Advert Deconstructions




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1. The Wombats – This Modern Glitch

2. Foals – Cassius

3. Bombay Bicycle Club – performance dates

The band has embraced the common genre characteristic of natural locations by using a beach theme. This is also seen in the Two Door Cinema Club music video I have also deconstructed. The beach connotes fun, summer and youth which are key elements to this genres style. The bright blue sky stands out to the audience and lacks the vintage lens seen on other products, however, the characters costumes and the chaise longues image held up to each characters face add the retro element to the advert. The lighting is bright and playful which emphasises the phrase “ALL AGES” at the bottom of the advert suggesting under 18’s are welcome. The picnic scene shown seems to be very family orientated and nostalgic, however the pictures held against their faces reverts the image back to being individual and unique, the mystery and odd element being something The Wombats tend to apply a lot to their music videos and other products.

The Wombats name and logo is the main focus of this advert as it is large and contrasts strongly with the bright background. The album name ‘This Modern Glitch’ is smaller and in a darker font and therefore stands out less, however is still prominent in the foreground of the shot. The supporting acts to the band are also made prominent by their bold logos being placed in white against the blue background.

The dates of the tour are at the bottom of the advert with a large red sign saying that ‘Arena has sold out.’ This only highlights the bands popularity whilst also adding an urgency to those wishing to buy tickets. The large text stating that ‘Tickets are on sale now’ also has the same effect as it will push audiences into buying a ticket through risk of them running out. A smaller picture of the album can be seen at the bottom of the advert pushing not only sales of tickets, but also of the bands music too.

Advert is in a very handmade style, the font of the bands name is in an almost pencil sketched format as well as the doodle like images in the corner. The lilac, pastel background connotes youth and an almost schoolroom image which links to the lyrics of the single, ‘Cassius, these day dreams, these day dreams.’ The colour scheme is fairly psychedelic which links with bands electronic music and connotes peace and tranquillity.

The doodles at the side of the advert are all connected with hearts. Although hearts often promote positive connotations, these images are surrounded with images of spikes, dark clouds and splashes of red which connote a much darker meaning and negative emotions attached to them. This suggests a darker side to the bands music than first assumed from the tranquil colour scheme and youthful, school-like doodles.

The bands name ‘Foals’ is in the same font and is the same size as the name of the new single ‘Cassius.’ ‘Cassius’ was a Roman senator and a leading instigator of the plot to kill Julius Caesar. The connotations of this singles name therefore are of betrayal and murder. This links hugely with the dark images of the hearts in the doodles and the lyrics in the song, ‘the wind is in my heart’ and ‘Cassius, it's over, you're second best.’

The phrases ‘New Single’ and ‘Download Available Now’ entice the bands audiences in to buy the bands latest work. There is also a website featured at the bottom which gives audiences access to more information. This single also boats ‘2x7” feature brand new exclusive tracks,’ and ‘Kieran Hebden’s’ four tet version. By giving the date on which it is available it also allows for a build up of anticipation and for the singles release to be made more well-known before release increasing sales when it becomes available.

Bands distinctive title logo is the main focus of attention on the advert as it is big and bold. The blue colour scheme also matches the outfits of the band members shown sitting below. The light blue connotes tranquillity and an easy going attitude to music making. It contrasts with the dark background colour which makes it more prominent in the shot.

There is clearly a vintage lens applied to this advert as the almost grainy appearance can be seen on the dark background. This lens looks almost as if it were from a disposable camera and adds a retro/vintage style to the advert which is popular amongst the genre. This shows a nostalgic element to the bands work as they strive to portray themselves as traditional and humble.

The four band members, Jack Steadman, Jamie MacColl, Ed Nash and Suren de Saram, can be seen sitting at the bottom of the frame comfortably and casually. All of the band members costumes are relaxed and casual, 3 matching in blue shirts and blue jeans and the 4th in a orange shirt and black jeans. The men look happy and relaxed reflecting their chilled and acoustic musical style. Behind them in the shot seems to be a rustic picture of a bird suggesting they are in a nice pub or establishment.

The advert is advertising both an electronic and acoustic set. The text giving details of location, time and where to but tickets from alternate between blue and white and in size. All however is in capitals showing pride and majesty. The time of when the tickets come on sale is stated showing a massive demand for audiences. There are also more links for a website and myspace at the bottom.