Assignment N° 2: Educational Software-Authoring Tools



Assignment 2 for the course ICT in English teaching

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Prof. Paula Ledesma - 2010

ICT Applied to English Teaching- 2010

Unit 2

Assignment N° 2: Educational Software – Authoring Tools


- To produce electronic material using Hot Potatoes as authoring tools.

- To apply self-assessment and peer-assessment techniques.

TASKS: (Individual or in pairs)

- Think of a possible unit of work (topic based) and the level of the students you

would like to plan this unit for.

- Use the 5 exercise-builders in Hot Potatoes to create tasks for your students (Jclose;

JMatch; JQuizz; JCross and JMix). Each task should have no fewer than 10 points

to be completed or done. Take into account that each activity should have a clear

objective which you will need to explain later in your assessment.

- Use the Hot Potatoes function called “The Masher” to create an index to your work.

- Write a brief unit plan explaining how this unit of work will be completed.

Peer review: To be done (at the end of class 6)

- You will be given another group’s work to assess. Use the list of questions on page

116 in Dudeney & Hockly (2007) How to Teach English with Technology to assess

your partner’s work. Write your assessment on your partner’s profile in the social


Final draft

- Upload all your files to campus (Assignment N° 2) – Due date, class 7: Wednesday

September 22nd


- Write your self assessment in the social network.

- Present your unit of work to the class.
