2013-12-13 Tyro Webinar for Best Practice Subscribers


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Integrated EFTPOS & Easyclaim with Tyro and Best Practice

Who is Tyro?

• Only independent EFTPOS company in Australia

• Real alternative to the major banks

How did Tyro come about?

• 3 founders set out to challenge the big banks

• Wanted to shake up the banking system with better technology and better service

Can I trust Tyro?

• Regulated by the RBA and APRA

• Held to same stringent standards as all the major banks

How successful is Tyro?

• Over 8000 businesses have made the switch

• 4 times BRW Fast 100 award winner

• Medicare Easyclaim market leader

What is the culture like at Tyro?

• Very different to the big banks!

• All our merchants are part of a cause – banking should be better

How does Tyro benefit Best Practice Subscribers?

• Integrated EFTPOS

• Integrated Easyclaim

Why do practices love Integrated EFTPOS?

• Less work for staff

• Automates reconciliation

• Can’t accidentally over or undercharge

Why do practices love Integrated Easyclaim?

• Value adds to aftercare

• Easy to use

• Less outstanding accounts

Practice Manager, Russell Street Medical Centre

“The main benefit is that patients do not have to physically go to Medicare to claim their rebate and the rebate is back in their account in a matter of seconds. Some patients have mentioned that this is invaluable as they can then immediately visit the chemist to have prescriptions filled.”

Lorraine Malcomson, Electra Park Medical Centre

“I love the Tyro system. It is very easy and simple to use and understand. If we have a query their staff are always there to assist. Having Tyro has reduced the outstanding debt due to unpaid accounts. The Tyro system is beneficial for the paying patient who then receives their rebate automatically, and at the end of the day banking is so much faster and accurate.”

Sheryl Neaves, AMH Medical Centre

“We introduced full payment for consultations when we installed Tyro. Before this we accepted a gap payment and then patients would (sometimes) bring in the Medicare cheque. Tyro has reduced our outstanding accounts to a minimum. Therefore we spend less time in chasing outstanding accounts. The process is also quick and easy for staff and patients to use.”

How is Easyclaim different from Online?

• Patients don’t need to register bank details with Medicare

• Rebate paid in under 11 s vs. 24 – 48 hours with Online

So how does Tyro work with Best Practice? Let’s watch a demo…

What IS included in the first Best Practice / Tyro release?

• Integrated EFTPOS

• Integrated Easyclaim for:

• Patient paid claims

• Gap payments

What’s NOT included in the first Best Practice / Tyro release?

• Integrated Easyclaim for:

• Real time bulk billing

How far away is the release?

• Beta testing phase underway

• Best Practice to announce release date when this is complete

Can I use Tyro today before Easyclaim is released?

• Yes! Over 100 Best Practice subscribers have already joined Tyro

• Works the same as a bank terminal

• We deposit into your existing bank account

Why switch pre-release?

• No phone line

• Savings on terminal rental and eftpos fees

• Get ready!

Poll Time…

How does Tyro price?

• Terminal rental starts at $25

• EFTPOS fees based on card turnover per annum

• No other fees or lock in contract

How easy is installation?

• Terminals arrive pre-configured

• “Plug and play”

Does Tyro offer training?

• Live Go To Meeting training

• Training videos on Vimeo

Errin Health Account








Moves we make when a new Best Practice site joins Tyro!

How do I apply?

• Email health@tyro.com and we’ll send you an application form

• Call the Health Team on (02) 8907 1717

• Terminal delivery ~ 1 week

The last word…

“Change is always difficult for some people. Once the Tyro system was set up, staff could see the immediate benefits to them and our patients.”

Sharon Bouhous, Day Hospital Manager at Oxford Day Surgery Centre

General QA

Q: As feedback, we used to have Tyro before we moved to Best Practice Management and patients LOVED it!

A: Thanks!

Q: Do you have an approximate launch date for Best Practice?

A: Best Practice are currently in Beta testing – they’ll announce the launch date when they are happy the new release has been fully tested. We hope this will be early in the new year.

Security QA

Q: Our principle Dr is concerned regarding the secure transfer of patient details

A: All claims transmitted to Medicare via Best Practice and Tyro are fully encrypted. Tyro has no visibility of patient claim information. Tyro is simply a conduit for an encrypted message. With regards to card data when taking payments, Tyro triple encrypts card data and has industry leading EFTPOS network architecture. For more information click here

Q: How does the Tyro terminal communicate with the PC and more importantly with Medicare and the Bank? Is this via the Internet or using some phone technology?

A: Tyro communicates to Medicare and your settlement bank via a triple encrypted broadband or WIFI connection. You do not need a dedicated phone line for your Tyro EFTPOS terminal. It’s fast, safe and reliable.

Easyclaim QA

Q: If a patient pays on credit card, can their rebate be deposited back into this account, or does it need to go back into their cheque/savings account?

A: The rebate must be deposited into a cheque or savings account. Some credit cards link to these as well so in this case the patient could use the same card to pay and claim.

Q: Is the insert/swipe function an either/or option?

A: Newer debit and credit cards with a chip must now be inserted into the terminal. If the patient tries to swipe a chip card, the terminal will prompt them to insert their card instead. Older cards without chip cards can be swiped.

Q: If you had two terminals, is there the risk of processing the wrong patient?

A: One Tyro terminal can be specifically ‘paired’ or ‘linked’ to one workstation. This means you’ll always know the payments being sent through from a specific workstation are going to one Tyro terminal only.

Easyclaim QA

Q: Does Tyro already process Easyclaim transactions?

A: Yes – we process around 1,000,000 Easyclaim transactions per month with our other practice management software partners.

Q: Can you set-up Easyclaim so that the patient only pays the gap and the practice claims the rebate?

A: This is only possible if the practice elects to process the claim as a gap payment and then wait for the patient to receive a cheque from Medicare to bring back to the practice.

Q: What happens when we bulk bill patient? Can you go through Tyro? Is it different to batching via Medicare Online?

A: When Best Practice release real time bulk bill you will be able to submit bulk bill claims through Tyro. The patient will do an electronic signature on the terminal to ‘Assign their right to benefit’ to the practice. There will also be no need to batch. This feature will not be available in the first release so practices will continue to use Medicare Online for bulk bill claims.

Technical QA

Q: If Easyclaim is not up and running, how does the patient get paid?

A: You can still process claims through Medicare Online or print a voucher for the patient to take to Medicare.

Q: Can these terminals be WIFI as cords are annoying?

A: Yes, we have WIFI, cord free terminals available.

Technical QA

Q: Because you don’t need a phone line, does that mean that each front desk computer can have a machine?

A: Yes – you can even share one terminal between two front desk computers.

Q: What happens if the internet goes down? Do you have manual vouchers.

A: Some Tyro terminals are enabled with a GPRS back up mode. If your internet should fail you can switch to this mode and continue to process payments. You will not be able to process Easyclaim transactions in the mode. Yes – we also have manual vouchers.

Other QA

Q: What are your fees?

A: Tyro only has two fees – merchant service fees for card payments and terminal rental. Processing Easyclaim patient rebates is free.

Q: When might Tyro be able to transmit to private health funds?

A: Hopefully mid next year. Health fund claiming will be fully integrated with several practice management software solutions. To find out more call our team on (02) 8907-1717
