Youth Group helps with Jesus Lambs’ Valentine...


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Service Times For the Record - 2.7.16

AM Worship - 8:15 a.m.

Ashley Glen – 8:30 a.m.

Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

AM Worship – 10:30 a.m.

PM Worship – 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday – 7:00 p.m.

Contribution – $13,602.26

Sunday School – 255

AM Worship – 332

PM Worship – 172

Wednesday – 120

February 21th 10:30 AM PM

Song Leader Kim Cline Brian Boyett

Opening Prayer Warren Sims Ron Truelove

Scripture Reading Bill Macke Daniel England

Closing Prayer Elders Tyler Watts

Nursery Aimee Richardson/Courtney Flores Toni Anderson

(Monthly) Audio-Visual Stace Fauske Jason Cagle

Presiding at the Table David Sims

Greeters Caltrider/Menet

Card Pick-up Bo Fauske

Ashley Glen Growth Group 3

Opening Prayer Dan Mong

Song Leader Chris Parker

Devotional Jimmy England

Closing Prayer Glen Falkner

(Monthly) Communion Preparation Jane Rode/Elaine Sims

(Monthly) Building Lock-up Bill Macke/David Sims


2/21 Area Wide Devo

2/26-28 YES Weekend

Youth Group helps with Jesus Lambs’ Valentine Party

Assisting in Worship


Chris Parker

Song Leader

AM Ken Weinhardt

PM David Sims

Opening Prayer

AM Clark Boyd

PM Ronnie Trussell

Scripture Reading

AM Aaron McCullough

PM Jeremiah Holloway


Brian Boyett

Table Servants

Brian Boyett

Chris Brock

Joshua Brock

Dave Christie

Andy Hardin

Max Hardin

Gary Holloway

Jeremiah Holloway

Ernie Menet

David Sims

Allen Stewart

Scott Winter

Card Pickup

Austin Ellis

Closing Prayer

AM Elders

PM Jeff Richardson


AM Judy Menet

Joy Hardin

PM April Adams



I came that they may have life and have it abundantly

–John 10:10


Office Phone 770-487-9246 Email:

February 14, 2016

Today’s Sermons, February 14th

AM – The Heart Is the Difference, Aubrey Johnson

PM – The Life of Joseph: Life Is What You Make It, Aubrey Johnson

The Purpose of Grace Aubrey Johnson

P aul understood the preciousness of Jesus’ words and spent his life shar-

ing them at every opportunity. He urged his protégé Timothy to do the

same: “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ

Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses en-

trust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2.2).

Grace does not remove the need for teaching or faithfulness. Rather, it should

strengthen our desire to know, do and share God’s will. Grace properly under-

stood encourages obedience. Grace misunderstood excuses disobedience.

Thank God for His amazing grace!

Living Sacrifice Andy Garner

Christianity: Founded on Facts Kyle Butt Reprinted from “Valor & Virtue” Magazine

U nder the old law, God required sacrifices from

man in the form of burnt offerings. In Ephesians

5, Paul tells us that “…Christ loved us and gave

himself up for us, as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to

God.” Jesus lovingly became the sacrifice, God was willing to

accept as full atonement for our sins.

Our Father still longs for sacrifice from His creation as evi-

denced in Romans 12:1 where we read “I appeal to you

brethren, by the mercies of God , to present your bodies as a

living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your

spiritual service.” It’s important to note, that under the old

law, a burnt offering was merely an act; God’s expectation

of our “Living” sacrifice today is one that is made joyfully

and out of the abundance of our hearts with eagerness,

seeking ways to serve him. I Samuel 15:22 says, “Has the

Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in

obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than

sacrifice…” Paul, continued in his letter recorded in chapter

12 of Romans telling us that we are one body with many

member. Our members do not have the same functions,

gifts, talents and abilities but together they work in unison

to make something complete and perfect. Our “Living” sac-

rifice, in response to God’s love, should be a burning desire

to identify those talents and put them into useful service in

His kingdom, which glorifies the Father. When part of our

physical body is injured, weak or not functioning, other

parts try to compensate which leads to further discomfort,

pain and possible injury. Whether we are a foot, a hand, an

arm, an ear or the knee, we are all important to the produc-

tive operation of the body. We can only be effective, the

way God wants us to be, if all parts of the “Body” are work-

ing together. In 2016, let’s all find ways to be that “Living”

sacrifice presenting our bodies in service to the body of


“W hy do you believe in Jesus Christ?” Many

Christians have been asked that question.

Unfortunately, it is sometimes the case that

those Christians cannot give good reasons for their belief. They

may respond by saying, “Because I have faith in Jesus.” But the

idea most people have of the word “faith” is not what the Bible

says about it. You see, when most people use the word “faith”,

they mean a strong feeling in their heart that is not based on

reasons or evidence. They think that since they have such a

strong “faith” (feeling in their heart), then their belief must be

the truth. The problem with this way of thinking is that people

in other religions use the same idea of “faith” for their beliefs.

Many people would say they have a strong feeling that Jesus is

not the Son of God. Muslims would say they have “faith” that

Muhammed is the prophet of God. Just because someone has

a strong feeling about something does not mean they have a

good reason to believe it, or that it is true.

The truth is, the faith found in the Bible is always based on real

evidence. Let me show you how that works. During the time

that Elijah was a prophet, the evil King Ahab began worshipping

the false idol named Baal. Many of the people of Israel fol-

lowed their wicked king and left the true God. Elijah arranged a

contest on the top of Mount Carmel. Four hundred and fifty

prophets of Baal should build an altar and put a sacrifice on it.

Then, the prophets of Baal would ask their god to send fire and

burn up their sacrifice. Elijah would pray to God to send fire to

burn up the sacrifice on his altar. Whichever god (or God) sent

fire was the true God.

All of Israel gathered to see which God would send fire. The

prophets of Baal cried out to Baal. They danced around. They

cut themselves with knives and lances. Since Baal was just an

idol, and not really a god, nothing happened for hours and

hours. Then, during the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah

prayed to the God of Israel. The prophet did not have to wait

long. God sent a blast of fire from heaven that burned up Eli-

jah’s sacrifice, burned up the stones, and burned up the dirt

around the altar. When all the people who were watching the

contest saw the fire burn up Elijah’s sacrifice, they fell on their

faces and said, “The Lord, He is God. The Lord, He is God” (1

Kings 18.39).

You see, Elijah knew that the prophets of Baal had a “strong

feeling in their heart” that Baal was a true God, but they did

not have any evidence for their belief. They did not have the

kind of faith that the Bible talks about. When Elijah presented

them with real evidence, they could form a true faith, based on

the fact that God sent fire down from heaven.

God has always provided plenty of evidence to prove His truth.

The Creation shows His power. The fulfilled prophecies, mira-

cles, and resurrection of Christ prove that Jesus is God’s Son.

The Bible’s correct predictive prophecy and perfect factual ac-

curacy prove it is God’s Word. The truth about Christianity has

never been based simply on strong feelings and emotions. Un-

like every other religion in the world, Christianity has always

been founded on facts and evidence that can be used to show

that it is the one true religion of the one true God.


Apologetics Press (Kyle Butt), Camp Inagehi, FHU Preacher Scholarships,

Nicaragua (Pedro and Otoniel Morales), Pike County church of Christ (Brian

Simon), Rainbow Omega, Raintree Village, Bibles for India (Ricky Gootam)

VISIT US AT; Facebook;

Family News

Confidential Counseling

Bill Macke, LCSW


Counseling services are available to the congre-

gation. Services provided include: marriage, pre-

marriage & post marriage counseling, addiction

issues, step family and adoption issues, reactive

attachment issues & trauma issues. All commu-

nication is confidential.

Illness & Recovery

Margaret Abraham

Lynn Oakley

Christy McCullough


Joyce Greene

Edna Goble

Expectant Mothers

Christy McCullough

Ashley Janson

Mindy Jones

2/14 Sarah Macke

2/14 Norman Hallford

2/15 Buck Baker

2/15 Bailey Rich

2/15 Loraine Spangler

2/15 Kyle Weathers

2/16 Connie Caldwell

2/17 Joy Hardin

2/19 Daryl Brooks

2/20 Vic Long

2/14 Joe & Kathy Henry

2/15 Scott & Carla Dutton

2/19 Jim & Kathy Robinson

“Therefore what God has put together,

let no one separate.”

~ Mark 10.9

Birthdays Anniversaries


2/25 L.I.F.T. Night - 6:30 p.m. - Dottie Humphries

2/27 Playground Work Day - 10:30 a.m.

2/28-3/3 Progressive Meeting

3/5 Playground Work Day - 10:30 a.m.

3/6 Spring Quarter Classes Begin


Perry Baker - 404.427.3212

Jimmy England - 251.375.4554

Andy Garner - 404.557.1872

Todd Wilson - 678.570.3382

Matt & Kelly Shank

908 Hip Pocket Rd.

Peachtree City, GA
