Avoiding Conflict In Communication



Presentation delivered in ABS in the Congress for Coordinators and Directors of Studies in August 2006

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Lic. Mariana Porta

Conflict: The Tip of the Conflict: The Tip of the IcebergIceberg

An emergentGrounded on faulty

communication processes.

Can be prevented, more than avoided.

Conflict in CommunicationConflict in Communication



Introduce a communication model.Use this model to analyze the way

communication takes place in our schools.

Provide a framework to improve or develop a communication system that prevents conflict.

Potential Sources of Conflict Potential Sources of Conflict (1)(1)

Assuming that because we are aware of some information, then everybody is.

Assuming that communication “just happens” and there is no need to work on it.

Confusing “being systematic” with “being bureaucratic”

Believing that subordinates do not need to see “the whole picture.”

Potential Sources of Conflict Potential Sources of Conflict (2)(2)

Systematically avoiding confrontation.Not working on skills development

(listening skills, negotiation skills, meeting management skills, decision making skills)

Lacking a communication system.Having a domineering management style.

Task 1. Match the expressions in your booklet Task 1. Match the expressions in your booklet page … with the potential sources of conflict.page … with the potential sources of conflict.

1. Assuming too much

2. Confusing “systematic” with “bureaucratic”

3. Not sharing the whole picture

4. Systematically avoiding confrontation

5. Ignoring “the grapevine”

6. Lacking a communication system

Communication ModelCommunication Model




Information: Documents Information: Documents

Documents used with students. – Registration form– Report card– Attendance record– Certificate– Surveys

Documents used with teachers. – Contract

– Course syllabus

– Student record sheet

– Appraisal interview form

– Annual performance review

Information: Format Information: Format How will information be “packed”?How will information be “packed”?

Who will write it?Who will read it? When?Will it be paper-based or electronic?Will it generate a data basis?Is it necessary, practical, clear, reliable?Will it help our transactions of information?Will it have a legal value?

Prevent Conflict in Information Prevent Conflict in Information FormatFormat

Work on information format. Ex.List the documents you use in your school.Revise them in terms of their

– Clarity– Comprehensibility– Consistency– Practicality– Value

Information: SpreadingInformation: SpreadingHow will we let others know?How will we let others know?

Who should know?What is the most effective way to reach

them?What channel will we use?How will this way of spreading adapt to our

needs and structure today?

Spreading:Transactions Spreading:Transactions of Informationof Information

Formal, stable transactions

Informal transactions

Organograms should reflect real transactions.

Rumor tells about concerns, fears, prejudice, desires

Task 2. Explore your communication Task 2. Explore your communication

networknetwork interlocutors e-mail phone

callmemo bulletin





students              ////  

teachers  ///    /       ///   


coordinator ///         //      

parents    //            






Prevent Conflict in Information Prevent Conflict in Information SpreadingSpreading

Develop a system for information spreading based on the needs, structure and resources of your school.

Stick to this system and develop a set of procedures for routine communication.

Train staff in these procedures.Be flexible when that system needs to be modified.Be on the lookout for better ways of spreading.

Information SummaryInformation Summary

Focus on Aim at Develop Skills

Message format





Standard format


A system








Interpersonal Interaction



ABC Cognitive Model


stimulus mental process overt behavior

Understand Communication as Understand Communication as Behavior.Behavior.

The “B” Behind BehaviorThe “B” Behind Behavior

It may contain roadblocks to assertive behavior:– “I must avoid making questions or statements

that will make me look stupid or ignorant”.– “If I assert myself in any relationship others

will get mad at me”.– “If I say I don’t agree my supervisor will think

I am not being supportive”

Assertive strategiesAssertive strategies

Make known your desires and feelings in an open, direct, non-aggressive manner. Ex. “Yes, I understand (other’s response), but I still believe (your goal or thought).

Express your feelings about a situation without threatening others.

Make a non-assertive person open up. Pursue the topic in a gentle, probing manner.

Develop effective interpersonal Develop effective interpersonal communication skillscommunication skills

The Seven Challenges Copyright 1997-2006 by Dennis Rivers. Reproduced with author's permission from the original at


Listen first and acknowledge what you hear, even if you don’t agree with it, before expressing your opinion or point of view

Explain your conversational intent and invite consent.

Translate your complaints into specific requests.

Train staff Train staff

Train staff in developing effective skills in interpersonal communication.– Use the web as a source of material to learn

about interpersonal communication.– Organize reading circles, workshops and

presentations where staff members have a chance to read, discuss and role-play

Prevent Conflict in Interpersonal Prevent Conflict in Interpersonal CommunicationCommunication

Develop effective skills in interpersonal communication.

Understand communication as behavior.Train staff in developing effective skills in


Relationships: SummaryRelationships: Summary

Focus on Aim at Develop Skills

interpersonal interaction

healthy work environment


assertive behavior

staff profile

professional development program

listening skills

negotiation skills

meeting management

Participation: Can we do it Participation: Can we do it together?together?

Knowing the mission and visionSharing valuesMaking choices of management style

– Participation mechanisms– Decision making

Holding everybody accountable.Being ethical.

Participation and Management Participation and Management Style Style

Participation: Respecting the Participation: Respecting the GrapevineGrapevine

Employees should feel safe to venture their feelings and opinions to peers (and supervisors).

Venturing feelings and opinions is only the beginning.

Real participation implies being accountable.Real and effective participation can only take

place if we develop participation mechanisms.

Participation Mechanisms (1):Participation Mechanisms (1):

Resort to the most collaborative academic tools: feedback sessions, teamwork for planning and teaching, peer visiting.

Have people write their own task descriptions.

Have staff take part in hiring procedures.

Participation Mechanisms (2):Participation Mechanisms (2):

Have experienced staff train new staff.Involve staff in planning and goal

settlement.Innovate. Create your own techniques to

ensure and promote participation.

Develop a feeling of belonging.

Communication as Communication as ParticipationParticipation

Participation should be part of the culture of our organizations.

Why? … Because … An organization’s culture manifests itself to

outsiders in terms of its image and reputation.

Roy J. Lewicki

Organizational Dynamics. Autumn, 1981

Celebrate the Culture of your Celebrate the Culture of your organizationorganization

Develop your identity signs: logo, flag, colors, style, and make them known.

Create opportunities to be together working and/or enjoying.

Build a positive identity. Build on strengths. Help others discover what is good about them.

Create a memory, a story worth telling: explore, collect and register the organization’s stories.

Participation SummaryParticipation Summary

Focus on Aim at Develop Skills

culture of the organization

participation management style

a code of ethics

norms of interaction


participation mechanisms

decision-making skills

Communication modelCommunication modelInformation:

Format and Spreading

Adequate management of information …

Relationships … that should facilitate the development of enriching relationships …

Participation … so as to become active and cooperative participants of our professional environments.


Thank you Silvia Laborde for highly professional feedback and encouragement.

Thank you Marcelo Escobal, for intellectual and business partnership and support, support, support …
