Your first year in mba



A useful quick reference to get started on campus and hit the ground running as you start out on your first year in MBA

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Successful First Year on Campus: How to Hit the Ground Running


Your First Year in MBA

WHERE are YOU Coming from ?

Fresher ????

Commerce | Management|Arts|Sciences|Engineering |Any otherA Break for a year to study for CAT |MAT ???

Been working?Managing a family business ?|Running your own Business?

Pursuing a professional qualification such as CA |ICWA, etc ???

Your career Graph


Information presented in class often contains the central concepts of the course and the material most likely to be included on exams. Yet,

students frequently do not realize the importance of note taking and listening.

Leverage Your Library + Resources Better

READ|Browse|Assimilate1. Business Biographies2. Current Business affairs3. Access Management Journals4. Research Projects by previous

students5. Economic times and other

newspapers (Offline or online)6. Maintain a scrapbook to keep

important newspaper cuttings

Leveraging Faculty, Guest Speakers , Alumni & your network

BE SELFISH. Ask for help and guidance and work on the suggestions they give you.

Garner knowledge , skills and experience by tapping their expertise and wisdom

You have to learn how to be social and make relationships without being so obvious as to convey, I’m only being your friend or only talking to you because I want a job from you.”

Networking is a buzz word in business school. You will attend networking events on campus.

You’ll network among your classmates

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on


The road to landing a great job after your MBA/PGDM starts from your first day in B school

THINK About your career not just in the long term but also in

the near term

LEVERAGEThe interaction with every guest speaker and faculty

Internships are considered one of the best ways to get your foot in the door of an industry or even a company you’ve been eyeing.

Make every Mini project count because this is where you build your foundation strong to

leverage your internship

Prepare for classes. Perform

Boost your, Knowledge, skills Network,Get an internship and Find a mentor.

Your first year in business school will be an intense one
