Android hello world application tutorial #1



Tutorials about how to start developing a simple Hello world Android Application.

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Android Application Tutorial

All Copy Rights Saved to the 7th Students’ Conference on Communication and Information Based in the Faculty of Computers and Information Cairo University – Egypt 2011/2012

Tutorial Code: APS-02-2012

Instructed on: 17-Feb-2012 | Tutorial: #02

By : Yasmine Sherif Mahmoud

• You can install the SDK from here:

• You can install Eclipse from here:

>> Choose: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

• After installing the SDK and Eclipse.

• Open Eclipse and follow the following steps.

Fill in the package name

Choose Any Android version you want

Fill in the Application Name

Fill in the package name with a unique three parts separated by dots name

Choose it according to the version you chose before

• By now you will have created the project and you will have the following window:

Expand this file to see this java file

This is where you write your java code

Expand this to see the Android Jar files

Expand this to see the files concerned with the graphics and sounds of your application

This is the main.xml file where you will have the graphical layout of the application

That’s how the Graphical Layout looks like. You can control the application layout from there

• Now, return to the .Java file where we will write a Hello world code.

Write this three line code instead of the one you have

• Before going to the next step we will create the AVD (Android Virtual Device) or the emulator on which we will test the application.

Fill in the name of your emulator

Choose the target according to the version of the application you chose

Fill in any size for the memory card

Now you will have your AVD created. Close the window after that.

• We now have to run our application.

Right click on the project

You may have this window so just click ok.

This is the AVD.

It may takes up to 2 or 3 minutes to launch so patiently wait.

Every version has a different emulator shape so don’t worry if you don’t have this shape.

Drag this circle to the right to unlock

Click this circle to go to the menu

Here is your Application.Click it.

This is how it is going to look like

Yasmine Sherif EL-Adly


+Yasmine Sherif EL-Adly

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