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Greek Myth

Slide Study Guide

Artemis and Apollo (killing Niobe’s children)

Artemis (Diana)


Aphrodite and Ares



Poseidon (Neptune)

Herakles in Garden of Hesperides

Zeus in Gigantomachy

Poseidon and Artemis in Gigantomachy

Rhea and Cronus with Rock-Zeus

Axis Mundi w/ Snake in Garden of Hesperides

Melissa (one of the Hesperides)

Zeus w/ Thunderbolt & ‘Eagle’

Poseidon killing Giant Polybotes

Athena killing Enceladus

Ares and Aphrodite w/ Cupid (young Eros) in Gigantomachy

Dionysus w/ snake slaying Giant

Zeus slaying Giant Typhon

Herakles, Prometheus, Eagle

Atlas and Prometheus

Runner in Torch-Race Ritual in Honor of Prometheus

Sacrifice of Pig to Gods

Zeus in older, threatening pose w/ Thunderbolt

Hermes overseeing death of Sarpedon (son of Zeus); Hypnos on

left, Thanatos on Right

Thanatos (from right of previous slide) carrying Sarpedon

Zeus as Bull w/ Europa over Agean Sea (fishes) w/ Iris(?) carrying

wedding wreathes

Hermes w/ Bull Zeus and Europa (traveler's hat, stick, and winged boots)

Zeus (Bull) Seducing Europa

Zeus abducting Ganymede (boy)

Zeus w/ captured Ganymede (holding love-gift rooster)

Ganymede as cupbearer to Zeus (eagle)

Primitive Shrine (c2500 BC) in front of Temple of Zeus at Olympia
