An Analysis of Adjectives Used in Suicide Notes in Terms of Positivity/Negativity/Neutrality


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An Analysis of Adjectives Used in Suicide Notes in Terms of



• Suicide notes are the last words of a person, written before committing suicide. It is assumed by most people that a suicide note consists of wholly or mostly negative work and it is prepared in a negative mood. This study tries its best to analyze whether this conception is true or false.

• In order to analyze the suicide note, forensic linguistics needs another linguistic field or fields to support the analysis, such as phonology, semantics, morphology pragmatics, syntax, discourse analysis etc. In this study the fields of semantics and pragmatics are made use of, because this study analyzes the adjectives semantically and for some of them pragmatics is needed, because the adjectives are not always used in their dictionary meaning.

Review of Literature

• Eva T. S. Sudjana and Nurul Fitri carried out a practically similar study on 4th December, 2013, named “Kurt Cobain’s Suicide Note Case: Forensic Linguistic Profiling Analysis”. In the study, Kurt Cobain’s suicide note is analyzed in terms of genuineness and also to figure out the motives of the subject related to suicide. Furthermore, the research tends to make the authorship profiling of Kurt Cobain based on the lexical items which contain negative meaning that are related to his psychology.

• In this study, only adjectives are taken into consideration in terms of

positivity, negativity and neutrality in a corpus based on 10 suicide notes. It is expected to find out whether there are mostly positive, negative or neutral adjectives.

Research Questions

• What types of adjectives are used in suicide notes in terms of positivity/negativity/neutrality?

• What type of mood do these adjectives reflect?


• 10 suicide notes of mostly well-known people are selected.

• Adjectives used in the notes are classified as positive, negative and neutral adjectives.


• This study is limited to adjectives in terms of positivity, negativity and neutrality. Another study can be carried out with the nouns or another part of speech.

Data Analysis

1.Kurt CobainKurt Donald Cobain (February 20,

1967 – April 5, 1994) was an American musician and artist.

• Kurt Cobain Suicide Note • To Boddah • Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an

emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand. • All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to

the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guity beyond words about these things.

• For example when we're back stage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begins., it doesn't affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can't fool you, any one of you. It simply isn't fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I'm having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I've tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do,God, believe me I do, but it's not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.

• On our last 3 tours, I've had a much better appreciation for all the people I've known personally, and as fans of our music, but I still can't get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know!

• I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what i used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become.

• I have it good, very good, and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much I guess.

• Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away.

• Peace, love, empathy. Kurt Cobain • Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your alter. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life, which

will be so much happier without me. • I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!

Kurt Cobain used in his suicide note;

• 50% negative adjectives• 33.33% positive adjectives• 16.66% neutral adjectives

2.Adolf Hitler(20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German

politician and the leader of the Nazi Party. Early on the morning on April 29, 1945, to avoid capture by the Red Army,

Hitler hastily dictated his last will to his secretary, Frau Traudl Junge and he wanted his corpse to be burned in order not to be

detected and then he killed himself.

• The Last Will

As I did not consider that I could take responsibility, during the years of struggle, of contracting a marriage, I have now decided, before the closing of my earthly career, to take as my wife that girl who, after many years of faithful friendship, entered, of her own free will, the practically besieged town in order to share her destiny with me. At her own desire she goes as my wife with me into death. It will compensate us for what we both lost through my work in the service of my people.

What I possess belongs - in so far as it has any value - to the Party. Should this no longer exist, to the State; should the State also be destroyed, no further decision of mine is necessary.

My pictures, in the collections which I have bought in the course of years, have never been collected for private purposes, but only for the extension of a gallery in my home town of Linz on Donau.

It is my most sincere wish that this bequest may be duly executed.

• I nominate as my Executor my most faithful Party comrade, Martin Bormann. He is given full legal authority to make all decisions. He is permitted to take out everything that has a sentimental value or is necessary for the maintenance of a modest simple life, for my brothers and sisters, also above all for the mother of my wife and my faithful co-workers who are well known to him, principally my old Secretaries Frau Winter etc. who have for many years aided me by their work.

I myself and my wife - in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation - choose death. It is our wish to be burnt immediately on the spot where I have carried out the greatest part of my daily work in the course of a twelve years' service to my people.

Given in Berlin, 29th April 1945, 4:00 a.m.Signed:

• A. Hitler

Signed as witnesses:Dr. Joseph GoebbelsMartin BormannColonel Nicholaus von Below

Adolf Hitler used in his suicide note;

• 81.81% positive adjectives• 18.18% neutral adjectives• 0% negative adjectives

3.Alexandria HollinghurstTaken from “The Telegraph” 5:55PM GMT 25 Mar 2014The suicide notes left by the British teenager and her

American boyfriend, who gunned down a police officer before killing themselves have been released.

Alexandria Hollinghurst, 17, wrote three notes to her mother, Debra, her father Tom and her younger sister.

Alexandria Hollinghurst

• Mum,• I could write to you for days, but I know nothing would actually make a

difference to you. You are much too ignorant and self concerned to even attempt to listen or understand, everyone knows that.

• Thank you, for trying to talk and understand me. After me being honest, after trying to fix things, thank you for turning a conversation about depression and suicide into something and about you

• Please understand that when people compare us, I vomit on the inside.• And thank you for accusing me of being annorexic, FOR YEARS. I’m so ………….

sorry FOR being skinny. If I were, your BITCHY comments that I’m assuming were your attempt to help, wouldn’t have.

• If I had stayed another minute I would have painted the walls and stained the carpets with my blood, so you could clean it up

• You are a waste of space, ignorant and a rotten ………. I WISH I WERE NEVER BORN.

• Dad,• I’m sorry I continue to dissapoint (sic) you. I’m sorry I’ve changed. I wish

we could rewind. I love you to death but I just couldn’t do it anymore. Everyday became harder and harder. I know you can’t understand, and I don’t expect you to. And I don’t know what to tell you other than I really am sorry, but I know you won’t believe me. I’m SORRY.

• Dear ……, (her sister)• I need you to know that you’ve always been my favourite, my number

one. You’re so much younger, but you’re a better person than me, you always have been. I hope you never take a wrong turn like I did. I hope you continue to grow. I hope you overcome the unsecurity and I hope you realise that you are ever so beautiful. I love you.

Alexandria Hollinghurst used in her suicide note;

• 70% negative adjectives• 25% positive adjectives• 5% neutral adjectives

4.John Simon Ritchie – Sid ViciousJohn Simon Ritchie (10 May 1957 – 2 February 1979), was an

English bass guitarist and vocalist most famous as a member of the influential punk group the Sex Pistols.

• We had a death pact, and I have to keep my half of the bargain. Please bury me next to my baby in my leather jacket, jeans and motorcycle boots. Goodbye.

John Simon Ritchie used in his suicide note;

• 75% neutral adjectives• 25% negative adjectives• 0% positive adjectives

5.Roh Moo-Hyun(25 February 2003 – 24 February 2008 )

9th President of South Korea.

• I am in debt to so many people. I have caused too great a burden to be placed upon them. I can't begin to fathom the countless agonies down the road. The rest of my life would only be a burden for others. I am unable to do anything because of poor health. Do not be too sad. Isn't life and death all a part of nature? Do not be sorry. Do not feel resentment toward anyone. It is fate. Cremate me. And leave only a small tombstone near home. I've thought on this for a long time.

Roh Moo-Hyun used in his suicide note;

• 77.77% negative adjectives• 11.11% positive adjectives• 11.11% neutral adjectives

6.Peter William HamPeter William Ham (27 April 1947 – 24 April 1975) was a Welsh singer, songwriter and guitarist, primarily recognized for having been the lead singer/composer of the '70s rock group Badfinger

's hit songs.

• Anne, I love you. Blair, I love you. I will not be allowed to love and trust everybody. This is better. Pete. P.S. Stan Polley is a soulless bastard. I will take him with me.

Peter William Ham used in his suicide note;

• 50% positive adjectives• 50% negative adjectives• 0% neutral adjectives

7.Per Yngve Ohlin – MayhemPer Yngve Ohlin (16 January 1969 – 8 April 1991), better known

by his stage name Dead, was a Swedish black/death metal vocalist and lyricist best known for his work with

Norwegian black metal band Mayhem.

• Excuse the blood, but I have slit my wrists and neck. It was the intention that I would die in the woods so that it would take a few days before I was possibly found. I belong in the woods and have always done so. No one will understand the reason for this anyway. To give some semblance of an explanation I'm not a human, this is just a dream and soon I will awake. It was too cold and the blood was coagulating all the time, plus my new knife is too dull. If I don't succeed dying to the knife I will blow all the shit out of my skull. Yet I do not know. I left all my lyrics by "Let the good times roll"—plus the rest of the money. Whoever finds it gets the fucking thing. As a last salutation may I present "Life Eternal". Do whatever you want with the fucking thing. / Pelle.

• I didn't come up with this now, but seventeen years ago.

Per Yngve Ohlin used in his suicide note;

• 40% negative adjectives• 40% neutral adjectives• 20% positive adjectives

8.Hunter Stockton ThompsonHunter Stockton Thompson (1937 – 2005) was an

American journalist and author.

• No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun - for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax - This won't hurt.

Hunter Stockton Thompson used in his suicide note;

• 13.33% positive adjectives• 53.33% negative adjectives• 33.33% neutral adjectives

9.Clara BlandickClara Blandick (June 4, 1880 – April 15, 1962) was an

American actress, best known for her role as Uncle Henry's wife, Aunt Em in MGM's

The Wizard of Oz.

• I am now about to make the great adventure. I cannot endure this agonizing pain any longer. It is all over my body. Neither can I face the impending blindness. I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.

Clara Blandick used in her suicide note;

• 33.33% positive adjectives• 66.66% negative adjectives• 0% neutral adjectives

10.Christine ChubbuckChristine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for WTOG-TV

and WXLT-TV in Florida during her career. She is noted for committing suicide during a live television broadcast.

• In keeping with Channel 40 s policy of bringing ′you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first: an attempted suicide.

Christine Chubbuck used in her suicide note;

• 50% positive adjectives• 25% negative adjectives• 25% neutral adjectives


• The average of the adjectives in all of the suicide notes, used in the study can be shown as;

• Positive adjectives 31.79%, • Negative adjectives 45.77%• Neutral adjectives 22.42%
