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The Library Network of the DAI and the DEI : ZENON DAI opac.dainst.org

ZENON is one of the most important online-catalogues for classical studies

What can you find in ZENON?

• Titles of the DAI-libraries and the DEI Amman about 850 000 recordsMonographs, journals, articles (from journals and conferences)

• Index of titles according to the contenti.e. integration of currently three (subject) bibliographies

(four from 3/2012 onwards)

• Display of new acquisitions lists

• Links to tables of contents

• Links to digitized books (iDAI.Bookbrowser)

• ZENON-data reference management programs and DAI-citation (Endnote Citavi, Zotero)


Library Collections in ZENON

The following DAI-library collections are recorded in ZENON :

1. Entire library collections (80-100%) of the departments or rather outposts:Athens, Bagdad, DEI Amman, Cairo, KAAK, Rome, Sana'a

2. Part of the library collections:Damascus: since 2002 (+ retrospective)Eurasia-Department: since 1999Istanbul: since 2002 (+ retrospective) Madrid: since 1997 and around 20 % of the old stock Orient-Department: since 1999 (+ retrospective) Berlin Head Office: since 9/1996 (+ retrospective)


The bibliographic metadata (formal and subject indexing data) can be harvested via an OAI interface(0pen Archives Initiative)and integrated into the meta-search of the Virtual Library Classical Studies “Propylaeum“ .

Latest Developments

New “Search” website for ZENON and implementation of modern search engine technology (SOLR, Lucene)

Integration of European Early History and Prehistory bibliographies (RGK+Partners)

Bibliographie der RGK(ab 3/2012)

Latest Developments

Link from ZENON to the object database Arachne





