


This is a webquest I created for my EDUC 331 class.

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  • 1. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] A WebQuest for 11 thgrade U. S. History Designed by Mallory Prest Mallory Prest [email_address] Based on a template fromThe WebQuest Page

2. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] It is the year 1856 and your tribe has been living on the Great Plains peacefully for over a hundred years.A congressman from the U.S. government has come to your tribe with a proposition.He wants to take your land to provide homes for settlers and place your tribe on a reservation.On the reservation your tribe will be provided housing, clothes, food, health care, and education by the U.S. government.Your tribe must form a council consisting of the chief, medicine man, elders, and warriors to discuss whether to agree to the proposition and sign the treaty, or refuse it entirely.However, if your tribe refuses the treaty there is the risk of the cavalry forcibly moving you from your land.The role of the squaw will also be involved with the tribal council as the wife of a warrior.Your tribe has noticed an increased amount of white settlers moving onto the land and the number of buffalo has diminished greatly.There has also been communication from other tribes that the government has not been faithful with their promises. 3. Student Page Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] For this webquest, it will be your job to research your role as the chief, medicine man, warrior, elder, or squaw and discover the function they had within your tribe.Also you must gather information about the culture and history of your tribe.This preparation will be used for the tribal council meeting, which your tribe will simulate in front of the class.During the simulation, every member of the council will be given a chance to speak their opinion on the situation.The purpose of the meeting is whether or not your tribe should sign the treaty with the government.Title 4. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ]

  • The class will be divided in 5 groups with 5-6 students in each group
  • Each group will be assigned one of the following tribes of the Great Plains:
  • Arapaho
  • Cheyenne
  • Lakota
  • Blackfeet
  • Crow
  • Manadan
  • Comanche
  • Once your group is assigned a tribe, each member of the group will be given one of the following roles:
  • Chief
  • Medicine Man
  • Elder
  • Warrior
  • Squaw (she will act as a wife of a warrior)
  • Depending on the number of people in your group, there may be 2 warriors
  • You will use the internet and other resources to research your role and their function within the tribe
  • You must also research the culture and history of your tribe
  • Once you have an in depth understanding of your tribe and your role, your group must meet to discuss the simulated tribal council and your decision of whether or not to sign the treaty
  • On the day of the simulation, the classroom will be set up like a fish bowl with the council sitting in the middle of the room and the students sitting in a circle surrounding the council
  • Your tribes council meeting will only be 15 minutes,and every member must voice their opinionsince the squaw is not a member of the council, she will be seated behind her husband advising him throughout the meeting
  • Click here to continue

5. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ]

  • Your group will be required to use a prop during the council meeting such as a peace pipe
  • By the end of the meeting, your tribe mustmake a decision on whether to sign the treaty or refuse it, andprovide an explanation
  • Its very important also for you to act as your character during the meeting; be passionateand immerse yourself into the role
  • The following is a list of helpful websites for your research:
  • www.comanchenation/Education/history.html

Process Cont. 6. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score Historical Accuracy All historical information appeared to be accurate Almost all historical information appeared to be accurate Most of the historical information was accurate Very little of the historical information was accurate Required Elements Student included more information than was required. Student included all information that was required. Student included most information that was required. Student included less information than was required. Role Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were consistently in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were often in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were sometimes in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were rarely in character. Knowledge Gained Can clearly explain several ways in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters and can clearly explain why. Can clearly explain several ways in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. Can clearly explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. Cannot explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. 7. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] By the end of this webquest you should hopefully have developed a deeper understanding of the history and culture of your tribe.Through the role playing, you should have gained more insight into the Native Americans perspective on the expansion of the white settlers. 8. Student Page Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits [ Teacher Page ] This webquest was designed using templates fromThe WebQuest PageandThe WebQuest Slideshare Group . 9. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page A WebQuest for 11 thgrade U.S. History Designed by Mallory Prest [email_address] Based on a template fromThe WebQuest Page Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 10. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page This webquest was a collaborative effort by the history teachers of Fort Collins High School and it will be used in every U.S. History class.It was designed to educate students Native American culture and understandthe view point of a Native American on western expansion.For this project the class will be divided into groups and each group will be assigned a tribe of the Great Plains.Then each member of the groupwill be given one of the following roles within the tribe: chief, medicine man, elder, warrior, and squaw.The groups will be given a scenario, then the students will research their role.After the students have a thorough understanding of their role, each group will come together for the final part of the project which is a simulated tribal council meeting in front of the class.When completing this webquest, the students will use the internet and other resources to gather information on their role.Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 11. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page This webquest is designed to meet the Colorado Education Standards for eleventh grade U.S History. The students will be required to have good researching , analytical, comprehension, teamwork, and communication skills.Also, these students will need display some creativity for completing this project. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 12. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page

  • The standards and benchmarks the Native American webquest meet are as follows:
  • Standard 3 : Students understand that societies are diverse and have changed over time.
  • 3.1:Students know how various societies were affected by contacts and exchanges among diverse people.
  • Describing the interactions and contributions of the various people and cultures that have lived in or migrated, immigrated, or were brought to the area that is now the United States, including African, Asian,European, Latino, and Native American
  • This webquest will encourage the students tothink on a more analytical and conceptual level.They will be developing their communication, critical thinking, inference, and teamwork skills.

Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 13. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page

  • Dividing the class into groups and assigning them their roles could be done in one class period.Describing the project will involve two class periods.The teacher should create the groups and assign each group their tribe.For each students role within the tribe, it can be given to them at random.
  • The class will be divided in 5 groups with 5-6 students in each group
  • Each group will be assigned one of the following tribes of the Great Plains: Arapaho, Cheyenne, Lakota, Blackfeet, Crow, Manadan, and Comanche.
  • Once your group is assigned a tribe, each member of the group will be given one of the following roles:
  • Chief
  • Medicine Man
  • Elder
  • Warrior
  • Squaw (she will act as a wife of a warrior)
  • Depending on the number of people in your group, there may be 2 warriors
  • You will use the internet and other resources to research your role and their function within the tribe
  • You must also research the culture and history of your tribe
  • Once you have an in depth understanding of your tribe and your role, your group must meet to discuss the simulated tribal council and your decision of whether or not to sign the treaty
  • On the day of the simulation, the classroom will be set up like a fish bowl with the council sitting in the middle of the room and the students sitting in a circle surrounding the council
  • Your tribes council meeting will only be 15 minutes,and every member must voice their opinionsince the squaw is not a member of the council, she will be seated behind her husband advising him throughout the meeting
  • Your group will be required to use a prop during the council meeting such as a peace pipe
  • By the end of the meeting, your tribe mustmake a decision on whether to sign the treaty or refuse it, andprovide an explanation
  • Its very important also for you to act as your character during the meeting; be passionateand immerse yourself into the role

Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 14. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page The following are some useful websites : www.comanchenation/Education/history.html On the day of the simulated tribal council meeting, the classroom must be set up as a fishbowl.The desks should be placed in a circle and in the middle the group will sit on the floor for their simulation.There should also be another teacher in the classroom to assist with the grading. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 15. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Historical Accuracy All historical information appeared to be accurate Almost all historical information appeared to be accurate Most of the historical information was accurate Very little of the historical information was accurate Required Elements Student included more information than was required. Student included all information that was required. Student included most information that was required. Student included less information than was required. Role Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were consistently in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were often in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were sometimes in character. Point-of-view, arguments, and solutions proposed were rarely in character. Knowledge Gained Can clearly explain several ways in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters and can clearly explain why. Can clearly explain several ways in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. Can clearly explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. Cannot explain one way in which his character "saw" things differently than other characters. 16. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page

  • I designed this webquest for Colorado State Standards only and it must be used for an eleventh grade U.S. History class
  • The skills required for the students explained in the Standards page I felt were necessary for adequate completion of the project
  • It should be used in a class of highly motivated students
  • The Process page is very detailed and the students will have questions after they view it on the website
  • I found explanation ofthe project will take one class period
  • Tell the students not to rely too much on the websites listed on the Process Page because some do not provide much detail.It will be better for them to find their information in books

Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 17. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page This webquest is useful for students for a variety of reasons. The students will enhance their researching and analytical skills as they do an in-depth studyof their role and the culture of their tribe.Working in groups will allow the students to improve their social and communication abilities, which will be a useful tool for them in the future.Also, this project will provide an opportunity for the more artistic students to display their creativity.Upon completion of this webquest, the students should have developed a deeper understanding of the history and culture of their tribe.Through the role playing, they should have gained more insight into the Native Americans perspective on the expansion of the white settlers.Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion 18. [ Student Page ] Title Introduction Learners Standards Process Resources Credits Teacher Page I would like to thank the history teachers of Fort Collins High School for their input into the development of this webquest. The picture on the Title page was taken from the following website: This webquest was based on templates fromThe WebQuest Page.You can find this webquest and other training materials atThe WebQuest Slideshare Group .Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion