Zuhl Museumzuhlmuseum.nmsu.edu/files/2015/04/Newsletter-Vol.-3-Issue-1-March-2015.pdfMar 01, 2015...


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Zuhl Museum

Volume 3 Issue 1 March 2015

“Where Rocks Come Alive!”

in this issue >>> El Paso Gem and mineral


Note from the intern: volun-teering!

On Location: Spheres!

Teachers Corner: Word Scramble

Support the Museum

Friends of the Zuhl Collection

Visitor Thoughts

Upcoming events!


2nd Saturdays at the Zuhl Museum

Every 2nd Saturday of each month Noon-5pm. Dig pit will be open!!

El Paso Gem and Mineral show December 5-7th!

The El Paso Gem and Mineral Show was held at the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall. There were over 35 venders and information booths from all over the US and Mexico, which made the event the perfect weekend stop for collectors and scholars alike. We at the Zuhl Collection were espe-cially happy to see all the kids come out for the show. It is always so amazing to hear how much these youngsters already know about the world of geology!

For those of you that have never attended a show, The El Paso Mineral and Gem Society, founded in 1947, encourages the collection and study of geological specimens, whether you are an expert or a novice! Booths at the show feature a variety of specimens straight from the mine in their original state, all the way to jewelry quality gems!

The Zuhl Collection featured three tables highlighting our amazing collection. Petrified wood, minerals, fos-sils that are millions of years old, and yes, dinosaur bones were just a few of the educational and beauti-ful items visitors had the opportunity to see and touch! Children stopped by and played our fossil guessing game and tested their strength on our mys-tery meteorite! We look forward to see you again next year!

Director Tiffany Santos, her husband Tomas and daughter Anna-Maria all

helped out at the El Paso Gem and Mineral Show

Teachers’ Corner:

By Barbara Bogucki

Note from the Intern: Volunteering

You may have seen me around last semester. I had the great opportunity to work with the

Zuhl Collection for two semesters. I've worked at the Visitor's Center, the Zuhl Library, on

amazing outreaches, and fun events right here on Campus. I handled dinosaur bones, pre-

cious gemstones and things I never even new existed! Not only that, but I have been given

the opportunity to offer creative suggestions and input, regarding the Museum, and actu-

ally see those suggestions come to light! I’m writing to tell you that you too can have a similarly rewarding experi-

ence, gain skills for your resume, and help your community experience the amazing and one-of-a-kind Zuhl Collec-

tion. I’m talking about volunteering. The Zuhl Collection is growing and we need eager and caring volunteers to

help us be all we can be to the campus, the community and every visitor who walks in the door! We are constantly

creating new displays, holding events and expanding our visiting hours. Dear to our hearts is the development of a

museum store! Come on over and grow with us. You will be amazed by how much of a difference a few hours a

month can make in your life and in “your” museum!

Our Location: Now open every second

Saturday of the month!!!

See the Zuhl Museum website for more

printouts for all ages!


Some of the most impressive and detailed fossils at the Zuhl Museum are speci-

mens from Solnhofen, Germany. These incredible limestone fossils from the Juras-

sic Period ( 150.8 million to 145.5 million years ago) are imbedded in material

known as a “ matrix ” . The limestone matrix is composed of thin beds of fine-grain

limestone and layers of shale. Periodic floods deposited lime rich mud into stagnant

basins which would then dry out between floods. New floods would bring new mud

creating the distinct layer effect.

You asked and we listened. The Zuhl Museum

will now be open every second Saturday of

every month. Stop by and see the collection

and our three fun new additions. The museum

now has a Dino Dig

Pit, Mineral Match Up

game and a photo op-

portunity featuring our

own “Petrified Trees”

all available only on

“Second Saturdays!”

Support the Zuhl Museum

“Where Rocks Come Alive!”

Join the Friends of the Zuhl Collection

The Friends of the Zuhl Collection is

designed to foster awareness of this

world class collection. Funding is

directed toward the continued

preservation, display and promotion

of these unique treasures and to pro-

mote ongoing educational programs

and events.

How your contribution helps:

Funds help in the creation and implementation

of educational programs at the museum and

surrounding community, maintaining and

creating new exhibits, and planning of special

events and workshops. Friends of the Zuhl

Collection are encouraged to become

volunteers for the Museum as well.

Membership Levels:

Zuhl Scholar………$15-$150

Zuhl Explorer……$151-$300

Zuhl Geologist…………>$300 Corporate Donors please contact the

Zuhl Collection Director to make a


Checks will be deposited with the

Foundation of New Mexico State

University and should be made

payable to the NMSU Foundation,

Inc. with Friends of the Zuhl

Collection indicated in the note.

Please see form at the end of Newsletter

Member Benefits: Friends of the Zuhl Collection re-ceive benefits for one year (July 1-June 30).

All contribution levels receive the following benefits:

Advance notice of Zuhl Museum and/or Geology Department events

Zuhl Collection Newsletter Member name listed on

museum website and in newsletter if requested

Invitation to member only events

May use contribution as a tax deductible donation as prescribed by law.

Zuhl Explorer level receives all above benefits and tour request priority.

Zuhl Geologist level receives all above benefits and a private tour.

Friends of the Zuhl Collection

Zuhl Scholars

Jeanette C. Smith

Gerald Dean Jr.

Eileen Roberts

Jay Yasgur

Zuhl Explorers

Christa Slaton

Zuhl Geologists

Nancy J. McMillan

New Mexico Association of Museums Joint NMSU Museum

Reception. November 6th 2013

Director Santos in the second Gallery during December

“Second Saturday”.

Your thoughts What visitors are saying about the

Zuhl Museum

Mail Your Contribution and

completed form to:

Director of Zuhl Collection

Department of Geological Sciences, MSC 3AB

New Mexico State University

PO Box 30001

Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001

For Questions or Comments


Tiffany Santos

Director of Zuhl Collection


Office: (575) 646-4714

Fax: (575) 646-1056

What wonderful people to have donated such a Fabulous geologic collection! -Walter & Paula from Palmer, AK

“Super duper, informative, amazing”

—Joyce from Las Cruces, NM

Name:___________________________________________ Email:____________________________________

Business Name (if applicable):_______________________________ Title:______________________________

Mailing Address:________________________________ City:___________________ State:_____ Zip:________



Member Level (check one):

Zuhl Scholar……………..$15-$150

Zuhl Explorer……………$151-$300

Zuhl Geologist……...……...>$300

Check included

Pay with Credit Card

Yes, I would like to volunteer, please contact me!

Yes, please include my name in the Newsletter and Website!

Please provide address for correspondences

Newsletter will be sent via e-mail

Make checks payable to NMSU Foundation Inc. with

Friends of the Zuhl Collection indicated in the note.

To use credit card, please see the NMSU Foundation website at

http://fndforms.nmsu.edu/giving.php and designate Friends of the

Zuhl Collection under “Find a Giving Area/Fund” and also mail/email/ fax donation form to Director to receive newsletter/emails.

This is probably my 10th visit to this wonderful

exhibit. I bring all my guests and always suggest

coming here to my friends. =)

- Carol from Las Cruces, NM

Find us online! nmsu.edu/zuhl
