8th class 11.9.12


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In-class Journal Assignment 11/9/12

What do you think about companies checking a potential employee’s Social media presence? Make a list of pro’s and con’s for or against it.



1. What advice does Keillor have for people before they start writing?


2. What does Keillor mean when he says, “We need to write, otherwise nobody will know who we are”?


3. By the time you have come to the end of a letter, what, according to Keillor, should have happened?


1. What advice does Keillor have for people before they start writing?


1. What advice does Keillor have for people before they start writing?

To “get over the guilt of not writing.”


2. What does Keillor mean when he says, “We need to write, otherwise nobody will know who we are”?


2. What does Keillor mean when he says, “We need to write, otherwise nobody will know who we are”?

He’s referring specifically to shy people who are unable to present themselves and their ideas in conversation.


3. By the time you have come to the end of a letter, what, according to Keillor, should have happened?


3. By the time you have come to the end of a letter, what, according to Keillor, should have happened?

The writer should know something he didn’t know when he began, because “writing is a means of discovery.”

Part 1: Homework for Monday, 11/12/12

Write a letter of at least 300 words to someone. It can be anyone you choose, as long as they have a legitimate address. Be sure to:

• Have an envelope with the person's address on it

• Have your return address on it.• Have the correct postage on it.• Have the letter separate

Part 2: Homework for Monday, 11/12/12

• Read and study pages 227-230 in The College Writer.

Send your first draft, along with the submission form, to the Writing lab. Attach them both to the following email:writing@matc.edu

In the computer lab today, 11/9/12