally What time is it Mr Wolf?

    Mr Wolf looks at his first card and reads it It is half past...

    The pupils look at their time cards.

    If they have a card reading half past they take 1 step forward.(Dont worry about the hour shown E.g. half past 7, the focus is on the structure Itis half past...

    Class repeats question and Mr Wolf reads the next time.

    Pupils step forward each time Mr Wolf states the time on their card. The winner is the first person to reach Mr Wolf and is rewarded by becoming the


    ( NB: Once confident with the game, as a treat or to finish it, Mr Wolf can shoutDinner time! when asked the time and chase the pupils around the class untilone is caught.)

    Week 2: What time is it?

    Purpose: To practice time structures What time is it? It is quarter past 7 and matchto corresponding time on clocks.Materials: 1 set of time cards. 1 clock per pupil (previously made).Procedure:

    Teacher has time cards and pupils each have a clock.

    Class asks chorally. What time is it?

    The teacher reads the first time card aloud It is half past eight.

    Pupils create this time on their clock and hold it up for the teacher to see. Teacherasks What time is it? Pupils reply It is half past eight.


    Once pupils have grasped the game a confident pupil can take over the role of

    teacher, reading the time card. The first pupil to hold up the correct time on their clock and be able to say It is

    takes the role of the teacher.

    Class still chorally asks What time is it? each turn.

    Divide up the time cards and this can be repeated in smaller groups with pupilstaking it in turns to be the teacher.

    Writing: Primary English Workbook 3 pages 18 20.Week 3: What did you do on National Day? To be done the day after NationalDay.

    Purpose: To practise structures What day was it yesterday? Yesterday was National

    Day What did you do yesterday? Yesterday I saw / I went to... Who did you gowith? I went with my father/mother/family Where did you go?Materials: WhiteboardProcedure:

    Pupils pair up and stand in two lines facing their partner.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Teacher labels one line A and the other B (or ask and answer)

    Line A asks partners chorally What day was it yesterday?

    Line B responds chorally Yesterday was National Day .

    Lines A and B swap roles and repeat.

    Teacher then initiates discussion asking What did you do yesterday? and modelsresponse Yesterday I saw/ I went...

    Class brainstorm ideas practising above structures and teacher writes these on thewhiteboard.

    Class forms two lines again and Line A asks Line B What did you do yesterday?

    Line B responds independently I went to/I saw..

    If pupil responds I went to...

    Partner asks Who did you go with?

    And pupil responds I went with my...

    Line A then moves one person along the line to a new partner (Line B remains still)and repeats process.

    After 3 turns with different partners Lines A and B swap roles and repeat.

    (NB: For fun, have pupils ask and answer questions using funny voices or asdifferent characters, E.g old man, baby.)

    Writing: Pupils write a recount of National Day. Eg: Yesterday was National Day.We had a public holiday. I went to Bandar with my family. We waved flags andwatched the parade. After the parade we went to a restaurant and ate meegoreng. Etc.Primary English Workbook 3 page

    Week 4: Puppets Birthdays Follow Up

    Purpose: To practise structures What did you get for your birthday? I got / did not geta ..... for my birthday. , What was your favourite present / party food? I likedthe ........ , What did you do for your birthday? I went to McDonalds for my birthday.Who did you go with? I went with my father.Materials: Puppets and calendars from Puppets Birthday Activity in Week 1.Procedure:

    Teacher reintroduces puppets from Puppets Birthdays activity and distributes thecalendars for the pupils to refer to.

    Teacher leads pupils to ask Puppet 1 What did you get for your birthday?

    Puppet answers I got a bicycle (Try to give some silly answers such as Mr. Fishgot a bicycle to make the activity more interesting.)

    Teacher leads pupils to ask the other questions above. Repeat with the other puppets.

    Emphasize the negative when using the other puppets, vary their responses sosome get what they would like and others do not for example I got a bicycle. I didnot get a swimming pool.

    Writing: Pupils write a report in the past tense, detailing what each puppet got or did fortheir birthday. Eg: Mr Snake went to Jerudong Park for his birthday. He enjoyed going onthe pirate ship. His favourite game was the shooting gallery. Mr Snake got a new bicyclefor his birthday, he did not get a trampoline. Etc.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Games and activities: Routines and Reports

    Week 2: Sequencing a Teachers Day Celebration

    Purpose: To sequence activities of Teachers Day and answer questions about when

    these activities occur using the structures What time does school start? When isassembly? We start school at quarter past 7 It is at quarter past 7.Materials: 1 set of picture cards of daily activities. 1 set of time cards showing timeswhich match the pictures.Procedure:

    Teacher shows each picture starting with the beginning of the day. Discuss what is happening i.e. getting up.

    Assign a simple action to accompany each picture and ask pupils What time do weget up?

    Pupils may give varying answers. Repeat until all pictures are displayed across the board. (Dont forget to give each

    picture an action too this will help in a subsequent activity)

    Once pictures are sequenced, the teacher shows time cards and class assigns atime to match each picture.

    Pupils practice the structure We get up at 6 0clock in answer to the teachersquestions.

    Further practice. Display picture cards, in and out of order. Give out time cards and ask When do we finish school?

    Pupils reply We finish school at half past twelve.

    The pupil with the appropriate time card repeats the structure and labels thecorresponding picture with the card.

    Repeat displaying time cards and giving the picture cards to pupils to match. Repeat with a different celebratory day e.g National Day.

    Writing: Primary English Pupils book 3 - page 37 and Workbook 3 pages70.

    Week 2: What do we do on Teachers Day?

    Purpose: To identify daily activities and practice time structures It is quarter past 7.We start school at quarter past 7Materials: 1 set of picture cards of daily activities. 1 set of time cards showing timeswhich match the pictures.Procedure:

    Ensure pupils are familiar with the actions which accompany each of the picturecards.

    Divide the class into two teams.

    Divide the picture cards and the matching time cards between the two teams. Team A looks at their first picture card, but does not show it to Team B.

    One person from Team A shows the corresponding time card to Team B while therest of Team A does the action to express the picture card.

    Team B has guessed the correct daily activity from the action and time card.Reading the card they say It is quarter past 7.

    Looking at the action they say. We start school at quarter past 7 If correct they earn a point. Teacher acts as score keeper.

    Repeat with Team B acting out their first picture card Once confident students can play in smaller groups.

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Writing: Primary English Workbook page 73.

    Games and activities: Instructions

    Week 1: Puppets Birthdays.

    Purpose:To practice the structures When is your birthday? What are you going to dofor your birthday? and What would you like for your birthday?Materials: 5 puppets, monthly calendar sheet for each child.Procedure:

    Teacher introduces the puppets.

    Teacher explains that Puppet 1s birthday is in February and the pupils will have toask the puppet questions to find out about his birthday plans.

    Teacher leads class to ask Puppet 1 When is your birthday?

    Puppet responds My birthday is on the 5th of February.

    Teacher instructs the pupils to point to the 5th of February on their calendar

    worksheets. Teacher leads the pupils to ask the puppet What are you going to do for your


    Puppet responds I am going to go to Mc Donalds.

    Teacher instructs the pupils to draw a big yellow M in one half of the 5th Februarybox. (allow 30 seconds for drawing)

    Teacher leads the pupils to ask What would you like for your birthday?

    Puppet responds I would like a bicycle.

    Teacher instructs the pupils to draw a bicycle in the other half of the 5th Februarybox. (allow 30 seconds for drawing)

    Repeat with other puppets using different birthday dates within the same month,different birthday activities and different gifts.

    More confident pupils can practice the structures in pairs with a puppet.

    Writing: Pupils choose one of the puppets and write about that puppets birthday plans.First they quickly draw the puppet. Then write as if they are the puppet. Eg: I am Mr Frog.My birthday is on the 15th of April. I am going to go to pizza Hut for my birthday becausemy favourite food is pizza. I would like a swimming pool for my birthday.

    Week 3: Make a Brunei Flag for National Day

    Purpose:To follow instructions to create a flag for National Day.

    Materials: Example of Brunei flag, paper, pre-printed with insignia, rulers, colours,sticks, cellotape.


    Teacher initiates discussion about the Brunei flag, looking at the example. Ask

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    questions such as What colour is the flag? Why are those colours used? Whatcolours are we going to use to make our Brunei flag?

    Explain that pupils are going to make their own Brunei flag following the teachersinstructions.

    Teacher gives step by step instructions for students to create own flag. (Note:Teachers instructions should be as detailed or as simple as needed according tothe ability of the students.)

    Writing: Pupils write their own set of instructions on how to make a Brunei flag.

    Week 4: Decorating Hari Raya Biscuits.

    Purpose:To follow instructions to decorate a biscuit.Materials: Ready-made biscuit, pre made icing and items to decorate such as sprinkles,

    chocolate rice, SmartiesProcedure:

    Emphasize good hygiene by asking the pupils to wash their hands properly and puton their apron (if they have one).

    Teacher explains that the pupils are going to decorate a biscuit. Teacher gives step by step instructions, for example, Take a biscuit and put it on

    the paper plate. Take your plastic knife and spread the icing on the biscuit. Choosea topping to put on your icing to make the biscuit look nice.

    Note : Teacher can make this activity more simple or complicated depending onthe class situation.

    Writing: Pupils write a recount of making the hari raya biscuits.

    Games and activities: Recounts and Narratives

    Week 2: Armed Forces Day

    Purpose:To recount a previous Armed Forces Day Celebration practicing the structuresLast May we celebrated Armed Forces Day We went to an exhibition.Materials: Pictures of previous Armed Forces Day Celebration.Procedure:

    Teacher displays pictures to refresh the pupils memories of last years ArmedForces Celebrations.

    Teacher models the target language for example Last May we celebrated ArmedForces Day. My family went to an exhibition in Penanjong Camp. The soldierswore their uniforms. We enjoyed the Air show performance. I liked the

    parachutists. Pupils practice the above language using pictures and prior knowledge as stimuli.

    Writing: Pupils glue a photocopy of a picture from last years Armed forces Daycelebration in their exercise books. Then they write a recount based on the picture andthe language they have practised orally earlier.Week 3: Homework Watch the News about National Day on television. ( 2lessons)

    Purpose:To gain knowledge of the current National Day celebrations. To practise thestructures Yesterday was (insert day) the 23rd of February Yesterday was National

    Day. Yesterday I saw...Materials:Procedure:

    Ask pupils to watch the news about National Day.

    After watching the news pupils write and illustrate a short report about the National

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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Day celebrations. The following day, teacher models the language, giving their own report of what

    they saw on the news.

    Pupils then share their reports with the class .

    Week 4: Recount of the Hari Raya Party.

    Purpose:To recount the activities done during the party using the past tense. Topractice the structures: What did we do yesterday? Yesterday, we sang some songs.

    Yesterday, we had a party. Yesterday, we ate our Hari Raya biscuits. Yesterday, weplayed some games.Materials: [If possible, photos taken during the Hari Raya party by the teacher]Procedure:

    Teacher displays photos on a display board. Teacher models the above structures referring to the photos.

    Pupils take turns to practice the language structures.

    Writing: Pupils write a recount of yesterdays Hari raya party, further consolidating the

    language they practised orally earlier. Eg: Yesterday our class pretended it was Hari Rayaand we had a party. We played games and made biscuits. We enjoyed the party verymuch. I loved singing songs the best.

    Week 4: Recount of National Day

    Purpose: To practice the structures, `What did we do last Wednesday? `Last week, wecelebrated National Day. `Last Wednesday was National Day. `We celebrated in theschool hall.Materials: [If possible, photos taken during the National Day celebration by the teacheror Newspaper clippings, etc.]

    Procedure: Teacher displays photos on a display board.

    Teacher models the above structures referring to the photos.

    Pupils take turns to practice the language structures.

    Games and activities: Prediction/Future events

    Week 1: Homework Activity.

    Purpose:The pupils make predictions about their birthday. What are you going to dofor your birthday? I am going to have a party. What would you like for your birthday?I would like a / an........ for my birthday.Materials: Pictures.Procedure:

    Teacher initiates the discussion asking the pupils about their coming birthday.

    Teacher asks What are you going to do for your birthday? and pupils brainstormwhat they are going to do.

    Teacher asks What would you like for your birthday? and pupils brainstorm whatthey would like.

    As a homework activity, pupils complete a worksheet by drawing a picture todenote what they are going to do and what they would like to get for their

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    Week 1: Birthday Plan (based on the above Homework Activity)

    Purpose:The pupils make predictions about their birthday. What are you going to dofor your birthday? I am going to have a party. What would you like for your birthday?I would like a / an........ for my birthday.

    Materials: Homework sheets.Procedure:

    Using pupils homework activity (as above), Teacher elicits the structure I amgoing to have a party. By asking the question What are you going to do for yourbirthday? Other responses could be I am going to Mc Donalds for my birthday.etc.

    Teacher asks What would you like for your birthday? and pupils respond referringto their homework sheets.

    In pairs, the pupils ask and answer, using the above structures and homeworkpictures as stimuli.

    Writing: Pupils write about their upcoming birthday, consolidating in writing the futuretense language which they have practised orally. Eg: My Birthday is in November. I amgoing to have a party at Jungle Gym. I am going to invite my friends to my party. I wouldlike a new baby doll for my birthday.

    Week 3 : Predicting National Day Celebrations

    Purpose:To practise future tense structures How are we going to celebrate NationalDay? We are going to...Materials:Procedure:

    Teacher initiates general discussion about the coming National Day emphasising ithas not happened yet, but is in the future. (Note: If National Day happens to fall ona Monday, this activity must be done the previous week.)

    Class discuss how students will celebrate National Day.

    The focus is on the students use of the structure going to... to describe afuture event.

    In pairs pupils ask and answer the above question to further practice makingpredictions.

    Writing: Pupils write their predictions about the upcoming National Day celebrations intheir exercise books. Eg: On Wednesday it will be National day. We are going to have apublic holiday. We are going to celebrate National Day by watching the parade in Bandar.I think we are going t o enjoy our day. Etc.


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    Year 3 Scheme of work - February - Celebrations/Festivals/Events

    Week 1:Months of the Year

    January, February, March and AprilMay, June, July and AugustSeptember, October, November and December

    These are the months of the year

    Week 1:Days in a month

    30 days has September, April, June andNovemberAll the rest have 31

    Except in February aloneWhich has 28 days and 29 days in eachleap year.

    Week 2:Special Days(Tune: Here We Go Round The MulberryBush)

    National Day is in February, in February, inFebruaryNational Day is in February,I love to wave my flag.

    Armed Forces Day is in May, in May, in MayArmed Forces Day is in May,Our forces keep us safe.

    His Majestys birthday is in July, in July, in JulyHis Majestys birthday is in July,A joyous day for all.

    Teachers Day is in September, in September,in September

    Teachers Day is in September,A day we should remember.

    My birthday is in (month).., in ..(month).., in(month)..My birthday is in (month)..,

    These are our special days.

    Week 4:Festivals(Tune: Frere Jacques)

    Hari Raya, Hari Raya,is such fun, is such fun.We have parties,we wear special clothesto celebrate, to celebrate.

    Chinese new Year, Chinese New Year,Is such fun, is such fun,We watch Lions DancingWe like to eat oranges

    To celebrate, to celebrate.

    Books:1. Celebrations (EPB)

    Teacher uses the illustrations in the book to facilitate discussion on various specialevents.2. PEBD Pupils Book 2 page 23.3. PEBD Pupils Book 6 page 80, 81 and 84.

    Worksheets:1. Homework worksheet [Two thought bubbles : What are you going to do? / What

    would you like to do?]2. Special Days calendar3. clock template

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