Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza



Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza

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Articolul nehotarat

a, an

a => consoane si semivocalele [w] si [j]

an => vocale

• a bank manager; a great opportunity; a meeting, a jungle; a house; a BMW

• an idea; an interesting book; an hour; an orange dress; an umbrella [ʌm’brɛlə] ; an empty glass; an LP

• !! a window  [wɪndəʊ] , a whisper [wɪspə] ; a uniform [‘junɪ fɔːm] , a university [junɪ’vɜːsɪtɪ] , a universe of my own; a year [jɪə] ;a European [‘jʊərəpɪən]

Cand se foloseste

• In fata unui substantiv care denumeste profesia, meseria sau nationalitatea (dupa “to be” sau “to become”)

He wants to become a politician.

My neighbour is an Australian.

Her husband is a catholic.

Dan is a plumber.

• Cu anumite expresii de masuri (cantitate, distanta, timp)

I think I’ll finish in half an hour.

He was driving at 70 miles an hour.

He’s an Englishman. He drinks tea once a day, at about five o’clock.

This would help a great deal/ a lot.

• Expresii cu “what a…”

What a pretty girl!

What a foggy morning!

What an interesting idea!

What a pity!
