Tax deductible bitcoin donations to any 501(c)(3) now possible instantly


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PlayCoin Entertainment501Verify

Bitcoin donations to non profits.

What is the purpose of 501verify

Enabling tax deductible donations via bitcoin and other payment forms to organizations.

The platform verifies the orgnizations 501 status to build trust with donors.

How does it work ?Simple form to enable fundraising campaigns

Verification is as easy as entering the EIN The system will find the company that the EIN

belongs to . It will auto fill the required fields before submission executes.

Subscription payments are made with BitcoinWith Coinbase.The organization may subscribe Yearly or montly.

Organizations can choose to have their submission listed publically or Private.

Include sharing your fundraising campaign to your followers

Include sharing your fundraising campaign to Linked In

A directory for donors to find a source to purchaseBitcoin is also available.
