15 things students need to do before they finish university


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15 Things Students Need to Do Before they Finish University

Graduating is one of the best things that can happen to any of us. The three or four

years in college seem to fly away and before you know it, the college life bids you

goodbye. But leaving college without doing some really meaningful and exciting

experiences, takes half of the fun out of college life. Here is a list of 15 things that a

student must do before finishing college:

1. Make meaningful friends: The first thing that you must have before finishing

college is at least one friend that you can depend upon.

2. Take a trip outside your campus to see the surroundings: Many of us just

don’t bother to explore the area around the campus. Bad idea!

3. Write at least one article for your college magazine: Your name will

always stay in the college archive.

4. Eat the cafeteria/canteen food: You may be living on your own and never

had the opportunity to eat the college cafeteria’s food. You’ll never get the

chance again.

5. Work in the campus: Be it in the student counselling, volunteer programs or

simply an assistant, you must work at your campus and get involved with

people who are not your classmates.

6. Help a foreign student: If you see a foreign student struggling at class or to

make friends, take the first step and offer help.

7. Visit a professor for help with your studies in the office hours.

8. Support your college team on the enemy’s playground: shout the loudest

and be the most loyal fan.

9. Attend a college party where you know no one

10.Protest about something that makes you angry: there is never a more

perfect time in your life than college to protest about the issues that are

bothering you.

11.Attend an internship program: If your college gives internships or certificate

programs, don’t think it’s a waste of time. Enrol immediately, you’ll be

thanking yourself years later.

12.Stay at the campus: Experience a life in the dormitories, bathrooms and with


13.Help your juniors: Never forget the positive impact you can have on the

students who are new to the college.

14.Pay respect to your professors in a touching way before you leave.

15.Draw as many books as you can from the library: You will never find anything

as resourceful as a college library, make use of it till you can.