


a game on the top animals!

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Tiger Cheetah Lion

Tiger Cheetah Lion

It can run at 115 km p/h in short distances

Black mamba Skate Spiders

Black mamba Skate Spiders

Mosquito Cobra Lion

Mosquito Cobra Lion

It can kill a person with one sting

Dolphin Monkey Octopus

Dolphin Monkey Octopus

It can’t see the colours but it can distinguish them.

Turtle Snail Slug

Turtle Snail Slug

It can move from 2 to 7 metres in a day depending on the species.

Blue whale Whale shark Cachalot

Blue whale Whale shark Cachalot

It measures over 30 metres

Bull White shark Crocodile

Bull White shark Crocodile

Eagle Peregrine falcon Condor

Eagle Peregrine falcon Condor

It can fly around 380 km/p/h
