11 Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking



Public speaking is the #1 fear of Americans. This will help you get over that fear!

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public speaking is the #1 FEAR of Americans…. let go of your fear

don’t let it hold you back

dress for the occasion you are your most important visual aid

you’ve got 30 secondsengage your audiencemake it count!

Be confidentown that microphone!

many public speakers fail because they don’t think creatively.think fast.

you may not be giving a rock concert but you can still


have a sense of humor everyone enjoys a good laugh

A smart audience can’t be tricked. mean what you say or they’ll see right through you.

just like any other craftdedication

take the road less traveledbe creative. be something different

to improve your skills you have to be willing just do itto practice and take a chance.
