Audience feedback questionnaire analysis




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Audience Feedback Questionnaire Analysis

◦I have put all my results together for the feedback from my audience after I had produced my music magazine pages. Thee graphs show clearly the results for each question, including information about why I chose to include that question in my questionnaire to ask the audience. Also, if I did my magazine again what I would I do differently. I did this on PowerPoint then uploaded it to slide share to embed on my blog.

What Attracts you to my music magazine?








What attracts you to my music magazine?

Colour SchemeLayoutCover StarEye CatchingPhotographsBackgroundFonts Used

The first question I asked in my questionnaire was ‘What Attracts you to my music magazine’. I asked this question in my questionnaire for the feedback for my product because it shows me what my audience that I targeted my music magazine at likes the most overall in my music magazine. The results show that 20% of the 10 questionnaires that were given out said that the colour scheme was the most attracting. Also the Layout and Cover star had 20% each of the questionnaires that was handed out. The rest of the feedback I got given from my questionnaire was that is was eye catching, photographs, background and the fonts used all had a percentage of 10%. If I did my music magazine again from the feedback I got given

From this question I would make sure I chose my fonts carefully and tried different fonts on my music magazine to see which suited the best. I would also make sure that I have a variety of different photographs so I am more organised and if a photo doesn’t go to plan then I can use another one. I would try different backgrounds to see which looked better.

Does my music magazine Pages look like they are from the same magazine?



Does my music magazine pages look like its from the

same magazine?


The second question I had included in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘Does my music magazine pages looking like they are from the same magazine?’. I asked this question in my questionnaire for my feedback so I had feedback to see if my pages look the same, as pages in a magazine have to look like they are from the same magazine otherwise there is no point. The results for this question shows that 90% of the questionnaires that were given out said yes, and 10% of the questionnaires that were given out said no.

Does my music magazine look like the acoustic genre of music?

Another question I involved in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘Does my music magazine look like the acoustic genre of music?’. I asked this question because I can see if my target audience think that my magazine looks like the music magazine I was planning to produce. The graph shows that 100% of the questionnaires I handed out said yes that it looks like an acoustic magazine and 0% said no.


Does my music magazine look like the acoustic genre

of music?


Does my music magazine look professional?



Does my music magazine look professional?


Another question I used in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘Does my music magazine look professional?’. I used this question so I could see if my music magazine did look professional to the target audience of my produce. The graph shows that 90% of the questionnaires that I handed out said yes, that my music magazine looked professional and 10% said that it did not look that professional.

What attracts you to the front cover of my music magazine the most?




What attracts you to the front cover of my music

magazine the most?MastheadPuffMain Cover lineSub Cover linesCover Star

Another question I used in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘What attracts you to the front cover of my music magazine the most?’. I used this question in my questionnaire because I can see what my target audience thought was the most attractive on my front cover of my music magazine. The graph shows that the most popular thing on my front cover was the main cover line, which had a percentage of 40% of people ticked this box that was handed out. The second most popular was the cover star which had a percentage of 30% people ticked. 20% of the questionnaires that was handed out ticked masthead, 10% ticked sub cover lines and 0% said puff.

If I was to do my music magazine again I would make sure that my puff stands out a bit more amongst the other things on the other page, and I also would make the cover lines for the names of the artists a different font than Disco Night.

What attracts you to the contents page of my music magazine the most?




What attracts you to the contents page of my music

magazine the most?TitleImagesFeature ArticlesRegular ArticlesExclusive

Another question I used in my audience feedback was ‘What attracts you to the contents page of my music magazine the most?’. I included this question in my questionnaire so I can see what my target audience thought was the best on my contents page. The graph shows that 40% of the questionnaires that was given out said the item that most attracts them is the Images. 30% of the questionnaires that was given out said regular articles, 20% said the title, 10% said feature articles and 0% said exclusives. If I could do my music magazine again then I would add more exclusives into my music magazine.

What attracts you to the double page spread of my music magazine?





What attracts you to the double page spread of my music magazine the most?


Another question I included in my audience feedback was ‘What attracts you to the double page spread of my music magazine?’. I included this in my questionnaire because I can see what my target audience thought was the most attractive thing on the double page spread page. The graph shows that the most popular one was the Background with 50% on the questionnaires ticked. 20% ticked the images and quote box on the questionnaire. 10% ticked the article, and 0% ticked the title box. If I was to do my music magazine again I would make my article a little bit longer, and would make the title of the page stand out better.

Are there any areas you think I could improve?




Are there any areas you think I could Improve?

More Space to be used on coverFont ChoiceMake the puff bolder Better Title

Another question I used in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘Are there any areas you think I could Improve?’. I asked this question because I could see what my target audience think I could improve or make changes to my music magazine. The graph shows that 25% (One person) said that more space should be used on the front cover as there was blank spaces where I could have put something. Another person said that I could Improve on the font choice. Somebody else said for an improvement make the puff bolder, so it stands out more as there is free incentives text on the puff. And another person said to have a better title for the music magazine instead of just ‘Beat’. If I could do my music magazine again I would use more space on my front cover, change the text so a better font, add an effect the puff and a thicker stroke, and change the title.

Would you buy my music magazine?


Would you buy my music magazine?


The last question I used in my audience feedback questionnaire was ‘Would you buy my music magazine?’. I used this question to see if the target audience I aimed my media product at would buy my product if they seen it on a shop shelf. The graph shows that 100% of the questionnaire that was filled in said they would all buy my music magazine if they had seen it in a shop.