Year 8 HSIE Assessment Task 3


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Year 8 HSIE Assessment Task 3 Interconnections and Ancient China Source analysis and explanation Task weighting: 15%

Student name: __________________ Class: ________________________

Assessment Task Notification RICHMOND RIVER HIGH CAMPUS

Task Number 3 Task Name Source analysis and explanation

Course Year 8 HSIE Faculty HSIE

Teacher Miss Magriplis, Mr Sanna, Ms King, Mr Van Dugteren, Mr Selwood

Head Teacher Mr Jim Selwood

Issue date Week 2, Term 3, 2021 Due date Tuesday 3rd August, 2021 (Week 4, Term 3)

Focus (Topic)

Interconnections and Ancient China

Task Weighting 15%


A student: HT4-3: describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies HT4-6: uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations HT4-9: uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past

Task description This assessment task is divided into two parts. You must complete Part 1 before you start work on Part 2. Part 1: Source analysis using TOMACRU Complete an analysis of each source provided using the TOMACRU table. An example has been completed for you to show you what to do. Part 2: Explanation using sources Using at least TWO of the sources analysed in Part 1, write an explanation using the TEEL paragraph structure to answer the following question: This assessment task is to be completed IN CLASS as directed by your teacher. You are not to take the assessment booklet home. All of your work should be completed in the assessment booklet attached to this task notification. The marking criteria for Part 1 and Part 2 of this assessment task is provided on the last page of this booklet.

What does the evidence reveal about death and burial customs in Ancient China? Your response should include:

• at least TWO sources from Part 1 (you may use the model example as one of your sources)

• TWO paragraphs using the TEEL paragraph structure.

Video notes Take notes of each video shown in class to help you with the assessment task. Links to each video are included below.

Video Notes

Ancient China’s belief in the afterlife (1 min) Link:

Jade Burial Suit (3 mins) Link:

The Qingming Festival (4 mins) Link:

The Terracotta Army (4 mins) Link:

Part 1: Source analysis using TOMACRU Analyse each source using TOMACRU. An example (model) has been provided below. Model TOMACRU source analysis According to The British Museum, “Chinese burial practices had two main components: tombs and their contents, and ceremonies to honour the dead, performed in temples and offering halls by their relatives.” The tomb of the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, is the most famous example of Chinese burial practices in the ancient world. Shi Huangdi's tomb was designed to symbolize the realm he presided over in life and included all he would need in the next - including a terracotta army of over 8,000 men - and the rites observed at his funeral were elaborate versions of those common throughout China.

Excerpt taken from about burial practices in different ancient societies. Written by Joshua J Mark (a freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York; he has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt). Published on 2nd September, 2009.

T This is a secondary, written source about Chinese burial practices. There is

a quote from The British Museum in the source.

O The source was written by a man called Joshua J Mark, who is a professor

of Philosophy. It comes from a history website (

M Mark (the author) is a professor, so his main motive might be to share

what he has learned about burial practices in Ancient China.

A It comes from a history website, so the audience is probably people who

are interested in history. It might also be aimed at history students.

C This source looks like it came from a website with a lot of information

about other burial practices from other places, so the context may have

been to provide an overview about death and burial in ancient societies.

R This source seems mostly reliable, but it’s hard to tell without knowing

where the writer got the information from.

U This source is useful for providing a bit of information about death and

burial in Ancient China, but it is very short which limits how useful it is. TOMACRU questions Use this table to help you analyse the sources on the following pages. Type Is it a primary, secondary, written or archaeological source? Origin Who wrote/made it? Where does it come from? Motive What influenced the person who wrote or made it? Audience Who was the source written or made for? Context What was the circumstances in which the source was made? Reliability Can we trust the information the source is giving us? Usefulness Does the source tell us what we need to know?

Part 1: Source analysis using TOMACRU Source 1: Jade burial suit (marked out of 5) Photograph of a Han dynasty jade burial suit from c.100 BCE, found in the tomb of the princess Dou Wan. The suit is made from 2150 plates of jade, sewn together with gold wire. People believed that jade would protect the body from decay and make it immortal.








Part 1: Source analysis using TOMACRU Source 2: Excerpt from ‘Retroactive 1’ textbook (marked out of 5) Ancestor worship The Qingming Festival, during which people visited their ancestors’ graves, bringing offerings and paying their respects, originated in the seventh century BCE. Confucius put great emphasis on people worshipping their dead ancestors. This strengthened family ties and knowledge of family history.

Over time, these celebrations became more and more costly and could last for up to three days. In 732 CE, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang dynasty decreed that the Qingming Festival would be a day-long event held on the 104th day after the winter solstice. That would be the only day on which people could hold formal ceremonies at their ancestors’ graves.

Excerpt taken from ‘Retroactive 1: NSW Australian Curriculum History’ textbook, written by M Anderson, I Keese and A Low. Published in 2015.








Part 1: Source analysis using TOMACRU Source 3: Terracotta Army (marked out of 5)

Discovered in 1974 when a local farmer dug a well, the terracotta army, buried in 210 BC with the first emperor of the Qin dynasty, Qin Shihuangdi, in his burial tomb (mausoleum), is a breathtaking site. The thousands of life-size figures have individually modeled faces and armor styles appropriate to their rank.








Part 2: Explanation using sources STEP 1: TEEL paragraph planning This is where you will choose which sources you are going to use and use dot points to plan your paragraphs.

Question What does the evidence reveal about death and burial customs in Ancient China? Your response should include:

• at least TWO sources from Part 1 (you may use the model example as one of your sources)

• TWO paragraphs using the TEEL paragraph structure.

Paragraph 1

Topic sentence

Explanation/ Elaboration


Link (back to question/next paragraph)

Paragraph 2

Topic sentence

Explanation/ Elaboration


Link (back to question/next paragraph)

Part 2: Explanation using sources STEP 2: TEEL paragraph draft writing Using your plan, write your draft TEEL paragraphs in the scaffold below. This can be checked by your teacher for feedback. Getting your draft checked will give you an opportunity to improve your written explanation, which will also give you the opportunity to improve your marks. Don’t forget to:

• Use your plan on the previous page to • Use capital letters at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns (eg place

names and people) • Use full stops at the end of each sentence • Use speech/quote marks when using text from a written source • Start a new paragraph on a new line.

Question What does the evidence reveal about death and burial customs in Ancient China? Your response should include:

• at least TWO sources from Part 1 (you may use the model example as one of your sources)

• TWO paragraphs using the TEEL paragraph structure. Draft paragraph 1 _____________________________________________________________________














Part 2: Explanation using sources STEP 2: TEEL paragraph draft writing (continued) Question What does the evidence reveal about death and burial customs in Ancient China? Your response should include:

• at least TWO sources from Part 1 (you may use the model example as one of your sources)

• TWO paragraphs using the TEEL paragraph structure. Draft paragraph 2 _____________________________________________________________________














Teacher feedback:

Part 2: Explanation using sources STEP 3: Final response (marked out 15) Use the lines provided below to write your final written explanation. Don’t forget to make any suggested changes from your teacher (from the draft on the previous page) into this final response. ______________________________________________________________________















































Source analysis and explanation – Marking Criteria Outcomes A student: HT4-3: describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies HT4-6: uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations HT4-9: uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past

Part 1: Source analysis Criteria Marks



• Thorough analysis of the source provided; addresses each section of the TOMACRU scaffold

• Includes a variety relevant information as part of the analysis • Uses a range of appropriate historical terms throughout analysis



en • Satisfactory analysis of the source provided; may address each section

of the TOMACRU scaffold • Information included may be unevenly provided in the analysis • Uses some appropriate historical terms in analysis




• Limited analysis of the source provided • May only use one or two sections of the TOMACRU scaffold • May attempt to use historical terms


Source 1: Jade Burial Suit


Source 2: Excerpt from ‘Retroactive 1’ textbook


Source 3: Terracotta Army


Part 1 TOTAL

/15 Part 2: Explanation using sources Criteria Marks



• Provides a detailed written explanation of what the evidence reveals about death and burial customs in Ancient China

• Uses evidence from at least TWO sources in written response • Writes two paragraphs using the T-E-E-L format • Uses a range of historical terms and concepts



en • Provides a written explanation of what the evidence reveals about death

and/or burial customs in Ancient China • Refers to evidence from at least ONE source in written response • Writes at least ONE paragraph using the T-E-E-L format • Uses some historical terms and concepts



w • Provides some information about death and/or burial customs in Ancient

China • May refer to sources • May use historical terms


Assessment Task 3 TOTAL: /30
