Art exibition




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Final Project Art 102 WLAC

Maleeha Mohammad


What is texture? Texture is quality of a surface, often corresponding to its tactile character.  It can be explicitly rendered, or implied with other artistic elements such as lines, shading, and variation of color.

Texture ranges from smooth and slick to rough and jagged. In between there is bumpy, choppy, gritty, coarse, pebbly, grainy, pitted, wrinkly, mushy, drippy, and much more.

In this exhibition we will explore how texture gives meaning to many things in art. It makes things easy for us to define and makes us imagine what it would/could feel like.

Mona LisaArtist: Leonardo Da Vinci (1503-1517)

This famous painting without texture would be nothing. The texture in her hair gives it a curly visualization and ruffles in her cloths are due to texture. It shows that she is wearing a lot of cloth. The texture of her skin seems to be smooth and flawless. Through shading her face has texture, which gives it a realistic feeling. Her hands also look smooth and soft. The way her hands are painted make them look soft, and one can tell without touching.

In the High renaissance era there was an emergence of portraits and this is one of the most known portaits since then.

Napoleon I on his Imperial ThroneArtist: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1806)

The texture is shown at various parts of this piece, but the most obvious is the clothing. The many ruffles all over the robe shows that he is wearing a lot of cloth and it is probably silk or cotton or some expensive cloth. In the old days, the more cloth one had on was a sign of wealth. It looks like that it would feel soft and thick, since there is so much cloth.

Neoclassicism reflected the age of enlightenment and age of philosophy and this painting portrays the wealthy and intelligence of the era.

Two Lions, After Peter Paul RubensArtist:Theodore Gericault (1820)

The texture in this piece brings the painting to life. The different type of brushstrokes on the head fur makes it seem fluffy and gives it a different texture than the body, which seems to be smooth due to the plain color, no vivid strokes or marks. Everything in the lions body is defined due to texture, just as the fur and the body, the paws seem raised, making them look like paws. It makes us feel that the body would be tense and hard since some of the muscle are defined.

Romantism he movement validated strong emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions such as horror and terror which is coneyed in this painting.

Frühstück im AtelierArtist: Edouard Manet (1832-1833)

This piece does a great job in conveying what type of cloths the people might be wearing. To show the difference between the maid’s cloths and the wealthy gentleman’s cloths, the artist made it look like the man’s clothing is smooth, without wrinkles. The woman's cloths are wrinkled so it might be a different type of cloth. Also the shading in plant gives the plant texture and shows that it is a real plant. The plant, the man’s cloths would be smooth and soft since they do not have wrinkles in them. The lady’s cloth might feel a little rough though.

Realism was a time where artists tried to present subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions and this painting shows a normal event in that time period.

The ThinkerArtist: Auguste Rodin (1902)

The texture in this piece shows that the person is naked. The perfect carving gives the body life and shows the different parts of the body. Sculptures are great in texture because one can actually feel the smoothness of the piece and its bumpiness in some parts. The muscles are vividly described and are touchable. They would feel of a bump, yet it would be a gradual change in texture in this sculpture because different parts o the body do not have a sudden change of texture. Therefore this sculpture does not either. Even without touching it one can tell that the head is less smooth than the rest of the body since it has so much detail in it.

Impressionism had crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles, which is depicted in this sculpture which shows all the elements.

The Lac d'AnnecyArtist: Paul Cezanne (1896)

This is a painting of a lake in the French alps, and without texture it would not look anything like what a real lake looks like. The only reason we can see the difference between the lake and the mountain is because of texture. The alps are shown to be rough and bumpy shown through the lines and shading. While the lake is shown to be smooth and reflects the mountains. It also shows that the lake is still, there are no winds and the lake is not moving. The tree’s shading also gives the tree texture and makes it more realistic.

In Post impressionism emphasize geometric forms, to distort form for expressive effect, and to use unnatural or arbitrary color, which is shows n in the picture.

Thank you for viewing. :)
