8 physical regions


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By: Zach Skinner


- Old mountains formed about 300,000,000 years ago.


- It affected by two different ocean currents.

- The Labrador Current brings cold water south from the Arctic and causes freezing weather during the winter.

- The Gulf is the opposite bringing warm water north from the Caribbean.


- Heavily forest with mixed Coniferous and deciduous trees.


- The Coastal Plains have an elevation of a little bit less than 200 meters above sea level.

- The ground is mostly flat with little rolling hills


- Cold and snowy winters, and hot and humid summers.


- The Great lake has little rolling hills from glaciations.

- All of the flat plains are broken by hills and deep river valleys

- There are flat plains on both sides of the river which eventually it begins to rise into the Canadian Shield and also the Applachian.


- It is humid because of the Great Lakes.

- During summer time the Great Lake cools down the temperature.

- The Great Lake stores heat during the summer time and when its winter time the lake makes the temperature warmer.


- It used to have the most leafed forest because the soil and the condition was good enough to allow a lot of trees for example maple, beech, hickory, and black walnut.


- The Great Plains have higher elevation rising from about 600 meters to 1500 meters above sea level.

- The interior plains have three different elevations they are all separated by escarpments.

- The plains are little hills, gradually sloping down, from west to east.


- The weather is extreme, hot summers, cold winters, and very little precipitation.

- Farther north the winters are colder and longer, and the summer is shorter and cooler.


- It used to be scattered with evergreens and deciduous trees.

- The west of Mississippi the grasses grew as tall as people.


- The glaciers from the Ice Age removed the soil leaving a barren rock surface.

- The shield exist of a chaotic pattern of rivers, lakes, swamps, and muskeg.

- In the north the elevation is about 100 meters above sea level and in the south about 500 meters.


- In the north the winters are long and cold and the summers are shorter and cooler


- Boreal covers a lot of the shield evergreens, spruce, pine, and fir are the best suited for thin sandy soil.


- There are many different mountain ranges.

- The Western Cordillera mountains are twice the size then the Appalachian mountains.


- The west coast is moist and mild.

- Winters above freezing and windward slopes are a lot better than leeward slopes.


- Grass and Cactuses grow in the dry valley.


- The streams and the rivers of the Intermountain Region’s mountains and plateaus they don’t reach the sea.


- Winters are cool, wet, hot and, and dry.

- In the south the winters are short and warm with barely any precipitation.

- In the north the winters are moist, the summers are hot and dry, and barely any precipitation.


Sparse grassland and they can survive in semi-dessert of dessert conditions.


- Mainly flat.

- The mountains in the north were formed by folding.

- The mountains are covered by glaciers.


- The winters last for 10 months and it is very cold.

- The summer is very short and not that warm.\

- There is barely any precipitation so it is a dessert.
