Animal reproduction


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Animal Reproduction

Vocabulary• Budding• External fertilization• Internal fertilization• Ovary• testis

Male cow reproductive system

Sexual Reproduction

• Testes- are a pair of male reproductive system and lie in the scrotum behind the penis. • Scrotum- behind the penis• Penis- an organ where the

urine excretion takes place.

• Sperms- are called male gametes; travel out through the penis.

Female cow reproductive system

• Ovaries- are a pair of female reproductive system; located at each side of the lower abdomen.

• Ova – are female gametes produced by the ovaries.

• Fertilization- the fusion of male and female gametes. ( sperm and egg)

• The fertilized egg will develop into a young animal.

• Internal fertilization- it occurs in the body.

Examples of animals that carry out internal fertilization are:

rhinoceroses, dogs, birds, crocodiles, insects and elephants

• External fertilization-occurs outside the body of a female.

Asexual Reproduction

• It occurs in some animals such as:–Starfish–Hydra–Flatworm

Hydra reproduces by producing buds.

The process is known as budding.



Breeding of animals

• Selective breeding- it allows the adult animals to reproduce better quality offspring in the next generation.

Artificial breeding- this method allows collected sperm cell inseminated to a female animal artificially.

A young "hebra," an offspring from a female zebra and a male horse,

roams with her mother inside Manila Zoo in Manila, Philippines, Aug. 19,


Hercules is the most famous Liger in the World.

• Embryo transfer- emrbyos are collected and transferred to a female recipients.