The mind of an economic chartist - mata 2016 technical analysis conference


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Arifin Abdul LatifArifin Abdul LatifFounder & Senior Consultant/ EconomistFounder & Senior Consultant/ Economist

ArifinLatif ConsultingArifinLatif Consulting



In Search for the Holy In Search for the Holy Grail of ForecastingGrail of Forecasting

“Most of the time I used Advanced GET 7.8 and MetaStock

11 for the purpose of charting ~ these two are among the best

and flexible to use…”Arifin @Ayah Pin

Focus on Selected Topics**

Personalised Concepts/Charting techniques/themes developed & written – ANU thesis/Buletin Wawasan INTAN &The EDGE Malaysia series of articles;

Charting with Elliot Wave Analysis (EWA) – using Advanced GET 7.8, & ’Beyond Candlesticks’ – using MetaStock 11;

Trend forecasts for charts on FBM KLCI’s latest closings;

My articles published in The EDGE Malaysia – covers a wide range of forecasting techniques & material – incl. stock market & the economy, crude oil forecasts, forecasting crude oil prices, impact of PRUs, and a host of topical issues.

Personalised Concepts/ Charting techniques/themes

developed & written – ANU thesis/Buletin

Wawasan INTAN &The EDGE Malaysia

series of articles

Personalised Concepts/ Charting techniques/ themes developed & written – ANU thesis/ Buletin Wawasan INTAN &The EDGE Malaysia series of articles

MADE Thesis @ANU**

Masters Degree (MADE) thesis from ANU Canberra - specialising in 'stock market economics’.

FBM KLCI’s latest Charts ~ using some of the best charting

techniques from the East & the West!

Charting with Elliot Wave Analysis (EWA) – using Advanced GET 7.8, & ’Beyond Candlesticks’ – using MetaStock 11

Charts & EWA –

(27 Apr 15)The Original text

of Elliot Wave


Charts & EWA –

(27 Apr 15) Technical

Analysis using Advanced GET - with

Andy Bushak (Nov 13-14, 1993)

Charts & EWA – (27 Apr 15) My old manuscript


Trekking the KLCI's megatrend… Wave 3

is never the shortest!... and that Wave 3 - insofar as

KLCI is concerned -was the Superbull

Run of 1993

Charting using MetaStock 11 ~

applying ‘Beyond Candlesticks’ (among the

oldest charting techniques to

have emerged from Japan/

Nippon! (4 May 2015)

Bermuda Triangle Analysis (BTA) - my personal technique adapted/developed, published in The EDGE Malaysia series of articles.

List of types of ‘Beyond Candlesticks’ charts***(4 May 2015)

3 Line Break chart***

Renko chart***

Kagi chart***

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byBermuda Triangle Analysis (BTA) using MetaStock 11Bermuda Triangle Analysis (BTA) using MetaStock 11

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis by3 Line Break using MetaStock 113 Line Break using MetaStock 11

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis by5 Pt Renko chart using MetaStock 115 Pt Renko chart using MetaStock 11

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis by0.05% Kagi chart using MetaStock 110.05% Kagi chart using MetaStock 11

Trend forecasts for charts on FBM KLCI’s

latest closings

Trend forecasts for charts on FBM KLCI’s latest closings18 Feb 2016 (noon closing)

GTP/ETP: High Income EcoGTP/ETP: High Income Economy & 2020 achievanomy & 2020 achievableblewith KLCI Semi-Megatrend with KLCI Semi-Megatrend @@magical 2000 levelmagical 2000 level

KLCI intermediate (weekly) trend analysis byKLCI intermediate (weekly) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GETElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GET

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GETElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GET

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GETElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using Advanced GET

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11Elliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11Elliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11

KLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byKLCI minor (daily) trend analysis byElliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11Elliot Wave Analysis (EWA) using MetaStock 11

Excerpts of The EDGE Malaysia

articles: “Stock Market “Stock Market

& Economic & Economic Forecasts”Forecasts”

Excerpts of thesis/Buletin

Wawasan INTAN/ The EDGE Malaysia articles: “Oil & Gas “Oil & Gas

Stocks Rally & Stocks Rally & Forecasts”Forecasts”

Excerpt of The EDGE Malaysia article/My Bit: “Agriculture E-Commerce Portal”“Agriculture E-Commerce Portal”

Excerpts of The EDGE Malaysia articles: “Stock Market Factors”“Stock Market Factors”

Arifin Abdul Latif PMP, AMNMADE (ANU), BAgrSc (UPM), FMATA, Uncl Studies (UBC), BMITA (Cranfield), Privatisation (IDS), ICRET (UPLB), R&D Management (KOICA/KITA)

ArifinLatif ConsultingFounder & Chief Consultant/ Economist (since 1991) Freelance Consultant on Analysis & Forecasting of Economic & Stock Market Trends             @Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Thanks for lending your ears ~ may you have gain same extra insights

from personal experiences we have shared among us for the betterment

of our professional career. Work together, work smart to

succeed! Keep in touch.. all of you!

Thank you & terima kasih, Wassalaaam

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My Professional & Online Referrrals

I was among the earliest Malaysia’s LinkedIn member…

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…and was among the earliest Facebook member too!

I was a pioneering FaceBook addict
