Assignment 31


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Assignment 31: Locations

Gelsomina De LuciaKelly Morales

Chelsea HopkinsTayla Humphris

Gelsomina Location

This is an urban setting that with the use of blocked windows shows that the area is no longer in use of humans and is the perfect place for Zombies to habitat

Abandoned houses

There is a balance in the sky and land. With the Zombie walking from the horizon towards to positioning of the camera gives it great effect. The buildings and houses in the horizon suggests that there was once the life of humans.

Rule of thirds and Establishing shot

Tayla Locations


A slope. The Zombie can be introduced by coming over the slope and slowly walking forward towards the camera

This picture is the same as the previous picture but I wanted to capture the level of ground and whether it was suitable.

The field is a quiet area and would be suitable for filming as it is long enough for the 2 minutes the Zombie to be walking.

The area is also isolated which the fits the theme of our opening sequence

The blue boxes indicate the footsteps of the Zombie. They are slightly scattered in order to show to slumberous walk of the Zombie

Rule of Thirds, Establishing shot

Chelsea Locations


There is also littered scattered on the floor and dead trees. It has the potential to portray the isolation of the area and Zombie

Bare trees creates the sense of abandonment

The uncompleted pathway creates the sense of the area being abandoned

The other side of the bridge is located here Establishing shot

Locations List

Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5

Description of Scene

Long field

Kitchen and Sliding door to lead outside

Back to field

Follows character outside and gets bitten

Continues walking throughfield

LocationFryent Country Park

In a houseFryentCountry Park

In a house FryentCountry Park

Important Details

Outside Inside OutdoorInside/Outside


Travel Details

Gelsomina Tayla Chelsea

Location 1:Fryent Country Park


Location 2:Local Park


Location 3:Brentfield


*As a group we decided that Location 3 was not needed.

Health and Safety

Health & Safety Risks Precautions

Travel Risks Make sure location is not too far for everyone to film

Location Risks Make sure it is not restricted areas and you are allowed to filmQuiet and free of public

Equipment Risks If raining make sure equipment is protected

Personal Health & Safety Risks

If cold make sure you wrap you and if you are filming on soft ground make sure you were wellies
