Battle of Britain


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  • 1. PowerPoint Show by Andrew

2. In the summer and autumn of 1940, Germany's Luftwaffe conducted thousands of bombing runs, attacking military and civilian targets across the United Kingdom. Some 23,000 British civilians were killed between July and December 1940. Thousands of pilots and air crews engaged in battle in the skies above Britain, Germany, and the English Channel, each side losing more than 1,500 aircraft by the end of the year. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, speaking of the British pilots in an August speech, said, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." 3. A formation of low-flying German bombers flies over the waves of the English Channel in 1940. 4. These London schoolchildren are in the midst of an air raid drill as a precaution in case an air raid comes too fast to give the youngsters a chance to leave the building for special shelters, on July 20, 1940. 5. A German twin propelled bomber over England in August of 1940. 6. A column of smoke billowing upward from a fire in Plymouth in November 1940, as a result of heavy enemy bombardment. 7. The tail and part of the fuselage of a German plane landed on a London rooftop on Sept. 21, 1940 after British fighter planes shot it down. 8. People shelter and sleep in a London subway after sirens sounded to warn of German bombing raids, on October 8, 1940. 9. The force of a bomb blast in London piled these furniture vans atop one another in a street after a raid on December 5, 1940. 10. This smiling girl, dirtied but apparently not injured, was assisted across a London street on October 23, 1940, after she was rescued from the debris of a building damaged by a bomb attack in a German daylight raid. 11. Firemen spray water on damaged buildings, near London Bridge, on September 9, 1940. 12. Hundreds of people, many of whom have lost their homes through bombing, now use the caves in Hastings as their nightly refuge. 13. Undaunted by a night of German air raids in which his store front was blasted, a shopkeeper opens up the morning after for "business as usual" in London. 14. All that remains of a German bomber brought down on the English south-east coast, on July 13, 1940. The aircraft is riddled with bullet holes and its machine guns were twisted out of action. 15. A warden of a small Kentish Village, shields three little children, among them her son, as bombs fall during an air attack on October 18, 1940. 16. Air raid damage, including the twisted remains of a double-decker bus, in the City of London on September 10, 1940. 17. A scene of devastation in the Dockland area of London attacked by German bomber on September 17, 1940. 18. An abandoned boy, holding a stuffed toy animal amid ruins following a German aerial bombing of London in 1940. 19. A German aircraft drops its load of bombs over England September 20, 1940. 20. London children enjoy themselves at a Christmas Party, on December 25, 1940, in an underground shelter. 21. The Record Office in flames ignited by a German air attack in 1940. 22. Princess Elizabeth of England, 14-year-old heiress apparent to the British throne, makes her broadcast debut, delivering a three-minute speech to British girls and boys on October 22, 1940 in London. She is joined in bidding good- night to her listeners by her sister, Princess Margaret Rose. 23. Soldiers carrying off the tail of a Messerschmitt which was shot down by British fighter planes in Essex, England, on September 3, 1940. 24. A German raid smashed this large building in a London district, on October 16, 1940. 25. A huge crater was made in a road in London on September 7, 1940, after a night raid on London. 26. Two girls on the south coast of England look out toward the beach through a barbed wire fence constructed as part of Britain's coastal defenses. 27. A forward machine gunner sits at his position in the nose of a German bomber, while en route to England in November of 1940. 28. A boy sits amid the ruins of a London bookshop following an air raid on October 8, 1940.
