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...despite downfalls, trip ups & falling over I’Mgoing to get up & prove everyone wrong!



-Exclusive interview with hip/hop artist SAVS and standards music journalist Jay Heave.


once R&B singer/rapper for mayhem record label who was signed at the age of 15 has recently left the label.There has been much controversy & rumours over why she left but your nominated youth magazine of the year got an exclusive interview to hear it from her side.

Thanks for having us, how’s your new year been so far? It’s good, a time to leave some things behind and start afresh.

So,the question everyone has been asking, why did you leave mayhem records?

Do you feel any pressure at times?

Nope. I’m strong and leave all my stress at the gym (laughs) pshhh, no seriously it is at times but theres nothing wrong with pressure because that pushes you further.

Ummm, it’s really humbling to be honest, if it wasn’t for my fans I couldn’t do what I do.

What is it like as an artist that’s loved through out the UK?

Well 8 months ago I became a born again christian. Though I’m grateful for everything Mayhem done for me but I just wanted to leave the old SAVS behind.

You havent had the most easy life, how was your life before & after you became a christian?

Before i started my career I used to ‘hang’ around brixton being idle till one day a boy on my block died, I realised if I didn’t make it far then I would be living in this environment for a long time. After I got signed through my cousins friend life was good at first but then all the stress began, headches lead to me smokin weed and nonsense like that till one day I realised with all this money, fame and ‘joy’ I still wasn’t happy deep down inside. My sister is a christian and she invited me to her church and on the 16th of april 2011 I gave my life to Christ and though it sounds cliche my life has never been the same.

How have people reacted?ummm... you will always get those who try and put you down and before I used to say despite downfalls, trip ups and falling over I’M going to get up and prove everyone wrong when really despite my downfalls trip ups and falling over GOD lifted me up and proved everyone wrong.

Well thanks for having us and we wish you the best with your new path in life.Thank you, and thanks for having me.

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