Knights of Columbus Insurance in Iowa



Knights of Columbus, Insurance, McGivney, Fraternal Protection, K of C, Iowa, Falck

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  • 1. The Knights of Columbus was formed to renderfinancial aid to members and their families. Mutualaid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled andneedy members and their families.The history of the Order shows how theforesight of Father Michael J. McGivney, whosecause for sainthood is being investigated by theVatican, brought about what has become the worldsforemost Catholic fraternal benefit society.The Order has helped families obtain economicsecurity and stability through its lifeinsurance, retirement, long-term care programs anddisability Income and has contributed time andenergy worldwide to service in communities.The VenerableFr. Michael J. McGivney(1852 -1890)

2. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit society that isstrong, secure and stable. Members can be confident that well be herewhen you need us. Weve been successfully protecting families since1882, and our outlook remains bright.Dont just take our word for itBased on ratings from Standard and Poors, and A.M. Best there is noinsurer in North America with higher ratings than the Knights ofColumbus.The rating of the Order reflects its strong fraternal and insurance presence, itssuperior risk adjusted capitalization and consistently positive operating results.A.M. BestRanked in the top 4% of over 2000 Life Insurers in North America (total assets). Morethan $17 Billion on Assets.Over $88 Billion of Insurance in force.12 Consecutive years of growth in sales.Paid out $3.2 Billion in policy dividends and $1.7 Billion in death benefits over the lastdecade.Protecting more Catholic Families at a higher degree than ever before! 3. We maintain the financial strength and stability we are chartered to preservewhile staying true to the tenets of our Catholic faith.All investment managers for the Order are prohibited from investing incompanies engaged in any of the following activities: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Cloning Pornography Abortifacient Contraception For Profit Health Care 4. Peace of Mind is the benefit that we offer our families.Our network of over 1300 Field Agents in the United States and Canada arehow the Knights put into action the benefits offered to our members.Our field force is among the best in the insurance industry and our agentswork hard to maintain that standard. They know the task they perform is thedirect fulfillment of Father McGivneys vision, a charge they take very seriouslyas Catholic gentlemen.Daily they are making a difference for life. 5. We have many policies from theKnight of Columbus and have workedwith our Field Agent for more than 26years.The best thing about our agentand the Knights of Columbus is that youare not just another policy holder tothem - they treat us like family.Ken and Khristine HumpalProtivin, IACouncil 2744 6. When Dan passed away I wasvery overwhelmed and didnt quiteknow where to start. My Knights ofColumbus Field Agent was there tohelp me through a very difficult timein my life.Steven, Maggie and I are veryblessed to have had our Field Agentand the Knights there for us.Jenn HutingIowa City, IowaCouncil 14481 7. We are proud KC members includingfather, brothers and brother-in-law andtheir families.Our Field Agent has always beenthere for us. He guided us through theclaim filing process when our father died -fulfilling what he promised our motherback in 1983.Our agent continues to monitor myfamilys insurance and in a few years myson will join the 4th generation of Kuhnfamily Knights of Columbus members.The Kuhn FamilyProtivin, IA Lansing, IACouncil 2744 Council 12244 8. When my husband Tom wasdiagnosed with end-stage cancer, we knewthe one person we could count on to be inour corner was our Knights of ColumbusField Agent.I am grateful for the help he gave usand the respect he showed not only forTom but for me and my sons.Charlee CompoKellogg,IACouncil 4248 9. What a rewarding experience it was to sitdown with someone I could trust a brotherKnight and review my familys financial andinsurance needs.I have the promise of protection by anorganization with the highest ratings in theindustry.Stephen PyleDes Moines, IACouncil 10558 10. Family Fraternal BenefitsBeing an insured member means youve taken full advantage of thebenefits of membership.In addition to our strong, secure products, there are Family FraternalBenefits that can help our members facing unique needs. These benefits areexclusive to the Knights of Columbus and our members. Some of thesebenefits include: Guaranteed life insurance benefits for uninsurable children Guaranteed life insurance coverage for all members and their spousesage 65 and younger Death benefits available for stillborn or miscarried children Orphan benefits Member/spouse accidental death benefitsMeet with your Field Agent to learn the details of these benefits 11. Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus because heunderstood that he was his brothers keeper. In understanding that, heestablished what has become a vibrant and successful business model,all because we continue to answer: Yes, we are our brothers keepers.We put our brother Knights and the assets they entrust us to protect before profit.That commitment is what has kept the Knights of Columbusstrong and profitable despite the enormous economic changes that haveoccurred over the past 128 years. Economic models change, but thesuccess that comes with doing the right thing, and putting people first,does not.Carl A. AndersonSupreme Knight 12. Exclusively for BrotherKnights and their families byBrother KnightsYour Shield of Protection
