09 bab 8




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What we must do if we want people to come to ourparty? Of course, we have to extend invitations to thembefore the time of the party. In this unit, we will learnhow to make a simple invitation.

Oral Invitation

Acitivity 1 Listen carefully to your teacher and repeatthese expressions on your notebook.

1. A : I’d like to invite you to come to my engagementparty on Sunday.

B : I’d love to come. Thanks.2. A : Would you mind coming to my house this evening?

B : I’d like to, but I’ve already planned to visit myparents.

3. A : Would you like to go?B : Thanks, I’d love to. What time is it?


Unit 8

Learning Outcomes

I’d Like To Invite You …

Students will be able to produce:- oral invitation,- written invitation, and- memo.

Section One

180 English for SMK Grade X

4. A : Let’s just meet at the hall before the concert, around7:30.

B : That sounds fine.5. A : Can you and Susan come?

B : We’d love to but I’m afraid we can’t. We’re goingout with friends for dinner.

Activity 2 Read the dialogues below, pay attention tothe bold typed words.

1. At the office.Staff : I’d like to invite you to come to

my engagement party on Sunday.Supervisor : I’d love to come. Thanks. What

time is the party?Staff : In the afternoon at 4, and please come

with your spouse.Supervisor : Okay. I’ll be there.

2. Mrs. Kuncoro comes to Mrs. Purwanto’s house.Mrs. Kuncoro : Would you mind coming to my

house this evening?Mrs. Purwanto : I’d like to, but I’ve already

planned to visit my parents.Thanks anyway.

Mrs. Kuncoro : Actually, I’ll have a dinner party. We’llcelebrate our wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Purwanto : Oh, congratulations to you. Hopefullyyour wedding will last forever.

Mrs. Kuncoro : Thank you very much.

3. On the way home.David : I have two tickets to Exist band

concert on Saturday night.Would you like to go?

Alex : Thanks, I’d love to. What time isit?

David : It’s at 8:00.Alex : That sounds great. So, do you want

to have dinner at 6:30?David : Uh, I’d like to, but I have to finish my

homework first.


Alex : Oh, that’s OK. Let’s just meet at thehall before the concert, around 7:30.

David : That sounds fine.

4. At school.Jacky : There is a computer exhibition in Java

Mall. It is from Thursday to Sunday.Would you like to come with me?

Dodi : I’d love to. When will we go?Jacky : I’ll pick you up at 4:00 p.m. Is it OK?Dodi : That’s fine.

Activity 3 Complete the dialogues with expressions ofinviting, accepting and refusing an invitation.

1. In a doctor office.Ahmed : We would _____________ to our

charity concert.Dr. Christ : I’d really _______ come. _________

the concert?Ahmed : It’s in our school hall on Sunday

morning. _________ invite yourcolleagues to come with you?

Dr. Christ : Oh, I’ll try. I’m proud of you, Boy. Youreally do a good deed.

Ahmed : __________, Sir.

2. In an office.Anto : I have two tickets for a football game on

Saturday afternoon. ___________ gowith me?

Dedi : I’m sorry _______. I promised to helpDiky fix his motorbike.

Anto : Oh, it’s _______. I’ll ask another friend.

3. At school canteenHendra : I’m having a party on Saturday, Bob.

Can you and Susan ______?Bobby : We’d ______ but I’m afraid _______.

We’re going out with friends for dinner.Hendra : Oh, that’s okay.Bobby : _______ for the invitation.

I’d Like To Invite You …

182 English for SMK Grade X

4. On the way home.Susi : There’s a rock concert at the city hall tonight.

It is at 7:30 p.m.Would ______________?

Sinta : _________. But I have to go to thehospital with my mother.We have to see my neighbour.

Activity 4 Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b, c, or d.

1. Adi : I’m having a little party at my home onSaturday. Can you come?

Husni : … , what time is it?a. I see c. Thank youb. No, I can’t d. Yes, I’d love to.

2. Santi : There is a bazaar at the city hall today. ….?Yuyun : Yes, I’d like to.a. I’m glad you like itb. I‘d like to goc. Could you come to my housed. Would you go there with me

3. Anton : I really like the computer exhibition. Wouldyou like … with me?

Budi : I’m sorry I can’t.a. coming along c. come alongb. to come along d. came along

4. X : Could you come to my home tonight?Y : ……, but I must do my assignments.a. No way c. I can’tb. I’d like to d. Why not

5. Mrs. Sunjoyo : Will you drop in my house some time?Mrs. Karta : I’m afraid I can’t. …………………….a. With pleasure c. When do you come?b. I really love to d. Thanks, anyway

6. Hari : Will you join us to have lunch?Iwan : I’d love to, …. I’ll go later.a. but I almost finished my reportb. let’s do it nowc. but I’m free to do anything now.d. let’s go home now.


7. Anti : Will you go with me to the Pramediabookstore this afternoon?

Susan : I’d love to, but I have to accompany mymother to the hospital.

Anti : …. Maybe next day.a. Next time? c. It’s all right..b. You’re welcome. d. Thanks for the invitation.

For questions number 8 – 10, identity the wrong parts ofthese sentences.

8. Cici : I feel lonely now. I’ve just broken up with myA B

boyfriend.Fani : Would you mind to join me to see a movie

C Dtomorrow?

9. Mrs. Bakrie : I would like inviting you to come to myA B

house.Mrs. Haz : Is there any important event?


10. Would you like to go camping next June? A

That’s a good idea. I really enjoy doing it during vacation. B C D

Modal Auxiliaries: will, could, would.

Look at these examples.We would like to invite you to our charity concertCould you and Susi come?

Activity 5 Rearrange these jumbled words to makegood sentences about invitation.

1. would - come - like - you - to?2. I - able - you - hope – be - to - will - us - join.3. would - like - you - join - to - us - lunch - for?


I’d Like To Invite You …

184 English for SMK Grade X

4. we - little - have - a - will - party - Sunday -on.5. you - to - come - would - party - birthday - my?6. you - coming - would - mind - to - house - my?7. our - you - could - come - to - next - party - week?8. I - dinner - would - invite - you - like - to - to - have.9. will - have - dinner - concert - you - go - to - before - the.10. accompany - me - could - you - Lisa’s - party - to - go - to?

Preposition: in, on, at.

Study these sentences:Sari will celebrate her birthday on Saturday.The party will be held on October 3rd.Mr. Wijaya invites Mr. Andrew to have dinner at 7 p.m.They will have lunch at Steak and Shake restaurant.

Activity 6 Choose the right preposition for the followingsentences.

Example: Budi lives … Bandung.He lives in Bandung.

1. The book is … the table.A. in B. on

2. The annual meeting will be … December.A. in B. on

3. My sister works … a bank.A. on B. at

4. Arman lives … Jl. Dr. Karyadi 26.A. at B. on

5. We will have a little party … August 16th.A. at B. on

6. The car is … the house.A. on B. at



7. The party will be held … night.A. in B. at

8. Many tourists spend the day sunbathing … Kuta beach.A. in B. on

9. She lives … Jl. Kartini.A. at B. on

10. There is much dust … rainy season.A. on B. in

Activity 7 Complete the following sentences with thecorrect preposition: at, in, or on.

1. The dog is lying … the floor.2. Will you wait for me … the bus stop?3. Trent arrived … the school building just in time.4. Bram and Ramzi are out practicing … the football field.5. Passengers are prohibited to use electronic devices …

airplanes during take off and landing.6. The study at school begins … Monday.7. The alarm rings … 6 p.m.8. My father likes to read newspaper … the afternoon.9. The book was published … 2008.10. The train leaves the station … noon.

Activity 8 Identity the wrong parts of these sentences1. Rio : Let’s just meet in the entrance of the mall,

A Baround 7:30. C

David : That sounds fine.D

2. Sandi : Please come and join in my party at Saturday A B

night at 7:00. C

Eko : Yes, thanks. D

I’d Like To Invite You …

186 English for SMK Grade X

3. Etty : Will you have lunch with us at break time? A B C

Faiq : With please. Thanks D

4. Lukman : What will you do if your cellular phone rings A

while you are driving?

Yanto : I‘ll use it when I’m on the bus, but never B C

while I’m on the car. D

Activity 9 Make a dialogue betwen students A andstudents B based on the situation below.

Situation : A is a new student whereas B is a classmatewho sits next to A. They don’t know each othervery well. Hoping that B will be his bestfriend, A invites B to come to A’s house.


Activity 10 Answer the following questions

1. Have you ever made an invitation?____________________________________.

2. Was it written or spoken invitation?____________________________________.

1. greets B.2. invites B.3. gives time and location.4. agrees.5. says thanks.

Student A Student B

1. greets A.2. accepts invitation.3. disagrees with the time, suggests

alternate time.4. expresses pleasure and thanks A.

Section Two


3. What was the invitation for?____________________________________.

4. Were you happy on the party? Why?____________________________________.

5. Can you mention some events that need invitations?____________________________________.

Activity 11 Read these letters and answer the questionsbelow.

Question:1. What event will be held based on the invitation?2. Who has the party?3. Is the party held in the afternoon or in the evening?4. How old is Suci at that time of celebration?5. If you are invited, what colour of shirt will you wear?

Jl. A. Yani 202


June 16th,2009

Hi, Friends.

Please come and join to my birthday party of the 17th anniversary, on:

Date : June 24th, 2009

Time : 03:00 p.m.

Place : Kampung Laut Resto

Jl. Marina Semarang

See you and have fun with me

Code dress : blue and black

Best regards: Suci


I’d Like To Invite You …

188 English for SMK Grade X

Question:1. Who extends the invitation?2. What activity will be held?3. When will it be held?4. Where should Mr. And Mrs. Subroto come to?5. Do you think it is a formal invitation or informal



Activity 12 Study the following explanation.As we know, a written invitation is more effective than

a spoken one. If we invite someone orally, he/she may forgetto come because it is the nature of human to easily forgetsomething. In making a written invitation, you must becareful to include the following information:1. your full address;2. the date, time, and place;3. any necessary explanation regarding the kind of event

or programme.

The format of personal invitation is similar to the one ofpersonal letter. The illustration is as the following:

Mr. and Mrs. Kusno RaharjoRequest the pleasure of

Mr. and Mrs. Wiryo Subroto

for dinneron Wednesday, the third of October

at seven o’clock

Jl. Merapi no. 78

RSVPJl. Merapi no. 78 Boyolali0276-356789



1. The HeadingIt consists of three lines. The first line contains your

address. The second one is the name of your town and postalcode (if there is one). The third shows the date. The mostcommon written date is month day, year.

2. The SalutationIt greets the reader. The usual form is the word “dear”

followed by the person name who is addressed to. There is acomma after the salutation.

3. The BodyThe body is the real letter itself. In a common personal

letter, the first line is indented. The example can be seen onthe letter above.

4. The ClosingIf the closing consists of more than one word, only the

first word of the closing is capitalized.

5. The SignatureThe signature is below the closing whether the letter is typed

or hand-written. It should not trail off the space of the rightmargin.

I’d Like To Invite You …










190 English for SMK Grade X

• June 20, 2008• Martha• Your sincerely,• Since you live right on our route, it would be very

convenient for us to pick you up and take you withus. Are you interested? We could really have a lotof fun!

• Jl. Joko Tingkir 123Salatiga, Central Java

• Dad, Mom, and I are getting ready for a trip to visitUncle Yusuf. We plan to arrive there in time to goKarimunjawa Island on July 2.

• Dear Etty,• If you can go, have yourself and your suitcase ready

shortly before noon on July 2. you can tell yourmother that you’ll be back home before dark onJuly 3.



___________,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________________________.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________________________.



Activity 13 Complete the frame of a letter with the partof letter below.

191I’d Like To Invite You …

Activity 14 Read this reply letter and answer thequestions.

Activity 15 Read the following letter and choose the bestanswer by crossing a, b, c, d.

Jl. Imam Bonjol 199Semarang

Dear Martha,

I’m sorry that I have to turn down your invitation. I’d give anythingif I could go with you to Karimunjawa Island, but Dad needs me at thestore. Since nearly all of his clerks are on vacation, I have to stay aroundto help out.

I hope that you and your family have a good trip.



Jl. Imam Bonjol 199Semarang

Dear Martha,It will be wonderful to go with you to Karimunjawa

Island! As I count the days, I can hardly wait for thetime to get there. I’ll be ready when you arrive themorning of July 2.



Questions:1. Who sends the letter above?2. What date did she write the letter?3. According to the letter above, does she accept her friend’s

invitation?4. Where would they go?5. When would she be ready to go?

192 English for SMK Grade X

1. Why did Joyce write the letter?a. She missed her friend.b. She wanted to go.c. She is a good writer.d. She cannot comply with an invitation.

2. Why couldn’t Joyce go with Mary?a. She was lazy.b. Dad wanted her to stay at home.c. She has to keep the store.d. Dad wanted her to go around the store.

3. What does the word turn down (line 5) mean?a. accept c. refuseb. put up with d. turn up.

4. Why were some clerks absent?a. They were keeping the storeb. They were having a restc. They were taking days offd. They were sleeping.

5. What is the synonym of the word nearly (line 8)?a. more b. quite c. just d. almost

Activity 16 Complete this e-mail with the wordsprovided.

From... januar@plasa.com

To... yenny@yahoo.com

Cc... aning@gmail.com

Subject: invitation


…… (1) Yenny,

We are having a few friends to lunch in …… (2) my great school achievement…… (3) Steak and Shake restaurant …… (4) Monday, May 28th …… (5) 02:00p.m. I …… (6) you’ll be able …… (7) us.

…… (8),


• at • Dear • in • Sincerely• celebrating • hope • on • to join

193I’d Like To Invite You …

Activity 17 Arrange these words into good parts of areply letter. Then, put them in the e-mailform provided. The sender intends to acceptthe invitation.

1. M. Hatta - Jl. – 50001 - Semarang – 86.2. 24 - May - 20093. to - thank - very - you - for - kind - your - invitation -

lunch - much.4. I - come - to - love - would.5. I - looking - you - ’m - on - 28th - forward - to seeing -


Activity 18 Use the following information to make asimilar reply e-mail as the one above in theform provided. This letter is refusing theinvitation.

Aning whose email account is aning@gmail.com replies thatshe refuses the invitation because unfortunately, she won’tbe able to come because at the same time she has to joinEnglish extra-curricular at school. She says she is so sorryshe can’t join them.




Subject: RE : InvitationMessage:

194 English for SMK Grade X

Mr. and Mrs. Lukman Arifyantorequest the company of

Mr. and Mrs. Adi Priyadiat the marriage of their daughter

Retno Lisyantiwith

Candra Aditya

in Gedung Wanita, Jl. Cut Nyak Dien 99 Semarangon Sunday, 10th August, 2009

at 09.00 A.M.


Activity 19 Do the task below.1. Each student writes letters of invitation to two

classmates. Invite them for a birthday party, a picnic,or another occasion.

2. The letter is in the form of a simple and short one. Ifpossible, write it through the real e-mail.

3. Exchange the letters and reply them.

Activity 20 Read the explanation below.For certain occasions such as weddings, or formal parties,written invitations are required. This is a form of a formalwritten invitation:




Subject: RE : InvitationMessage:

195I’d Like To Invite You …

RSVP* the French phrase “Respondez s’il vous plait” or “Pleasereply”. It means the host expects a response as to whetheryou will attend the party, dinner, or invitation. Otherwise, ifsomeone doesn’t respond to the invitation, it means that hewill not come.

Activity 17 You are a secretary. Your boss orders youto make an invitation for his weddinganniversary party. The party will be held athis house. Use the time and other informationon your own words.


Activity 25 Read the memo below and answer thequestions.

1. who wrote the memo?2. who are the recipients?3. when was the memo sent?4. why did Mr. Chavez write the memo?5. what action should be taken by department managers?Activity 26 Study the following explanation.


Our monthly managerial meeting is scheduled forFebruary 27, 2009, in the management meeting room at09:00 a.m.

Please bring your monthly report with you and submit itto my secretary 30 minutes prior to the meeting.


: Department Managers: Mr. Charles Chavez: February 8, 2008: Monthly managerial Meeting

Section Three

196 English for SMK Grade X


Memorandum (also more commonly memo) is a briefwritten record of communication, used in office, whetherbusiness, government, education institution or legal office(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorandum). The usualstructure for a memo includes some or all of the following:


TO : the person or group receiving the memo(recipient).

FROM : the person writing the memo (sender).C.C. : (Carbon Copy) the person or group who

should be informed about the memoDATE : usually a formal manner of writing the date

(month/day/year).For example: February 22nd, 2009

SUBJECT : a short specific topic discussed in the memo.This should be in bold.(instead of SUBJECT:, it’s also acceptable touse RE: which means regarding or reference)

introduction: explains why the memo has been written andwhat topic will discuss. You can start your idea of thisintroduction by responding this sentence,” I’m writingbecause..”. When the memo is long, the introduction is in asingle paragraph as an executive summary of the memoitself.

body: discusses the topic in detail. It explains a thing exactlyand list items when possible. In a long memo, the bodycontains discussion of background information. You can usethis phrase “the facts are…” to develop the body part of amemo.conclusion: explains what will or should happen next, whenthe follow up will occur and why the date is important. Inmost memos, the conclusion is in form of actions. The mainidea of this part is that “I will” or “I propose that you …”


Points to remember in writing memos:• in short, begin your memo by stating the purpose and

end it by letting the recipient know the action.• Memos are concise and focus on a single purpose. It’s

usually not more than one page. If you have more topics,write a separate memo for each. If you have anattachment, put it in separate sheet of paper.

• Use bullets in listing to highlight the items.• Use 1 inch margins all around.• Use block style paragraphs (left justified).• Single space your memo, unless the memo is very short.• Use an easy-to-read 12-point font• Don’t use complementary close (e.g., sincerely) and don’t

sign a memo at the bottom.• Check the spelling and proofread carefully for mistakes

and missing words.• Add your initials beside your name at the top to indicate

that you have read and approved the memo.

Activity 27 Study this memo and explain the parts of it.

TO : Sales StaffsFROM : Mr. Roger BloomDATE : December 1, 2008SUBJECT : Annual Meeting

I’m writing to remind you that our annual meeting willbe on Tuesday, December 8. I want everyone to be readywith ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. Iwill be out of town attending a conference on the newproduct of LCD projectors in Osaka, on Wednesday andThursday of this week. Remember that next Monday is aholiday. Therefore, if you have something urgent todiscuss, please see me on Friday, December 5.


198 English for SMK Grade X

1. The recipient of the memo is __________________.2. The sender is ____________________________.3. The date when the memo was written is __________.4. The subject of the memo is ___________________.5. The introduction of the memo is ________________

____________________________________.6. The body of the memo is _____________________


7. The conclusion is _____________________________________________________________.

Activity 28 Read this memo and understand it.

June 3, 2008To : All employeesSubject : Safety at Work

To keep our workplace safe, we all must share the responsibility. Unsafework habits and hazardous condition can cause accidents that may result ina loss of work time and income.1. Protect your eyes. Use safety glasses to protect against eye injury

and irritation. Pay attention to the signs that remind you to wear theseglasses in certain areas.

2. Protect your back. Use a back support and correctly body positionswhen lifting heavy loads. See the Employees Manual for details.

3. Prevents falls. Be alert. Watch where you’re going, especially if you’removing equipment or materials. Always store tools and equipment intheir proper place.

4. Use adequate ventilation. Pay attention to signs that advice the useof face masks and respirators. In general, avoid inhaling toxic chemicalin closed areas.

Thank you for helping make our work environment safe.


Activity 29 Match the words taken from the text abovewith their definition. Number one has beendone for you.

Activity 30 Answer these questions based on the memoabove.

1. What may cause a loss of time and income?2. What is the purpose the memorandum?3. Where can the employee find out more information?4. Which reminder has to do with breathing?5. What should you do in some work areas to prevent vision




Words in text

employees ( i )safety ( … )responsibility ( … )hazardous ( … )unsafe ( … )especially ( … )equipment ( … )correctly ( … )irritation ( … )attention ( … )remind ( … )


a. act of attendingb. act of equippingc. act of irritatingd. condition of safee. full of hazardf. in a correct wayg. in a special wayh. not safei. persons who are employedj. quality of responsek. think again

200 English for SMK Grade X





Activity 31 Write a simple personal memo. Use theillustration.

1. You are waiting for a friend. Unfortunately, your momasks you to take her to the supermarket. You leave amemo to your sister. Tell her that you are actuallywaiting for your friend but you have to go out. Ask herto welcome your friend and accompany him until youcome back home. If there is something urgent, she cancall or send SMS to you.

2. Develop your imagination to make another situationthat you have to leave a memo to someone.


Alexander, L. G., 1975. Practice and Progress. Longman.

Alexander, L.G translated by Dra. Sri W. Soegondho. 1992.Ready for English Grammar Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga

Azar, Betty S. 1989. Understanding and Using EnglishGrammar. Prentice Hall.

_________. 1992. Fundamentals of English Grammar.Prentice hall.

Davies, Evelyn., Whitney, Norman. 1981. Reasons forReading. Heinemann Educational Books.

DeFillipo, Judy and Skidmore, Charles. 1991. Skill Sharpeners1, 2, 3. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.

Echols, John M., and Shadily, Hasan. 1997. Kamus InggrisIndonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia.

__________. 1998. Kamus Inggris – Indonesia. Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

English 900, Macmillan, London.

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English: a practical referenceguide. Englewood Cliffs, Newjersey: Prentice Hall Inc.

Hornby, A.S. 1999. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.Oxford.




h t t p : / / w w w . l o m b o k k o m o d o . c o m / l o m b o k - f l i g h t -schedule.htm




http://www.umw.edu/policies/style guide/letter stylesforms/sample memorandum.php



202 English for SMK Grade X


Kay, Susan, Reward. 1999. Macmillan Heinemann.

Leo Jones . 1992. Communicative Grammar Practice.Australia: Cambridge University Press.

Lukman P. K., D., Drs. 2002. Bahasa Inggris SMK TeknologiIndustri 2. Bandung: Humaniora Utama Press.

Marsudi, J.S., Munir Siradj & Wahyu Utomo. 1992. Gateway2: English for Communication. Jakarta: IntensiveEnglish Course.

Murphy, Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use.Australia: Cambridge University Press.

O’Neil, Robert. 1978. English in Situations. Oxford UniversityPress.

Pramesti, M.R.D, dkk. 2004. Bahasa Inggris SMK Bisnis danManajemen Kelas X. Pemerintah Kota Semarang.

Purwadi, Eko, Drs., dkk. 2004. Bahasa Inggris SMK TeknologiIndustri Kelas X. Pemerintah Kota Semarang.

Richards, Jack C., Bycina, David and Aldcorn, Sue Brioux.1995. New Person to Person. Oxford University Press.

Richards, Jack C., Long, Mike N. 1991. AmericanBreakthrough 1. Oxford University Press.

Shaleha, Evi Syaefini, Dra., dkk. 1997. Let’s Learn English.Mizan.

Soars, John and Liza. 2003. New Headway. OxfordUniversity Press.

Soars, Liz & John. 1993. Headway Elementary. OxfordUniversity Press.

Suyoto, S. PD., dkk. 2006. Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas SMK.Kharisma Putra.

Tillit, Bruce and Bruder, Mary Newton. 1993. SpeakingNaturally. Australia: Cambridge University Press.

Yates, Christopher St. J. 1991. Check-in: English in Tourism,London: Cassel.



Unit 2

Activity 41 . The octagon is green.2. It’s a red star.3. The arrow is black.4. It’s a white semicircle.5. The flag is blue.6. It’s an orange crescent.7 . The cloud is grey.8. It’s a yellow rhombus.9. The paper is purple.10. It’s a pink heart.

Activity 71 . It’s a beautiful dragonfly.2. The shoes are bad.3. The tables are broken.4. The roses are lovely.5. It’s a good painting.

Activity 101 . The woman is short.2. It’s a deep well.3. The bird is flying low.4. He’s a tall man.5. The pool is shallow.6. The plane is flying high.7 . It’s a wide tunnel.8. The hut is small.9. It’s a big house.10. The street is narrow.

Activity 131 . The wheel is circular.2. It’s a pyramidal prism.3. The set-square is triangular.4. They’re rectangular boards.5. The antenna is parabolic.6. They’re spherical marbles.7 . The drum is cylindrical.8. It’s a conical funnel.9. The windows are square.10. They’re cubic dices

Activity 161 . This necklace is made of silver.2. It’s a rubber hose.3. The bag is made of leather.4. It’s a bamboo bed.5. This sweater is made of cotton.6. They’re wooden tables.7 . That house is made of stone.8. They’re ceramic cups.9. That hammer is made of steel.10. They’re alumunium boxes.

Activity 191 . He’s from Argentina.

He’s Argentinean.2. He’s from Mexico.

He’s Mexican.3. They’re from Malaysia.

They’re Malaysian.4. She’s from Turkey.

She’s Turkish.5. They’re from Egypt.

They’re Egyptian.6. She’s from Singapore.

She’s Singaporean.7 . She’s from Italy.

She’s Italian.8. He’s from Australia.

He’s Australian.9. They’re from Brazil.

They’re Brazilian.10. They’re from the Philippines.

They’re Filipino.

Activity 221 . She’s a librarian.2. He’s a businessman.3. She’s a pianist.4. He’s a bus driver.5. They’re waitress.6. They’re cooks.7 . They’re farmers.8. He’s an architect.9. They’re fishermen.10. He’s a soldier.

Listening Script

204 English for SMK Grade X

Activity 251 . The woman has wavy hair.

Her hair is wavy.2. The man is bald.

He is a bald man.3. The man is heavy.

He is a heavy man.4. The woman is light.

She is a light woman.5. The men are old.

They are old men.6. The girls are young.

They are young girls.7 . The man is handsome.

He is a handsome man.8. The women are pretty.

They are pretty woman.9. The man has a big mustache.

His mustache is big.10. The man has a heavy beard.

His beard is heavy.

Unit 3

Activity 2OneNineteenFiveThree hundredTwentyNinetyThreeSeventeenTwo hundred and oneFive hundred and fifteenSeventy-sevenFour hundred and threeOne thousand and oneFortyFourteenEighty-nineOne millionTwo hundred thousandNinety-nineSixty

Activity 71 . It’s half past eight2. It’s five to eleven3. It’s a quarter to five4. Its seventeen to three5. It’s seven past three6. It’s a quarter past five7 . It’s five past nine8. It’s seven o’clock

Activity 111 . fortieth2. fifty-fifth3. sixty-third4. One hundred and first5. twenty-second6. thirty-fourth7 . seventy-ninth8. eighty-sixth9. ninety-seventh10. two thousand and tenth

Unit 4

Activity 101 . I was satisfied with the service.2. I’m very nervous and worried

that I will fail in this interveiw.3. Seeing a confident man like him

makes me down.4. Anyway, feeling pessimistic won’t

help us now. So, be optimistic.5 . He is doubtful in answering some

the questions.

Unit 5

Activity 21 . He is jogging in the park.2. The students are having a test.3. The teacher is entering the

classroom.4. Mr. Habudi is driving a car.5. They are trying to lift a heavy box.6. Aminudin is taking photographs.7 . Dewi is singing a song.8. The cat is drinking milk.


9. We are having a meal in a cafeteria.10. I am phoning my friend.

Activity 261 . There’s a clock on the wall.2. There’s a chair at the table.3. There are a lot of books on the

cabinet.4. There’s a pillow on the bed.5. There’s a blanket on the bed.6. There’s a picture to the left of the

cabinet.7 . There’s a picture to the right of the

cabinet.8. There’s a cat on the bed.9. There’s a table in front of the bed.10. There are two doors on the cabinet.

Unit 6

Activity 11 . fire extinguisher2. smoking section3. first aid4. lady5. electrical hazard6. public telephone7 . poison8. stairs9. inflammable10. handicapped person

Unit 7

Activity 41 . Reporter : How do you like

Jakarta?Man : Wonderful. It’s a

sleepless modern city.Reporter : What do you think of

Yogyakarta?Man : Nice. A traditional

town, but still it’s abusy tourists’ destina-tion.

Reporter : Which do you prefer,Jakarta or Yogya-

karta?Man : I like both, but I prefer

staying in a quieterplace like Klaten.

Reporter : Why is that so?Man : I need a place to finish

my new novel.

2. Hasan : How do you go toschool?

Basri : I ride my motor bike.What about you?

Hasan : I prefer cycling toriding a motor bike. It’shealthy. Besides, myhouse is only twokilometres away fromschool.

3. Teacher : What is your hobby,Lusi?

Lusi : My hobby is listeningto music, sir.

Teacher : How about you?Zahra : I would rather watch

TV than listen to music.Teacher : Do you have any

hobbies, San?Hasan : I don’t really have any

hobbies, sir.Teacher : Well, what do you do in

your spare time?Playing cards?

Hasan : I like playing games onthe computer betterthan playing cards.

4. Waiter : What would you like toorder, madam?

Woman : I’d like to have a salad,please.

Waiter : Would you prefervegetable salad or fruitsalad?

Woman : I prefer vegetable saladto fruit salad, please.

Waiter : Certainly. What wouldyou like to drink? Icedtea perhaps?

Listening Script

206 English for SMK Grade X

Woman : I’d rather have lemontea without ice at thistime of the day.

Activity 121 . can swim2. I couldn’t swim3. can you do it4. will be able5. can I get it6. can operate7 . am able to take8. could run9. can you fix10. can do

Activity 16I can speak English quite well and I canwrite it well too. I enjoy listening tomusic but I can’t play any single musicinstrument and I can’t dance anytraditional dance either. These days I’mtaking a course on Japanese, and I canspeak a few simple words but I can’t writeit at all. Everybody knows that it’s verydifficult. I’m good at operating com-puter, especially Microsoft Windows,Excel, and Power Point because I need itin my work. I like sport very much,especially playing badminton andvolleyball. I like swimming too, and I cando it in any style. My husband alwaystakes me to school on his motorcycleeveryday because I can’t ride it.Activity 251 . Guest : Where is the coffee

shop?Security : It’s on the ground floor,

sir, just across thelobby, next to thereception.

2. Guest : Can you tell mewhere Bojanarestaurant is?

Receptionist : Certainly, sir. It’son the secondfloor. It’s thesecond door on

your right as youcome out from theelevator.

3. Guest : Where is room224?

Receptionist : It’s on the secondfloor. Go upstairs.Turn left out ofthe elevator. It’sat the end of thecorridor, on yourleft.

4. Guest : I need to buysomething for mysister. Are thereany stores in thishotel?

Room boy : The stores are inthe ground floor.Go down theelevator. There isa souvenir storejust on the right ofit.

5. Guest : Where can I findthe sauna?

Receptionist : It’s in the base-ment. Go straightahead as you comeout of the elevator.It’s next to thefitness center.

6. Guest : How do I get toKrida Loka con-ference room?

Doorman : Just take theelevator to thesecond floor. Ifyou go across thehall, you will seeKrida Loka con-ference roomfacing you.

7 . Guest : I’m looking forthe business


center. I need tocopy some docu-ment.

Receptionist : The businesscenter is on thefirst floor. If yougo right to KaryaGraha conferen-ce room, you willsee it on your left,at the corner.

Activity 261 . Turn left out of the lift. It’s the

second shop on your left, next tothe Sport Center.

2. It’s at the end of this corridor, onyour right, at the corner.

3. Turn right as you come out of thelift and it’s just on your right.

4. Just go along the corridor. It’s infront of the escalator, between thesouvenir shop and the news stand.

5. Go downstairs on the escalator. Asyou come to the ground floor, turnright. Go along the corridor, passthe Jewelry and the Kid Station andit’s on your right.

6. Go out of this building through themain gate and you’ll see it just onyour right.

Listening Script

208 English for SMK Grade X


(do you) mind : (apakah kamu)keberatan

a bit : sedikita charming smile : senyum manis/

menawana fire extinguisher : alat pemadam

kebakarana flat tire : ban kempesa heart attack : serangan

jantunga lift : tumpangana moment : (waktu) sebentara pitcher : kendi, tempat

airable : mampuaccept : menerimaaccept : menerimaacceptable : bisa diterimaaccidentally : secara kebetulanaccompany : menyertaiaccompany : menemaniaccount : rekeningachievement : prestasiacquainted : berkenalanactually : sebenarnyaadmit : mengakuadventure : petualanganaffect : mempengaruhiaffectionately : hormat kami

yang terkasihafraid : takut, khawatirahead : ke / di depanall around. : di sekelilingnyaallow : mengijinkanalready : telahamazed : kagumangry : marahanniversary : hari ulang tahunannouncement : pengumumanannoyed : jengkel,

tergangguannual : tahunanapologize : meminta maaf

apology : permintaan maafappearance : penampilanapplicant : pelamarappointment : janji bertemuappreciate : menghargaiappropriate : cocok, sesuaiapprove : menyetujuiarrangement : perencanaanarrival : kedatanganarrival : kedatanganarrowhead : mata panahas well : jugaask for : memintaattachment : lampiranattend : menghadiriattracted : tertarikaudiences : penonton/

pendengaravailable : tersediabackground : latar belakangbadly injured : terluka parahbalcony : balkonbald : botak / gundulbanner : spandukbase : dasarbased on : berdasarkan padabazaar : bazaar, pasar

murahbeard : cambangbeautifully : dengan indahnyabench : meja kerjabeverage : minumanblank : kosongblonde : warna perangbody : badan mobilbonnet : kap mesinbored : bosanboring : membosankanboring : membosankanborrow : meminjambottom : dasar, bawahbrave : beranibreak : putus, istirahat,




bridge : jembatanbrief : singkatbriefly : secara singkatbrooch : brosbrowsing : berselancar di

internetbuddy : teman baikbuild : membangunbump into : bertemu/

menubruksecara kebetulan

butterfly : kupu-kupuc.c. (carbon copy) : tembusan,

salinan untukcable : kabelcalm down : tenangcapability : kemampuancapitalize : menulis dengan

huruf besarcarefully : dengan hati-haticashier : kasircater : memborong

masakancelebrate : merayakancell phone : handphoneceramic : keramikcertain : tertentucertainly : tentuchampion : juarachapter : babcharge : meminta

bayarancharity : amalchart : grafikchase : mengejarchassis : rangka mobilchatting : ngobrol di

internetchef : juru masakchoose : memilihchowder : sup kentalcircle : lingkarancircular : berbentuk

lingkaranclam : remis besar,

semacam kijingclassmate : teman sekelasclear up : membersihkan

clever : pintarcloth : kaincolleague : kolega, teman

sekerjacome after : mengikuticomfortable : nyamancomfortable : nyamancommand : perintahcommon : lumrahcommunity : masyarakatcompany : perusahaancomparison : perbandingancompartment : kamar tidur, ruang

terpisahcompetency : kemampuancompetition : persaingancomplain : mengeluhcomplaint : keluhancomplementary : yang melengkapicomplete : lengkap,

melengkapicomply with : mematuhi,


concentrate : berkonsentrasiconcise : ringkasconclusion : kesimpulancondolence : belasungkawa,

pernyataansimpati turutberduka cita.

confident : yakin, percaya diriconfused : bingungconfusing : membingungkancongratulations! : selamat!conical : berbentuk kerucutconsonant : huruf maticonstant : tetapcontains : berisiconvenient : menyenangkancool : sejukcopper : tembagacoral reef : bukit karangcorridor : koridor, gangcost : harga (kata kerja)cotton : kapascountryside : pedesaancouple : pasangan

210 English for SMK Grade X

courage : keberaniancourse : kursuscriminal : penjahatcrossroad : persimpangancrosswalk : penyebrangan

jalancube : kubuscubic : berbentuk kubuscue : isyaratcurved : lengkungcute : mungilcylinder : silinderdamage : kerusakandays off : hari liburdeal with : berhubungan

dengandear (nama orang), : yang terhormat

(nama orang),decagon : segi sepuluhdecagonal : berbentuk segi

sepuluhdeed : perbuatandeer : rusadegree : derajatdegree : tingkatdeliberately : dengan bebasdelicious : lezatdeliver a baby : melahirkandelivery : pengirimandemand : menuntudeparture : keberangkatandeparture : keberangkatandepressed : tertekandepressing : yang menekandesigned : dirancangdestination : tempat tujuandevelop : membangun,

mengembangkandevice : alatdiamond : intandice : dadudictate : mendiktedifficult : sulitdirectly : secara langsungdisappointed : kecewadisappointing : mengecewakandisgusted : jijikdisgusting : menjijikkandistant : jauh

down payment : uang mukadragonfly : capungdrop in : mampireach other : satu sama lainelectricity : listrikembarrassed : malu,

dipermalukanembarrassing : mempermalukanemployee : pegawaienergetic : bersemangatengagement : pertunangan,

perjanjianengine : mesinenthusiastic : antusiasentrance : pintu masukenvironment : lingkunganestimated : yang diperkirakanevent : peristiwa, acaraexactly : persisnya, tepatnyaexam period : masa ujianexception : pengecalianexchange : menukar,

pertukaranexcited : gembira, bergairahexciting : menggairahkan,

mengasyikkanexcursion boat : kapal wisataexhausted : lelahexhausting : melelahkanexhibition : pameranexpect : mengharapkanexpect : mengharapextend : menyebarkan,

memperluasextremely : sangatfair skin : kulit putihfamily gathering : pertemuan

keluargafamous : terkenalfavor : kebajikanfellow : temanfence : pagarfield : bidang, lahanfind out : mencari tahufirst aid : pertolongan

pertamafix : memperbaikiflag : benderaflashing lights : lampu senter



flat nose : hidung pesekflavor : rasa, seleraflight : penerbanganfollow up : tindak lanjut,

kelanjutanforecast : ramalanforgive : memaafkanform : formulirform : bentuk, formatfortunately : untungnyafragrant : semerbak,

aromafree style : gaya bebasfridge : almari esfriendly : ramahfriendly : ramahfrightened : yang ditakutkanfurniture : perabotgallery : galerigarbage : sampahgenerous : dermawangift : hadiahgloves : kaos tangangood luck : semoga

beruntung,nasib baik

gown : gaungraduate : lulusgrant (permission) : mengabulkan,

memberi ijingreece : yunanigreek : orang yunanigrey : abu-abugrow : tumbuh,

berkembangguilty : bersalahgym : tempat olah ragahabit : kebiasaanhackers : orang yang

merusak file dikomputer

half : setengahhall : aulahammer : paluhandicapped : orang cacat

jasmanihand-written : tulisan tanganhazard : bahayahazard : bahaya, resiko

hazardous : berbahayaheavy : beratheptagon : segi tujuhheptagonal : berbentuk

segitujuhhero : pahlawanhexagon : segienamhilly : berbukit-bukithire : menyewahole : selang airhometown : kota asal/kelahiranhomework : pekerjaan rumahhoney : sayanghoney : madu, sayanghopefully : semogahospitality : keramahtamahanhugging : berpelukanhuman : manusiahumorous : jenakahurry up : cepat-cepathurt : lukahurt : melukaihut : gubukidentity card : kartu identitasimmediately : segeraimportant : pentingimpressed : terkesanin brackets : dalam kurungin detail : secara terperinciin fact : sesungguhnya,

faktanyain pairs : secara

berpasanganin short : pendeknya,

pendek katainconvenience : ketidaknyaman-aninflammable : mudah terbakarinitials : paraf, huruf awalinjure : lukainstallment : cicilaninstead of : sebagai gantiinsurance : asuransiintelligent : cerdasintend : bermaksudintend : berniat, hendakinterfere : mencampuriinterview : wawancaraintroduce : memperkenalkaninvitation : undangan

212 English for SMK Grade X

invite : mengundangitinerary : rencana perjalanankeep in touch : terus berhubungankindhearted : baik hatilast : akhir, berlangsunglater : kemudian, lebih

terlambatleather : kulitleave (n) : daunlecture : ceramah, kuliahleisure : waktu luanglife : kehidupanlight : ringanlonely : kesepianlook forward to : menanti-nantilost : hilanglovely : indahluggage : koperlying around : berserakanmachinery : permesinanmain entrance : gerbang utamamanagerial : yang berhubungan


marble : kelerengmaterial : bahanmattress : kasurmechanic : montirmember : anggotamessy : berantakanmiserable : sedih/susahmonthly : bulananmore : lebih, lebih banyakmoreover : lagi pulamoreover : apalagimug : cangkirmurderer : pembunuhmustache : kumisnationality : kebangsaannearly all : hampir semuaneatly : dengan rapinecklace : kalungneither : tidak juganervous : gelisah, gugupnetwork : jaringannoisy : berisik, gaduhnowadays : sekarang ini

obstruction : gangguanoccur : terjadionce : sekalionce : satu kali, satu saatone-way : sejalanoperative : pekerjaoptimistic : optimisorigin : asalotherwise : sebaliknyaoval : ovalparallelogram : jajaran genjangpass away : meninggal duniapassenger : penumpangpayment : pembayaranpentagon : segi limaperformance : penampilanpermission : ijinpet : hewan piaraanpick up : mengambil,

menjemputpilgrimage : ibadah hajipipe : pipaplantation : perkebunanplateau : dataran tinggipointed nose : hidung mancungpoisonous : beracunpole : tiangpolicy : kebijakanpool : kolampossibly : kemungkinanprecede : mendahuluiprecious : berhargaprefer : lebih sukapreference : pilihanprescription : resep dokterpresent : hadiahpreserve : melindungi/

memeliharapretty well : cukup baikpretty. : cantikprevious : sebelumnyaprior to : sebelumprism : prismaprohibit : melarangproofread : mengoreksi

cetakanproperly : dengan pantasproperty : hak milik



propose : berusaha,mengusulkan

protractor : busur derajatproud : banggapublish : menerbitkanpunishment : hukumanpupil : muridpurchase : membelipurple : ungupurpose : tujuanpurpose : tujuanpylon : menara listrikpyramidal : berbentuk

piramidaquarter : seperempatquiet : tenangquieter : lebih tenangready : siapreality : realitasrearrange : menyusun kembalireason : alasanrecipient : penerimarecognize : mengenalirecognize : mengenalirecord : catatan, rekamanrectangle : persegi panjangrectangular : berbentuk

persegipanjangrefuse : menolakregarding : mengenairegards : salam hormatregret : menyesalregular : rutinrelative : relative, saudararemind : mengingatkanremove : menyingkirkanrenovate : memperbaharuirental : persewaanrepeatedly : secara berulang-

ulangrepetitive : berulangulangreply : membalas, balasanreport : melaporkan/

laporanreport : laporanrequest : meminta,

permintaanrequire : membutuhkan/


respond : menjawabrespond : menanggapiresponse : tanggapanresult : hasilresult : hasil, akibatreturn : mengembalikanreturned : dijawabroadway : jalan kendaraanroast beef : daging sapi

panggangsalutation : salam pembukasatisfied : puasschedule : jadwalscience fiction : fiksi ilmiahscrape : menggosok

kotoranscratch : menggoresseparately : secara terpisahservice station : bengkel mobilsew-sewn-sewn : menjahitshake hands : bersalamanshocked : terkejutshocking : mengejutkanshort hand : stenoshortly : segerasightseeing : melihat-lihat


sign : tanda, menandatangani

signature : tanda tangansincerely : hormat kami,

dengan sungguh-sungguh

sirloin : daging sapi bagianpinggang

slippery : licinslow down : melambatkansome time : sekali waktuspare time : waktu luangspeech : pidatospill : menumpahkansponge : busasquare : berbentuk bujur

sangkarstadium : stadionstairs : tanggastare : melotot

214 English for SMK Grade X

steal : mencuristeel : bajasteep hill : tanjakan tajam/

curamstrike : nogoksubmit : mengumpulkansuddenly : secara tiba-tibasuitable : cocok, pantassuitcase : koporsuitcase : kopersuperlative : bentuk palingsupervisor : pengawas,

penyeliasuppose : umpamakansurface : permukaansway : bergoyang,

menggoyangkansweater : baju hangatsyllable : suku katatake care : hati-hatitempered : perangaiterribly : sangatterrific : amat baiktherefore : (oleh) karena itutidy : rapihtidy : merapikantile : tegeltoilet article : peralatan manditowards : ke arahtraffic signs : rambu-rambu lalu

lintastransit : pemindahantranslate : menerjemahkantrap : perangkaptreat : menraktirtremble : bergetartriangle : segitigatriangular : berbentuk segitigatrouble : gangguan,

kesulitantrust : mempercayaitruth : kebenarantunnel : terowonganturn down : menurunkan

(volume suara)turn on : menghidupkanugly : jelek, burukunderestimate : meremehkan

underpass : jalan melintang dibawah jalan lain

unfortunately : sayangnya, sialnyauniform : seragamvaluable : bernilai, berhargavowel : huruf hidupwarn : memperingatkanwarn : memperingatkanwatch out : hati-hatiwelcome : menyambutwhat a pity! : kasihan!whereas : sedangkanwhether : apakahwonder : heranwonderful : sangat bagusworried : cemas, khawatir




a lift 23,97,99,149,223,231accept 19,20,76,77,211,212,213,223,231accompany 170,203,204,223,231account 66,213,223,231acquainted 49,223,231allow 11,19,179,223,231apologize 73,74,76,77,223,231applicant 60,223,231appreciate 11,21,22,223,231arrangement 19,223,231arrival 157,223,231audiences 223,231

Bbalcony 41,223,231bald 218,223,231banner 223,231beard 218,223,231bench 72,223,231bonnet 71,223,231brooch 21,224,231browsing 172,175,177,224,231

Ccable 224,231capabilities 178,231cashier 68,224,231charge 19,224,231chase 69,224,231chassis 61,224,231chatting 172,224,231Chef 160,181,224,231circular 31,40,42,45,46,65,217,224,231community 224,231complain 224,231complaint 69,224,231conical 31,41,46,217,224,231constant 69,224,231copper 33,224,231curved 48,225,231

cute 23,42,45,225,231cylinder 27,30,46,225,231cylindrical 31,41,43,46,217,231

Ddaily life 1, 231deal with 25,51,225,231decagon 46,225,231decagonal 46,225,231deliver a baby 225,231delivery 225,231demand 69,225,231departure 63,157,225,231designed 69,225,231dice 225,231directions 171,187,190,231down payment 40,225,231dragonfly 217,225,231

Eelectricity 61,62,225,231emicircular 231employee 12,170,225,231energetic 50,225,231enthusiastic 8,225,231environment 225,231excursion boat 49,225,231expect 13,225,231

Ffair skin 47,50,225,231family gathering 4,225,231favor 22,225,231fellow 69,72,225,231fence 33,225,231flat nose 47,226,231flight 52,63,157,226,231,233free style 178,179,180,226,231fridge 40,226,231

Ggarbage 69,226,231gift 21,22,24,69,71,226,231gloves 48,226,231


216 English for SMK Grade X Indeks

greece 226,231greek 43,226,231gym 11,226,231

Hhammer 48,217,226,231hazard 69,219,226,231hazardous 69,169,226,231heptagon 46,226,231heptagonal 46,226,231hospitality 23,226,231hut 217,226,231

Iidentity card 19,226,231injure 70,226,231installment 226,231insurance 42,226,231interfere 72,226,231introduce 1,10,11,12,13,14,24,226,231invitation 199,201,203,206,207,208,211,212,213,214,215,226,232invite 22,199,201,203,205,207,209,211,213,214,215

Kkeep in touch 6,227,232kindhearted 47,227,232

Lleisure 176,227,232lost 78,80,83,171,188,227,232luggage 17,21,227,232lying around 72,227,232

Mmachinery 61,227,232main entrance 19,195,227,232marble 227,232mattress 42,227,232mechanic 71,179,227,232member 11,18,184,193,195,227,232messy 70,72,227,232miserable 7,227,232moreover 68,151,227,232mug 43,227,232

Nnecklace 217,227,232nowadays 51,227,232

Oobstruction 72,227,232

Pparallelogram 27,227,232passenger 49,88,227,232payment 19,20,40,225,227,231,232pentagon 27,46,227,232pet 227,232pilgrimage 42,227,232plantation 11plateau 19,227,232pointed nose 47,50,227,232pole 30,227,232policy 227,232precious 70,71,227,232prefer 66,219,227,232preference 227,232prescription 19,227,232preserve 227,232prism 217,227,232properly 227,232protractor 31,228,232pupil 70,228,232purchase 69,71,228,232purpose 7,8,168,170,228,232pylon 30,228,232pyramidal 46,217,228,232

Qquarter 53,228,232

Rrecognize 70,147,228,232rectangle 27,46,228,232rectangular 31,42,46,217,228,232regards 23,207,228,232regret 73,76,228,232remove 72,228,232rental 50,228,232repetitive 69,228,232report 22,166,202,228,232require 70,171,228,232respond 157,215,228,232returned 7,80,228,232

Sscience fiction 19,175,228,232service station 192,228,232


sew-sewn-sewn 228,232shake hands 8,228,232short hand 63,180,228,232sightseeing 23,228,232signs and symbols 147,149,232spare time 219,228,232spherical 31,217,232sponge 42,228,232square 27,31,33,40,44,45,46,217,228stadium 42,192,228,232stare 70,228,232steel 43,44,217,228,232strike 69,229,232suitcase 28,210,229,232sweater 217,229,232symphaty 232

Ttempered 47,229,232terrific 4,229,232tile 229,232toilet article 229,232trap 68,229,232treat 229,232triangle 27,46,229,232triangular 31,46,48,217,229,232trust 229,232

Wwarn 229,232welcome 17,21,22,23,39,96,170,203,229,232
