1st science 1 function of male reproductive system


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Identifies and describes the male reproductive system

and its major parts.

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We, like their children, are a product of reproduction. The reproductive system enables human beings to reproduce another human being.How do human beings carry out the process of reproduction?

The male reproductive system possesses the following features. It:(a) controls the development of the

secondary sexual characteristics in a male(b) produces sperms(c) stores sperms(d) deposits sperms outside the body of the male

The male reproductive system consists of a - pair of testes (singular: testis),-penis,-scrotum,-urethra,-sperms ducts,-seminal vesicles and-prostate gland

Figure below shows the main parts of the male reproductive system.

The penis is made of two parts: the shaft (the main part) and the glans (the lip, sometimes called the head). The penis delivers sperm through the urethra into the female reproductive tract.

The scrotum (sometimes called the scrotal sac) contains the testicle and epididymis and hangs under the penis.

The two testicles (or testes) produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone.

Next to each testicle, the epididymis is a tightly coiled tube where sperm are stored. From here, sperm are transported to the vas deference.

Vas deferens is also called seminal duct, this thin muscular tube transport sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.

The bladder is the muscular sac that stores the urine until it is released through the urethra.

Located at the base of the bladder, the two seminal vesicles secrete a thick fluid that nourishes the sperm.

The prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland surrounds a portion of the urethra and produces some of the fluids in semen.

The urethra is the tube that carries semen and urine out of the penis.

The sperm consists of three parts. These are the head, the neck and the tail.

Each part of the male reproductive system has its own respective


* What are the parts of the male's reproductive organ?

* Describe the structure and function of each organ.

* What are produced in the testicles or testes?

*What part of the organ do sperm cells


Concept Formation

How are the parts of the male's reproductive organ related to their particular



Sketch the male's reproductive organ. Label

each part. Opposite the part, write its function.


Read further the structure of each part of the male's

reproductive organ using the world wide web.

