Analysing contents page + double page spread


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Analysing contents page.This magazine uses three images on their contents pages, the images are all of different celebrities. The biggest main image on the contents page is off a new DJ producer Avicii. In the image Avicii is looking away from the camera like he is day dreaming, he is sitting on a bed and stands out very clearly on the plain white background. He is quite young and I think his image has been used for the younger audience, because he is a new DJ he makes music for the younger generation, the fact that he is looking into the distance maybe implies that he is looking out to his new future in the world of fame. The two other images on the contents page are below the big image of Avicii. One of them is of Ray Donovan who is an actor, the image is of him standing in a grave yard, I think this links to the article that he is going to be in, the image links to some text that is also on the contents page that describes what his article is going to be about. Once you have read what the article is about the image makes sense, the article is based on the actor’s tragic childhood that nearly broke him, showing an image of him in the middle of a graveyard links to this and makes the audience want to read about his life. The final image is of M.I.A and her return. In the image she is standing very confidently, which implies that she is happy to return and she is ready to take on the world of fame again. Two of the images are not linked with text on the page but the pages of their articles are written on the top of the images, this is a good way for the contents page to fit on more information without having loads of text and no images.

The images on the front cover of the magazine support the initial findings about the style of the magazine and its intended audience. The people used in the images support the fact that there is a wide target audience of different ages and of people with different interests in music genre and other elements. The actor Ray Donovan is used on the contents page which shows that the age range is very wide for this magazine, as an older audience will be interested in reading about him but the younger audience will be interested in Avicii and M.I.A who are also featured on the contents page.

The font on the contents page is obviously not as bold as on the front cover because there would be not enough room for all of the page numbers and information, although there is still bold wiring on the contents page mostly used for the subheadings like ‘’ Features’’, ‘’rock and roll’’ and ‘’departments’’ this makes them stand out and the audience can see them clearer. The colours are used are black and red, the black does support the style of the front cover as most of the text is black, making it easier to read. The red is used minimally just like the yellow on the cover, to highlight things that the audience are meant to be drawn too.

The information is very well organised making it extremely easy for the audience to read and understand. They have split the most important articles into three categories which are highlighted in red ‘’ Features’’, ‘’Rock & Roll’’ and ‘’ Departments’’ then they list the different articles and their page numbers so the audience can go straight to the article they want to read rather than having to look through the entire magazine to get to what they want.

Double page spread analysis.The artist featured in this article is Macklemore, the same artist from the front cover. This suggests that the target audience for this article will be people that are interested in the new artist and his genre of music. Macklemore has released a number of popular songs in the past year and has got a huge fan base because of this, with ages ranging from young children to adults; his songs are classed as ‘hip-hop’ but have something for everyone. The target audience would be people of any gender, and around the ages of 16 to mid-30. The audience for this article wouldn't have to be interested in any particular genre as it is more about the artist and his lifestyle than his genre of music.

The language used in the article is informal. The article is set out in a way that makes the audience feel like they are reading a book about Macklemore. ‘’ He’s of Irish decent, but looks indeterminately European, like he should be manning of the counter of an Amsterdam coffee shop or playing a bad guy in a Die Hard sequel.’’ They use phrases that are quite humorous, this shows the style of the magazine, we know it isn’t too serious and is suitable to teens to read as they will be able to understand the language used and the humorous phrases. There is some swearing in the article, this shows that the target audience isn’t young teenagers around the ages of 13 as this would be inappropriate for them to read.

The colours in this double page spread are similar to the contents page and the front cover. The text in the article is black with a plain white background. This makes the text easy to read, they have used orange, green, pink and yellow in one part of the double page spread to make certain text stand out. They have taken short phrases out of the article that they think are important or might make the audience want to read the whole article and have enlarged them, but them in bold on a black background and make them bright colours. This will certainly attract people to read the whole article, if they are flicking through the magazine and catch a glimpse of the short quotes they will be intrigued to read more. Compared to the rest of the text which is plain black and not bold it really stands out. They use a normal article style text ‘’sans serif’’ they use drop caps at the beginning of each paragraph, this makes the article look more interesting rather than just having a whole two pages of normal text.

The tone of the magazine is not formal at all; they use quite a lot of humour. They are addressing the audience like they are talking to a friend about another crazy friend they have. It’s like we are listening to a story about someone they know, you learn all about the artist through humorous quotes and stories of his life. You don’t have to be an informed intelligent fan of Macklemore to read and understand this article.

The double page spread is laid out so that it is easy to read and everything is spread out nicely. The writing is written in columns except for the short introduction at the beginning which explains briefly who and what the article is going to be about. This makes it clear for the audience; they won’t get confused when reading the article as they have been told what the articles content will be talking about. The text isn’t squashed together and there are gaps between the columns, this also makes it easier to read. They haven’t overloaded the double page spread with too many images that the audience would have to read around and struggle to find where they left off. The article looks very neat and not too busy; it is simple but eye catching. There is only one image of the double page spread, it is on the second page and is quite large. It doesn’t take up too much of the page which means it still leaves enough room for text.

The artist is represented as a wild crazy character through the image used in the double page spread. The image is Macklemore in mid-air, with his tongue out. He is wearing casual clothing, jeans trainers and a t-shirt which he then shoves a massive fur coat on top off; he is seen as the sort of person that doesn’t want to fit in to a crowd and wants to make a statement through everything he does. In the image he has a microphone in his hand, this shows us that this image might have been taken from a gig or concert; this shows the audience that he would put on a good entertaining show.

The style of the magazine matches the front cover; they are both not too serious. They don’t show any hints of serious events or important news. The front cover mentions different artists, nothing to important. We know that the magazine won’t be discussing any important world issues. They might talk about celebrities’ issues but that is all. They both show images of the same artist. The colours match, they use black mostly to make the text stand out. They also use bright colours to highlight certain things on both.

You don’t have to have any knowledge about the artist before the reading the article. The writer of the article explains everything about Macklemore in the article using humour. We learn about his career, his past and how he is doing now without having to know anything about him before we read it. Someone that has no knowledge of Macklemore could read this double page spread and by the end of it know all about him, his past and how he is doing in his career now. ‘’ As a self-proclaimed ‘’ nice guy rapper,’’ a re-covering alcoholic and drug addict whose lyrics preach against the evils of homophobia, sexism, and $50 T-shirts, Haggerty hasn’t left himself much room for vices.’’ This short piece of text is in the introduction of the article and just by reading that we learn about Macklemores past, he is a re-covering alcoholic and drug addict and we learn about some of the things he raps about all in the space of 3 lines. The whole article includes snippets of Macklemores life which teaches us about him as we read.