Action learning for adlt 636 overview for class 1 jan 2011


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Welcome to ADLT 636 the M.Ed. Capstone Course

Class 1January 18, 2011

Dr. Terry


Introductions / Expectations Small Group Exercise in Hopes and Fears

Why “capstone” ? An overview of the course Introduction to Action Learning

Action Learning Fundamentals Overview of the Semester Action Learning Sets as Consulting Teams

Preparing for next week

Hopes and Fears

What are your greatest hopes for this class?

What are your greatest fears about it?

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you think you will perform as an individual in a set?

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think you will learn?

What barriers do you think you will need to overcome to be successful in this course, and how do you intend to approach them?

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning is learning without teaching

Action Learning is a collaborative experience in group dynamics

Action Learning is a problem-solving process that involves asking questions of yourselves, as well as your client organization

In an Action Learning Program …

The set works on an organizational problem that the organization has been unable to solve

The group (an action learning “set”) learns to work together in a constructive and effective way

The emphasis is as much on learning as it is on achieving visible results / recommendations for the organization

The organization commits to take action on your recommendations

Five Elements of an Action Learning Program:

The Set: A small group between 4 and 8 who meet regularly in and outside of class

The Project: The organizational problem that is worked on during set meetings

The Process: The way the group works that differs from most task forces or groups work. In Action Learning, the focus is on asking questions, rather than problem solving

Five Elements, continued

The Set Coach: A person who initially helps the group as it works and learn, intervening only when necessary

The Duration: Normally 2-3 months, depending on frequency of meetings

Organizing Framework

The Problem/Task as the Vehicle

for Learning

The Problem/Task as the Vehicle

for LearningAction

Learning Set

Action Learning Set

Individual / Group Responsibility

for Action

Individual / Group Responsibility

for Action

Anticipated Learning

Anticipated Learning

Unanticipated Learning

Unanticipated Learning

Set CoachSet Coach

Alternative Ways of Working in Action Learning Sets

Each person brings his or her own organizational issue to the group

The work of the set focuses on one person at a time. When a set is working, what takes place is a dialogue with one person.

Between set meetings, the problem owner takes action and reports back on results at the next set meeting

Work of the set becomes an iterative process of questioning and action for each member

The Marquardt Approach:

Alternative Ways of Working in Action Learning Sets

The set as a whole works with an organizational sponsor on a difficult, intractable problem

The work of the set focuses on the problem. When a set is working, what takes place is a dialogue among group members.

Between set meetings, members take action that is reported on and discussed at the next set meeting

Work of the set becomes an iterative process of questioning and action for the group as a whole

The Dilworth & Willis Approach:

What Do the Two Methods Have in Common?

Each person takes turn talking and bringing up concerns to the group

Other set members ask questions: NO ADVICE-GIVING or solution offering

Set members commit to take action on their task issue in-between set meetings

Follow-up set meetings focus on actions taken and more questions

The set takes time to evaluate its learning after each meeting!!

What You Get From Being in an Action Learning Set

Time and space for your own reflections

Insights from / with others

Exchange of ideas with others

Being questioned by others

An opportunity to “hear” yourself think

Sharing confusions, as well as successes with others

Hearing yourself be helpful to others, and gaining confidence in your ability to tackle “unsolvable” problems

Inner Experiential Cycle in Action Learning

Unease / Uncertainty about the problem

Awareness of / Desire to Change

Risk-taking - i.e. Courage

and Responsibility

Understanding and Insight

Transformation – both personal

and organizational-

To next spiral of learning

Ground Rules for the Set Be honest and open-- say what you mean, mean

what you say Honor the rule, “Questions before statements” Give and receive feedback constructively Listen carefully to what is said (and not said)

Stick to agreed meeting schedule Come fully prepared and on time No set meetings without ALL members Follow-up action items

Respect client and set member confidentiality

Reg Revan’s Action Learning Formula

L = P + QLearning = Programmed Knowledge +


Programmed Knowledge

Facts, figures, dates, book knowledge or expert knowledge

Caution! Often based on what is known in the past


The ability to pose insightful questions

The heart of action learning

In set meetings, questions always come before statements

Who knows about what we are trying to do?

Who cares about getting it implemented?

Who has the power to get it implemented (who controls the resources that can make change happen?)

Follow-up Questions Focus Upon the Reality of a Situation

Stages in Action Learning Problem Solving

Stage 1. Understanding and Reframing the Problem

Stage 2. Framing and Formulating the Goal of the Project.

Stage 3. Developing and Testing Your Ideas.

Stage 4. Taking action and Reflecting on Action.

Checklist for Problem Reframing

What is the nature of the problem on which your set is working?

What is the organization’s level of commitment to the solving the problem?

Is the presenting problem the real problem or only a symptom of the problem?

In clarifying the nature of the problem, did we ask “fresh” questions?

Checklist for Strategy Development

Have the obstacles surrounding the problem been identified?

Are we, as a set, committed to innovative, high-quality solutions and strategies?

Have we tapped the sources of power, passion, and knowledge in the organization?

Have the impact and consequences of the strategies we are considering been considered? (i.e., are we thinking systemically?)

Checklist for Action Taking During our Set Meetings

Are actions to be taken part of each meeting?

Are the actions clear as to who, what, and when?

Are they recorded and reviewed at the next meeting?

What have we learned from the actions we have taken?

Are we devoting sufficient time to reflecting on our own processes, as well as learning?

Good Questions

Cause us to focus and to stretch

Create deep reflection

Challenge taken-for-granted assumptions

Lead to breakthrough thinking

Are questions raised in ignorance, risk, confusion, or when nobody knows what to do

Are supportive, insightful, and challenging

Are offered in a sharing spirit

Are selfless, not designed to illustrate the cleverness of the questioner

Open doors in the mind

Generate action
