YEAR Y56 Miss Steele HOMEWORK DATE: Monday 27th April 2020


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DATE: Monday 27th April 2020

READING TASK Read the text on Pages 3 and 4 and then answer these questions: 1) According to the text, roughly how

many giant pandas currently live in the wild?

2) What do pandas spend the majority of their time doing?

3) Write these facts in order of when they happen in a panda cub’s life: A cub eats bamboo for the first time.

A cub leaves its mother. A cub develops black spots. A cub weighs 31-36kg. A cub weighs the same as an apple. 4) Look at ‘Why are people concerned about the giant panda’: Find and copy one word which shows there are lots of things we do not yet know about the pandas. QUESTIONS WILL CONTINUE TOMORROW!


Are you still writing in your journal about

how you are feeling and what you’re getting

up to during lockdown?

For another writing task I want you to

write a good old-fashioned letter! If you

are able to get out to a post-box SAFELY

then post it and make someone’s day. You

could write to a relative, friend or me c/o

the school address.


Decimals: All of these will have the answer

1 (one whole one), I will give you a decimal

number and you need to write the other

decimal number needed to make one. E.g. If

I write 0.2 you need to write 0.8

1) 0.6 + ?

2) 0.23 + ?

3) 0.29 + ?

4) 0.01 + ?

5) 0.117 + ?

6) 0.56 + ?

7) 0.111 + ?

8) 0.345 + ?

9) 0.39 + ?

10) 0.0123 + ?

Y6 ONLY: In the 10 minute SATS Reading

Booklet complete Set C Test 2 and then

mark with an adult using the answer page

at the back.

FRENCH: 1st May (Friday) is a Bank

Holiday in France where they give a gift of

a lily of the valley flower to bring good

health and happiness. I have included a

word search from Madame Howard on Page

5 for you to have a go at. Happy searching!

Every day you MUST: Read your book Practise spellings from your year group list - see the sheet stuck inside your homework book and it is also on the website Practise your handwriting

Practise your number bonds/ timetables/ counting etc. KEEP UP THE GREAT LEARNING! Keep fit and healthy: DO THE JOE WICKS WORKOUT EVERYDAY AT 9AM!

Don’t forget your GROWTH MINDSET



Choose some lessons related to your year group and interests.

So far the Oak National Academy haven’t updated their

schedule to show the lessons for the week beginning

April 27th. Feel free to check today to see if it has been

updated and I’ll give you specific lessons to do later in

the week.

Y6: Here is the link to CCSC website, many more things

to help you with your high school transition have been

added and you can access them through the home page.

Even if you’re not going to CCSC, the reading, writing and

SPaG transition tasks could come in useful.

Reading quiz (Answers including authors)

1) Each Peach PEAR Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg 2) The Very HUNGRY Caterpillar by Eric Carle 3) The Lion, the WITCH and the Wardrobe by C.S.

Lewis 4) Private PEACEFUL by Michael Morpurgo 5) Goodnight MISTER Tom by Michelle Magorian 6) Stig of the DUMP by Clive King 7) The Wolves of WILLOUGHBY Chase by Joan Aiken 8) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s STONE by J.K.

Rowling 9) Artemis FOWL by Eion Colfer 10) The Story of TRACY Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson

Jenni Spangler competitions - Whoops! The handing in

dates for the competitions run by Mrs Spangler said

March!!! Hopefully you are brainier than me and realised

the submission dates are actually April!!!!

Just a reminder:

Questions to the author by 28th APRIL—TOMORROW!

Stories and Poems (250 words max) by 29th APRIL

Victorian style photographs by 29th APRIL

The email address is:

Queen Victoria (Answers)

How many children she had and what they were

called? Nine living children: Victoria, Edward, Alice,

Alfred, Helena, Louise, Arthur, Leopold and finally


Where she was born and died? Born in Kensington

Palace, London and died at Osborne House on the

Isle of Wight.

The date she was crowned? 28th June 1838.

Why did she become the Queen? Her father died

when she was young, he was the fourth son of King

George III, none of his three older brothers had any

legitimate children who could ascend to the throne

so Victoria was next in line.

Where she was buried? In the Royal Mausoleum,

Frogmore in Windsor.

Her full name? Alexandrina Victoria of Kent.