1a modern urbanhydrology-an overview


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Nuovi obiettivi per l’idrologia urbana il problema generale

Riccardo Rigon


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water among these storage compartments is caused by such processes as evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, percolation, snowmelt and runoff, which are also referred to as the water cycle components.

Combined effects of urbanisation, industrialisation, and population growth affect natural landscapes and hydrological response of watersheds. Although many elements of the natural environment are affected by anthropogenic factors with respect to pathways and hydrologic abstractions (or sources of water), the principal structure of the hydrological cycle remains intact in urban areas. However, the hydrologic cycle is greatly modified by urbanisation impacts on the environment and the need to provide water services to the urban population, including water supply, drainage, wastewater collection and management, and beneficial uses of receiving waters. Thus, it was noted that the hydrological cycle becomes more complex in urban areas, because of many anthropogenic influences and interventions (McPherson, 1973; McPherson and Schneider, 1974); the resulting “urban” hydrological cycle is then called urban water cycle (UWC). The urban water cycle is shown pictorially in some detail in Fig. 1.1 and schematically in Fig. 1.2, which displays just the major components and pathways.

The urban water cycle provides a good conceptual and unifying basis for studying the water balance (also called the water budget) and conducting water inventories of urban areas. In such studies, the above listed major components of the hydrological cycle are assessed for certain time periods, with durations exceeding the time constants of the system to filter out short-term variability. Water balances are generally conducted on seasonal, annual, or multi-year bases (van de Ven, 1988), and in planning studies, such balances are projected to future planning horizons. This approach is particularly important for urban planning (i.e., providing water services to growing populations) and for coping with extreme weather and climatic variations and potential climate change. In fact, an understanding of water balances is essential for integrated management of urban water, which strives to remediate anthropogenic pressures and impacts by intervention (management) measures, which are applied in the so-called total management of the urban water cycle (Lawrence et al., 1999).

Fig. 1.1 Urban water cycle


L’idrologia urbana è quel particolare ramo dell’idrologia

che si occupa delle città e dell’interazione dell’idrologia con gli

insediamenti umani.

Un tempo si diceva anche: delle aree nelle quali l’interferenza delle

azioni umane nei processi naturali è elevata: ma oramai è riconosciuto

che tali luoghi coprono una parte considerevoli delle terre emerse

L’idrologo va in città

R. Rigon


Dal 2007 il numero delle persone che vivono

nelle aree cittadine ha uguagliato il numero di

persone che vivono in campagna.

Molte persone vivono in “Megacities” con

popolazione di maggiori di 5 milioni di abitanti o


L’idrologo va in città

R. Rigon


Occuparsi delle città degli insediamenti comporta delle differenze

nell’analisi teorica dei processi, nelle misure e nei metodi di calcolo

della disciplina.

Specificando: un idrologo deve considerare i sistemi naturali

accoppiati con sistemi idraulici artificiali e l’azione di suoli

eterogenei e “disturbati” M





R. Rigon

L’idrologo va in città e un po' anche in campagna


Con che cosa ha a che fare l’idrologia urbana

L’infiltrazione diminuisce, mentre il deflusso superficiale aumenta ed accelera

R. Rigon



Un punto di partenza

Tutte le attività di pianificazione e sviluppo delle aree urbane, la

progettazione di strutture e tutte le attività di gestione dell’acqua

dovrebbero prendere in considerazione le condizioni climatologiche

locali, le possibili interazioni con le zone rurali circostanti e i corpi

idrici principali.


R. Rigon



• L’infiltrazione diminuisce, • mentre il deflusso superficiale aumenta ed accelera

• il livello di falda diminuisce per la duplice azione di mancata

ricarica e pompaggio • Le precipitazioni cambiano

R. Rigon



Nelle città, non solo il regime idrologico dei fiumi che attraversano la

città sono importanti, ma anche i cambiamenti infrastrutturali prodotti


da Novotny, 2001

R. Rigon

Cambiamenti e cambiamento climatico



Fig. 4.2 Impacts of urbanisation on the aquatic environment (after Chocat, 1997)

4.4.2 Chemical effects In this section, environmental and ecological problems caused by the pollution of urban wastewater effluents are examined. The individual types of effluents, stormwater, CSOs and municipal wastewater, were characterised in Chapter 3 (sections, and 3.4.5, respectively). The discussion presented in this chapter focuses on their chemical effects in receiving waters. Dissolved oxygen (DO) reduction Reduction in DO and the concomitant biomass accumulation are typically caused by discharges of oxygen demanding substances, characterised by biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia. Oxygen demanding substances are conveyed in relatively high concentrations by wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents (Chambers et al., 1997) and CSOs (Harremoes, 1988); stormwater sources are much less important. However, DO depletion can occur in summer months in shallow stormwater ponds, or in ice-covered stormwater ponds during the winter months (Marsalek, 1997). Environmental effects occur on two time scales - short-term effects are caused by dissolved BOD/COD and ammonia, and intermediate-term effects that may be caused by sediment oxygen demand (Hvitved-Jacobsen, 1982). These impacts cause ecological effects and affect water uses; ecological effects include those on biodiversity and critical species; the affected water uses include water supply, bathing, fishing and industrial water supply (Lijklema et al., 1993). Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication of receiving waters is typically caused by nitrogen and phosphorus additions to receiving waters by WWTP effluents, CSOs and stormwater. Among these sources, WWTP effluents, particularly if inadequately treated, are the most important. Excess nutrients can increase the growth of primary producers (algae and rooted aquatic plants) to levels that impair the ecosystem by changes in energy dynamics and food web structure, changes in the composition of algal community from one-celled diatoms to filamentous green forms, followed by blue-green forms, changes in habitat and loss of species (Chambers et al., 1997). Eutrophication degrades lake ecosystems in a number of ways, including reduced food

Un insieme di cambiamenti

R. Rigon



Fig. 4.2 Impacts of urbanisation on the aquatic environment (after Chocat, 1997)

4.4.2 Chemical effects In this section, environmental and ecological problems caused by the pollution of urban wastewater effluents are examined. The individual types of effluents, stormwater, CSOs and municipal wastewater, were characterised in Chapter 3 (sections, and 3.4.5, respectively). The discussion presented in this chapter focuses on their chemical effects in receiving waters. Dissolved oxygen (DO) reduction Reduction in DO and the concomitant biomass accumulation are typically caused by discharges of oxygen demanding substances, characterised by biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia. Oxygen demanding substances are conveyed in relatively high concentrations by wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents (Chambers et al., 1997) and CSOs (Harremoes, 1988); stormwater sources are much less important. However, DO depletion can occur in summer months in shallow stormwater ponds, or in ice-covered stormwater ponds during the winter months (Marsalek, 1997). Environmental effects occur on two time scales - short-term effects are caused by dissolved BOD/COD and ammonia, and intermediate-term effects that may be caused by sediment oxygen demand (Hvitved-Jacobsen, 1982). These impacts cause ecological effects and affect water uses; ecological effects include those on biodiversity and critical species; the affected water uses include water supply, bathing, fishing and industrial water supply (Lijklema et al., 1993). Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication of receiving waters is typically caused by nitrogen and phosphorus additions to receiving waters by WWTP effluents, CSOs and stormwater. Among these sources, WWTP effluents, particularly if inadequately treated, are the most important. Excess nutrients can increase the growth of primary producers (algae and rooted aquatic plants) to levels that impair the ecosystem by changes in energy dynamics and food web structure, changes in the composition of algal community from one-celled diatoms to filamentous green forms, followed by blue-green forms, changes in habitat and loss of species (Chambers et al., 1997). Eutrophication degrades lake ecosystems in a number of ways, including reduced food

Un insieme di cambiamenti

R. Rigon


In una visione ideale, la costruzione di ogni infrastruttura, anche

non correlata direttamente all’acqua, le case, le strade, dovrebbe

essere basata su una conoscenza, almeno approssimata, dei suoi

effetti nella partizione dei flussi d’acqua, e dei danni conseguenti

possono essere prodotti sulle altre infrastrutture.

!?R. Rigon

Una prima sintesi per i progettisti


Water Directive 2000/60/ EC

Urban Wastewater treatment Directive

Nitrates from agricultural pollutants Directive

Energy Production Directive

Groundwater Directive

Environmental Quality

Standards Directive

Inspire Directive

Flood Directive


Setting the framework

Addressing key pressures

Addressing key pressures

Extending the scope

Providing tools

R. Rigon



Nella prima attuazione delle direttive, queste sono state interpretate

come da applicare “su grande scala”: ma non vi è dubbio che le

prossime applicazioni andranno ad impattare anche le scale


R. Rigon


dispertion long duree


co R



La complessità dei deflussi idrici