


A paper on Yoga

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Assignment 1

[1]What is 'Ashtang Yog'?Maharushi Patanjali, the author of Yoga Sastra laid down a clear cut and well defined part for the practice of Yoga. This path is known as Ashtang Yog which means having eight parts or limbs.[2]Explain the characteristic of "Ashtang Yog".1.Yama5.Prutyahari2.Pranayama6.Samadhi3.Dhyana7.Asana4.Niyama8.Dharuher[3]What is Yam. Explain five "Yams".Yam means to meet with God.1.AHINSA4.BRANMA CHARYA2.SATYA5.APARIGRAHA3.ASTEYA[4]What do you mean by "non-violence"?'Non-Violence' means not cruel but do with human power.[5]What is "Truth"?Truth means 'exists' and which is "reality".[6]What is Astey?To take away something unjusty, difficully or without the permission of owner is satya and not to do is 'Astey'.

[7]What is Brahmacharya?It means celibacy and maintenance and strict discipline in secured indulgence one may be celebrate by marrying and not indulging it any sexual acts.[8]Define "Aparigraph"?It means to not acquire posses power or accurate unwanted things, thoughts and values.[9]What is Rules? Explain the five rules of Yog?Shaucha, Santosh, Tapa, Swudyay, Iswar pranidam.[10]What is Shauch (Excretion)?It means personal hygienic and clean liness.[11]What is satisfaction?It is the absence of desire or possess unanimities of life, more than prevention.[12]What is Devotion?Devotion means enduring challenge it what were pain trouble cone in the path of accomplishing declare the other person one should speak works which are not hurt other.[13]What is "Swadyayay"?Swadyayay means regular study of the words which includes 'Cheating Omakar Mantra'.[14]What is god pranidhan?God pranidhan means devoting all our actions to the graph of all gurus the gura, the super soil is deep alveolar to god a true efferes.

Assignment 2

[1]What is "Asana"?Sitting is padmasuna, sidhasana, or suxhasana is called Asanu[2]What is Pranayam?After completing the physical poses on Assans with controlling M to lath and exhalation is called Pranayam.[3]What is Pratyahar?When one controls ones mind through document and wisdom the sensor get controlled on its mind in works is known as Pratyahar.[4]What is Meditation?By concentration on the themehaus replant with the god. This connect nulled flow of superior knowledge is called meditation.[5]What is Dharma?The act of detecting our mind from the wary objects and it on the suitable subject of saul and supreme saul is called Dharma.[6]What is Samadhi?When we achieve Dhyan our own bodily presence goes down to hit and the godly presence illuminating our body that state is called as Samadhi.

[7]Brief rules of Asana.1.Time6.Temprature of body2.Clothes7.Cleaning the stomach3.Surface8.Difficult asans4.Age5.Rules right[8]Brief the rules of Pranayams.1. Select a clean and perceful place for doing paryanam.2. Sit either in Prayanam. 3. Act of respiration has to be done only through nose because by doung so the dir which you taken in is filtered.4. Nosal respiration keeps the temperature of the nosal pingala and susna wen.[9]Asan for stomach.Sarvangasan lie down straight on your back the legs should be together. Join the hands to ride and rest the polam on the ground.Halasan lie down straight on your back intake and slowly lift the lags the 30 degree up. Then take the leg to the back of the head by lifting the back while inchaviling.Yoga madrusan : Sit in padmasana and keep the palm of the right hand on novel and keep the left palm on the right hand.

Assignment 3

[1]Describe method of Mool bandh.This bandh can be down with great care and convenience by exhaling and keeping all the air outside.First of all breathe in and then breathe out and raise the perineum part. During this, the part of stomach region will be straight up.[2]State the advantages of Mool Bandh.It awakness like mool bandh cakru and is helpful to awakp kundalini shakti.It alres constipation improves digestion and arises deses like piles and also helpful to take pranvaya from body.[3]Describe the method of Mahapandh.After sitting any yogic posture, flow the three bandhas.Jalandhar Bandh.Uddiyand Bandh.Moolbandh simultaneously is called mahabandha.It can be performed in position of keeping breathe out.State the advantage of Mahabandha. Pranayam takes upward courses purifier semen and makes the body story.Its regular practice gives result in the conference all three nadis. Ingla 2. Pingala 3. Sushmana.

[4]Describe position of body during the prayanam?During prayanam in proper posture helps in emproving the concentration of mind.While performing prayanam ones spine must be kept straight and one can in any yogic posture like padmasana, sukhasana etc. One can use chair to keep spine and neck straight.[5]Write seven types of Pranayam?1.Bhastrika5.Nadi Shodhan2.Kapalbharti6.Bharamali3.Bhamri7.Omkar4.Anulom Vilom[6]Describe method of Bhas trika prayanam.Sitting in any yogic Asana breath in thought both the nostrils force fully till the lungs full and diapharag is tal lehed.[7]State the advantages of Bhastrika prayanam.Langs come strong and also clue to this heart and head also get adequate quantity of pranayam.Blood is purified also.

Assignment 4

[1]Describe method of Bhava Prayanam?Sit in padmasana or sidhasana as indicated breathe out or exhale as much as possible.[2]Describe Mool bandh, Uddiyan bandh and Jalandhar bandh.Keep yourself in this position as you can begin breathing normally without retaining the breathe into this for 3.4 times.[3]Describe three bandh of Balyga prayanam.Mula bandh, uddiyan bandh, Jalandhar bandh.[4]Describe method of Anulom-Vilom pranayam.Close the right nostril with right hand thumb.Inhale slowly through the left nostril till the lungs are filled.Then close the left nostril with the middle and 3rd finger open the right nostril and exchange through it.[5]State the advantage of Anulom-Vilom prayanam.It makes the body, healthy and strong urinary and generate organs are aired presently the phenomenon of heart attack.Negative thinking replace by position approach to life.[6]Describe method of Bhramaprayam.Breathe in till lungs are full of air close your ears with both thumbs and eyes with middle finger of your hands on respectively side with little pressure.Press for head with little pressure.Both the index finger slightly close both the eyes, then press the eyes and nose bridge from the sides with the remaining finger. Concentrate your mind on Agna Chakra close your mouth.[7]State the advantages of bharaman Prayanam.Mind becomes study.Beneficial in condition like mental tension and agitation, high blood pressure, heart disease etc.[8]Describe the method of Udita Prayanam.Omkar.[9]Describe meth of of Ujjayan prayanam.Body become loose faltigue is relieved, mind become calm.Beneficial in reliving the burning.

Assignment 5

[1]Dincharya.Behaviour patierns and flood.Halvily during the day and night.Work done in the whole day every time is called dincharya.[2]Factor affecting dincharya?Rising.Washing Face.Water intake on an empty.Alutions.Cleaning teeth.Cleaning the head.Oil massage for the body.Putting oil in the ears.Oil massage of the fact.Nasgausiya etc.[3]Water.At least one and up to four glasses of water should be taken after face in the morning.[4]Activity in the morning.Rising.Washing face.Cleaning teeth etc.[5]Oil massage.For the body and the fact applied oil massage.[6]Exercise.Vat pittles, patients, children over 70 and over suffering from starvation should not exercise.[7]Describe Diet.Diet is crucial for maintaining healthy food should always be taken in adequate quantities as the appropriate time and it should be favorable to ones body constitution the quantity of food should be guided by ones individual hygienic strength and ability.[8]Precaution while studying.Appropriate time and light should arrange while studying light sources should always be the left or behind studying should be avoid at places something is leading during quake imported and day break.[9]Factor offecting night activities.Sleeping, breathing, blood circulation, digesting etc are activity affecting the night activities.[10]Types of sleep.Dream state, in deep sleep state.[11]Rule for dinner.Digestion of food and sleep are in exlinked. Keeping in mind the fact that in digestible food should be taken as earth as possible A two hour gap between dinner and sleep is must only light and easily digestible flood could be eaten walking after dinner is recommended. [12]Avoid taking curd in dinner.Despite being beneficial, normally has a tendency to block body channel. Hence eating aird at might should be avoided one has to sleep after dinner.[13]Night reaking.Adequate light while studying is must ensure healthy, eye sight, But it must be remember that sunlight is better than artificial light.[14]Different season.Winter, Summer & Monsoon.[15]Food in winter.We should eat greenery, sweet, salty, sugar and nutrients food during winter.[16]Food in summer.During summer diet should be light, Oily, easily digestible, cold and liquid foods.[17]Effect of summer on the human body.Moisture, Oil and coldness are require in great quantities to keep one healthy and strong because there is decreasing in the quantity of these. This is summer the body like vegetarians be to die.[18]Food in Monsoon.Diet during monsoon must be light fresh, hot easily adsorbed and that strength digestion.[19]Effect of monsoon on human body.The increase humidity has its effect on the body. It aggrades the vatdosnd and weakness the already affect digester power.[20]Food in autumn.Ghee and pannier, food also sweet high pungent and digestible rice, green grain, grand ground beans and lotus seen should be taken during autumn. [21]Effect of autumn on body.During radins body become accustoms cool weather in autumn, the sunshine will full intensity waiting the during rains. This accesspathly the blood. As a result there an increase blood decreases like pever pimples etc.

Assignment 6

[1]State the types of human naturally impulse?Sexual desire, vomiting, smelling, belching, yonming hunger, thurst, sleeping, breathing.[2]What should be an ideal diet?The diet do not only what to eat the quantities of what is assumed is known as 'Ideal diet'.[3]What care should be taken while taking food?Stomach should not be packed to capacity digestion in hindered disturbing the entire procurer the food adsorption and admission.[4]How much should be the quantity of food?To obtain the maximum nutrition for should be taken in the appropriate quantity on third of the stomach the full with best quantity.[5]Explain the importance of chewing the food.The more food is chewed the food become it complete oscillation of the resulting on adding enzymes etc.[6]State ideal time to take the food?For smooth and complete digestion for must be eaten only if the appropriate and regular when to eat.[7]The water can be used after it has been boiled then it must be drunk.[8]Coconut water.It relives excessive thirst, pittu and in the lunch more easily digestible ability clear the organs.[9]How much milk should we have to drink?One glass before sleeping.[10]Types of milk.Cow milk, buffalo milk, goat milk.[11]How much caused should we eat and when?Mid winter is the suitable season for spoons every day.[12]Explain the importance of butter milk.It is beneficial for people who suffering from piles, swelling, stomach and this related their problem.[13]How much Ghee should we eat? when?Ghee is used as part of diet which is used for medical preparation for massage and come other, treatment.[14]Advantage of Ghee.Intention during Ghee massage with nurtured Ghee during any time.
