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18 March, 2020 YEAR 4 MATHS PATHWAY 2020 Dear Year 4 Families The children in Year 4 have been engaging very well with the new Mathematics program, Maths Pathway. We are just completing our second learning cycle and the children are making progress. All students began the program by taking part in diagnostic tests, which not only determined the level they are currently working at, but also identified any gaps in their previous knowledge. From this, a personalised learning pathway has been established. The children have content area modules that they can complete which consists of skills practice, video tutorials, opportunities to work with peers and teacher conferencing. Each fortnight, the students are given an individualised test based on the work they completed over the past few weeks. From that, teachers are able to give students specific feedback based on the concepts they understood, and ones they still need to work on. Students are given the chance to be re-tested on anything they didn’t quite understand the first time around. Teachers work with small groups and individuals providing feedback, giving targeted direct instruction and helping where needed with the ultimate goal of developing mastery of concepts and increasing your child’s growth. The students do complete the written work in their exercise books to build their working-out skills. An example of working-out book-work is provided on the reverse side of this information letter. As we progress further into the program the children will also engage in rich learning tasks where they are given the opportunity to use a range of materials and participate in group problem solving work. Maths Pathway has a focus on developing mathematical processes rather than rote learning and skills. The aim is to develop students’ ability and willingness to tackle familiar and unfamiliar problems in order to develop their logical thinking and reasoning skills. There is a parent portal on your child’s homepage – top right of the screen. Here you will find more information about the Maths Pathways learning model as well as specific information on your child’s progress. This information includes your child’s growth rate, learning accuracy, amount of work completed, test results, and areas of the curriculum your child has been learning. Completion of a module of Maths Pathway has been set as part of homework expectations in each class. If you have any concerns or questions about the Maths Pathway program, please contact your child’s class teacher. Kind Regards, Abigail Sawyer Year 4 Teachers Proud Principal

1a King Albert Ave Tanilba Bay NSW 2319 | Ph: 4982 4762 | Fax: 4982 3112

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