1st interview


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The style of the interview Is light hearted because of how its set up and how simple

the guest all come on at the same time instead of individually, which lets all the guest

talk amongst each other which makes the show friendly and everyone gets a chance

to ask a question making it more like a conversation than an interview each guest

comes on promoting something, the guest come on together and sit down whilst

graham Norton would introduce them, he will then get straight into it he will ask one

of the guests a question involving what the person is promoting, he then will let them

go on to explain what it is and give the details of it out like dates or the release etc.

Graham will then go on to the next guest and ask them something similar then to go

on to something different for example he asks Tom Hanks how he’s finding England

and lets him talk which most of the time would end in a joke, he lets the other guest

get involved when asking one guest a question he will involve another which sparks

a conversation between them making it more entertaining to the audience, He also

does a lot of complimenting and brings a lot of attention to them and what they’ve

accomplished like in this interview he brings up the fact that Tom Hanks has a lot of

success and massive films out and how much he’s made putting all of his films he’s

ever been in together and telling him the total amount of money that they have made

causing the audience to cheer for him and using the words like amazing and then

turning into a question about other films he’s been in not just the one he’s promoting

at the time this gives graham a chance to get more information out of him, he also

brings up merchandise like figures of them that have been released but instead of

just bringing one out he has a one for them all which again involves everyone in

interview, he mentions a woody doll that they have out and starts a conversation

about who does the voice to it which graham mentions that before the show

backstage they were having a debate about who does the voice and then they had to

search it, so to confirm what they had found out he uses this opportunity to ask tom

hanks who actually does the voice to the doll again finding more information about

him which doesn’t involve the film he’s promoting at the time of the interview,

because there is more than one guest he has to make everyone feel involved so

when he asks one guest a question he’ll then ask another guest a similar question

which again starts another conversation between the two this is entertaining for the

audience because they get to see their favourite celebrities talking and joking with

one another, with Graham Norton’s show he has a mix of guests with different ages

like for example Nicole Scherzinger and Tom Hanks completely different people Tom

Hanks is a mega famous actor with awards and hundreds of films out and Nicole is a

singer with albums and awards the audience find this entertaining to see such

different celebrities mix and see one get excited over the other this makes the

audience relate when they get excited over someone it’s fun to see a celebrity get

star struck over another celebrity, the questions asked aren’t just at one person

when Tom Hanks came on Graham asked where he’d just been and then went

straight to Nicole Scherzinger asking her what’s happening letting her explain in

detail what she knows he then lets Simon Pegg speak about what Nicole was talking

about just like they are all sat together having a chat instead of grilling questions he

also asks Tom Hanks two questions in one saying have you been spending a lot of

time here? Do you live here now? He then can get two answers In one. Because he

doesn’t always direct one question at one person he gives everyone a chance to

speak making sure everyone is involved. The journalistic context is television and the

purpose of the interview is informational and presents information.
