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Rs. 2YUGMARGAll the world's a stage, and all themen and women merely players:

they have their exits and theirentrances; and one man in histime plays many parts, his acts

being seven ages.

William Shakespeare

Ex-MD of PMCBank arrestedMUMBAI: Former managing di-rector of Punjab Maharashtra Co-operative Bank, Joy Thomas,was arrested on Friday in con-nection with the alleged Rs 4,355crore scam at the bank by theEconomic Offences Wing ofMumbai Police.Thomas was summoned to theEOW office at the city policeheadquarters and arrested afterquestioning, a police official said.On Thursday, EOW had arrestedHDIL directors Rakesh Wad-hawan and his son Sarang Wad-hawan in the case.


Union Food Processing IndustriesMinister Harsimrat Kaur Badal onFriday flagged off the 'Sarbat daBhala Express' - a special train fromNew Delhi to Lohian Khas-linkingNorth India with the holy city of Sul-tanpur Lodhi as part of the 550thParkash Purb celebrations of SriGuru Nanak Dev ji.

Union Railways minister PiyushGoyal and Health minister HarshVardhan were also present on the oc-casion.

Earlier, Ms Badal had raised theneed for starting a train service be-tween New Delhi and Sultanpur Lod-hi to facilitate pilgrims on the occa-sion of 550th celebrations of Sri

Guru Nanak Dev ji. She had alsourged the Railways ministry to nameit as 'Sarbat da Bhala express' keep-ing in view the core message of GuruSahab as well as the sentiments of the

people of Sultanpur Lodhi.Thanking Prime Minister Naren-

dra Modi and Railways ministerPiyush Goyal for starting ‘Sarbat daBhala’ train to spread the message of

peace and communal harmonyacross the country, the Union minis-ter said this was a historic day as thistrain would connect the pilgrims ofDelhi, Haryana, and Punjab with Sul-tanpur Lodhi.

Terming Sultanpur Lodhi as thebirthplace of Gurbani, she said it washere that Guru Sahab gave the mes-sage of ‘God is one’ and ‘no one isHindu, no one is Muslim’ to human-ity. Speaking about the other initia-tives taken by the Railways ministryto mark the 550th Parkash Purb cele-brations of Guru Sahib, Ms Badalsaid apart from spending Rs 22 crorefor upgradation of railway station atSultanpur Lodhi and constructing amuseum there, 14 special trainswould be run between Hazur SahibNanded to Ferozepur.

Rains in parts ofHimachalSHIMLA: Parts of HimachalPradesh received light to moder-ate rainfall in the last 24 hours,the meteorological departmentsaid on Friday.Jogindernagar received 29 mmof rains, followed by Baijnath (24mm), Chamba (19 mm), Kalpa(13 mm), Pandoh (10 mm), Man-ali (9 mm), Gaggal (8 mm),Bhuntar and Saloni (7 mmeach), Sujanpur Tihra (6 mm),Kufri (4 mm), Solan and Theog(3 mm each), Shimla andPalampur (2 mm each) from5.30 pm on Thursday to 5.30 pmon Friday, Shimla MeT centre di-rector Manmohan Singh said.The maximum temperature de-creased by 3-4 degrees Celsiusduring the last 24 hours, headded. Nahan was the hottest inthe state with a maximum tem-perature of 27.4 degrees Cel-sius, whereas the lowest temper-ature was in Lahaul and Keylongat 3.8 degrees Celsius each,Singh said.

HP BJP expelsrebel for six yearsSHIMLA: The ruling BJP on Fri-day expelled former ZilaParishad chairperson and BJPrebel Dayal Pyari from the party,for fighting the Pachhad Assem-bly bypoll against the party's offi-cial nominee.Party state chief Satpal SinghSatti said in a statement issuedhere that Ms Pyari was chargedof violating the party discipline byfighting election as an Indepen-dent candidate, against officialBJP nominee Reena Kashyap.The party decided to expel herfor six years, with immediate ef-fect.

Train leads from New Dehi to Lohia Khas

Vij files nomination fromAmbala Cant

...PAGE 3

Elgar, de Kock script SAfightback in Vizag Test

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Hooda files nomination papers, hitsout at BJP

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An FIR was lodged here onThursday against nearly 50celebrities, including Ram-chandra Guha, Mani Ratnamand Aparna Sen, who hadwritten an open letter toPrime Minister NarendraModi raising concern overthe growing incidents ofmob lynching, police said.

The case was lodged af-ter an order was passed byChief Judicial MagistrateSurya Kant Tiwari twomonths ago on a petitionfiled by local advocate Sud-hir Kumar Ojha.

“The CJM had passedthe order on August 20, ac-cepting my petition upon the

receipt of which an FIR waslodged today at the Sadarpolice station here," Ojhasaid.

He said nearly 50 signa-tories of the letter werenamed as accused in his pe-tition in which they alleged-ly "tarnished the image ofthe country and underminedthe impressive performanceof the prime minister" be-sides "supporting secession-ist tendencies".

The police said the FIRwas lodged under sections ofthe Indian Penal Code, in-cluding those relating to sedi-tion, public nuisance, hurtingreligious feelings and insult-ing with an intent to provokebreach of peace.

FIR against 50 celebs who wroteopen letter to PM on lynchingHarsimrat flags off ‘Sarbat da Bhala Express’

VB nabs Revenuedept employee withRs 20,000 bribeJALANDHAR: Sleuths of theVigilance Bureau on Fridaycaught a senior assistant work-ing in the rehabilitation wing ofthe Revenue department red-handed and seized bribe moneyof Rs 20,000 from his posses-sion.The VB SSP told mediapersonsthat Himmat Kumar, resident ofMakhdoompura, had com-plained to the Bureau that a sen-ior assistant working in the reha-bilitation wing of the Revenuedepartment at the Deputy Com-missioner Administrative Com-plex had been demanding Rs20,000 to enter the mutation of aplot measuring 10 marla, whichwas purchased jointly by his fa-ther Ashok Kumar and uncleMadam Lal in January, 1987.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) onFriday cut repo rate for the fifth con-secutive time this calendar year to5.15 per cent from the current 5.4 percent in a bid to support governmentmeasures for boosting economic ac-tivity amid benign inflation.

Consequently, the reverse reporate under liquidity adjustment facili-ty stands reduced to 4.9 per cent, andthe marginal standing facility (MSF)rate and the bank rate to 5.4 per cent.The six-member monetary policycommittee (MPC) headed by Gover-nor Shaktikanta Das also decided tomaintain the accommodative stance ofmonetary policy.

"These decisions are in conso-nance with the objective of achievingthe medium-term target for consumerprice index (CPI) inflation of 4 percent within a band of plus or minus 2per cent while supporting growth,"said Das after the three-day MPCmeeting. Repo rate is the rate at whichthe RBI lends money to commercial

banks. A repo rate cut allows banks toreduce interest rates for consumersand lowers equal monthly instalmentson home loans, car loans and personalloans. More significantly, the centralbank lowered the GDP growth fore-cast for current financial year 2019-20to 6.1 per cent from 6.9 per cent earli-er. It said the GDP growth could be inthe range of 5.3 per cent in the secondquarter (July to September) and be-tween 6.6 to 7.2 per cent in secondhalf (H2 FY20) with risks evenly bal-anced. However, the GDP growth forfirst quarter of next fiscal (Q1 2020-21) is projected at 7.2 per cent. India'seconomy grew by only 6.8 per cent in2018-19, according to governmentdata.


India on Friday strongly con-demned Pakistan Prime MinisterImran Khan's "provocative"speech at the latest session of theUN General Assembly and stat-ed that it indicated Khan's inabil-ity to conduct international rela-tions.

During a press briefing onFriday, Ministry of ExternalSpokesperson Raveesh Kumaralso dismissed Khan's call for amarch to the Line of Control(LOC).

"This is not the first timePakistan has said such a thing.Pakistan's Prime Minister occu-pies a high constitution office.He has previously made suchstatements as well. You've heardhis address at the UNGA as well,and he actually used veryprovocative and irresponsiblelanguage. We strongly con-demned such sort of statements.I feel like Khan doesn't knowhow to conduct international re-lations and probably that's whyhe can say such things," the Min-istry of External SpokespersonRaveesh Kumar said during abriefing here.

"He (Khan) had also givenan open call for Jihad against In-

dia. This is not normal behav-ior...As far as his call to violatethe sovereignty and territorial in-tegrity of another country is con-cerned, I think this is not worthyof the office he occupies," Ku-mar added.

Top Indian Army sourcestold that the force is fully pre-pared to foil the Pakistan Army-sponsored march of Pakistan oc-cupied Kashmir locals to theLoC, the call for which wasmade by Khan.

Imran immature to handleInt'l affairs, says India

Pak PM’s statement in UN totally irresponsible


Union Home Minister Amit Shah onFriday chaired a high-level meeting toreview the current status of border se-curity and measures to be taken tostrengthen it further.

The meeting was attended byHome Secretary, Secretary (BorderManagement), Special Secretary (In-ternal Security) and Directors General of Bor-der Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Indo-Tibetan Border Police and Assam Rifles, alongwith other senior officials of the Ministry of

Home Affairs.According to the ministry, the

Home Minister stressed on govern-ment's policy of 'Zero Tolerance'towards terrorism, insurgency, cor-ruption as well as smuggling ofweapons, narcotics and cattle. "Hedirected the senior officers to takestringent measures against thesepractices.

The Home Minister also di-rected the DGs to identify all issues affectingborder security and submit a detailed actionplan to the ministry in this regard," a govern-ment press statement said.

Amit Shah chairs high-level meeting toreview current status of border security

RBI again cuts reporate to boost economy

Home, auto loans to be cheaperSensex plunges 434pts after policy MUMBAI: Equity benchmark BSESensex plummeted 434 points on Fri-day, dragged by heavy losses in bank-ing stocks after the RBI slashed thecountry's economic growth outlook forthis fiscal.In its fourth bi-monthly policy review,the central bank also reduced itsbenchmark lending rate by 0.25 percent to revive growth that has hit a six-year low. After opening nearly 300points higher, the 30-share index gaveup all the gains to turn negative afterthe policy announcement by the Re-serve Bank of India (RBI). After gyrat-ing 770 points during the day, the 30-share Sensex ended 433.56 points, or1.14 per cent, lower at 37,673.31. It hitan intra-day low of 37,633.36 and ahigh of 38,403.54.


Air Chief Rakesh KumarSingh Bhadauria on Fridaydescribed as a "big mistake"the IAF shooting down itshelicopter in Kashmir onFebruary 27, when Indianand Pakistani forces wereengaged in a dogfight, andsaid disciplinary action isbeing taken against officersheld responsible for the inci-dent.

A surface-to-air missileof the Indian Air Forcebrought down the Mi-17 air-craft in Budgam in theKashmir Valley, killing sixIAF personnel on board thechopper and a civilian on theground.

The court of inquiry(CoI) ordered into the inci-dent has completed its probeand it has been establishedthat the helicopter was hit byIAF's own missile, Bhadau-ria, who over as chief of theAir Force on Monday, saidwhile addressing his firstpress conference.

"It has been establishedthat the helicopter was hit byour own missile. We have al-ready taken administrative

action. Disciplinary action isbeing taken against two offi-cers. We admit that it was abig mistake and necessarysteps have been taken so thatsuch incident does not re-cur," he said ahead of AirForce Day on October 8.

Before the press confer-ence, the IAF showed repre-sentational video clips of theBalakot strike.

Administrative actionhas already been takenagainst four officers held re-sponsible for the helicoptercrash by the CoI. Separately,disciplinary action like courtmartial procedures are beinginitiated against two seniorofficers, IAF officials said.

The probe found therewere "vital gaps" in commu-nication and coordinationbetween the ground staff

and the crew of the chopper.It also found violations ofstandard operating proce-dures. Earlier, militarysources said the probe foundthat the 'Identification ofFriend or Foe' (IFF) systemon-board the helicopter wasswitched off and there were"vital gaps" in communica-tion and coordination be-tween the ground staff andthe crew of the chopper. Italso found violations ofstandard operating proce-dures.

The IFF helps air de-fence radars identifywhether an aircraft or heli-copter is friendly or hostile.

The helicopter crashedin Budgam around 10 am onFebruary 27 when Indianand Pakistani fighter jetswere engaged in fierce aeri-al combat in Nowshera, aday after India's air strike ona Jaish-e-Mohammed terror-ist training camp in Balakotin Pakistan.

The helicopter wentdown around 10 minutes af-ter taking off. Officialsources said the helicopterwas asked to return becauseof the dogfight 100 km awayfrom Srinagar.


The Supreme Court Friday extended tillOctober 15 the interim protection fromarrest granted by the Bombay High Courtto civil rights activist Gautam Navlakhain the Koregaon Bhima violence case.

The apex court directed the Maharash-tra government to place before it the mate-rial collected during the ongoing investi-gation against Navlakha in connectionwith the case. While agreeing to hearNavlakha's plea challenging the Bombayhigh court order refusing to quash the FIRlodged against him, a bench of justices

Arun Mishra and Deepak Gupta said thatit would hear the arguments on October15. The Maharashtra government had ear-lier filed a caveat in the matter seeking tobe heard before any orders are passed. OnSeptember 13, the high court had refused

to quash the FIR lodged against him in the2017 Koregaon-Bhima case and for hav-ing alleged Maoist links, noting that therewas prima facie substance in the case."Considering the magnitude of the case,we feel a thorough investigation is re-quired," it had said. The high court had,however, extended the protection from ar-rest to Navlakha for three weeks to enablehim to approach the Supreme Court to filean appeal against its order. The FIR waslodged against Navlakha and others by thePune Police in January 2018 after the El-gar Parishad held on December 31, 2017that had allegedly triggered violence atKoregaon Bhima in Pune district.


The Bharatiya Janata Partyreleased its list of star cam-paigners for Haryana as-sembly elections and Punjabby-elections on Friday.

Apart from Prime Min-ister Narendra Modi, whohas been BJP's biggestcrowd puller in the past fiveyears, the list includes lead-ers like Union Home Minis-ter Amit Shah and BJPworking president JP Nadda. It also in-

cludes BJP Members of Parliamentfrom Haryana and Pun-jab, as well as film stars-turned politicians HemaMalini, Manoj Tewariand Ravi Kishen andSunny Deol.

Haryana is sched-uled to hold assemblyelections on October 21.Four seats of Punjab,Phagwara, Mukerain,Jalalabad and Dakha, will also witness

by-elections on the same day.

Ayodhya case: SC to wrapup hearing on Oct 17NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court Friday said itwould wrap up the hearing in the politically sensitiveRam Janambhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute at Ay-odhya by October 17.A 5-judge Constitution bench headed by Chief Jus-tice Ranjan Gogoi, on the conclusion of 37th day ofthe hearing, fixed the schedule for the final leg ofthe lengthy arguments.The bench said the Muslim sides to the disputewould complete the arguments on October 14 andthereafter, two days would be granted to the Hinduparties to sum up their rejoinders by October 16,and October 17 would be the last day for wrappingup the hearing.The bench, also comprising justices S A Bobde, D YChandrachud, Ashok Bhushan and S A Nazeer, hadearlier fixed the deadline of October 18 to concludethe hearing. The judgement in the matter is to bepronounced by November 17 as the CJI will retireon that date.

Action soon in shooting down chopper case: Chief‘IAF ready for any situation’ Koregaon Bhima case: SC extends protection

from arrest to Gautam Navlakha till Oct 15

Modi, Amit Shah BJP’s starcampaigners for Hry polls

Siachen hospitalgets oxygen plantJAMMU: Nicknamed "Siachenhealer", a hospital that servessoldiers working in the world'shighest battlefield got its firstoxygen plant on Friday, officialssaid.The Siachen hospital which is lo-cated at Hunder near Pratappurprovides medical cover not onlyto the soldiers deployed on theglacier but also to the local pop-ulation and a large number oftourists travelling through theNubra Valley, a senior Army offi-cer said.


Public Notice

Court Notice

Disown NoticeMatrimonial

Situation Vacant


I Kamaljit Kaur W/o Rajinder I, Satnam Singh S/o Surjit I, Rashmi W/o Poshan I No. 15784668l Rank I, Shiboo S/o Karam Chand I, Noor Mohammad S/o I, Anita Rani W/o Tarsem I Kuldip Singh S/o Jeon Singh R/o H.no. 2264, W.no. Singh R/o H.no.5975, Kumar R/o .h .no .895, Lhav Debasis Biswas S/o R/o Village. Jallowal Nai Boota Khan R/o Talwandi L a l S h a r m a R / o B - S i n g h R / o M o h a l l a 10, Landran Road Kharar Jyotisar Colony Jandiala Street No.5 Dr Het Ram Shir Mrinal Kanti Biswas Abadi, Jalandhar, Punjab B h a n g e r i a n ( m o g a ) xxx1/1138/502/d3, St.no.3, Ramgarhia, Kotkapura Distt. Mohali Have Changed Guru Amri t sar Have C o l o n y C h h e h a r t a Unit 140 Ad Regt (sp)c/o Have Changed My Name Changed Name Noor G.t.b. Nagar, Mundian (faridkot) Have Changed My Name To Kamaljeet Kaur Changed My Name From Amritsar 143105, Have 56 Apo.have Changed My From Shiboo To Shiboo Mohammad Shahi. Kalan, Ludhiana Declare My Name To Kuldeep

100071 Sunpreet Singh Bhinder To Changed My Name To Wife Name From Shraboni Alias Nasib Chand. All 63372 That Anita And Anita Rani Singh.Sunpreet Singh. Please Reshmi Maurya. Please B i swas To Shrabon i Concerned Please Note I, Sunita W/o Anil Bajaj Both Are One And Same 63372Note It Note It Mondal Biswas. 42778 R/o Friends Enclave Zira Person. I, Ranjot Singh S/o Manjit

72737 72737 100042 I Balkaran Singh S/o Uttar (ferozepur) Changed Name 63372 Singh R/o Ghungrana, I, Roohi D/o Arvinder I Kanchan Gumaj Spouse Singh Aulakh R/o Aulakh Sunita Bajaj. I, Tarsem Lal Sharma S/o Ludhiana Changed Name Singh R/o.130 Joshi Of Santosh Melinamani Patti, Rameana (faridkot) 63372 A m i r C h a n d R / o Ranjot Singh Dhillon. Colony Opp Company R/o 283 Transit Camp ,type Have Changed My Name I, Rajwinder Kaur Gill W/o X x x 1 / 1 1 3 8 / 5 0 2 / d 3 , 63372G a r d e n O p p N e w B C/o 56 Apo.have To Balkaran Singh Aulakh. Manjit Singh Malhi R/o St.no.3, G.t.b. Nagar, I , Harmanpreet Kaur Lawrence Road Amritsar Changed My Name From 98723 C h a b b a ( f e r o z e p u r ) Mundian Kalan, Ludhiana Sandhu W/o Hitwaan Have Changed My Name K a n c h a n G u m a j To I Parmj i t Kaur W/o Changed Name Rajwinder Declare That Tarsem S i n g h R / o H o u s e To Roohi Dhingra. Please Kanchan Melinamani. Vide Balkaran Singh Aulakh R/o K a u r M a l h i ( a f t e r Sharma , Tar sem La l No.192/14a Shant Nagar Note It A f f i d a v i t D a t e d Aulakh Patti, Rameana Marriage). Sharma And Tarsem Lal Bathinda Have Changed

72737 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 9 B e f o r e (faridkot) Have Changed 63372 Dixit All Are One And My Name To Harmanpreet I, Amarjit Singh Dhillon Execut ive Magistrate My Name To Parmjit Kaur I, Bimla Kashori Karkeeta Same Person. Kaur.S / o B a l w a n t S i n g h Ambala Cantt. Aulakh. D / o B e n e D h i k h t a 63372 63372R/o.h.no.7,gali No.1 Opp 100042 98723 Karkeeta R/o 184- Ghumar I, Rajinder Kumar Monga I, Vishali D/o Ram Lal R/o Alpha One Partap Avenue I Laxmumma Mother Of I Jaspal Singh S/o Balkaran Mandi Near Shiv Mandir S/o Raj Kumar R/o 320, Vpo Salempur District Amritsar Have Changed No. 15169675m Hav Singh Aulakh R/o Aulakh Ludhiana Changed Name Street No. 8, New Azad Hoshiarpur Have Changed My Name To Amrik Singh Rambabu Andavarapu Of Patti, Rameana (faridkot) Vani. Nagar, Ludhiana Have My Name To Vishali Dhillon. Unit 125 Sata Regt Have Have Changed My Name Changed My Name From Saroya.63372

72737 Changed My Name From To Jaspal Singh Aulakh. Rajinder Kumar Mogna To 63372I, Pishora Singh S/o Kartar I, Ravinder Kaur W/o L a x m u m m a T o 98723 Singh R/o Malian Wala Rajinder Kumar. I, Surinder Singh S/o M a n m o h a n S i n g h A n d a v a r a p u I Sandeep Kaur W/o Jaspal (moga), I, Pishora Singh 63372 Sardar Singh R/o # 89-a, St. Dhillon R/o.h.no.7,gali Latchumamma Singh Aulakh R/o Aulakh Al ias Pashora Singh I, Sahab Singh S/o Sardar No 2 Ghuman Nagar , No.1 Opp Alpha One 100078 Patti, Rameana (faridkot) B o t h n a m e s A r e m i n e R/o 17 Fad, Baddowal Sirhind Road Patiala Have Partap Avenue Amritsar I A n d a v a r a p u Have Changed My Name Andsame Person. Cantt. Ludhiana Declare Changed My Minor Son’s Have Changed My Name Latchumamma Mother Of To Sandeep Kaur Aulakh. That My Son's Namely Name Agamdeep Singh To 63372To Anbir Kaur Dhillon. No. 15169675m Hav Vakeel And His Actually Agam Wadhwa.98723 I, Shinder Pal Kaur W/o

72737 Rambabu Andavarapu Of D a t e O f B i r t h I s 63372I, Honey Sharma W/o Pishora Singh R/o Malian I, Sarbjit Sandhu S/o Jagjit Unit 125 Sata Regt. That Vikas Tiwari Mohalla Wala (moga) Changed 17/04/2003. I, Basant Singh S/o Bachan S ingh R /o .276 -277 , My Wrong Dob Entered In Takaiarn Nurmahal Tehsil Name Jaswinder Kaur. 63372 Singh R/o Saidoke (moga) Industrial Area Goindwal My Son's Service Records Phil laur ( Jalandhar) I Gurmit Singh S/o Atma Changed My Name To 63372Sahib Distt Tarn Taran 01-07-1964 Instead Of 01- Changed My Name To Singh R/o H No.266,gali Basant Singh Dhaliwal.I, Rajni Bala W/o Rakesh Have Changed My Name 01-1956 Honey Sharma To Honey No.2, tej Nagar Ward K u m a r R / o M o h a l l a 63372To Sarbjit Singh 100078 Tiwari After Marriage No.20,sultanwind Road Sodhian Wala Moga, I, I , Dinash Devi W/o

72737 I,virender Kumar S/o Sant Which Was Held On 15 Amritsar Have Changed Rajni Bala Alias Ritu Dharmjeet Singh R/o I, Amarbir Kaur W/o Kumar R/o Village- Garhi Feb. 2016. B o t h n a m e s A r e m i n e My Name To Gurmeet B a h a w a n i N a g a r , Dilbagh Singh R/o.vill. Sadhan,tehsil-indri Distt 63372 Andsame Person. Singh. Hoshiarpur Changed Her M u k a n d p u r a D i s t t Karnal Haryana. Thiat My I, Navjot Kaur Mavi D/o 63372 Name To Dinesh Devi.63372Amritsar Have Changed Wife ' s Name In My Harbans Singh R/o 115 I, Sonamdeep Kaur D/o I, Sukhpaul Kaur W/o 63372My Name To Kuldip Passport Is Renu Devi But Mander Nagar Kharar Teh- Amarjit Singh Randhawa Randhir Singh Sidhu R/o I, Rani Verma W/o Sanjeev Kaur. Please Note It In The Real Documents Of kharar (sas Nagar) Pb, R/o Koir Singh Wala Vill: Phullo Khari Post Kumar Verma R/o Village

My Wife's Her Name Is (bathinda) Have Changed 72737 Changed My Name To Office Giana Teh-talwandi Mohalla Bawian Shahkot Renu Rani. Now Name Of My Name To Sonamdeep I, Manyog Singh Sahni Navjot Kaur. Sabo (bathinda) Changed Tehsil Shahkot Distt. The My Wife In My Kaur Randhawa.S/o S. Inder Pal Singh R/o 63372 My Name To Sukhpal Jalandhar Punjab Declare Passport Should Be Correct H.no. 95, Guru Teg I Surinder Kumar Son Of Kaur. 63372 That Rani And Rani Verma Renu Rani.B a h a d u r N a g a r , Chuni Lal, R/o House No I, Amarjeet Singh S/o Is One And The Same 63372

100070Jalandhar, Declare That 480, Mohalla Kamboan Darshan Singh R/o Koir Person. All Concerned I, Shaminderpal Singh Manyog S ingh And I , Shyam Lal Kaushik S/o Wala, Zira (ferozepur) I Singh Wala (bathinda) Please Note.Sidhu S/o Hardeep Singh Manyog Singh Sahni Is Sh. Sadhu Ram R/o 1328, Have Changed My Name Have Changed My Name Sidhu V.p.o Dhigana Sri 98765One And The Same Sector 7, Urban Estate, To S u r i n d e r K u m a r T o A m a r j i t S i n g h Muktsar Sahib Have I, Ninder Singh S/o Gurdev Person. K u r u k s h e t r a Te h s i l Sharma. Randhawa.Changed My Name To Singh R/o Mehmadpur

T h a n e s a r D i s t r i c t 72778 63372 63372Shaminder Singh. Tehsil Shahkot Distt. K u r u k s h e t r a H a v e I, Manyog Singh Sahni I, Jagmail Singh Alias I, Parminder Kaur W/o Jalandhar Punjab Declare 63372Changed My Name From S/o S. Inder Pal Singh R/o Gurmail Singh S/o Hari Amarjit Singh Randhawa That Ninder Singh And I Kulwant Kaur D/o Sham Lal Kaushik To H.no. 95, Guru Teg Singh R/o Behlolpur R/o Koir Singh Wala Narinder Singh Is One And Darbara Singh Village Shyam Lal Kaushik. All B a h a d u r N a g a r , (ludhiana) Declare That (bathinda) Have Changed The Same Person.Rampur Chhanna (sangrur) Concerns Please Note.Jalandhar, Have Changed Jagmai l S ingh Al ias My Name To Paraminder Have Changed My Name 98765

84451The Name Of My Minor Gurmail Singh Is One And Kaur Randhawa.After Marriage Gurpreet Daughter Aad Saavi Kaur I, Kuljeet Singh S/o Avtar The Same Person. 63372Kaur W/o Gurtej Singh To Aadsavi Kaur. (arpit) Singh R/o House No 89 , I , Amr ik S ingh S /o 63372 Village Bhatiwal Kalan

V.p.o Subhanpur Distt 72778 Gurcharan Singh R/o I Rajesh Kumar S/o (sangrur) Now I Known As Kapurthala Have Changed I Hitherto Known As Mangat R/o Karmiti Road By Two Names Gurpreet Kotkapura (faridkot) Have My Name From Kuljeet Roohi Rani D/o Prem Talwandi Bhai (ferozepur) Kaur And Kulwant Kaur. Changed My Name To Singh To Kewal Singh Kumar W/o Ravneet Declare That My Daughter Amrik Singh Atwal.63372.please Note.Singh,r/o H.no. 62, Guru Suman Bala In Her Of 63372I, Bhupinder Singh Deol

98748Ramdass Nagar, Phase-1, Some Documents My I, Jaspal Kaur W/o Amrik S/o Gurmail Singh R/o Vill: Maqsudan, Jalandhar- I, Arun Kumar S/o Janak Name Is Rajesh. But S i n g h A t w a l R / o Batuha Po. Killa Hakima 144008, Punjab, India, Raj Bali R/o V.p.o Bholath Correct Name Is Rajesh Kotkapura (faridkot) Have (sangrur) Changed My Have Changed My Name Te h B h o l a t h D i s t t Kumar. Changed My Name To Name To Bhupinder Singh.And Shall Hereafter Be Kapurthala Have Changed Jaspal Kaur Atwal.63372 63372Known As Jasleen Kaur My Daughter Name From I Baljeet Kaur W/o Rajesh I Surinder Kumar S/o 63372After Marriage. Mannat To Mannat Bali Kumar R/o Karmiti Road Piyare Lal Ward No. 5 I Jagsir Singh S/o Ajit

.please Note.72778 T a l w a n d i B h a i Makhu Teh Zira Distt Singh R/o Jalal Distt 98748.I, Santosh Kumar S/o (ferozepur) Declare That Bathinda Have Changed Ferozepur Have Changed

Shingara Ram, R/o Vpo. I, Lashmi W/o Arun Kumar My Daughter Suman Bala My Name To Jagsir Singh My Name From Surinder Dada, Teh. & Distt. R/o Ward No 3 ,v.p.o I n H e r O f S o m e Sidhu.Kumar To Surinder Sikri.Hoshiarpur, Punjab Have Bholath Teh Bholath Documents My Name Is 63372 63372Changed The Name Of Distt Kapurthala Have Bal jeet . But Correct I, Charanjit Singh S/o I Baljit Kaur W/o Jagsir My Minor Son From C h a n g e d M y N a m e Name Is Baljeet Kaur. Harnam Singh R/o Village Singh Sidhu R/o Jalal Distt Satyajeet To Satyajeet From Lashmi To Lashmi 63372 Bathinda Have Changed Ranian, Po Sangowal, Singh. Bali .please Note. I, Sukhpreet Kaur Sidhu Ludhiana Changed Name My To Baljit Kaur Sidhu.

72778 98748 W / o B a l w a n t S i n g h Charanjit Singh Gill. 63372I, Harsh S/o Avinash I, Radhika W/o Sanjeev Dhaliwal R/o Chuhanke 63372 I Jagsir Singh Sidhu R/o K u m a r R / o V. p . o . Kumar R/o Begowal Teh Khurd (barnala) Changed I, Charanjit Singh Gill S/o Jalal Distt Bathinda Have P h u g l a n a D i s t t . B h o l a t h D i s t t My Name To Sukhpreet Harnam Singh R/o Village Changed My Minor Son Hoshiarpur Punjab Have K a p u r t h a l a H a v e Kaur Dhaliwal. Ranian Po Sangowal, Name To Prabhjot Singh Changed My Name Harsh C h a n g e d M y N a m e 63372 To Prabhjot Singh Sidhu.Ludhiana Changed Name To Harsh Bansal F r o m R a d h i k a T o I , K i r n a D / o R a m My Minor Son's From 63372

Monika .please Note.72778 L u b h a y a R / o V p o . Ta j w i n d e r S i n g h To I Lukhwinder Singh S/o 98748I, Sahab Singh S/o Mai P a n d o r i K h a s Te h - Tajwinder Singh Gill. Bal j inder Singh R/o

C h a n d R / o Vi l l a g e I Gurbinder Pal S/o Mulkh n a k o d a r ( j a l a n d h a r ) 63372 Sangat Kalan Distt Kanthala Khurd, Tehsil Raj R/o Sri Muktsar Sahib Changed My Name To I, Harjit Kaur W/o Charanjit Bathinda Have Changed My T h a n e s a r , D i s t t . H a v e C h a n g e d M y Kiran Thaper. Singh Gill R/o Village Name To Lakhwinder Singh.K u r u k s h e t r a H a v e Gurbinder Pal Singh. 63372 63372Ranian Po Sangowal, Change My Name Sahib 100067 I, Malkiat Singh S/o Ludhiana Changed Name I Swarnjit Singh S/o Singh To Sahab Singh. I, Stuti Jain W/o Danish Gurdit Singh R/o Vpo. Harjit Kaur Gill. Harbhajan Singh R/o

52724 Chawla R/o #128 Street No Shankar Teh-nakodar Sherpur Kalan Tehsil 63372I No. 15567090n Rank 6 Ferozepur Cantt Have (jalandhar) Pb, India, I, Balu S/o Babu R/o M.s. Jagraon Distt Ludhiana L/nk Kumbhar Hanumant Changed My Name Stuti Changed My Name To Nagar, Tajpur Road , Have Changed My Name Yashwant S/o Yashwant Jain To Stuti Concerned Malkit Singh. B h a m i a n L u d h i a n a To Swarnjit Singh Gill.Kumbhar Unit 268 Engr Note. 63372 63372Changed Name Ballu.Br. Regt(pms)c/o 56 900011 I, Pritika D/o Tarsem Lal I Surjit Singh S/o Gurmail 63372Apo.have Changed My I, Shaina Aggarwal W/o R/o Vill: Bir Pind Vpo. Bir Singh R/o Vpo Chimna I, Amarjit Kaur W/o Son Name From Vignesh Anuj Goyal R/o House No P i n d T e h - n a k o d a r Tehsi l Jagraon Dis t t Amarjeet Singh R/o 157, Hanmant Kumbhar To 43 Street No 2 Ferozepur (jalandhar) Pb, Declare Ludhaina Have Changed Street No. 1, Jai Singh Vi g n e s h H a n u m a n t Cantt Have Changed My That My Given Name Is Name My Minor Daughter Nagar, Rahon Road , Kumbhar In My Service Name Shaina Aggarwal To Pritika And Surname Is Rajvir Kaur To Rajvir Kaur Ludhiana Changed Name Records.. Shaina Concerned Note. Dadhria. Dhillon.Amarjeet Kaur .

100042 900011 63372 6337263372

RNI NO. 61323/95 | Printed and Published by Gaurav Goel for Yugmarg Prakashan from 28/1, Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh and printed at Yugmarg Publications,

Kurali Road, Khanpur, Kharar Distt. Mohali (PB), Editor Chander Trikha, Ph.:(off) 0172-5002721, 2972414. E-mail: yugmarg@gmail.com

Postal Code No. G/CHD/0186/2016-2018





PUBLIC NOTICESI, Ashwani Kumar S/o R a g h b i r S i n g h R / o H.no.122/28, Sardaro Wali Gali , Jawahar Nager, Sonepat, Hereby Declared That Sidharth Rathi Is My Real Son And His Date Of Birth Is 19.01.2010. That In My Office Record Due To Typographical Mistake The Name Of My Son Has Wrongly Mentioned As Sidhart In Place Of Sidharth Rathi.

72779I, Balbir Singh S/o Raja S i n g h R / o H o u s e N o . 7 3 / 3 , g u r u A r j u n N a g a r , b a s t i Mithu,jalandhar Declare That My Son's Shamsher Singh And Avtar Singh Are Out Of My Control. So I Disown Them From All My Moveable/ immoveable Property. Anybody Dealing With Them Do So At Their Own Risk.

100012I, hitherto known as Rani W / o K a s h m i r S i n g h r e s i d i n g a t Vi l l a g e Chhadauri Po. Begampur Tehsil Balachaur District SBS Nagar, Punjab-144524 declares that my name has been wrongly written as Rani in my husband’s Passport No. J9586449. Have changed my name and shall hereafter be known as Kashmir Kaur. my actual name is Kashmir Kaur, which may be amended accordingly.

63372I, Paramjit Singh S/o Nahar Singh R/o Vill: Changan (Ludhiana) declare that my daughter Akwinder Kaur is out of my control. So I disown with her from my moveable / immoveable property. if anybody dealing with her at his/her own risk.

63372i, kamalpreet kaur w/o ravinder singh r/o h.no. 1637/2, st.no. 4, chimni road, kwali ty chowk, s h i m l a p u r i , l u d h i a n a declare that my son snehpal s i n g h a n d h i s w i f e ramanpreet kaur are out of my control. So I disown t h e m f r o m m y a l l m o v a b l e / i m m o v a b l e property. Anyone dealing with them will do at their own risk.



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3HARYANAOld friends-turned political rivals pose for photoKAITHAL: BJP candidate Leela Ram and Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) candidate Ram Phalhad a chance meeting at the office of Kaithal Returning Officer Kamalpreet Kaur, where they hadcome to file their nomination papers on Friday and to celebrate their friendship of years, bothposed for a photograph.One common link between the two political adversaries and old friends was that both remainedin the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) for years. Mr Ram had left the INLD years back, while MrPhal had recently resigned from the party and joined JJP.Kailash Bhagat and Suresh Garg Nouch, both BJP ticket aspirants, were present on this occa-sion. Haryana will go for Assembly polls on October 21


Toll company holdsvoters awarenessprogrammeMAHINDER SINGHGHARAUNDA: To motivate voters tovote, the toll company conducted voterawareness campaign on toll booths. Ap-pealing to vote in the upcoming elec-tions, toll officers and employees gavefree saplings to the drivers. This expedi-tion on toll received good response fromthe drivers. Toll officials said that aboutone thousand saplings have been dis-tributed under this campaign to makepeople aware.A voter awareness campaign was organ-ised on behalf of toll company Soma atthe toll plaza of National Highway. Thevehicle drivers reached the toll and as-sured to cast a definite vote in the elec-tion, taking the plant gift. Lauding the tollcompany's campaign, car drivers Har-minder, Manish Sharma, Yogesh Kumar,Maninder Singh and Kamal Kumar saidthat this will bring awareness to the peo-ple about environmental safety and vot-ing and this will definitely have an impacton vote percentage in the assembly elec-tions.

Poetry seminar on October 6: JaiBhardwajRohit LamsarTARAORI: Sarthak Sahitya ParishadTarawari will organise a monthly poetryseminar at Siri Guru Tegh BahadurKanya Mahavidyalaya on Sunday, Octo-ber 6 at 4 pm. Chairman of this literaryunit of the city, Ramsingh Chaudharyand Secretary Jai Bhardwaj said that onthe poetry forum, new creators and childwriters are encouraged by giving oppor-tunities on the platform, by promotingtheir writing ability. Along with bringingtalent to the writing field, they also get anopportunity to meet establishedKalamkars.The event will be presided over by thefamous social activist Vipin Chhabra ofthe city. Distinguished citizens BharatBhushan Gupta will attend as their maindate.

Cleanliness campaignlaunched in memory of martyrsROHIT LAMSARTARAORI: Tributes were paid to themartyrs at Brahmrishi Vidya Mandir Tar-avari. All the staff members and studentsof the school remembered and remem-bered the great men of their country.People paid their respects to martyrs.Shramdaan was done by the studentsand teachers of the school. A cleanlinessdrive was conducted in the school inmemory of the martyrs. Children gavethe message of plastic removal by writ-ing slogan speech posters.Around 650 students followed the clean-liness message through various pro-grammes. Principal of the school, Dr.Rakesh Sharma said that cleanliness isthe message of humanity and clean In-dia, the best India. He motivated every-one to always keep cleanliness in life, tokeep the environment clean, to removeplastic and polythene and to follow thepath shown by our great men. All staffmembers were present on the occasion.

Panasonic inaugurates16 exclusive brandoutlets in Delhi and Haryana

GURGAON/ FARIDABAD : Panasonic,a leader in innovation and technology, to-day announced the inauguration of 16exclusive Panasonic outlets in Delhi andHaryana. The 10 new brand outlets inHaryana state extend across Gurugram,Faridabad, Ballabhgarh, Panipat, Palwal,Sirsa, Rohtak, Ambala Cantt, Ambala cityand Kaithal and the 6 new brand outletsin New Delhi spread through the variousregions of the State. With this, Panasonictakes yet another leap towards its com-mitment to offer advanced technologyand value proposition to customersacross the length and breadth of thecountry. Panasonic has a strong footprint in theDelhi and Haryana region with over 15and 17 stores respectively, and with thenew store launches we are taking the to-tal count to 21 exclusive brand stores inDelhi and 27 exclusive brand stores inHaryana.Each of the premium stores houses thecompany's consumer electronics rangeacross categories including TVs, HomeAudio Products, Home AppliancesRange, Air Conditioners and SmallHome Appliances, among others. Theoutlets serve as a one-stop destinationfor customers to get a first-hand experi-ence of Panasonic's technologically ad-vanced products for their varied homerequirements all under one roof. Suguru Takamatsu, Divisional Head,Consumer Electronics, Panasonic Indiasaid, "We are delighted to announce thelaunch of 10 new exclusive brand outletsand ensure that our customers inHaryana experience Panasonic's superi-or products and solutions seamlessly.Haryana is one of our key markets andthe expansion of our outlets is a step for-ward, towards delivering enhanced valueto our customers and catering to their as-pirations." Jialal Koundal, Group Head,Trade Marketing, Panasonic Indiaadded, "Haryana is one of the fastest-growing markets, owing to the ever-ex-panding consumer base and theirevolved demands for innovative prod-ucts. Panasonic.


Senior Congress leader BhupinderSingh Hooda on Friday said the "anti-people" BJP government in Haryanawill be ousted after the October 21polls as people have made up theirmind to bring back the main opposi-tion party to power.

The Haryana Congress Legis-lature Party leader said the "falsepromises" made by the BharatiyaJanata Party have been exposed be-fore the people. "They talk of 'ab kibaar 75 paar, but people are saying 'abki baar Congress ki sarkar'," the vet-eran Congress leader told reportersafter filing nomination papers fromhis Garhi Sampla-Kiloi constituency.

The former two-time chief minis-ter performed a 'havan' at his resi-dence before leaving for the office ofreturning officer to file his nomina-tion papers. He was accompanied byhis family members, including wifeAsha Hooda and son DeependerSingh Hooda, and some Congressleaders. "All sections of society, in-cluding farmers, workers, traders andgovernment employees, have been hitby the anti-people policies of theBJP," the leader of opposition inHaryana Assembly claimed. "Thisgovernment has been hit by variousscams, including cash-for-jobs scamand illegal mining scam. They havenot fulfilled any promises they madeto the public before coming to power.But they are experts in event manage-ment and in selling dreams to thepublic," he said. "Days of the anti-people BJP-led government inHaryana are numbered and people ofthe state have made up their mind tovote it out," he claimed. BhupinderHooda's loyalists had put pressure onthe Congress high command tochange the party's state unit chiefAshok Tanwar, following which itnamed Kumari Selja Haryana unitpresident and Hooda was appointedCongress Legislative Party (CLP)leader.


In order to ensure smooth and peacefulpolling, Haryana police have so far seized 130unlicensed arms and 110 cartridges since Sep-tember 21 when the model code of conduct forthe State Assembly elections came into force.

Stating this here on Friday, Additional Di-rector General of Police (Law and Order)Navdeep Singh Virk said owners of licensedweapons have also started depositing theirfirearms with the police before the election. Asper official figure, a total of 1,10,901 licensedarms have been deposited in different policestations till October 3, 2019. In addition, 11 li-censed arms have been cancelled and one im-pounded for violating the instructions of Elec-tion Commission of India.

Mr Virk said Director General of PoliceManoj Yadava is constantly reviewing the se-curity arrangements with regard to electionswith district police chiefs. Police have stepped

up measures to ensure smooth conduct of elec-tions in the state.

On the security front, the ADGP said, theUnion Ministry of Home Affairs has provided120 companies of Central paramilitary forcesto ensure full proof security arrangements be-fore and after the polling day. As part of theconfidence-building measures among voters,the police and central forces started conduct-ing flag march in sensitive areas across thestate.

The security forces have also stepped upvigil around the polling stations identified‘critical’ and ‘vulnerable’. Prompt and effec-tive action would be taken against anybodywho tries to disrupt the polling process, headded. He urged the people to enthusiasticallyparticipate in the upcoming festival of democ-racy and exercise their right to cast vote with-out any fear as the Haryana police has madeelaborate arrangements for free, fair andpeaceful conduct of general elections, pollingfor which will be held on October 21.

Hooda files nominationpapers, hits out at BJP


Haryana Health Minister and sit-ting BJP MLA Anil Vij on Fridayfiled his nominationpaper from AmbalaCantt seat, for the Vid-han Sabha elections,scheduled to be heldon October 21.

Before filing hispapers at the SDM of-fice in Kabari Bazaar,Mr Vij addressed hissupporters, saying thathe would go to the elec-torate by counting thedevelopment works done by himduring the last five years, whichwere more than those, done by theOpposition party MLAs, in the last40 years. He urged the people toweigh his work with the perform-ance of his previous counterparts,

mainly from the Congress, whiledisclosing that these works werecompleted at the cost of more thanRs 1800 crore. Later, a road show

was organised from theKabari Bazaar electionoffice to the SDM of-fice, where the BJPMLA filed his nomina-tion papers. Talking tothe media, Mr Vij saidthe Opposition partieswere involved in in-fighting for getting theparty ticket. Undersuch circumstances,how could they do jus-

tice to the electorate, he wondered.At Barara, BJP candidate RajbirSingh filed nomination papers forMullana Vidhan Sabha seat. ChiefMinister Manohar Lal Khattar waspresent, when Mr Singh filed hisnomination papers.

Vij files nominationfrom Ambala Cant

130 unlicensed arms seizedafter model code of conduct


On the last day of nominations the IndianNational Lok Dal (INLD) on Friday re-leased the second list of 17 candidates forthe Haryana Assembly elections, sched-uled to be held on October 21.

The party has named 81 candidates andits alliance partner Shiromani Akali Dal(SAD) has named three candidates so far.INLD has not declared candidates on sixseats as of now.

In the second list, the party has fieldedformer councillor Satinder Toni fromKalka, Suman Siwach from Fatehabad,grandson of former MLA Balwant Mayna,Puneet Mayna, from Rohtak, Kulbir Bamalfrom Hansi, Ravinder Khokha from Bar-wala, and Rohtash Jakhar from Ballabh-garh.

Out of 81 candidates, the INLD hasgiven tickets to 15 women.

On the other hand, the Jannayak JantaParty (JJP) has released its last list of fivecandidates today. The party will contest onall the 90 seats. In the last list, the JJP an-nounced that it will be fielding VirenderChaudhary from Nalwa, Dr Shiv ShankarBharadwaj from Bhiwani and Smarat Ya-dav, son of former MLAAnita Yadav, fromAteli.

INLD releases secondlist of 17 candidates

Bamal appointed Youth President ofAnti- Corruption FoundationSHIV SHARMAKARNAL: NationalPresident of Anti- Cor-ruption Foundation of In-dia, Narendra Arora andState ChairmanHaryana, AmandeepSingh Chawla, while ex-panding the State Exec-utive, appointed Jind'syouth social workerManish Bamal as Dis-trict Youth PresidentJind. In a meeting heldat the National Office ofAnti Corruption Founda-tion of India, National President Narendra Arora and State ChairmanHaryana Amandeep Singh Chawla administered the oath of office to thenewly appointed officer Manish Bamal to work for the eradication of cor-ruption by staying in the dignity of the post.On this occasion, Manish Bamal said that he will work for the eradicationof corruption. Narendra Arora said that awareness against corruption isspreading. Amandeep Singh Chawla was also present.


Congress candidate fromIndri, Dr. Navjot Kashyapfiled his nomination pa-pers on Friday. Due to thisa huge public meeting wasorganised in Bajaj Market.After the public meeting,Dr. Navjot Kashyap andher husband Dr. SunilPawar along with the hugeconvoy reached the SDMoffice on foot from the market and gottheir nomination papers filed.

Dr. Navjot Kashyap said in his ad-dress in Congress Bajaj Market that fromtoday I am going to start a new politicalinnings. If the people of Indri sent me theLegislative Assembly with blessings,then I will do the work of resolving what-

ever is the problem of lightness. Dr.Navjot Kashyap said that there is a waveof Congress in the state at this time andCongress will form a government withfull majority in Haryana. On this occa-sion, Rajiv Gandhi Panchayati Raj CellChairman Dr. Sunil Pawar lashed out atthe BJ.


BJP candidate Vedpal, Advo-cate filed his nomination pa-pers for MLA from Pundri as-sembly constituency. UnionMinister of State SanjeevBalyan, Speaker of HaryanaLegislative Assembly Kan-warpal Gurjar and many otherprominent leaders of the statereached Pundri for the nomi-nation. A havan was per-formed before leaving fornomination. The BJP candi-date with the convoy reachedKaithal and filed his nomina-

tion papers.Speaker of Haryana Leg-

islative Assembly ChaudharyKanwarpal Gurjar said that Ihave known Vedpal ji since1992. He said with the claimthat since 1991, Pundari hasgot the best candidate thistime. By making Bhai Vedpalan MLA, the people of Pun-dari will feel proud. Duringthis, Manoj Yatri, Vice Chair-man Satyavan, Telu RamDhul, Devendra Panchal,Mukhtiar Singh Sakar,Sarpanch Association headGulab Singh Jamba, SubhashAjwana, Satpal Rana werealso present.

Adopt Shri Ram's idealsin life: Shiv Sharma

GURMEET KASHYAPNILOKHERI: State Head and social activist Shiv Sharma of Yug-marg newspaper said that every episode of Ramayana teachespeople something. The Ramayana based on the life of Lord ShriRam shows us the path of righteousness. The life of Lord ShriRam was ideal for us. Lord Shri Rama was an ideal son, obedientdisciple with many qualities. Shiv Sharma was speaking as chiefguest at the staging occasion of Ramlila organized by ShriramLeela Committee Nilokheri in Neelokheri today.He said that today, Ramlila is being organised at fewer places, it isstill staged in a grand manner in Nilokheri, which is a commend-able thing. Committee head Subhash Trehan, Director RavindraMehra and Darshan Sharma while welcoming Shiv Sharma in-formed that Ramlila has been organized by the committee for thelast 50 years. Today Ram Banvas was staged in Ramlila. AdvocateRajesh Sharma lashed out in the role of Ramchandra. The audi-ence looked quite serious during Ram Banvas.

Maa Bhagwati's Jagran todayNILOKHERI: The 31st 4Maa Bhagwati Jagran programme will beorganised tomorrow inNeelokheri Gol Markit by MaBhagwati Jagran Mandal. MaBhagwati Jagran Mandal sec-retary Deepak Sindwani andSecretary Darshan Sharmasaid that on the occasion ofJagran, a tableau of MotherBhagwati was taken out inwhich hundreds of devoteeswere present. He said that Ja-gran of Maa Bhagwati is or-ganised every year.

Trilochan of Congress to face CM in KarnalSHIV SHARMAKARNAL, OCT 4

Trilochan of the Congress party will face Haryana Chief MinisterManohar Lal Khattar in the Vidhan Sabha elections from Karnal. So-cial worker Trilochan Singh hs been active in the region since 1982.He started the election campaign today by taking the blessings ofNirmal Kutia along with Mahadev and the Gurus.

Today he met hundreds of Congress workers and filed his nom-ination to SDM Narendra Malik. Senior Congress leader ArvindMann filled out the nomination papers as his covering candidate.Earlier in the morning, Congress candidate Bhai Trilochan Singh vis-ited the historic Manji Sahib Gurdwara and prayed. After that, hewent to the ancient Shiva temple and took blessings of Mahadev.Later he reached Nirmal Kutia. Senior Congress leaders of the stateJagdeep Virk, Advocate Mukesh Chaudhary, Uday Mann, PappuRoad, Meera Mann, Sarpanch Jodha Singh, Jaipal Mann, Chradra-mani Narang Sapna Rana, Sohil Kashmir Singh, Sukhwinder Singh,Gurlal Rajendra Arora, Prem, Kanwal were present.

Will always be available to serve people: Vedpal

Kashyap files nomination from Indri


Ablution is a term used torefer to ritual or sacredwashing for the pur-

pose of ritual purification inconjunction with prayer withinvarious religious traditions.They mark transitions fromprofane to sacred states, etcand are often associated withrites of passage. In Islam,achieving physical hygiene issymbolic of more than asqueaky clean body. It is thecleansing of the body, mindand soul.

The obligatory Islamic actof washing parts of the bodyusing water is called wudu or(less often) ghusl. Muslims are

required top e r f o r mwudu inpreparationfor ritualprayers andfor handlingand readingthe Quran.

Wudu is often translated as“partial ablution,” as opposedto ghusl, or “full ablution”. TheArabic term for the system ofritual purity in Islam is taharah.

Ghusl involves completewashing of the body in purewater and is prescribed when amajor ritual impurity (for ex-ample, sexual intercourse,

menstruation, childbirth) is in-curred. For the dead, ghuslmust be carried out before bur-ial. Wudu, minor ablution, isrequired to remove minor im-purities (urination, defecation,flatulence, deep sleep and lightbleeding). The need for purifi-cation is emphasised in boththe Quran and Hadith(Prophetic traditions), and ithas become an essential aspectof the worship ritual. TheQuran establishes the princi-ple: “O ye who believe! Drawnot near to prayer… till yehave bathed” (Q4:43). Mus-lims have a contractual rela-tionship to God that is manifestthrough the body. Looking af-ter the body is a prayer, a com-munion, an expression of a

commitment to God .The ham-mam or Turkish communalbath was a dark, womblikespace where Ottoman Muslimspurified themselves spirituallybefore entering a mosque orreciting from the Quran. Out-side most mosques and near tothe entrance, one can see awashing area, a shallow poolof water, where the worshippermay perform the requiredablution. If the worshippers areat home or at work, they mayuse whatever facilities as avail-able for cleansing. The stagesof the ablution are as follows:intention to perform the wudu;washing the hands to the wristthrice; rinsing the mouth andsnuffing water into the nostrilsthree times.


Startled by the pace at which charges are piling up in the im-peachment inquiry, the US President, Donald Trump, ex-ploded in public in the presence of the President of Finland

on Wednesday. His bluster and anger in taking on his Democ-ratic accusers, chastising them in profane terms, and hisstonewalling of the impeachment process do not hide the seri-ousness of the situation in which the president of the world'soldest and most prosperous democracy finds himself. There ap-pears to be little doubt vis-a-vis the episode of his July 25 tele-phone call with the Ukranian President that Mr Trump had act-ed dishonourably. He had sought the help of the leader of a for-eign power in putting down his political opponent Joe Bidenthrough his son who had had business dealings in Ukraine. A se-ries of events, beginning with the speculation over Russia in-terfering in the US presidential elections of 2016 to tilt it in MrTrump’s favour through social media manipulation, had beenleading to this point.

Given the complex equations of the political scenario in ademocracy, these events may not lead to the impeachment mo-tion reaching the Senate, which is in the control of the Republi-cans. History reveals that in the modern age when Presidentscame close enough to being impeached, a guilty Richard Nixonresigned and Bill Clinton wriggled out. The fact that the processhas been begun by the Democrats just a year and a month be-fore the 2020 election is indictment enough of a cavalier per-sonality more accustomed to the wheeler-dealer ways of a real-ty tycoon. Mr Trump’s cynical use of a US payment of $400million to Ukraine as a quid pro quo in a telephone call, to whichthe then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was privy, makes theepisode actionable. And that may well have impelled House ofRepresentatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, thus far holding backthe Democrats’ impeachment move, to get down to it.

Trump may be taking the defiant route, perhaps secure inthe knowledge that his party’s Senate majority would inhibit hisopponents from taking this all the way to a vote that would needa two-thirds majority to pass. Also, there may be enough peopleof his constituency who are mainly white and of the evangeli-cal community for him to be a serious candidate for re-election,regardless of what the opinion polls may say a year to the polls.Also, the economy is doing well enough for people to thinktwice before they choose to condemn their President in whatthey will see right now only as a political move to discredit him.Of course, the impeachment inquiry could seriously expose MrTrump’s dalliance with impropriety in many things he may havedone as President with regard to dealings with foreign powersand their leaders. He may indeed have shamed the traditions ofoffice of the man widely seen as the leader of the free world. Butthat is Donald Trump in a nutshell, a misfit for the office so faras heading a liberal democracy goes, and yet he beat the Amer-ican electoral system to be in the White House.

EditorialFor now, Trump beingput through wringer

Despite a surfeit of rec-ollections, essays andinterpretations on Ma-

hatma Gandhi to mark his150th birth anniversary, thelast word can never be saidand there remains space formore. This is especially trueas the real challenge to adhereto Gandhi and Gandhism be-gins now, after rituals havebeen observed, statementsmade and his political legacysought to be co-opted. But, aswe begin marking this land-mark through the year, themoot point is if this year canbe different.

Gandhi was not unidi-mensional. As a politicalleader and communicator parexcellence, he was an astutepractitioner of his craft; as ne-gotiator and team-person, hebordered on being doggedand as a social and economicvisionary, he certainly heldarchaic and often impracticalideas.

Much before Indians getto understand the true politi-cal value of Gandhi, they areexposed to his “experiments”with truth and become theprogenitor of a legacy that theyouth wish to have to no partof. Much of Gandhi’s person-al choices, his sexual absti-nence contrasted by the con-stant companionship ofyoung women, his culinarypractices and his non-accom-modative ways have for longbeen ridiculed. Despite ro-manticising idyllic rural life,

and it becoming a draw in re-cent years among the well-heeled in the autumn of theirlives, migration from villagesto urban settlements is theeasiest way to personalprogress and growth. In thisbackdrop, Gandhi’s villagerootedness and assertions inthe 1930s when he was quiet-ly awaiting the appropriateopportunity to launch the “fi-nal” assault on British colo-nialism, stands out as odd. Itis elements from this phase ofGandhi’s life, many of whichsurely retain value, that havebeen the emphasised by thisgovernment.

The complete identifica-tion of Gandhi with theSwachchh Bharat campaign,essential and not one whichcan be doubted in its intent,may have done wonders forthe campaign but has reduced

the Mahatma to being abroom-wielding loin-clothclad oddity that people willpay lip service to every nowand then but whose philoso-phy they will miss out on.

In April, the governmenttook lead in marking the cen-tenary of the JallianwalaBagh massacre. The empha-sis was either on issuingstandard remembrances oron whether the British wouldissue a formal apology ornot. Prime Minister NarendraModi led the political leader-ship in paying tributes bysaying that the “valour andsacrifices” of the martyrs “onthat fateful day” can never beforgotten: “Their memory in-spires us to work even hard-er to build an India theywould be proud of,” he wroteon his Twitter handle. Presi-dent Ram Nath Kovind

termed the incident as a “hor-rific massacre, a stain oncivilisation, (a) day of sacri-fice (that) can never be for-gotten by India”. RahulGandhi, who was still offi-cially the Congress presi-dent, wrote on the visitors’book: “The cost of freedommust never ever be forgotten.We salute the people of Indiawho gave everything theyhad for it.”

None of the leaders men-tioned above or others intheir respective flanks re-called what led to thetragedy, after all it was notjust a ritualistic BaisakhiDay congregation. GeneralReginald Dyer's panic reac-tion had a political backdrop- the first indication of the la-tent power of Gandhi’sSatyagraha, and the possibil-ity of an anti-colonial strug-gle metamorphosing frombeing an annual or periodicjamboree into acquiring amass character.

It cannot be ignored thatinnocent people were gunneddown because British offi-cials feared the gathering na-tionwide campaign againstthe Rowlatt Act. There cer-tainly was political purposein people violating prohibito-ry orders in Punjab. Peoplein large parts of the countrywere angered at restrictionson personal freedom beingimposed by the draconianRowlatt Act, formally calledthe Anarchical & Revolu-

tionary Crimes Act, a war-time legislation which theBritish administration at-tempted to reintroduce withthe objective of restrainingnascent nationalistic senti-ment.

Leaders paying tributes,especially those from the Op-position ranks, would havedone better service to theirpolitical cause by recallingGandhi’s role in givingcourage to the people tostand up against the might ofthe British Empire. After all,the Jallianwala Bagh mas-sacre must be recalled notjust for the brutalities of thearmy but for the bravery ofthe people and the causewhich they believed in. It hasto kept in mind that the pro-posed law spawned one ofthe most memorable newspa-per headlines, used by a La-hore daily, “No Vakil, NoDaleel, No Appeal.” Mahat-ma Gandhi took the lead andsuccessfully called for thefirst all-India upsurge againstBritish colonialism at a timewhen such call to action wasunheard of. It required thepolitical vision of Gandhi torealise that politicisation ofthe people was not dependenton literacy levels and that thepoor and powerless could beencouraged to stand up fortheir rights.

The Gandhian initiativeagainst the Rowlatt legisla-tion has particular value incontemporary India given

the ease with which the gov-ernment introduced amend-ments to the Unlawful Activ-ities Prevention Act in thelast Parliament session andthe current political dis-course, fanned with officialpatronage, which equates op-position to government withanti-nationalism. The call forSatyagraha, the JallianwalaBagh massacre and protestsagainst it are not the only ini-tiatives of Gandhi that re-quire recollection. The cente-nary of each of these have tobe clubbed together and cel-ebrated with as much gustoas his 150th birth anniver-sary.

Events in 1919 also ledGandhi to include the Khi-lafat movement in the nation-alistic agenda, merge it withthe non-cooperation move-ment and lead the first massprotests against the British. Itwas Gandhi’s insistence onexplaining to people that it is“the right recognised fromtime immemorial of the sub-ject to refuse to assist a rulerwho misrules” which gavecourage to people. Gandhialso declared it was the dutyof Hindus to “associatethemselves with their Mo-hammedan brethren” on a re-ligious matter.

Indeed, in the 150th birthanniversary year, it is moreimportant than ever to recallGandhi’s messages on inter-faith harmony and the politi-cal rights of people.

Satyagraha is Gandhi’s lasting contribution

Wudu is Islam cleanses mind, body & soul Muslims have a contractual relationship to

God that is manifest through the body

Sabarimala is a riddle andits key is politics. Theby-poll season in Kerala

this month bears this out. TheSabarimala verdict of theSupreme Court on September28, 2018, removing age re-strictions on women worship-ping the celibate Lord Ayyap-pa at the hill shrine, continuesto be a poll refrain in Kerala.It helped the Congress-ledUnited Democratic Front(UDF) win all but one of the20 Lok Sabha seats in theMay general elections, leav-ing one to the ruling LDF andthe NDA none.

But the NDA, for the firsttime, garnered almost 29 percent of the Hindu vote, show-ing the “Sabarimala contro-versy as a repeatable emotiveinvestment like the RamMandir issue”.

By-elections to five As-sembly seats are slated forOctober 21. Between nowand November 17, whenChief Justice Ranjan Gogoiretires, his five-judge bench isexpected to deliver the crucialverdict on Sabarimala peti-tions seeking a review of theSC order of September 28. InFebruary, the court asked pe-titioners to submit their con-tentions in writing. There areroughly 64 review petitions,both for and against.

Other judges on the benchare Justices R.F. Nariman,A.M. Khanwilkar, D.Y.Chandrachud and Indu Mal-hotra. It is generally expectedthat the verdict would eitherbe to uphold the previous de-cision or refer it to a largerbench. The annual pilgrimageto Sabarimala for the 41-day

“mandala puja” starts on No-vember 16. The verdict is ex-pected by then or else a newbench will have to rehear thepetitions. Petitioners havepointed out the post-verdictchurning in the state, espe-cially thousands of womenmassing on the roads albeitagainst a progressive decisionthat removed the centuries-old shackles on equal rights toworship. But a large sectionof society feels the reformcannot be implemented by amere order: Women who donot visit temples during themonthly cycle, as a matter ofbelief, are not yet ready to ac-cept the change.

Already, state Congresspresident Mullappally Ra-machandran has announcedSabarimala would be a maincampaign point in the by-elections, especially in Konniin Pathanamthitta, where thehill shrine is located, and Vat-

tiyoorkavu in Thiruvanantha-puram, with a sizeable sectionof the state’s upper caste Naircommunity. The Nair ServiceSociety (NSS) has been at theforefront, fighting the “brazenmanner” in which the govern-ment implemented the topcourt’s verdict. The NSS wasangry with the “governmentfor being soft on the SC di-rective on the Jacobite-Ortho-dox church row while at thesame time being overzealouson the Sabarimala verdict”.

The Sabarimala agitation2.0 will see the OppositionUDF and the ruling LDF tak-ing the NDA to task for its“grandstanding” on Sabari-mala. At the state conventionof the Bharatiya Janata YuvaMorcha in Thrissur on Janu-ary 27, Prime Minister Naren-dra Modi said, in reference tothe Sabarimala temple, “Thepeople of India are seeing theCommunist government of

Kerala disrespecting all as-pects of Kerala’s culture... Letme tell you, neither the Con-gress nor Communists haveany concern for women’s em-powerment. If they did, theywould not be opposing theNDA’s efforts to end triple ta-laq. India has had manywomen chief ministers, buthas even one of them been aCommunist leader?”

Modi was sore with thePinarayi Vijayan governmentfor the way in which it imple-mented the Supreme Court’sverdict. However, Mr Modi’sCommunist-Congress bash-ing exposes the BJP’s owndouble talk: While the partysaw the law on triple talaq asa blow for women’s empow-erment, the party state unitpilloried the LDF governmentfor trying to enforce the pro-woman Sabarimala verdict.The BJP has since taken a U-turn. Union law and justice

minister Ravishankar Prasadsaid in reply to a question byShashi Tharoor in Parliamentthat the Centre would notbring any ordinance againstthe SC verdict on Sabarimala.

On June 21, BJP generalsecretary Ram Madhav told anews channel in Thiruvanan-thapuram that the Centrecould not bypass the SupremeCourt. “What is possiblelegally will be explored. TheSupreme Court is also in-volved in the matter, so wecannot completely bypass theApex Court and take deci-sions,” he told a regionalnews channel. The top brassare confused and there is re-sultant ambivalence abouthow to reap electoral divi-dends. The BJP had smelled“a golden opportunity” inSabarimala ahead of the LokSabha polls and succeeded inincreasing Hindutva backingfor its campaign. The RSS onits part prefers to see Sabari-mala as an assertion of genderjustice just as it would the im-plementation of a UniformCivil Code, a highlight of thedirective principles of thestate policy. That is perhapswhy leaders like Subraman-ian Swamy had wanted Cen-tral forces to be sent toSabarimala to enforce the SCverdict. But the RSS also re-sents the government “ridingroughshod” over women whomay not yet appreciate thelogic in the pro-gender ver-dict. “We do not approve ofthe way the LDF governmentsought to hector women to thehilltop”, said BharatheeyaVichara Kendra deputy direc-tor R. Sanjayan.








STARS TALKSSeemaa Singh, As-

trologer and Vastu Ex-pert known for her accu-

rate predictions of winningBJP minister Kirron Kher, as

well winningof Punjabelections byCongress. Shehas deliveredmany lectureson astrologyin India as

well as abroad. ARIES:-Obviously you needto strike while the iron is hot,but whether that time is nowis questionable.

Lucky Color:-OrangeLucky Number:-14

TAURUS:-You want to doyour best. There are stronghints from some of your plan-

ets that you may getting moredeeply involved in a charita-ble venture.

Lucky Color:-RedLucky Number:-22

GEMINI:-Your current be-haviour is stronglydriven by yours be-lief's and there arenow indicationsthat you could bea little too rigid.

Lucky Color:-Turquoise

Lucky Number:-4CANCER:-There'slightness in the air todaywhich has been lacking overthe last few day.

Lucky Color:-YellowLucky Number:-11

LEO:-Challenging planetaryaspects caution you not to be

reckless or extravagant. For-tunately there are other indi-cations that you will be in asympathetic, tolerant and cau-tions mood, so you're boundto do the sensible thing.

Lucky Color:-PurpleLucky Number:-8

VIRGO:-Familymembers or peopleyou live with seemto be playing aninhibiting role,

perhaps crampingyour style. Lucky Color:-PinkLucky Number:-6

LIBRA:-The Moon's chal-lenge to your sign is gentlyromantic, but it also makesis easier for you To play thepassive partner.

Lucky Color:-Sandy

BrownLucky Number:-9

SCORPIO:-The moon ex-tending its passionate rolein your chart , sensitizingyour emotions and bringingout those elements of yourcharacter which make.

Lucky Color:-Dark RedLucky Number:-6

SAGITTARIUS:-Financialpressure seems to be closelyconnected to social commit-ments.

Lucky Color:-GreyLucky Number:-8

CAPRICORN:-You willno doubt enjoy spendingtime at home, so hopefullycircumstances will permitif all is in a state of up-heaval or if you absolutelymust go to work, you

should try to create a cosyand domesticated atmos-phere you go.

Lucky Color:-GreenLucky Number:-11

AQUARIUS:-This is oftena very powerful time ofyear for you, but your longterm cycle have shiftedslightly.

Lucky Color:-LavenderLucky Number:-4

PISCES:-It is high timethat you stopped allowingother people to take you forgranted. You must recognize, thoughthat if you have allowedyourself to be undervaluedin the past, some of the re-sponsibility lies with you.

Lucky Color:-ChocolateLucky Number:-22

Sabarimala 2.0 brews ahead of verdict


Eighteen years ago, theUnited States invadedAfghanistan to drive out

the Afghan Taliban, but is nowseeking their help to get out ofthe country itself.

The US-Taliban talks mayhave been suspended but arebound to resume as there is noalternative to a negotiated endto the war. Nevertheless, theend of the war will do little tobring peace to Afghanistan. Itwill solve America’s problem;but Afghanistan and Pakistanwill have to solve theirs.

Afghanistan and Pakistanhave had a tortuous shared his-tory that has left a complicatedlegacy of divided ethnicityacross a disputed border. Each

has responded by becomingfriendly with the other’s ene-mies. They will face muchgreater challenges as intra-Afghan talks start, which theymust sooner or later. The Tal-iban and Kabul will not only betalking but also fighting, hencepresenting a challenge to bothcountries that cannot be re-solved through strategies defin-ing their past interaction.

We have made mistakes inAfghanistan and paid for them.I hope we are not going to makeanother one by persisting withour traditional support for theTaliban in this new conflict thatwill be so different. On the onehand, the US and Afghanistanwill be more dependent on Pak-

istan to manage the Talibanthreat. On the other, Pakistanwill have less leverage with theTaliban as the latter, with theUS drawdown, would feelstronger and be less amenableto Pakistan’s influence. Pak-istan’s biggest challenge will beto prevent the Taliban from call-ing upon their old and new al-lies like the foreign and Pak-istani jihadists to join the battlein a replay of the conflict of the1990s. This conflict will loomlarge over Pakistan’s tentativestruggle against militant organ-isations and its efforts to sta-bilise the economy andstrengthen democracy amidcontinued pressures from an as-sertive and dominant India.

In April, the government took lead in marking thecentenary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre

NEWS AT AGLANCE Guv attends meeting on new education policy

SHIMLA: Governor Bandaru Dattatraya attended the meeting of Sub Group ofGovernors regarding New Education Policy-Higher Education at New Delhi today.Governor of Uttar Pradesh Anandiben Patel chaired the meeting. Detaileddiscussion was held regarding framing of new education policy for the country.Governor gave valuable inputs regarding the subject. Governor Goa MridulaSinha, Governor Kerela Arif Mohammad Khan, Governor Arunachal Pradesh B DMishra, Lt. Governor Andaman and Nicobar Island Devender Kumar Joshi andAdministrator Daman Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli Praful Patel also participated inthe meeting. Secretary to Governor Rakesh Kanwar was also present in themeeting.

Chill intensifies as rainlashes Srinagar, otherparts of KashmirSRINAGAR: Chilly weather conditionsintensified in the state as incessantrain lashed the summer capital,Srinagar, and other parts of Kashmir,where people mostly remainedconfined to their homes due to strikesince August 5. A Met departmentspokesperson told UNI that light toheavy rain was likely during the next24 hours in the valley under theinfluence of a Western Disturbance(WD), which is active in the region.Due to cloudy sky in the morningfollowed by rain, chill has furtherintensified in Srinagar, where peoplecould be seen wearing warm cloths,including half sleeves sweaters andjackets. Meanwhile, water hasaccumulated on some roads in thecity, making it difficult for people, whowere out to offer Friday prayers, tomove. He said the light to moderaterain would occur during the next 24hours in Srinagar, where minimumwas 10.6 degree and maximumtemperature was 20.6 degree onThursday, respectively. The nighttemperature was about 2 degreeabove normal due to cloudy skieswhile the day temperature onThursday was 3 degree belownormal. Rain also lashed the worldfamous ski resort of Gulmarg, about55 km from here in north Kashmir,resulting in dip in the daytemperature. However, the ski resortremained deserted since August 4,when authorities asked tourists andnon-locals to leave the stateimmediately a day before scrappingArticle 370 and Article 35 A. Worldfamous tourist resort of Pahalgam,about 100 km from here in southKashmir, also received light tomoderate rain, resulting in further dipin the day temperature.


Fairs and festivals play important role inpreserving rich cultural heritage: CM

Thakur presides over inaugural ceremony of Chhoti Kashi Mahotsav in MandiDINESH AGARWALSHIMLA, OCT 4

Fairs and festivals play animportant role in preserving therich cultural heritage of the Statefor the posterity to come besidesreligious faithfulness of thepeople towards their Gods andGoddesses. This was stated bythe Chief Minister Jai RamThakur while presiding over theinaugural ceremony of ChhotiKashi Mahotsav held at thehistoric Seri Manch Manditoday. Chief Minister said thatorganizing the Chhoti KashiMahotsav was the maidenendeavour to preserve, conserveand promote rich culture ofMandi town, which was knownas Chhoti Kashi due to largenumber of temples in the town.He said that Shivratri Festival ofMandi has gained internationalfame and was world famous forits cultural uniqueness anddiversity. Jai Ram Thakur said

that it was vital to uphold our ageold culture, tradition and valueas only those societies thrive thatrespect and uphold theirtradition. He said that the festivalwould have several attractionssuch as cultural events, Mandipainting, art and craft stalls, BeasArti, Laser Show, food festivaletc. He said that the StateGovernment would provide allpossible help to make Manditown as an added attraction to

the tourists. Chief Minister saidthat the Mahotsav would go along way in promoting the ageold tradition and culture ofMandi town and the old glory ofChhoti Kashi would be revivedand preserved.Thousands ofdrummers played musical tuneby synchronizing instruments tofill the atmosphere withtraditional fervour and ecstasy.Chief Minister also released aBooklet of ‘Aaj Purani Rahaon

Se’ on the temples of ChhotiKashi, Mandi and booklet of‘History of Mandi State’,published by the StateLanguage, Art and CultureDepartment. He also visitedexhibition stalls put up byvarious departments, NGOs,Boards and Corporations.Deputy Commissioner Mandiand Chairman MahotsavOrganising Committee RugvedThakur welcomed the ChiefMinister and other dignitariespresent on the occasion. He saidthat this three day Festival wasaimed at highlighting the richculture and tradition of ChhotiKashi Mandi. He said that BeasArti on the analogy of GangaArti would be also be organisedwhich would start fromPanchvakra Temple. Culturaltroupes for various parts ofMandi, traditional folk danceand Seraj Nati were mainhighlights of the first day of thisMahotsav.


Union Minister of State for Financeand Corporate Affairs AnuragThakur inaugurated the CustomerFair held in Shimla on Thursday.On this occasion, he said that by2025, India's economy will be $ 5trillion and the banking sector isdoing better in this direction. Suchcustomer fairs are being organizedin 250 locations across the countryfrom October 3 to 7. The money isbeing distributed among the peopleso that people can run theirbusiness and business well whichwill strengthen the economy of thecountry. Anurag Thakur said thatthe recession is affected all over theworld but India still did a good jobin this period is. Such programswill ensure that the public getsmore and more money from banksfor their needs. Through thecustomer interaction initiative, allbanks will make efforts to makevarious loan schemes accessible tothe people. He said that thegovernment has reduced the basiccorporate tax rate for existingcompanies to 22 percent from thecurrent 30 percent to attractinvestment in the country. Withthis, the tax rate for new

manufacturing units set up afterOctober 1, 2019 has been reducedto 15 percent. With this step of thegovernment, India will become thecenter of investment for the worldin the next 2 years. Anurag Thakursaid that Prime Minister NarendraModi's emphasis is that every poorhas an account in the bank. For this,Jan Dhan Yojana was started,connecting every person withbanking service. Under this, 36crore new bank accounts wereopened, of which 1.60 lakh croreswere deposited. In addition, theModi government providedmillions of crores of rupees to thecrores of poor through the MudraYojana. This has brought a bigchange in the lives of the poor.

Anurag Thakur inauguratescustomer fair in Shimla

Bahra Univ students getplacements in top companies


The final list of selectedstudents has been released bythe companies after theconclusion of a series ofplacement drives held atBahra University, Vaknaghat.Dr. Piush Verma, Vice-Chancellor of BahraUniversity said that studentsfrom Rayat Bahra Group aswell as other Universitiesparticipated in the campusplacement drives conductedprimarily for students ofB.Tech and Management. Dr.Verma shared that TommyHilfiger, Mphasis, Zensar,CHC, TCS, NIITTechnologies and Fiserv aresome of the companies tohave come to offer jobs to

eligible students. Somerounds were conducted atBahra University whileothers at Rayat BahraUniversity, Mohali. DirectorCorporate RelationsKatyayani Shukla said thatthe selections were based ona written test, aptitude test,written technicalexamination, personalinterview and HR interview.After various rounds VibhorMehta, Sahil Mehta, PratibhaSingh, Dheeraj Thakur, AnkitDhiman and Sapna Sayal ofComputer ScienceEngineering and RohitKumar and Vikrant ofElectronic andCommunication Engineeringmanaged walk off with anoffer letter.

Durga Puja in Baddi organised


On the occasion of Sharadiya Navratri, Durga Puja is beingorganised at various places by wishing Durga Mata a dry,prosperous and bright future for everyone. Famous Durga Pujaof Bengal began at Himuda Complex in Baddi which startedwith special puja archana by burning Akhand Jyoti. Theorganizers said that staying connected with their culture is thehallmark of India, And in keeping with this, Baddi CulturalAssociation has been organizing the biggest Durga Puja in Baddifor the past several years. They also honoured the committee bygiving Rs 51,000 for noble work. President of Baddi CulturalAssociation, Prafull Saha said that the Durga Puja, which startedon the 5th, will continue till Vijay Dashami.

Union Min inaugurates elitenational boxing competition


Union Minister of State for Finance and Corporate AffairsAnurag Singh Thakur said that to achieve the goal of PrimeMinister Narendra Modi's Fit India, players have to inspire thecommon man. He wasaddressing the players afterinauguration of the fourthElite National BoxingCompetition organized byHimachal Pradesh BoxingAssociation at Baddi inNalagarh subdivision ofSolan district today. As manyas 38 teams from differentstates of the country areparticipating in this seven-day men's national boxing competition. International levelboxers are also participating in the competition. The boxersfrom this competition will be selected for the qualifying roundof the Olympics to be held in Tokyo in Japan in 2020.

Garba celebration atThe Nobel School

HARPREET SINGH LEHALJALANDHAR: Garba and Dandiyadance was organised at the NobelSchool to celebrate the Navratri and toconnect children more closely tofestivals of India . Little nobelians fromgrades Pre Nursery to Prep weredecked up in traditional Garba andDandiya attires. On this occasionChairman Professor C.L Kochher,Managing Director Engineer KumarShiv Kochhar and Principal MeenakshiMehta were also present The teachersCharu, Kiran, Sweety, Suman, Neha,Kulbir and Manpreet gave theircontribution to make this occasionremarkable.

Student honoured forwinning district levelspeech competition

DALJIT AJNOHAHOSHIARPUR: In the speechorganized by the District Session tomark 550th Prakash Divas of ShriGuru Nanak Dev Ji, Harpreet Kaur, astudent of class VIII of GovernmentMidal School Bharta Ganeshpur, washonored for getting first position indistrict level speech. School's chiefteacher Baljinder Mann said that thisstudent is not only in the speech artsbut also in the forefront of originalwriting, painting and games.

Construction ofBhameshwari Gaushalabegins in Bham

HOSHIARPUR: Construction work ofBhameshwari Gaushala in villageBham on behalf of BhameshwariMissionary Trust was started with thesupport of the group associates underthe leadership of Chairperson SisterVinod Kumari Ji and SevadarGurnam Singh Jaswal, which wasinaugurated by MLA Dr Raj KumarChabewal. Chander Prakash Delhi,Shanti Devi, Kuldeep Kaur, DarshanBhagat, Tripata Devi, SandeshKumari, Mukesh Pandit, LaliAdampur, Maishi Chaddha, PammiDehradun, Harish Dehradun, RatanSingh Kundi, Amarjeet Jaswal,Roshan Bham, Pider Jaswal, Vishal,Sunny, Narinder and Tony Bham werealso present.

Essay contest on Wildlifeat Maharishi DayanandPublic SchoolCHANDIGARH: Maharishi DayanandPublic School Daria, Chandigarhorganised an Essay Writingcompetition on occasion of Wild LifeWeek celebration in collaboration withEnvironment Department, ChandigarhAdministration. The students saidthrough this competition thatdeforestation has created problem forwild animals. Chemical wastes andother garbage should not be throwninto the river as they may fatal for thewild animals. They told that theincidence of disease is increasing dueto dirty pollution.Kajal, Sneha, Raghavand Mannat got first, second, thirdand consolation prizes.

Govt to provide freecoaching to youth forcompetitive examsLUDHIANA: Under the “Ghar GharRozgar Scheme” of the stategovernment for providing maximumemployment to the youth, the Punjabgovernment has decided to providefree coaching to the youth forcompetitive exams. The selection ofthe youth would be done throughonline test. The coaching of first batchwas inaugurated by DeputyCommissioner Pradeep KumarAgrawal at District Bureau ofEmployment & Enterprises, nearPartap Chowk, here today.



169 litres unlabelled desi ghee seizedCHANDIGARH: The vigilance of Food Safety Team Sangrur prevented the flow 169 litres ofmisleading spurious desi ghee into market, informed KS Pannu, Commissioner Food and DrugAdministration Punjab. Giving details, Pannu said that the food safety team raided the premises of R VAgro in Sunam late Thursday evening. The officers discovered 270 half kilogram jars of unlabelled desighee stacked in 9 boxes at the rate of 30 jars of 500ml in each box. Similarly 34 unlabelled jars of 1litre each too were found on the spot. Besides, 13 jars of Punjab Fresh Shudh Desi Ghee of 1 kg eachand 2 jars of Shri Permanand Ghee of 500 ml each were discovered. The labels of multiple brands likeAlto Ghee and Shri Permanand Desi Ghee were also found in the premises. Entire stock of ghee andlabels was seized, informed Pannu.


PSIEC announces auction of industrialand commercial properties


The Punjab Small Industries andExport Corporation Ltd. (PSIEC)would hold auction of Industrialplots and Commercial Sites indifferent Focal Points developed inthe State of Punjab during on-going festival season.

Disclosing this here today, theIndustry and Commerce MinisterMr. Sunder Sham Arora said thatadvertisement for this purposewould be released in the secondweek of October 2019 coveringindustrial plots of various sizes inthe Focal Points at Abohar,Amritsar, Batala, Goindwal Sahib,Kapurthala, Ludhiana, MandiGobindgarh, Mohali,

Nawanshahar, and Pathankot.Arora further stated thatconsidering the demand ofentrepreneurs and inhabitants ofthe respective areas, commercialsites of varying sizes in the first

phase would also be put to auctionin the Industrial Focal Pointscovering Amritsar, Mohali,Ludhiana, and Jalandhar. Besides,commercial areas in IndustrialFocal Points at Derabassi,Chanalon, Nangal and Khanna arealso being planned keeping inview the aspirations of industry.The commercial sites in theseareas would be put to auction inthe second phase. Gurpreet SinghBassi, Chairman, PSIEC informedthat PSIEC shall be soonauctioning key commercial chunkof land located in Phase IX,Mohali in close vicinity to Airportroad which is expected to bring inmore world class brands in theState. This 2.5 acres of landsituated adjoining Bestech Mall

would encompass shoppingcomplex/ multiplex. Vini Mahajan,Additional Chief Secretary,Industries and Commerce addedthat the PSIEC has also plannedthe disposal of availableresidential plots developed in thedifferent Focal Points coveringAmritsar, Chanalon, Patiala,Bathinda, Goindwal Sahib,Ludhiana, Nangal, Pathankot,Malout, and Tanda. Theadvertisement for this purposewould be floated during theongoing festival season andmodalities for sale of residentialproperties are being finalized.Besides, petrol pump sites plannedin the Focal Points in differentparts of Punjab would also be putto auction in near future by PSIEC.

Plots of various sizes to be sold across Punjab

Government to launchcomprehensive campaign tomake youth skilled: Channi


“An extensive campaignwould be waged to make theyouth aware about Ghar GharRozgar Scheme being run bythe Chief Minister CaptainAmarinder Singh led PunjabGovernment besides theimportance of skilldevelopment.” Disclosing thishere today on the occasion offlagging off the 4 vans topopularize various skilldevelopment initiatives of theState Government, theTechnical Education andIndustrial Training MinisterCharanjit Singh Channi saidthat these vans have beenflagged off under theDDOGKY, PMKVY-2 andNULM Scheme with theactive assistance of the ShivEducational Society. Thesewould guide the youth of ruralareas about various schemesabout skill developmentbesides helping them to getregistered for the skilldevelopment initiatives.

Channi also said that thePunjab Government wouldalso undertake help from thevarious media platforms suchas TV, Print, Radio, SocialMedia and the Outdoor

Media. Apart from this, SkillDevelopment Centres andvarious NGOs must also takethe lead in educating youthabout schemes being run bythe State Government underthe Skill DevelopmentMission so as to ensure thatthe youth are able to land jobavenues. The minister on theoccasion honoured 2 youthsShubham Singh andHimanshu Vohra whopartricipated in the WorldSkill-2019 programme held inKazan, Russia. Shubhamparticipated in Cyber SecuritySkill and Himanshu in thePlumbing and Heating Skill.Among others present on theoccasion included GeneralManager Sukhwinder Singhfrom Punjab SkillDevelopment Mission, andAssociate Professor AshwaniTiwari (Deputy Dean Schoolof Computer Application).

ADC inaugurates customer outreachprogram of public sector banks


The Additional DeputyC o m m i s s i o n e r(Development) KulwantSingh on Friday inauguratedtwo-day customer outreachprogram of public sectorbanks in Skylark Hotel andasked the banks to play aproactive role for openingnew vistas of self-employment for the skilledyouth by extending loans tothem besides ensuring thewelfare of weaker andunderprivileged sections ofthe society. Addressing thegathering after inauguratingthe event, he said that thebanks must make concertedefforts to extend easy loans tothe skilled persons so thatthey could live life withdignity and pride. AdditionalDeputy Commissioner(Development) said that suchefforts would help in openingnew avenues for self-employment for the skilled

youth besides boosting theeconomic growth of thecountry. He said that suchefforts were the need of thehour to make India aprogressive and front-rankingcountry in the world. Hefurther stated that the bankscould play a leading role intransforming the destiny ofweaker and underprivilegedsections by extending a helpinghand to them. Singh said thateasy loan to this stratum ofsociety would act as a catalystto ameliorate a lot of poor anddisadvantaged sections. They

underscored the need toprovide these loans at nominalrates which would not onlyensure the financialempowerment of the poor. Hetold that the very intent andpurpose behind the concept ofnationalization of the bankingsector could only be servedmeaningfully provided themajority of economicallydeprived sections of societywere propelled towardsfinancial inclusion.Meanwhile, Singh alsodistributed loans to the peoplewho reached in the program.

Randhawa formally initiates Dera Baba online Yuva Utsav competitionSUMER GARGCHANDIGARH, OCT 4

The Dera Baba NanakOnline Yuva Utsavcompetitions to be held bythe State Government incommemoration of the550th Prakash Purb ofSahib Sri Guru Nanak DevJi, formally commencedtoday with the Cooperationand Jails Minister S.Sukhjinder SinghRandhawa launching theofficial website in hisoffice at the Punjab CivilSecretariat. The minister

said that competitionswould be held in 13categories in which anystudent ofcollege/university of thecountry would be eligibleto participate provided thathe/she is under 25 years ofage. He also said that in the

Group Category- 3competitions pertaining toShabad Group, Dhadhi,Kaveeshri, In SoloCategory-Shabad Solo,Poetry Recitation, PoetrySinging, Declamation,Writing, Painting,Calligraphy, Photography,

Digital Poster and Sketch(Line Art), would be held.The winners in all thecategories would get prizesworth Rs. 15.90 lakh. Theunique part is that all thestudents would showcasetheir talent on the websitewww.derababanamakutsav.com by uploading theirperformances. At the timeof declaration of the resultsby judges, the reactionsreceived on the socialmedia would also be takeninto account. Randhawafurther said that the subjectof each category would be

associated with Sahib SriGuru Nanak Dev Ji. He alsosaid that any of the studentsor team can submit theirentry online and be a part ofthe competitions. Theresults would be announcedon the 5th November. Theteams bagging first threepositions in the groupcategory would get Rs.71000, Rs. 51000 and Rs.31000 prize moneywhereas those winning firstthree positions in the solocategory would be richer byRs. 51000, Rs. 31000 andRs. 21000.

Grewal urges people to donateblood for welfare of humanity


Engineer in Chief of Central zone ofPSPCL Er. DPS Grewal called uponpeople to donate blood for the welfareof humanity, this was stated afterinauguration of a blood donation campwhich was organized today.DistributionCentral Zone of Punjab State PowerCorporation Ltd. at Power OfficersClub, Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana hasorganised a blood donation camp underthe leadership of President, PowerOfficers Club Er. Daljit Inderpal SinghGrewal, Engineer-in-Chief/Distribution

Central Zone, PSPCL, Ludhiana. Theblood donation camp was attended byall Dy.CEs/SEs/ASEs/Sr.XENs/SDOs& all other staff members. 238 units ofblood were donated by officers/officialsof different circles i.e. P&M Circle,Ludhiana, DS Circle East, West, Sub-urban, Ludhiana & DS Circle, Khanna.This blood donation camp wasdedicated to 550th Year birthanniversary of Ist Guru Sri Guru NanakDev Ji. During this camp, it was prayedfor prosperity of everone and oath wastaken to save the precious lifes of thehuman beings.

Assembly by-elections: 'Noemployment, no vote', say

unemployed B.Ed. teachersSUSHIL GOYALSANGRUR, OCT 4

TET Pass UnemployedB.Ed. Teachers Union,Punjab, has launched acampaign againstAmarinder Government,raising a banner "Noemployment, no vote" inthe current assembly by-elections in the state. Aspart of this campaign, TETPass unemployed B.Ed.teachers have beenvisiting people to exposethe government's "falsepromises" and campaignagainst the government toit a teach a lesson in theby-elections.

State president of theunion, Sukhwinder SinghDhilwan, said thecampaign, launched by theunion, had been getting abig response from thepeople as during assemblyelections in 2017

Congress had madeseveral promises to thepeople, including "Gharghar naukari" and a sum ofRs 2,500 per month asunemployment allowance,but to no avail so far.

Dhilwan also said thatduring this campaign inthe Jalalabad assemblyconstituency, where by-election is going to beheld, unemployed B.Ed.teachers had pastedposters "No employment,no vote" on the doors oftheir houses. He said inthe 10 years' regime ofSAD-BJP the policieswere the same as theSAD-BJP government hadalso not given promisedjobs to the unemployedyouths.

The union has alsochalked out a programmeto hold a massivedemonstration on October6 at Jalalabad.

Seminar related totraffic rules organised


Under the instructions of District Collector VipulUjjwal a seminar was conducted in the nearbyvillage Riyali Kalan. ASI Saravan Singh andKanwal Kumar were present to deliver theirlecture to inform the children about the trafficrules. ASI sarvan singh said that most of theincidents occurs due to lack of knowledge oftraffic rules. He said that it is illegal for studentsbelow 18 years of age to drive vehicles with morethan 50cc power. He told that it is necessary to usesafety belt while driving a car jeep and to followtraffic rules. He also informed that the Punjabgovernment has commenced 112 numberassistance line to help women and children, onwhich help can be taken by calling. The school'slanguage teacher, Dr. Saravan Singh, thanked thestaff who came and asked the children to followwhat they were told.




School children spread awareness about cleanliness MOHALI: Indus Public School organized a road show on “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” by takingout a rally from school near by villages Niashahar and Badala . The students carried placardsdisplaying messages to sensitize people about cleanliness led by the teachers. Students went doorto door to the public, informing them about the importance of cleanliness. The students took theinitiative to clean the surrounding of vicinity also. The main objective of this cleanliness drivewas to create a sense of responsibility among citizens of nearby areas regarding sanitation andhygiene and to sensitize masses regarding health benefits due to cleanliness. Col. C.S CheemaDirector & Col. S.P.S Cheema Manager of the school informed at the moment that such initia-tives make competent volunteer who can further motivate others regarding cleanliness and san-itation and change the attitude of people. They further added that we should raise the issue ofcleanliness loudly so that it can be heard in every nook and corner of India .

Motivational lecture oncharacter building held

CHANDIGARH: The Equal OpportunityCell of Mehr Chand Mahajan DAVCollege for Women organized amotivational lecture on characterbuilding titled 'Challenge your limits'.Spiritual teacher and motivationalspeaker Hita Ambrish conducted thisinspiring lecture that witnessedenthusiastic participation of staff andstudents.

H.R.Gandhar and Sudesh Gandhar,Senior Governing Body Members, DAVCollege Managing Committee (DAVCMC), Dr.B.C.Josan, OSD toPresident, DAV CMC, and Dr.GurdipSharma, Principal, GGDSD College,Hariana and Senior Syndicate Member,PU graced the occasion as specialguests. Sharing his pearls of wisdom,Hita Ambrish said that challengingone's limits implies to be powerful andpower comes from clarity- clarity ofthought to face the dilemmas that wecome across in our daily lives.

Education secretaryvisits SSS School

GOINDWAL SAHIB: A surprise visitwas made by Punjab Educationsecretary Krishan Kumar to theGovernment Senior SecondarySchool. He honoured teachersinvolved in achieving good results inTarn Taran district. Before meeting withthe students, the Education Secretarywent to different classes of students toreview the teaching of the teachersand asked students questions relatedto them. Later, the school's Principal,Paramjeet Kaur talked about theproblems being faced by the students.Social issues were highlighted whilehighlighting teachers' problems.Kamaljit Kaur demanded the increaseof the salary of the newly appointed3582 teachers and to be deployed tothe nearest stations, which was heardvery seriously by the EducationSecretary. Lecturer Gurpratap Singhand Lecturer Balbir Singh said that theEducation Secretary Krishan Kumarhad directed the students.

Kogta financial Indiaopens office in cityCHANDIGARH: The regional office ofthe private finance company calledKogta Financial India Ltd.wasinaugurated in Sector 7, Chandigarhby Arun Kogta, Chief Executive Officerand Managing Director of thecompany. Nayan Kogta, COO, SanjayBhatnagar, National Sales Managerand Zonal head Alok Tiwari were alsopresent at the opening ceremony.Addressing the media SanjayBhatnagar said the company isprogressing fast in a retail-focused,non-banking finance company (NBFC).The company came into existence in1996 by a team of entrepreneurs-Banwari Lal Kogta, Bal Mukund Kpgtaand Radha Krishan Kogta. Vinaykumar, Regional Punjab Head said, ``We offer loans for the purchase of newused commercial vehicles.

Politicians never heldglobal convention on Sikhconcerns: RamuwaliaKARANPREET DHNADRALBARNALA: Former Union MinisterBalwant Singh Ramuwalia has said

that whilespeaking onpolitics in thename of Sikhismhe nevercomplainedabout the Sikhs'disappointment.Nor has there

ever been a universal conference onthe principles of Sikhism. As many as3 crores people from the United Statesused to visit Nankana Sahib to HazurSahib Nanded and Amritsar.

Paddy procurement begins


Government procurement of paddy has started atGidderbaha today. Youth congress leader DampyVinayak and SDM Om Parksah started the paddyprocurement at Gidderbaha's new grain market. Pro-curement agency Markfed purchased the paddy ofM/s Harim Traders's farmer Malkit Singh Kotbhai atRs. 1835 per quintal. On this occasion, Pritpal SinghGill, Secretary Market Committee appealed to thefarmers to bring dry paddy to Aanaj Mandi, so thatthey would not have any difficulty in selling the crop.He advised the farmers that the paddy they bring tothe market should not have more than 17% moisturecontent. On the occasion, President of the Aarthia As-sociation Narendra Mohan Bhola, Secretary AshokJain, Vice President Bhupinder Singh.

Five days public health policy andmanagement program concludes

CHANDIGARH: Five days PublicHealth Policy and ManagementProgram for senior level Policy Makersat PGIMER Chandigarh from 30thSeptember to 4th October 2019concluded with participation from 19countries namely Chile, Tanzania,Nigeria, Madagascar, Thailand, Egypt,Gambia, Guyana, Nepal, Ethiopia,Sudan, South Sudan, Mauritius,Paraguay, Indonesia, Palestine,Mexico, Philippines, Afghanistanparticipated in the program. Thisprogram was organized by Departmentof Community Medicine and School ofPublic Health, PGIMER at HotelShivalik View, sector 17, Chandigarh.During the program the delegatesdiscussed various topics ranging fromglobal public health issues &challenges, public health policythrough management & leadership.


Kharar's newly appointedSDM Himanshu Jain IAS af-ter taking over his charge to-day visited many places in-cluding Kharar Sabji Mandialong with various officersand inspected various shopsin-connection with the use ofpolythene bags.

He told all shopkeepersnot to use polythene bags andstrict action would be taken ifany one found using thesebags. Jain also visited thegrain market and ordered thatthe sanitary condition be im-proved immediately. He con-tinued his round of meetingsthroughout the day with offi-

cers of the different depart-ments. He also met the offi-cials of L&T which is con-structing flyover from Mohalito Khanpur, and ordered thatall debris lying on both sidesof the road should be re-moved within a week and allpit holes on this roads shouldbe repapered immediately.

He asked the MunicipalCouncil officials to work forproviding basic amenities inthe city. He asked the pro-curement inspectors workingin the grain markets to ensurethat the farmers do not faceany problem during the peri-od of paddy procurement.Jain visited the Tehsil com-plexe and met with all thestaff.

Newly appointed KhararSDM Himanshu Jain

visits sabji mandi


The Kharar MLA, Kan-warSandhu has suggestedcreation of a new lake on thepattern of Sukhna Lake inNew Chandigarh area tosave the upcoming townshipfrom being swept away dur-ing heavy rains.

In a letter to the PunjabChief Minister, CaptainAmarinder Singh today,Sandhu has drawn his atten-tion to the notice taken re-cently by the National GreenTribunal (NGT) to a builderhaving blocked the naturalflow of Siswan River toraise a series of multiplexesin New Chandigarh. Thisfollowed a petition by twobrothers of Bharonjian Vil-lage, Manjinder Singh andHarjinder Singh. The PunjabGovernment has been askedto give its reply within a

month. The two had citedimages taken from Googleearth to show the naturaldrains in the area over whichconstruction is being under-taken. The Kharar MLA haswritten that all seasonalrivulets north of the newtownship, including SiswanRiver should be earmarkedas per revenue records andsatellite images. All en-croachments on them shouldbe removed and heavy em-bankments should be con-structed on both sides of

these rivulets. Besides theseasonal river of Siswan, thearea has about one dozen“choes” (smaller rivulets)falling between Siswan andJayantiMajri habitations.For example, in certainplaces, Siswan River needsto have a width of between50 to 100 metres for the rain-water to flow uninterrupted.This must be taken up on awar footing before en-croachments block the age-old rainwater streams, whichcould spell an environmen-tal disaster in the comingyears. He has suggested re-construction of some of thebridges on the two majorhighways in the area. Duringrecent rains, two majorbridges on Boothgarh-To-gan Highway and one onMullanpur-Siswan Highwayproved to be ineffective dueto their faulty design. Be-sides, within the upcoming

Omaxe Township inBharonjian, the villagersbroke the blockades con-structed on internal roads bythe builder at two places toallow rainwater to passthrough and not inundatetheir houses and fields in thevillage. The State Govern-ment needs to ensure that theprivate builders take the nec-essary steps for passage ofrainwater in areas under de-velopment, Sandhu added.

He has written that orderto checkmate the free flowof Siswan River towardsNew Chandigarh, theKharar MLA has suggesteda new Lake north of theMullanpur-Siswan Highwayof about 1 Sq Km should beconstructed. He has evensuggested a possible site forthe proposed Lake - the areaaround the Old Bridge onthe Siswan River down-stream of Parol Village and

near Hoshiarpur village. Theproposed Lake would act asa barrier to the free flow ofSiswan River during rains.Besides, water from thenearby “choes” and over-flowing check dams couldbe diverted to the proposedLake. In the likelihood ofpotable water scarcity, theproposed Lake could alsoprovide drinking water tothe upcoming New Chandi-garh Township. Needless tosay, the proposed Lakewould help recharge groundwater and also contributemajorly towards recreation-al activities for people ofthat area, the MLA said.

Sandhu stated that theNew Chandigarh Townshipwas expected to be a count-er-magnet to the burgeoningUnion Territory of Chandi-garh. It is also going tohouse an international-levelCricket Stadium, he added.

Kharar MLA Sandhu moots a Lakein New Chandigarh township

Breast cancer survivors and doctors from PGI & GMCH during 'Breast Cancer Walkathon' at Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh on Friday. Photo by: S. Sharma


Writer and author Dr RanaPreet Gill today launchedher third book ‘The Misad-ventures of a Vet’. Thebook which is a sequel toher first novel, Those Col-lege Years was launchedhere at the ChandigarhPress Club, by Vivek Atray,renowned author and moti-vational speaker. RanaPreet Gill is a Hoshiarpurbased Veterinary officerworking with Animal Hus-bandry Department, Pun-jab.

The book launch wasfollowed by an engaginginteractive session betweenthe author and Lily Swarn,a poet, columnist and fa-mous author of the region.

Vivek Atray, Author andMotivational Speaker, saidthat writers have the powerof observation and expres-sion which every youngperson must develop with-in. He said that Dr RanaPreet Gill's book has theflavour of candour and re-ality which is refreshing.He added that society

should encourage childrento read more books andpractice creative writing.While giving details on herbook, Rana Preet Gill said,“I conceptualized the char-acter of Rhea, who was theprotagonist of my first nov-el Those College Years, at awhim. The novel borrowedheavily from my life. Rhea

Jaswal was partly me and Ifell in love with her. Afterwriting that novel I felt thatRhea should not die downon the pages of the firstone. I decided to write a se-quel to my first novel. ThenI wrote The Misadventuresof a Vet.”

Rana Preet added,“The novel picks up fromwhere Those College Yearsends. Rhea is more mature,a little worldly wise anddabbles in lot of things inthis one. She gets married,have issues with her in-laws and lands up with ajob in the local clinic. Heremployer gets embroiled ina drug smuggling case andshe jumps in to fix thethings with Das and Sardarji, other characters in mynovel.

Dr. Rana Preet Gill launches her thirdbook, ‘The Misadventures of a Vet’


On behalf of the District Legal Services Authority, a medicalcamp was organized in Bhai Veer Singh Old House to celebrateInternational Veterans Day. The camp was inaugurated byPalvinderjit Kaur, Secretary and CGM, District Legal ServicesAuthority. During the camp, specialist doctors of various dis-eases included in the medical team from the civil hospital ex-amined elders and gave them free medicines. During the camp,a list was made to give set of teeth, specs and wheel chair to thebeneficiary elderly patients. On this occasion, CGM Palvin-derjit Kaur said that the District Legal Services Authority wasalways ready to provide free legal services to the people.

Legal services authoritysets up medical camp

Multimedia room, computerlab inaugurated

JANDIALA GURU (KULJEET SINGH):Greeting BishopAgnelo Gracious, Chief Bishop of Jalandhar Diocese at St.Francis Convent School, Jandiala Guru inaugurated the new

multimedia room andcomputer lab built inthe school. He said thatthis is pioneering stepin the field of educa-tion for school stu-dents So that they willget new information inevery field. On this oc-casion, the father of

the school, Father Thom , Principal Sister Gina, religious fig-ures, and teachers were present on the occasion.RAKESH SHARMA


Water conservation tank isbeing built under the JalShakti Abhiyan in the CivilHospital under the directionof the District Administra-tion, in which informationwill be collected about thehospital's water, utensils likewashing water.

Dr. Chandar ShekharKakad told that this deep tankwill have 2 parts. The first

part will have direct watercollected from washing dish-es or other cosmetics. Thesoil, vegetables and otherresidues will remain and onlythe water will flow into an-other tank which will be di-rectly fed back into the earthby rain well, which will helpin lifting the falling water lev-el of the earth. He said that ifthis experiment is successful,then it will also be used toconserve rainwater in otherhospital too.

Tank is being built in civil hospitalunder Jal Shakti Abhiyan

Gurdeep's murderersnabbed, weapon

recoveredJANDIALA GURU: Per-sistent efforts being made byAmritsar rural Police andSTF bore fruit today morningwhen Varinder Singh andRajandeep Singh, two maindrug peddlers who fired atand killed .Gurdeep Singhwere nabbed at Jaunpur rail-way station,U.P by GRPJaunpur. They were on therun and going towards Guwa-hati and possibly trying tocross Nepal border, but werefollowed by Punjab Policethrough various surveillancetechniques. UP police, SIArvind Kumar,SHO GRP PSJaunpur played a key role inthis. A police team led byDSP Jandiala GuruS.Gurinderbir Singh Sidhuand SHO Jandiala GuruS.Amolak Singh Kahlon hasleft for Jaunpur to bring themto Punjab. Their transit re-mand will be taken fromJaunpur's judicial magistrateand they will be produced inAmritsar Session court byMonday. andiala police in anearly morning conducted araid at village Bhalapind oftehsil Ajnala,recovered the9mm pistol that was hiddenin one Harmandeep Singh'shouse. The vehicle Balenoused by the assailants was re-covered late night by Jandialapolice.


DOHA: India's Asian Games gold medallist duo of shot putter Tejinder Pal Singh Toor and 1500m runner Jinson Johnson crashed out of the World Athletics Championships after failing to qualify for the finals of their respective events. The 24-year-old Toor produced a season's best effort of 20.43m to finish eighth in the Group B qualification round and 18th overall out of 34 competitors while Jinson ran a below par 3 minutes 39.86 seconds to end 10th in his first round heats on Thursday. He finished 34th overall out of 43 runners. Toor was the first to take the field but with eight shot putters from Group A having already touched the automatic final round qualifying mark of 20.90m, it was a difficult task for Toor to make the cut. The Punjab athlete has a personal best of 20.75m, which is also a national record, He opened with a 20.43m, bettering his earlier season's best of 20.36m but fouled his next attempt. Pressure mounted on him as three competitors from Group B touched the automatic qualifying mark in their first attempt while another shot putter did the same in the second round. That meant Toor had to touch 20.90m and rewrite his own national record in his third and final attempt if he has to qualify for the finals.

Shafali Verma vouches for equalopportunities for girls


DOHA: Katarina Johnson-Thompson deposed her great rival Nafissatou Thiam as heptathlon world champion on a night when two other 2017 titleholders also surrendered their crowns. Johnson-Thompson's victory could not be described as a shock but Salwa Eid Naser's victory in the 400 metres caused shockwaves on Thursday. The 21-year-old Bahraini -- who left 2017 champion Phyllis Francis trailing in her wake -- recorded the third fastest time in history of 48.14 seconds. Only East Germany's world record holder Marita Koch and Jarmila Kratochvilova of the former Czechoslovakia have run faster and both were over 30 years ago. In doing so she became the first athlete to beat hot favourite Shaunae Miller-Uibo in over two years over both 200m and 400m.

Johnson-Thompson leads changing of world order

NEW DELHI: Fifteen-year-old Shafali Verma had to trim her and fight for a chance to play cricket, now after making her debut she has questioned the discrimination against girls and batted for an equal chance for females in all fields. "I had to cut my hair to play a cricket match with boys as they did not want me to play with them because I am a girl and they used to say that I may get injured," she explained. Stating that she was disappointed over such incidents, Shafali further said, "Then my father said cut your hair shorter otherwise they will not let you play. So, I cut my hair and they didn't come to know that I am girl." "This happened when I was in process to start my cricketing career. They now came to know that the boy who they played with was actually a girl," quipped the batter. "These days women are doing much better than boys then why discrimination is there, we should be given equal chance in every field in my opinion," she asserted. Verma failed to leave a mark during her debut as she was dismissed on a duck. However, in the fourth T20I against South Africa, she hammered 46 runs off 33 deliveries to help her side register a 51-run victory. The 15-year-old said her father used to take her for practice along with her brother. "My family likes cricket so much.

Shot putter Toor, 1500m runner Jinsoncrash out of World C'ships

Sport is business now, can't help if players choose county over country: PollockGUWAHATI : Ahead of India's FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 qualifier against Bangladesh, the team on Friday assembled here for a preparatory camp. The team will practice in Guwahati till October 12 and will arrive in Kolkata the following day. Stimac said many people already feel that this India team is at the 'beginning of a new and very successful era'. "Everyone expects us to win and many people already feel that this India team is at the beginning of a new and very successful era. Everyone in the camp is excited about the National Team's return to Kolkata. I have been told it's been long 8 years we last played there. We intend to make it an unforgettable experience," All India Football Federation's (AIFF) official website quoted Stimac as saying. Before facing Bangladesh, the team will play a friendly match against Indian Super League (ISL) side Northeast United FC in Guwahati. "It'll be a good test for us before facing Bangladesh and a great chance for all the players.

Indian team assembles in Guwahati for preparatory camp ahead of WC qualifier

AGENCY English counties without being considered when your depth gets taken away it gets more expected his team to bounce back. "I did VISAKHAPATNAM, OCT 4 overseas players. "Well you want to have as challenging," said the 46-year-old former expect a fight but how successful they will be

many players to pick from and you can't fix it South Africa captain who featured in 108 I wasn't sure. I did expect it from the most South African great Shaun Pollock is (this problem). That is how it is in the modern Tests and 303 ODIs. Cricket South Africa experienced campaigners in Elgar and du concerned about players at their peak day. In the old days there wasn't much also has a quota system in place which Plessis. None of the guys who got out choosing county cricket over the national financial gain in playing sport. People just requires the national team to field an average yesterday have been to India before but it is still team in his country but says it is a problem made themselves available playing for the of six players of colour over the course of a a big ask to come here and you do learn your "you can't fix as sport has become business". country. Now it is business," Pollock told a season. lessons. "When you are faced with a problem Earlier this year, 27-year-old pacer Duanne news agency here on Friday. Besides players opting for "greener for the first time you know you can learn a Oliver took the Kolpak deal after playing just Since 2004, South Africa has had the pastures", retirements by greats like AB de massive amount, what the bowlers do with the 10 Tests for South Africa. Another fast maximum number of Kolpak players but two Villiers, Hashim Amla and Dale Steyn have ball and things like that," he reasoned. Barring bowler, Kyle Abbott had done the same in which hurt them in recent times were pacers also hurt the national team. "I think we have Vernon Philander, none of the pacers troubled 2017. Morne Morkel too signed a Kolpak Abbott and Oliver. "They have to make just a lot a big players retiring over the last few the Indian batsmen including Kagiso Rabada. deal to play in county cricket but that was business decisions, where they are going to years. Rebuilding takes time, getting the guys One of best all-rounders to have played the after he announced retirement as a 33-year- make money, where they are going to get to become big players, when you lose the game, Pollock expects the fast bowlers to old last year. The Kolpak deal allows players opportunities and you can't fight against it. If likes of de Villiers, Amla, Steyn, you can't improve significantly over the course of the from countries with free trade deals with the they feel they are not going to play for South replace them overnight." South Africa put on three-Test series. "...you have not played Test European Union to play cricket in any EU Africa for a period of time and decide to go an unexpected fightback on day three of the cricket for six months and you come here and country without being considered an elsewhere, it is unfortunate. "It is not ideal first Test against India through Dean Elgar these conditions are flat. They will start to overseas player. They can sign up with because strength comes from depth and and skipper Faf du Plessis. Pollock said he work things out.


SPORTSElgar, de Kock script SA fightback in Vizag Test

VISAKHAPATNAM, OCT 4 bowlers to pick up wickets in a cluster and he brought up his century. He found support from wicket-keeper

Dean Elgar and Quinton de Kock's knocks of 160 batsman Quinton de Kock and they ensured the side and 111 respectively ensured South Africa's goes into the tea interval with five wickets in hand. fightback on day three of the first Test match against After the tea break, Elgar and de Kock increased the India. Proteas ended day three at a score of 385/8, still pace of run-scoring, and the left-handed Elgar went trailing India by 117 runs. Resuming day three at past the 150-run mark.39/3, Dean Elgar and Temba Bavuma played Both batsmen put up a partnership of 164 runs, cautiously and added 24 more runs to the overnight but their resistance finally ended in the 100th over as score, but their stint at the crease was cut short as Ravindra Jadeja dismissed Elgar (160). With this Ishant Sharma trapped Bavuma (18) in the middle, wicket, Jadeja registered his 200th Test wicket. getting him leg-before wicket to reduce South Africa However, de Kock carried on for the Proteas and he to 63/4. Skipper Faf du Plessis next came out to bat brought up his century in the 105th over. De Kock and he along with Elgar ensured Proteas don't lose and Senuran Muthusamy put up a brief 28-run any more wicket before the lunch break and the side stand, however, Ashwin finally ended de Kock's went into the interval at 153/4. (111) innings as he dismissed him in the 110th

After the break, the duo carried on with over, reducing Proteas to 370/7. Soon after, momentum and stitched together a partnership of Ashwin picked up his fifth scalp as he clean 115 runs which saw both batsmen bringing up their bowled Vernon Philander (0) with South Africa at half-centuries. Ravichandran Ashwin finally the score of 376/8. Proteas did not lose any more provided the much-needed breakthrough as he wickets before the close of play. Muthusamy and dismissed du Plessis (55) to reduce South Africa to Keshav Maharaj will resume day four on their 178/5. However, Elgar did not allow the Indian overnight scores of 12 and 3 respectively.

Jadeja joins 200 test wicket club

VISAKHAPATNAM: Left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja on Friday became the second fastest Indian to scalp 200 wickets in Test cricket during the opening match against South Africa here.

Jadeja achieved the feat when he dismissed centurion Dean Elgar (160) during South Africa's first innings on the third day, in reply to India's 502 for 7 declared. Jadeja took 44 Tests to reach the milestone and is now only behind off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, who needed 37 matches to enter the 200-wicket club. Former India spinners Harbhajan Singh and Anil Kumble needed 4 6 a n d 4 7 m a t c h e s

respectively to reach the milestone. Jadeja is also the fastest left-arm bowler to achieve the feat ahead of Sri Lanka's Rangana Herath (47 matches) and Australia's Mitchell Johnson (49).

India women's hockey team held to 2-2 draw by Great BritainMARLOW, OCT 4 Great Britain's goalkeeper Sabbie

Heesh to make it 1-0. The first The Indian women's hockey team on quarter belonged to India as they had Friday was held to a 2-2 draw by a couple of more chances to extend Great Britain in the side's last match their lead, but could not convert the of the side's tour of England. The penalty corners, keeping their one-world number nine India ended the goal advantage at the first break. tour with another draw against Great However, the second quarter saw a Britain side. The women's team tussle between the two sides, which performed exceptionally well during was dominated by Great Britain the five matches as they won one, who earned themselves as many as drew three and lost one match. three penalty corners before the

The last match saw Navjot Kaur half-time break.give India an early lead, and Gurjit But Indian goalkeeper Savita Kaur converted a penalty corner to made impressive saves to deny the give India a two-goal lead before hosts of finding the equalizer. India Great Britain's Elizabeth Neal (55') tried to counter the hosts during the and Anna Toman (60') scored twice in latter stages of the second period, but the last few minutes to earn could only take a 1-0 lead into the themselves a draw. After having lost half-time break. Some resolute manner, and the side pushed the hosts pressure on Great Britain's defence for the first time during the tour in defending by the experienced British back into their own half, creating a meant that India managed to find the their previous match, the Indian team defense meant that the Indians were host of opportunities inside the break-through in the 8th minute as started the match in an attacking denied on multiple occasions. opening 10 minutes. The constant forward Navjot Kaur went past

Murray's China Open run meets brave end

in quarter-finals


Andy Murray went down fighting in the China Open quarter-finals on Friday as the former world number one lost 6-2, 7-6 (7/3) to top seed Dominic Thiem. The 32-year-old Briton, battling to get back to a semblance of his best following career-saving hip surgery in January, was defeated in just under two hours after threatening an unlikely, late comeback. A third match in four days in the Chinese capital proved a step too far for Murray, who looked exhausted after a three-set victory on Wednesday against Cameron Norrie. Murray, a three-time Grand Slam winner, had the Beijing crowd firmly behind him against the Austrian Thiem, ranked fifth in the world to his opponent's 503rd. But Murray lost his first service game to go behind from the outset, putting himself under pressure immediately.

Wrestler Ravi Dahiya included in TOPS, Sakshi droppedNEW DELHI, OCT 4 Authority of India's (SAI) Mission Scheme. She had crashed out in the one month in her hometown of Hisar

Olympic Cell. Ravi won a bronze in the opening round of the 62kg women's under the supervision of Romanian Young wrestler Ravi Dahiya, who men's 57kg freestyle category in Nur- category in Nur-Sultan. Weightlifter coach Fanel Carp. The committee recently won a World championships Sultan, Kazakhstan. The bronze also Ragala Venkat Rahul has also been sanctioned weight-lifter Mirabai bronze medal, was on Friday included ensured an Olympic quota for India in excluded from the TOPS, which Chanu's proposal for financial in the Target Olympic Podium Scheme next year's Tokyo Games. Sakshi, who provides a monthly financial assistance assistance to have a physiotherapist-(TOPS) while struggling Sakshi Malik won a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio of Rs 50,000. The committee has cum-masseuse Shivani Bharuka, who was dropped from the program. The Olympics, has been struggling for long sanctioned the proposal of wrestler will attend to her at the national camp decision was taken by the Sports and has been dropped from the Pooja Dhanda to train for a period of till the Tokyo Olympics.
