As Media Evaluation


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AS Media EvaluationEvie Tantram

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?

RIOT! Is a unique magazine which I feel challenges the male dominated music magazine audience. It does this by having a female out take on punk/rock music , and celebrating female artists which do not get enough credit or recognition in the media. My front cover does this mainly by my centre image, a girl being supported by boys but being held high – this shows girl power, but being un bias with the support of boys. My contents supports this motion of femininity and fun with the laid back easy to read format and comical photos of the band (showing not everything about rock is dead serious.) And finally the interview on my double page spread reveals how laid back a band with a female singer is! I wanted a female magazine which was modern, edgy and humourous.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents many different social groups, from people who are unsure about there identity to those who express themselves in unique ways, its a magazine that doesn’t judge anyone and helps girls discover there identity through music. A girl with music interests such as pop would not read this magazine, purely because I didn’t want a mainstream conservative audience reading my magazine. My serif fonts through out represent the edgy and exciting content my magazine has. Beth has pink hair in my images, i think this helps distinguish the punk genre of my magazine.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would get the distributor BAUER to manage my magazine, because my magazine closely resembles KERRANG, I believe this distributor has all the knowledge on how to make my magazine a global thing. BAUER reaches out to over 9 million of the world. In my media pack I carefully chose brands that related to my magazine and its genre, e.g. Shockwaves, BAUER media uses Shockwaves to synergise with its brands. I believe my magazine would benefit BAUER, because it would give them a female audience to a NEW type of magazine

Who would be the audience for your media products?

My ideal audience for my magazine would be• Women aging from 17-28 • In education, working at a radio station e.g. JackFM or

studying drama at UNI• Working class• Outgoing • Politically a Liberal Democrat – believing in equality• Unique style• Confident loves rock gigs and CD signings

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by my bright bold colour scheme and my interesting fonts used on my front cover. The pink hair on my model increased interest from readers as it is a statement and also very eye catching. I also included recognised bands on the front cover which would enable my audience to read and relate to. This should of triggered an interest straight away. My advertisement of free festival tickets to be won also should have encouraged my audience to consume my magazine. The ideology for my magazine is for it to represent culture and young people in the 21stcentury, in a positive way which focuses on the things which will inspire young girls to ultimately offer girls role models , people who they can look up too.

Lady Gaga – Pink hair

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?I have learnt so much by using photo shop to create my


I learnt how to put text onto a background using the eraser tool

How too change the look of photos

And how to merge images together

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From my preliminary task to my full product I feel have improved and achieved so much. When I first used photo shop my skills were very limited, from then I have learned how to create a magazine cover, contents and double page spread! I’ve learnt research is key, without the research I did, my knowledge of the music magazine market wouldn’t have been so precise. Through my emulation process this allowed me to make my magazine to look as professional as possible. Also my images were better quality and were much more interesting compared to my preliminary photographs. I got to know my target audience through research and my media pack which enabled me to know what to write about and what style to adapt. Due to my choices of font, colours and photos I was able to create a punk rock genre magazine with all the right skills.