Enquirica Research- Oil Prices Thank God that the Soviet Union Collapsed


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Enquirica – Oil Prices Thank God the Soviet Union Collapsed Enquirica Reserch - October 2011



Oil Prices Thank God Soviet Union Collapsed Global  demand  for  oil  has  stayed  roughly  steady  at  2  liters/capita/day  for  the  past  few  decades  according  to  a  fascinating  paper  by  Joyce  M.  Dargy  and  Dermot  Gately.      But  this  apparent  stability  masks  a  more  volatile  reality.    Since  1971,  OECD  countries  have  made  major  efficiency  strides,  the  Soviet  Union  saw  an  economic  collapse,  and  the  non-­‐OECD  developing  world  has  seen  soaring  demand.  



   As  such,  expect  the  global  oil  "problem"  to  get  more  severe.    Beyond  that  -­‐-­‐  and  this  is  really  the  crux  of  Dargy  and  Gately's  paper  –  we  have  moved  into  an  era  of  much  more  inelastic  demand.  In  other  words,  whereas  price  spikes  in  the  1970s  caused  major  pullbacks  in  consumption,  similar  price  spikes  these  days  don't  result  in  the  same  reductions.      





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