Women & Their Wealth Presentation



Please feel free to view, this brief summary with statistics that are quite scarey. A good reminder that getting a finacial review and starting earlier than later is the way to go.

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What You Need to Know

Presented by: Shawn Rutledge

Investment Advisor

416.867.3550 .srutledge@byronsecurities com

Businesses led by more than 700,000 women create jobs for some 1.7 million Canadians, this is FOUR times the rate of the average firm

Women, leading nearly 1/3 of all firms in Canada, lead some 46% of new small businesses

Source: "Investing in Women's Worth"; http://www.ncf.ca/iiww/facts.html

Women live longer than men (an average of 7 years) so they need 20% more for retirement

On average, women earn 25% less

Women take off approx. 11 years more from work than men

Source: Statistics Canada: “Women in Canada: Work Chapter Updates” published in August 2001 by the Target Groups Project of Stats Can

Almost 1 in 4 women are financially strapped within two months of a husband passing away

Over 75% of all women are eventually widowed at an average age of 56

53% of women are not covered by a pension vs. only 22% of men

A staggering 87% of the poverty stricken elderly are women

Source: Statistics Canada: “Women in Canada: Work Chapter Updates” published in August 2001 by the Target Groups Project of Stats Can

:Women between the ages of 18-29 30-44 45-54 55-65 66 & over

Forming good financial habits. Starting an investment savings plan. Opening an RRSP.

Greater earnings and greater expenses. Reducing taxes using RRSP’s. Diversifying your portfolio beyond mutual funds. Saving for your child’s education. Wills, Powers of Attorney and other safeguards.

Early Retirement. Paying for your children’s post-secondary

education. Care of aging parents.

Sources of retirement income. How much is enough to retire comfortably? Diversifying your portfolio beyond mutual funds.

Options for your maturing RRSP. Wealth management in retirement. Estate planning.

Don’t leave any information out

Don’t rush my clients to make decisions

Get to know my client’s as “Whole People” – not just their financial situation

Provide a road map to take you from where you are today to where you want to go

Make sure your investment plan is up to date

Ensure you have appropriate risk management

Hire the world’s best professionals to help you
