Adult learning theory principles and practice



Obtain an overview of adult learning theory (andragogy) and learn how Gagne's nine events of instruction can be modified with adult learning theory in mind. Some critiques of the theory are also presented.

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An Atomic Meme Learning Hub Initiative

Dianne Rees, JD, PhD

The underpinnings of andragogy (adult learning theory)


How adult learners are different from children (according to adult learning theory):

More life experience

More independent

Motivated by perceptions of personal need

Greater need to direct a learning experience

Greater need to apply learning

“Andragogy (is) the art and science of helping adults learn…based on certain crucial assumptions about the differences between children and adults as learners” (Knowles, 1968).

Knowles, M. S. (1968). Andragogy, not pedagogy. Adult Leadership, 16(10), 350–352, 386.

How adult learning principles can translate to instruction:

Teacher = facilitator versus content deliverer

The adult learner should play a role in creating and evaluating learning content

Learning experiences should be relevant and “hands on”

Learners (as well as the instructor) should tap into the experiences of other learners

Learners need to know “what’s in it for me?”

With adult learning theory in mind


11 Gain attention

What are your goals?

Class: Creating a Professional Web Site

Relevance is key

22 State objectives

Using a template, you’ll be able to create a Web site showcasing your experience and work samples.

This objective will help you achieve the goals you’ve identified.

Connect objectives to personal goals


33 Stimulate recall of prior learning

Have you seen Web sites that you think are

designed well? Badly?

Tap into the wide range of experiences


44 Present stimuli

Here’s how you create a Web site.

Learning this will help you create one of your own.

Present how-to information over theory


55 Guide learningThrough open-ended questions

Through practice

Through applications with relevance

Connect learning to experiences


66 Elicit performance

Mirror real-world performance

77 Provide feedbackWhat would you like to improve?

Let learners self-evaluate


88 Assess performance



= no surprises


Assessment that’s relevant & fair


99 Enhance transfer

Individualized resources

Reconsidering adult learning theory


The learning challenge: moving from a passive to an active learner—are your adult learners prepared?

Criticisms of adult learning theory (Clardy, 2005)

Adults aren’t fundamentally different from children when it comes to learning needs: It’s a question of degree

Adults have heterogeneous learning needs: One theory doesn’t fit all

Not all adults are ready to be self-directed learners

Clardy, A. (2005). Andragogy: Adult learning and education at its best? Towson, MD: Towson University. Retrieved March, 2010, from