Back To School Night 2014-2015


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Rabbi Yoni Fein

All 6th Grade Gemara classes

6th Grade daily Tefilah

6-2 Parsha

Email:› Generally will respond pretty quickly via email

› More about me and my teaching philosophy-Check out my sites:

Clear expectations and open lines of communication

Respect for Torah, classmates, our classroom and school building & teachers

While grades count, focus is on the learning and not on the grades

Personalized Instruction/ Blended Learning

Accountability, responsibility, OWN IT!

We establish לא תעשה/ מידות עשה as a group. Instead of rules we have laws of behavior.

Empowering Students› Ask 3 Before Me

› Group Leaders

› Genius Bar for Tech Help

The Learning Goal (TLG)- put on the board everyday so students know what they are achieving each day.

Goal is to establish a positive & enjoyable learning atmosphere› No front or back of room

Understanding תורה שבעל פה, its origin,

structure, meaning, and role in our lives


Animated Talmud Videos

› Blended learning

See Sample:

Mission: To lay the proper foundation to

begin learning the text of Mishna &

Gemara. “To learn HOW to learn”

Pre-Sukkot: Focus on the דינים associated with the holidays, understanding class procedures and blended learning concept

Post Sukkot: Students will delve into the history of תורהשבעל פה in a comprehensive, engaging, and meaningful way and master the methodology to learning Mishna

Post-Winter Break: Mishna 4 Life- New original curriculum that takes students through all of Shaslearning Mishna while exploring themes and practical life lessons from the text

Post-Pesach: In depth introduction to Gemaralearning. Understanding the layout/structure of Gemara, fundamental concepts & vocab, and top it off with exciting Create-Your-Own-Gemara project

Shout Outs- Key vocabulary that students come across in their learning of a text. Bi-weekly assessments on shout outs.› : fantastic tool for learning and

retaining vocab

Lessons in Mishna revolve around a specific text so students have exposure to all types of texts and concepts in תורה.שבעל פה

Haiku- Post files, assignments, due dates, and updates for students and parents. Many assessments are graded instantaneously for immediate feedback

ClassDojo: System for students to monitor their classroom behavior in detail.

Chromebooks: When the students receive their devices, we will begin utilizing a variety of web-based apps that will enhance learning and collaboration

Blendspace: Allows students to progress at their own pace and have access to personalized instruction

Flipped Classroom: Students will watch videos for homework that teach basic concepts necessary to work on projects in class the following day.

(ו:משלי כב" )חנוך לנער על פי דרכו"

- Optimal education requires an understanding of each student’s individual needs and skill set. I look forward to partnering with you and welcome you to email me at any time to discuss ways to enhance your child’s learning.